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John declares) he spake of the temple of his body." It was as certain he would have a body prepared for Him, as the temple had a foundation upon Mount Sion. And He would infallibly appear to fulfil everything there typified of Him, by which means his Father would become their Father, the Father of all those given unto Him in the covenant of grace. Ver. 2, Jehovah loveth the gates of Sion more than all the dwellings of Jacob." He loveth Sion, for the sake of Sion's King who was to appear there. The Redeemer shall come to Sion; and of his coming, of what He was to be and to do, and to suffer, the temple and its services were instituted signs and types. On his holy hill He has placed his sanctuary; there was his visible presence in the holy of holies, and there God had determined in very deed to dwell with men on the earth. For these reasons He had marked out Sion with his special love, and had styled her "the city of God." Ver. 3, "Glorious things are spoken of thee, O city of God. Selah." The Church is called the city of God long before, and long since the congregation of faithful people worshipped upon Mount Sion. We read of Abraham, and the other heirs of promise, that they looked for a city which hath foundations, whose Builder and Maker was God. And St. Paul speaks of the Church of Christ in the very same terms used in this Psalm, "Ye are come to Mount Sion, to the city of the living God," &c. The city of God, then, is the one true Church; part of the congregation is triumphant; part militant here on earth; part not yet brought into being; but all the parts make up the whole. They were all given by the Father to the Son, the Son accepted them, and wrote all their names in his book; and for them He lived and died. The Holy Spirit, in due time, calls them effectually, and brings them to believe the Son's salvation, to enjoy the Father's love in time, and to show forth the praises of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, in the city of our God for evermore. "Selah." Exalt Him; take notice that ye exalt Him for this; and remember whatever glorious things are spoken of the Church, all the glory must be ascribed to its Head and King, God over all, blessed for evermore. Blessings on Him, that He has a Church; eternal blessings will be his for gathering his Church out of all nations: for so it follows in his own words (ver. 4), "I will cause it to be remembered by them

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who shall know me in Rahab and Babylon. Behold Philistia and Tyre, the people of Ethiopia, this name was born there." The name is the same as the Word, who was made flesh, God incarnate, and who will have a people in all these lands. They shall know Him, and He will make them remember that Jehovah was manifest in the flesh for them. He was born indeed in Judea; there they saw his glory: but He was also a Light to lighten the Gentiles. His Church before He was born, his Church since He was born, has an equal right to his nativity. Rahab and Babylon, Philistia and Tyre, the people of Ethiopia, and the people in England, can say, The name born in Judea is the Saviour our God! And we can, with all the friends of Sion, rejoice that He was born there. Ver. 5, And of Sion it shall be said, a person, and a person, God and man shall be born in her; and He Himself, the Most High, shall perfectly establish her" Oh, what a glorious subject of praise is here! The name born is Wonderful! He has two natures in Him, perfect God, and perfect Man, in one Christ. He was born in Sion, in the Jewish church, and therefore born, that being Man, He might live and die for man; and being also the Most High God, He might give infinite value and dignity to his life and death. What mercies are these! Who can tell the number or the greatness of them? God incarnate--born to save-to save sinners-the worst and vilest-to work out salvation perfectly; and then perfectly apply it. And that nothing might be wanting for their establishment in the faith, He Himself, the Most High, has undertaken to keep them by his mighty power, till He brings them to eternal glory. Oh, bless the Lord with me, my dear Christian hearers; and let us magnify his name together; both for the mercies themselves, and also for the provision made for them in the everlasting covenant, which is the next point in the hymn. Ver. 6, "Jehovah did record it, when he was registering the people, that this name was to be born." It was the great counsel and purpose of the eternal Three; it was entered in the records of heaven, and it was revealed in the great charter of grace, that this wonderful Person should be born-Immanuel, God with us. To his birth Jehovah had respect, and considered his undertakings for his people, when He registered their names in the court of heaven, and enrolled them in the book of life. God

incarnate is the Head of his body the | ever brought us here-whatever we are Church; He is the first-born among his many brethren; He was first chosen, they were chosen in Him; He was the Head of all the elect, they the members under Him; He born for them, therefore they have a new-birth; He lived for them on earth, therefore they live with Him in heaven; He died for them on the cross, therefore they cannot die under the curse of sin; He is in the fulness of glory, therefore they shall be glorified with Him. In all things He must have the pre-eminence, and He richly deserves it. What a debt! Who can count the sum you owe Him whom He has ennobled, made the brethren of Immanuel? and in Him sons of God registered as such with the Father's own hand, and declared to be his act and deed-the register given to the Son, and called the Lamb's book; every name most dear to Him as the apple of his eye, and will be kept with equal care and love. His Almighty power guards the register; He will not suffer a blot in it; not a name altered, not one name lost. Oh, what mercies are these! Who can

here-is entirely from Thee. Our royal crowns, our salvation-robes, our palms of everlasting victory, our perfect conformity to God, and our perfect enjoyment of God-all, all is from Thee, our blessed Immanuel! This satisfactory joy of heaven, great as it is, yet is but a stream out of thy fulness. All springs from thee, to thee be the glory for ever and ever. Hallelujah! Angels, and the Church of the first-born say, Amen.

count the sum of them?

Such is our Christmas Hymn-and what do you think of it, beloved brethren? You have heard that it is a song of praise, for a birth which brought with it every blessing of earth and heaven. Your title to, and your employment of all good, comes to you by the nativity of Jesus. Oh, may you be pleased with it, as the blessed Trinity are. Heaven beheld it, and smiled again on man-sinful man. Justice said, There I am satisfied


yea, I am well-pleased. Truth looked down, when this heavenly plant sprung out of the earth, and said, He will vindicate mine honour, the sinner may be saved, and yet I shall be true in all my sayings. Mercy and truth met togeMy dear Christian friends, think what ther; righteousness and peace kissed a Christmas to you-what a festival of each other." Every offended attribute joy and thankfulness! Oh, sing unto looked with delight on his birth, and saw Him-praise Him; join all your brethren that it should be infinitely and everlastin earth and heaven, who are now giving ingly glorified in saving sinners. honour and glory to God and the Lamb, blessed Christmas day! what a festival for with this strain our hymn concludes. was it in heaven: and when a sinner Ver. 7, " And the singers, as well as the looks upon this birth by faith, it is a heaperformers on instruments, shall say, venly festival to him on earth. He sees All my springs are in thee." All good a Child born, and a Son given for him, flows from God incarnate; He is the who is also the Mighty, the Almighty Fountain-Head of grace and glory; God, and he is satisfied with the obeevery stream of comfort flows from Him. dience, and with the great sacrifice of his It is the one employment, the very high- Divine Saviour. His conscience is at est blessedness of the redeemed of the peace; his heart is happy; he rests in Lord, as they are receiving fresh mercies, his love, enjoys his Jesus, and walks in to be ever returning them back in thank- sweet friendship and holy fellowship with fulness; this is their very heaven. All Him, seeking to cultivate a nearer and a the harpers playing round the throne closer intimacy by faith, till Jesus brings with their golden harps, strike their him to the full enjoyment of all, in highest notes to the heart-felt truth, glory.

"All our springs are in thee." What

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Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom."-Luke xxiii. 42. WHEN Joseph had interpreted the chief | such is the base ingratitude of man, that butler's dream, how pathetically does he all was in vain. When restored to his plead with him, "Think of me, when it dignity at court, he thought no more of shall be well with thee." But alas! poor Joseph in prison. Exalted stations


elevate the mind above feeling for the distressed. But it is not so with the King of kings; He is ever the Friend of poor sinners, and remembers us in our low estate. Behold! for us He now hangs on the accursed tree, between two cursed sinners-one was taken, and the other left; see your own state in both. Behold the marvellous power of the Lord's sovereign grace in one. (1.) Here is a reviler of Jesus changed into a petitioner to Him. There was no alteration in any outward circumstances; all things continued just the same. Christ hung, to appearance, as a mere man dying at his side. What, then, caused the change in him? Oh, hide your heads, and blush at your proud notions of free-will; fall down, and adore distinguishing grace! One malefactor is left to his free-will, and expires blaspheming Jesus: the other dies believing in Him, and praying to Him; he was snatched by grace from the gates of death and hell, as a brand which our Saviour would not suffer to be burned. Now, do you see your nature as wicked, and your state equally as desperate as that of the malefactor. Then you will be humbled. Do you see that nothing but the same grace of Christ can

save you? Then you will exalt the free grace of Christ. (2.) See the effects of it. He owns the justness of his sentence; he reproves his free-will brother, and proclaims the innocence of Christ. Oh, fall down, and own that the sentence of the law, which curses you for sin, is just! Repel the pride and self-righteousness of your heart-exalt the love and grace of our Saviour! (3.) Hear his prayer. Lord, though thou diest as an ignominious man, yet thou art the Lord of life and glory. "Remember me!" There is no Saviour but theeno salvation but by thee. I am a hopeless, helpless sinner; unless thou save me, I must be lost eternally! Thou art a King-thou hast a kingdom. bring my soul into it! Now, have you just the same plea this thief had? Have you no other? do you desire no better? do you expect salvation from the same Saviour, on the very same terms? Then you are taught by the same Spirit, have the same faith, and shall soon be in glory with the same Lord, who is rich in mercy unto all who call upon Him (Rom. x. 12).

J. C.


JOHN X. 14.

WHAT a vast mystery of love opens up But Jesus emphatically styles Himself, to the believing mind, in whatever aspect" The Good Shepherd." And will there our beloved and exalted Saviour is not be a response to this in the heart of viewed. Whether as the Prophet, each of his flock ? those of us who have Priest, or King of his people! seated travelled long can testify to his praise, on his throne, holding the reins of uni- that not one good thing has failed of all versal government; transacting the He has promised. affairs of his Church, and appearing before his Father as his people's Head and Representative! whatever view we take, we see love directing the whole.

And it is a soul-comforting thought to the child of God, that his divine Surety is not only "the mighty God," but also "the Son of man," and "touched with the feelings of our infirmities." And as such our blessed Jesus presents Himself as sustaining the office of a shepherd. This endearing title He has graciously taken to exemplify the love and care He exercises towards his redeemed and everlastingly saved people.

But our blessed Lord is called, "The Chief Shepherd," signifying that He has under shepherds-and such are his called and sent ministers. Oh, what an honour is put upon them, to be "workers together" with the great Head of the Church and "when the Chief Shepherd shall appear, they also shall receive a crown of glory, that fadeth not away;" and while it is said, "They that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament;" it is added, many to righteousness (shall shine) as They that turn the stars for ever and ever xii. 3). (Daniel And Jesus is a "Tender Shepherd!”

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He was prophesied of as such, to gather | eternal life, and they shall never perish, the lambs with his arms, and carry them neither shall any man pluck them out of in his bosom, and gently to lead those my hand." And when like the silly that are with young. And cannot many sheep they wander from their gracious a young disciple, a lamb of the flock, Shepherd," He searches for, and finds bear witness to this? Think, perhaps them; and as described in the parable, at this very time how tenderly your lays them on his shoulders, rejoicing." Shepherd is dealing with you, by plac- But how often does the child of God ing you in some sacred enclosure, away wander in heart from his Lord, the in a great degree from the snares and world creeps in, or proud self presents trifles of the world, that lies in the arms itself, or attracted by some passing scene, of the wicked one, whilst you have been the mind is carried away from the one folded in the arms, and carried in the glorious Object; and would still wander bosom of your Heavenly Shepherd! you on, did not the faithful Shepherd cause are the child of many prayers, and now his voice of love to be heard, and again in the midst of privileges, and surrounded draw the wandering spirit to Himself, by dear Christian friends. Oh, how who once more rejoices over them, for graciously the Lord has dealt with you! they are very precious to Him. Oh, if but there are others, and we have known we could realize this, as it is our privisome of them, who have not had those lege to do, how much more peace we precious early privileges; the Lord has should enjoy, and glory redound to the called them from the midst of a worldly Saviour. Yes, Christ's sheep are dear circle, or from the arms of Popish super- to Him! they were a royal gift from Jestition; but we have seen how the Lord hovah to Him, his co-equal Son, who has taken charge of them-shut the entered into covenant-engagements for lion's mouth, removed many an obstacle them, and thus became responsible for out of the way, and hid them in his each, sealing the covenant with his own sacred bosom, "from the strife of precious blood, redeeming them from tongues." Thus we see there is a reality the hand of Satan, and from all iniquity, in the beautiful and touching language so that they stand complete in their Heathe Spirit has graciously used to show venly Shepherd. forth the tenderness of our blessed Emmanuel, to the weakest and most helpless of his family.

He is also "The Watchful Shepherd!" His eye is constantly on his sheep, night and day, lest any hurt them! He guards them from the prowling wolf, and the roaring lion! in all their weakness He is their Defence! in all their danger He is their Deliverer! for all their strength and wisdom is derived from their heavenly Shepherd, "who of God is made unto them wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption" (1 Cor. i. 30).

Oh, what a stupendous mystery of love there is in salvation's work, whether we think of it before, or in time, it will be a never-ending song, and an inexhaustible theme to all eternity.

"I am the Good Shepherd," said the Saviour, "and know my sheep." Yes, this divine Shepherd knew them as his, in the midst of their rebellion and sin! despising his name, daring his authority, and wandering afar off, listening not to his voice, either in his word or in his judgments. But when God the Holy Ghost has performed his covenant-office, and made known to the poor wanderers, the grace and love, faithfulness and dignity of their Heavenly Shepherd, and their need of, and utter ruin without Him! then they are admitted into the fold, or in other words, made one of the family of God. That mighty change takes place, which the Saviour has denominated the new-birth, a being born of the Spirit; they are then "heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ Jesus."

Our Jesus is "The Faithful Shepherd!" "Many waters cannot quench the love of our Beloved, neither can the floods drown it!" He loveth even to the death! for He says, "The Good Shepherd giveth his life for the sheep." And also to show the equal love of the Father for this little flock, He adds, "Therefore doth my Father love me because I lay down my life." Oh, what a view this gives us of the vast amount The Saviour knows them now as his of love that has been brought out, and sealed ones; the mark of Christ is put exercised in the redemption of the upon them as his property, and united Church! Surely we may exclaim with to Himself, They are not of this the apostle, "Oh the depth!" And world, even as He is not of the world" his promise is, "I give unto my sheep (John xvii. 16); they are sealed unto

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elevate the mind above feeling for the distressed. But it is not so with the King of kings; He is ever the Friend of poor sinners, and remembers us in our low estate. Behold! for us He now hangs on the accursed tree, between two cursed sinners-one was taken, and the other left; see your own state in both. Behold the marvellous power of the Lord's sovereign grace in one. (1.) Here is a reviler of Jesus changed into a petitioner to Him. There was no alteration in any outward circumstances; all things continued just the same. Christ hung, to all appearance, as a mere man dying at his side. What, then, caused the change in him? Oh, hide your heads, and blush at your proud notions of free-will; fall down, and adore distinguishing grace! One malefactor is left to his free-will, and expires blaspheming Jesus: the other dies believing in Him, and praying to Him; he was snatched by grace from the gates of death and hell, as a brand which our Saviour would not suffer to be burned. Now, do you see your nature as wicked, and your state equally as desperate as that of the malefactor. Then you will be humbled. Do you see that nothing but the same grace of Christ can


save you? Then you will exalt the free grace of Christ. (2.) See the effects of it. He owns the justness of his sentence; he reproves his free-will brother, and proclaims the innocence of Christ. Oh, fall down, and own that the sentence of the law, which curses you for sin, is just! Repel the pride and self-righteousness of your heart-exalt the love and grace of our Saviour! (3.) Hear his prayer. Lord, though thou diest as an ignominious man, yet thou art the Lord of life and glory. Remember me!" There is no Saviour but theeno salvation but by thee. I am a hopeless, helpless sinner; unless thou save me, I must be lost eternally! Thou art a King-thou hast a kingdom. Oh, bring my soul into it! Now, have you just the same plea this thief had? Have you no other? do you desire no better? do you expect salvation from the same Saviour, on the very same terms? Then you are taught by the same Spirit, have the same faith, and shall soon be in glory with the same Lord, who is rich in mercy unto all who call upon Him (Rom. x. 12).

J. C.


WHAT a vast mystery of love opens up to the believing mind, in whatever aspect our beloved and exalted Saviour is viewed. Whether as the Prophet, Priest, or King of his people! seated on his throne, holding the reins of universal government; transacting the affairs of his Church, and appearing before his Father as his people's Head and Representative! whatever view we take, we see love directing the whole.

And it is a soul-comforting thought to the child of God, that his divine Surety is not only "the mighty God," but also "the Son of man," and "touched with the feelings of our infirmities." And as such our blessed Jesus presents Himself as sustaining the office of a shepherd. This endearing title He has graciously taken to exemplify the love and care He exercises towards his redeemed and everlastingly saved people.

But Jesus emphatically styles Himself, "The Good Shepherd." And will there not be a response to this in the heart of each of his flock ? those of us who have travelled long can testify to his praise, that not one good thing has failed of all He has promised.


But our blessed Lord is called, "The Chief Shepherd," signifying that He has under shepherds-and such are his called and sent ministers. Oh, what an honour is put upon them, to be "workers together" with the great Head of the Church and "when the Chief Shepherd shall appear, they also shall receive a crown of glory, that fadeth not away;" and while it is said, "They that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the fir mament;" it is added, "They that turn many to righteousness (shaf the stars for ever and er xii. 3).

And Jesus je

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