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which you walked, concerning God and Jesus Christ; and by them I will lead you into all truth concerning God and Jesus Christ-And so will I give unto you that Eternal Life, which I have promised unto you.

But seek not your own thoughts, for by the thoughts of man you were led into that great error in which you walked, concerning God and Jesus Christ; and by your own thoughts you will lead yourselves again into error concerning God and Jesus Christ-And by so doing you will bring upon yourselves that Eternal Death, which I have promised unto you for disobedience.

For this is the spiritual meaning of eternal death; It is an abiding state of error concerning the Spirit of God and the spirit of man by an interpretation of the Scriptures according to the Wisdom and Understanding of the thoughts of man.

And this is the spiritual meaning of eternal life; It is an abiding state of truth concerning the Spirit of God and the spirit of man by an interpretation of the Scriptures according to the Wisdom and Understanding of the thoughts of God.

Moreover-Eternal Death, is spiritually speaking Eternal Night.

And Eternal Life is spiritually speaking Eternal Day.

We do therefore perceive-that the creature

under the dominion of his own thoughts concerning the Spirit of God and the spirit of man by the Scriptures in the letter-is in Eternal Night, in the spiritual grave, in the depths of hell, and under the dominion of Satan-the spirit of man.

But the creature under the dominion of the thoughts of God concerning the Spirit of God and the Spirit of man-by the Scriptures in the spirit; is in Eternal Day-in the spiritual life, in the heights of heaven, and under the dominion of the Father, the Spirit of God.

So then in the mercy of the God of love—and according to his eternal purpose, he brings his creatures out of Eternal Death into Eternal Life; by leading them out of Eternal Darkness into Eternal Light; by calling them out of the Eternal Error of the creature; into the Eternal Truth of the Creator.

Therefore the way of life, or the way of light, called the way of truth-is the whole way which the Father hath appointed for the deliverance of his creature from eternal error into eternal truth.

Now the way of truth is called the path of the just-which shineth more and more unto the perfect day.

So then the path of the just is according to the shining of the light-And from the time the Spirit calls the spiritual Abraham to come out from the thoughts of the creature and to walk after

the thoughts of the Creator, concerning God and Jesus Christ, from that time the path of the just begins.

And as already testified-the call of the spiritual Abraham is on July 12, 1812.

Now when the creature walks by faith in the thoughts of God—according to the path of the just

which is the way of the truth; then the creature is accounted full of judgment and righteousness:But when the creature refuses to abide in the way of the light, (which is the way according to the thoughts of God) and chooses to walk in the way of darkness; (which is the way according to the thoughts of man) then, that creature is called a murderer.

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And he is said to leave off righteousness; and to turn judgment to wormwood.

As it is written-How is the faithful city become an harlot! it was full of judgment; righteousness lodged in it; but now murderers. Isaiah i. 21, and Amos v. 7.

So then to leave off righteousness, is to leave off faith in God, for faith in the creature.

For faith in God is counted unto Abraham for righteousness-For what saith the Scripture? Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness. Romans iv. 3.

Therefore, to believe in the word of the creature, rather than in the word of the Creator,is counted for unrighteousness.

For the word of the Creator is truth; but the word of the creature that is contrary to the word of the Creator is a lie.


Therefore when the Spirit saith-In the day thou eatest of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil thou shalt die; and then the Serpent saith, Thou shalt not die. Serpent then changes the truth of God into the lie of the creature-And Adam and Eve by eating the forbidden fruit believe the creature rather than the Creator; and serve the creature rather than the Creator. And they hold the truth in unrighteousness, because they believe the lie of the creature rather than the truth of the Creator. Therefore they obey the Commandment of the creature rather than the Commandment of the Creator. And so the creature deceives himself, and destroys himself as it is written-For I was alive without the law once; but when the commandment came, sin revived, and I died. And the commandment, which by obedience is the way unto life eternal, I found by disobedience to be the way that leadeth unto eternal death. For sin taking occasion by the commandment, deceived me, and by it slew me. Romans vii. 9, 10.

That is to say spiritually-I was alive by the hearing of faith in the word of God-after the thoughts of the spirit of truth concerning God

and Jesus Christ, from July 12, 1812, unto December 13, 1812.

For during that period I was made willing to deny my own thoughts, as thoughts of error; and to confess unto the thoughts of God, as thoughts of truth concerning the only true God and Jesus Christ-Now during all that period there was no law or commandment forbidding me to walk after my own thoughts concerning God and Jesus Christ. But God in the gentleness of the way of his tender mercy, led me out from my own thoughts into his thoughts-shewing me that my God and Saviour were within me and not without


But the great God having made manifest in me, by this great deliverance from my own thoughts, his Godhead and Power in me; that is to say, His Dominion, and His Power over my spirit-which is his spiritual kingdom; and over the same he takes up and lays down his dominion as he will.

After that my great God in me had worked this great deliverance in me, shewing me that his Thought-which is his Eternal Son in me, is my only Saviour from my own thought-And his Thought in us, according as he is pleased to make the same manifest in us- the same is Jesus Christ in us the Saviour of the world-the only power to save us, and deliver us from ourselves.

And the Thought of God made manifest in

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