| Samuel Cradock - 1659 - 722 lehte
...which if called Chriß ? they all pud unto him, let him be crueißed. V.zj. And the Govirnour faid, why, what evil hath he done ? but they cried out the more, fay**£i t£t btm be crucified. Luke 23.23. And they were infiant with loud voices requiring, that... | |
 | Samuel Clarke - 1701 - 416 lehte
...Jefus, which is call'd Chrift? They all fay unto him , Let him bexrucified. 23 And the governor raid, Why, what evil hath he done? But they cried out the more, faying, Let him be crucified, on, prevailed upon them to ask Barabbas and not Je* fas. ' >.{ 22. Then... | |
 | Francis Fox - 1748 - 640 lehte
...Jeiiis, which is called Chrift? They all fay unto him, Let him be crucified. 23. And the governour faid, Why, what evil hath he done? But they cried out the more, faying, Let him be crucified. 24. ^f When Pilate faw that hé could prevail nothing, П- )•' ti Tim.... | |
 | 1765 - 432 lehte
...Jefus, which is called Chrift ? They all fay unto him, Let him be. crucified. And the governor faid, Why, What evil hath he done.' But they cried out the more, faying, Let him be crucified. When Pilate faw that he could prevail nothing; but that rather a tumult... | |
 | 1765 - 512 lehte
...Jefus, which is called Chrift? They all fay unto him, Let him be crucified. And the governor faid, Why, what evil hath he done? But they cried out the more, faying, Let him be crucified. When Pilate faw that he could prevail nothing, but that rather a tumult... | |
 | 1779 - 688 lehte
...Jefus, which is called Chrilt ? They all fay unto him, Let him be crucified. And the governor faid, Why, what evil hath he done ?• But they cried out the more, faying, Let him be crucified. "VYhien Pilate faw.that he could prevail nothing, but that rather a tumult... | |
 | Isaac Mann (bp. of Cork and Ross) - 1783 - 456 lehte
...Jefus, which; is called Chrift ? They all fay unto him, Let him l^ be crucified. And the governor faid, Why, what evil hath he done ? But they cried out the more, faying, Let him be crucified. 24 When Pilate faw that he could prevail nothing, but that rather a tumult... | |
 | 1785 - 580 lehte
...do then with Jefus, that is called ChVift ?" They fay all : let him be crucified." The governor laid to them , "Why, what evil hath he done?" But they cried out the more, faying; " Let him be crucified." And Pilate feeing that he prevailed nothing, but that rather a tumult... | |
 | Albert Barnes - 1799 - 416 lehte
...Jesus, which is called Christ ? They all say unto him, Let him be crucified. 23 And the governor said, Why, what evil hath he done ? But they cried out the more, saying, Let him be crucified. ' Whether of the twain ?' Which of the two, Jesus or Barabbas ? ' And... | |
 | 1802 - 374 lehte
...Jesus, which is called Christ ? They all say unto him, Let him be crucified. 23 And the governor said, Why, what evil hath he done ? But they cried out the more, saying, Let him be crucified. 24 When Pilate saw that he could prevail nothing, but that rather a tumult... | |
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