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Dijk, H. A. van, 1440, 1457.
Dijon, chambre des comptes, 949.
Dillon, L. N., 869.
Diplomacy, 64; Mexico, 1374;
States, 1998, 2024, 2025, 2026; Venice,
1329, 1330.
Diplomatarium Islandicum, 822.
Diplomatic correspondence of the United
States, 2029.

Diplomatic history of the Panama canal,

Diplomatische Aktenstücke, 387–391, 1028.
Diplomatisches Archiv, 161.
Dir, 1161, xi.

Diseases, treaties for protection against,
1053; of plants, 3363-68; fatal,
nomenclature, 3295-3303; sleeping
sickness, 3369-70.

Disposiciones de España y de los Estados
Unidos, 1868.

Disposiciones relativas á los agentes con-
sulares, 2266.

Disputes, procedure, 3272; Graeco-Turk-
ish, Musurus, 1183; Haiti, Maunder
case, 1226.

Ditte, M., 2386.

Dittmann, J., 3208.

Divisio hereditatum, 144.
Divisiones, 144.
Divov, P. G., 1741.
Diwilina, treaty, 137b.
Djuba river, 2513.

Djuvara, T. G., 1703, 1990.
Dnieper river, 2513.
Dniester river, 445.
Dobroklonskil, N., 1722.
Dochow, F., 2132, 3195.
Documentary history of the peace negotia-
tions between China and Japan, 695c.
Documente diplomatice (Rumania), 1709.
Documente oficiale (Rumania), 1708.
Documenti diplomatici (Italy), 1136b,
1138a, 1143b, 1146, 1149b, 1149c,
1186b, 1187b, 1187c, 1188a, 1197b,
1199b, 1210b, 1210C, 1302C, 1302d,
1303, 1304b-d, 1305, 1306, 1307, 1308,
1320, 1321, 1322, 1323a, 1351C, 1644,
1716, 1979, 2122, 2198c, 2198d, 2198e,
2316, 2441, 2475b, 2551b, 2552b, 2569,
2623, 2624, 3083b, 3171b, 3200.
Documenti relativi (Italy), 1302b, 1304a,

Documentos diplomáticos (Nicaragua),

Documentos diplomáticos (Spain), 1852-
56, 1859-62, 1864.

Documentos históricos (Panamá), 1521.
Documentos internacionales (Cuba), 791.
Documentos oficiales (Argentina), 366.
Documentos oficiales (Honduras), 1285.
Documentos parlamentarios (Chile), 627.
Documentos parlamentarios (Spain), 1857-

Documentos presentados á las Cortes

(Spain), 1027b, 1863, 1865–67, 1869-

70, 1872-73, 1876–77.
Documentos relativos (postal, 1891), 2673.
Documentos relativos á la conferencia de
Buenos Aires, 367.

Documentos relativos à la cuestion de
limites (Venezuela-Brazil), 539.
Documents, authentication of, 1053;
official exchange of, 3093-94.
Documents de la conférence télégraphique,
2859, 2861, 2864-66, 2869, 2872.
Documents diplomatiques (France), vide
Ministère des affaires étrangères,
Affaires étrangères.

Documents diplomatiques (Spain), 1024.
Documents diplomatiques concernant la
Bulgarie, 611.

Documents du congrès postal (1874), 2661;
(1878), 2667; (1880), 2669; (1885),
2670; (1891), 2671; (1897), 2675;
(1906), 2680.

Documents et traités (Russia), 1737.
Documents monétaires, 2894.

Documents relatifs à la répression de la
traite des esclaves, 3177.
Dodsley, R., 157.

Doehl, C., 2295-96.
Dogiel, M., 405, 592.
Dohm, C. C. W., 236, 246, 300.
Dojana, 1158, vi.
Dokumenty, 1736.
Dolliner, T., 373.
Domeratzky, L., 2309.
Dominguez, M., 524.

Dominguez, vide Criado y Dominguez.
Dominican Republic, 831-839; Haiti,
arbitration, 839; Haiti, boundaries,
838; Peru, 1589; United States, 2014;
conferences: Hague (1899), 3241;
(1907), 3242; Pan American (1910),

Domis de Semerpont, J. J. P. M. G.,


Donationes, 144, 405, 430, 431, 433.

Donations, 86a, 86c.
Donauschifffahrts-Frage, 2555.
Doniol, H., 970.

Doongurpore, vide Dungarpur.
Dopolnenie, 1745b.

Durant, T. J., 2051.
Durazzo, 386.

Durea Kheree, 1158, iii.

Durkoti, 1158, vi.

Duspulla, 1158, i.

Doria, vide Menezes Doria.

Dotalia pacta, 144, 405.

Dotationes, 144.

[blocks in formation]

Dotria, 1158, iii, 1161, iv; cf. Dhotra, Du Tillet, J., sieur de la Bussière, 940.


Douro river, 447.
Drapeau, vide Flag.
Drechsel, C. F., 3289.

Dresden, treaty (1821), Elbe, 443;
treaty (1843), Elbe, 443; treaty (1844)
Elbe, 443; geodetic conference (1874),
2724; geodetic commission (1874),
2748; sanitary conference (1893),
2636-37, 2639, 2642.
Drewenz river, 2513.
Driault, E., 915.

Drina river, 2513.

Droit d'auteur, 3040.

Droit maritime, vide Maritime law.
Drouyn de Lhuys, E., 148.

Drugs, unification of formulas for po-
tent, 3325.
Drzaven vestnik, 613.

Dthali, 1161, xiii.

Dublan, A., 1371a.

Dublan, M., 1371a.

Du Casse, A., baron, 990, 991.

Duttia, vide Datia.

Dwamish Indians, 2054.
Dwara Nongtyrmen, 1161, ii.
Dyalgurh, 1158, vi.

Ea quae, papal bull (1506), 2027.
Eastern Empire, 1965.
East Friesland, 86a.

East India Company, 1153, 1155-56,
1158, 1160–62.

East India. Return, 1155.
East Indies, 939; Dutch, 1453, 1465-67;
Dutch East India Company, 1811.
Échange, 86a, 86c, 92. Vide Exchange.
Economic interests, 130.

Ecuador, 297, 841-873; Costa Rica, 842;

Germany, 842; Great Britain, 872;
Peru, 873, 1589; Spain, 872; United
States, 2014; conferences, etc.: Amer-
ican (1896), 3124; death, nomencla-
ture (1900), 3295; Hague (1899), 3241;
(1907), 3242; hour standard (1913),

Dudum siquidem, papal bull (1493), 2027. Edicta, 144, 405, 422, 1240.

Düna river, 2513.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Dumont, J., 35, 83, 84, 86, 148, 186, 193, Eger, G., 2953a, 2965.

195, 196, 979, 596-598.

Dungarpur, 1161, iii; cf. Doongurpore,

1158, iii.

Dungs, H., 3207.

Dunkirk, 210.

Dunn, W. T., 3422.

Dupeyron, vide Ségur-Dupeyron.
Dupin, A. M. J. J., 5.

Dupont, L. M. E., 947.

Dupont de Nemours, P. S., 983.
Dupuy, L., 1968.
Dupuy, P., 948.
Durando, G., 1304.
Durant, G., 2952b.

Eggenstorff, vide Pachner von Eggen-

Egger, E., 68, 69.

Eggers, C. U. Detlev, Freiherr von, 242,
819, 820, 984.

Egypt, 931c, 932, 962, 1136–52; Italy,
damages, indemnity, 1305; United
States, 2014; commerce, 2173-74, 2208;
finances, 2544, 2548-50; independence,
2520; navigation, 2173-74, 2208; Suez
Canal shares, sale, 2528; hour stand-
ard, conference (1913), 3079.

Egypt, no. 1 (1876), 2528; no. 2 (1876),
2529; no. 5 (1876), 2530; no. 6 (1876),

Enslin, T. C. F., 19.

and artistic property.


Entente cordiale (Anglo-French, 1904),

2531; no. 9 (1876), 2532; no. 1 (1877), | Engraving, 2981, 2984. Vide Literary
2533; no. 17 (1883), 2541; no. 20
(1883), 2542; no. 23 (1883), 2543; no.
6 (1885), 2544; no. 10 (1885), 2545;
no. 11 (1885), 2549; no. 12 (1885),
1151a; no. 17 (1885), 2550; no. 19
(1885), 2548; no. 2 (1889), 2553;
(1906), 1152.
Eheschliessung, 1053.

Ehmck, D. R., 1070.

Eichsfeldia, 1072.

Eichstett, bishopric, 1061.

Enza river, 2513.
no. 2| Ephemeris, 1181, 1182.
Erectiones, 405.

Eighteen treaties made with Indians,


Eikhelman, O., 1724.

Eisenlohr, G., 2982.

Ekman, F. G., 3291.
Elba, island, 2176.
Elbe, 2591-93.

Elbe duchies (Schleswig-Holstein), 920.
Elbezölle, 2591.

Elector Palatine, 199.

Electors, Holy Roman Empire, 1232,
1234, 1258, 1263; treaty with States-
General (1613), 1453.
Electrical units, 3066-71.
Elizabeth, queen of England, 175.
Elizalde, R. H., 870.

Elliot, J., 148, 1998.
Elmore, A., 1622, 1634.

Elmore, J. F., 1623.

El Peruano, 1593.
Elsfleth toll, 446.

Elster river, 2513.
Elten, 1079.

Emanuel, R., 2934.

Emminghaus, G., 1269.

Empire, universal, 142.

Emptiones, 144, 405.

Ems river, 448.

Erie lake, 2513.

Eriksen, W., 3090.

Eritrea, 1320-22.

Ernest August, prince of Brunswick-
Lüneburg, 175.

Ernst, A., 2403, 3274.

Ersch, J. S., 20.

Escaut, vide Scheldt.

Escurial, treaty (1790), 137c.

Esnans, vide Courchetet.

Espaltar, M. F., 2061.

Esperson, P., 3050.
Espierre canal, 2513.

Espinosa, vide Herrero y Espinosa.

Essen, 1079.

Establishment, Germany, 2387; Swit-
zerland, 2243a.
Esteva, A. A., 1371a.
Esthonia (Estland), 1759.
Estrada Paniagua, F., 1215.
Estrades, G. d', 210, 976.
Estrázulas, J., 2085.

Ethiopia, vide Abyssinia.

Étrangers, vide Foreigners.
Études diplomatiques, 280.

Eugene of Savoy, Prince, 412.

Euphrates river, 2513.

Europe, 109-110; France, 888.

European Commission of the Danube,

2554, 2556-57, 2559, 2561c, 2566.
European technical commission (1879)

Enemy property, vide Freedom of the Evacuation, Crete by Turkish troops,


Engelbrecht, J. A.,


1201; Thessaly (1897), 1203.
Exchange, bills of, 3431-38.

Engelhardt, E. P., 1982, 2502, 2504, Exchanges of publications, 3089-94.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Exposicion (secretary of foreign affairs, Falmouth, Me., treaty (1726, 1727),

New Granada), 721.

Exposicion (minister of foreign affairs,
Peru), 1636.


Family Compact, vide Pacte de famille.
Fanshaw, Sir R., 1117.

Exposicion (ex-minister of foreign af- Fant, E. M., 1905.
fairs, Peru), 1645.

Fardis, G., 163.

Far East, France, 1005.
Farges, L., 915, 995.

Faridkot, 1161, viii; cf. Fureedkot, 1158,

Faro river, 2513.

Farrukhabad, 1161, i; cf. Furruckabad,
1158, ii.

Expositions, international, 3449.
Exterritoriality, 2343-82; Barbary states
(France), 2345; Bulgaria, 2377-78;
China (United States), 2361-63;
Egypt, 2379-81; (France), 2381; Far
East, 2364-65; Japan, 2366-70;
(Great Britain), 2368; (United States),
2366-68; Orient, 2347, 2349; (Bel-
gium), 2343; (France), 2345-46; Fauchet, C., 942.
(United States), 2359; Rumania,
2382; Turkey, 2371-76; (Great Bri-
tain), 2371; (United States), 2373.
Vide Capitulations, Consular courts,

Extracts from the several treaties subsist-
ing between Great Britain and other
kingdoms, 2455.

Extracts from the treaties between Great
Britain and other kingdoms, 1125.
Extradition, 2348, 2391-2437, 2485;
Austria-Hungary, 2397-99, 2405; Bel-
gium, 421, 2400-03; Brazil, 2404;
Canada, 2417; Ecuador, 872; France,
921a, 2405-09, 2417; Geneva, 2436;
Germany, 1053, 2410-16, 2433, 2464;
Great Britain, 872, 921a, 2417-19,
2438-39; India, 2420; Italy, 1297,
2422-25; Mexico, 2426; Netherlands,
2427; North German Confederation,
2410-11; Pan American, 3128, 3130;
Prussia, 2410, 2412; Rumania, 2428;
Russia, 1726, 2429-30; Spain, 2431-
33; Straits Settlements, 2421; Swit-
zerland, 2434-37; United States,
2417, 2438-40; Venezuela, 2433;
Würtemberg, 2405.
Eybers, G. W., 1165.
Eynerling, 1741.

Eysinga, W. J. M. van, 1459, 2512.
Ezhegodnik, 1735.

Faber, A., vide Leucht.

Factories, vide Workers.

Fadhlees, vide Fadthli.

Fashoda incident, 929.

Fauchille, P., 3b-g, 96, 167.
Fechter, D. A., 1940a.
Fejér, G., 402a.
Feldrecht, 1053.
Felipe, vide Philip.
Fénélon, vide La Mothe Fénélon.
Feodor III, Russia, 1752.
Féolde, G., 2970.

Féraud-Giraud, L. J. D., 2345, 2408.
Ferdinand I, Holy Roman Empire, 1263.
Ferdinand VII, Spain, 1368d, 1837,

Ferdinand III, Tuscany, 891.
Fernández Guardia, R., 775.
Fernández y Medina, B., 2064d.
Fernando, vide Ferdinand.
Ferrara, Po, 446.

Ferrari, vide Martínez de Ferrari.
Ferrater, E. de, 1827.
Ferreira, R., 299.
Ferreira França, E., 551, 552.
Ferrer, J. M. de, 1849.
Fesch, J., cardinal, 991.
Fetscherin, W., 1940b.
Feudalia jura, 1244.

Feudatory states of Central Provinces,
India, 1158, v.
Feuille fédérale, 1935.
Fichot, L. E., 3078.

Ficker, J., 1313.

Fideicommissa, 144.

Field, J. W., 94.

Figeac, vide Champollion-Figeac.

Figueiredo, P. A. de, 2329.

Finance, 162.

Fadthli, 1161, xiii; cf. Fadhlees, 1158, Finances, Egypt, 1149c.


Faisans, Isle de, vide Isle of Pheasants.
Falckenstein, J. H., 1061.

Financial conference, Pan American,


Finkel, L., 403.

Fiore, P., 21, 124, 138, 1298a, 1830, 1832. Fox Indians, 2054. Vide Sauk and Fox

[blocks in formation]

First coalition (1792-97), 1126.
Fischer, C. A., 955.

Fish, Africa, preservation, 3293–94.
Fisheries and fishing, 130, 2441–42; Adri-
atic, 2441; Austria-Hungary, 2441;
Belgium, 421; Germany, 1053; Italy,
2441; North Sea, police, 3061-65;
Portugal, 1666; Russia, 1726; Spain,
2442; United States, 2036.
Fishery board for Scotland, 3292.
Five Nations, Indians, 2054.
Flag, suppression of surtax, France-
United States, 922; of Spain, insult to,
in Morocco, 1862.
Flaischlen, G. G., 2385.
Flaix, vide Fournier de Flaix.
Flanders, 429, 939, 1460–61.

Flassan, G. de R., comte de, 261, 911.
Flathead Indians, 2054.

Fleet, visit, France and Great Britain,

Fleischmann, M., 128.

Florence, 1324; France, 915; commerce,
2176; geodetic commission (1891),

Florida Indians, 2054.
Floss-Graben river, 2513.
Fly river, 2513.

Foedera, conventiones, 1096.
Förster, W. J., 2722a.
Förteckning, 1899b.

Fontainebleau, treaty (1785), 137, 2596.
Foppens, J. F., 433.

Foreigners, China, 2487; ancient Greece,
2486; Morocco, 2487; Portugal, 1659;
Russia, 2484; Spain, 1827; Turkey,
2237, 2487; aid to, 3450; rights of,

Foreign office (England), papers, 1114,

Foreign relations, vide Papers relating to

the foreign relations of the United States.
Forestiers, 429.

Forests, Belgium, 421; France-Switzer-
land, 923; Germany, 1053; Lorraine,


Forgues, E., 994.

Foron river, 2513.
Forrest, G. W., 1159.
Forsyth, J., 2033.
Fouquier, A., 162.

Fournier de Flaix, E., 2520.


Fränzl, M., 373.

França, vide Ferreira França.

France, 56, 85, 93, 117, 137, 161, 166,

174, 177-179, 184, 190, 194, 201, 202,
207, 224, 235, 237, 241, 247, 248, 250,
251, 253, 254, 268, 297, 392, 394, 405,
419, 425, 881-1036; Austria, 959;
Brazil, 1946; Chile, 921a; China,
675-678, 681, 683, 686, 688, 690-694,
696-698, 916; Crete, 1189-91; Egypt,
1136-51, 2544; England, 1093a, 1108,
1118-19, 1127-29, 2027; Germany,
895; Great Britain, 932, 981, 982, 995,
997, 1114; Greece, 1174, 1189-90;
Holy Roman Empire, 977, 1240-41,
1243, 1245; Italy, 916-918, 920, 921,-
943, 1302a, 1322d, 1323d; (commerce),
2198; Japan, 1331; Korea, 1345,
1347; Mexico, 917; Netherlands,
1457, 2027; Nicaragua, 1471; Nice,
916; Peru, 1589; Portugal, 1659, 1690,
2027; Rome, 916-918, 920, 921;
Rumania (commerce), 2197; Russia,
1725, 1735, 1738, 1769; (alliance),
936; Savoy, 916; Scotland, 964, 2027;
Siam, 1811, 1817; Spain, 938, 939,
960, 983, 1006, 2027; Sweden, 977,
1890; Switzerland, 923, 924, 985, 996,
1921, 1925-27, 1936, 1939, 1944;
Turkey, 1951, 1954, 1957-59; United
States, 917, 954, 970, 1998, 2014, 2023;
(arbitration), 2155; Venice, 998, 1329–
30; commerce, 2173-75, 2185-2201;
(Africa), 2176; consuls, 2279-85,
2386; court ceremonial, 86d; exter-
ritorial rights, 2345-46, 2381; ex-
tradition, 2405-09, 2417; maritime
law, 3404; navigation, 2173, 2175,
2456; rivers: Elbe, 2592-93; Main,
442; Meuse, 445; Mississippi, 449,
450; Rhine, 440, 441, 2581, 2584;
San, 444; Scheldt, 447, 2600; Suez
canal, 2544-45, 2552; conferences,
etc.: arms trade in Africa (1908–09),
3393a, b; (1910), 3394; birds (1902),
3315; cables, submarine, 2761, 2764;
death, nomenclature (1900), 3295;
Hague (1899), 3241; (1907), 3242;
hour standard (1912), 3077; (1913),
3079; industrial property, 3001, 3012-
13, 3032; liquor traffic in Africa (1899),
3233; literary and artistic property,

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