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machinery and materials for electric lighting and for the manufacture of sugar, cement, beef and lard, and boots and shoes, valued at $39,000, against $18,000 the previous year. The flour trade was normal up to March 31.

Importations of butter, cheese, corn meal, pork, oleo, tobacco, hardware, hay and grain, coal, and cotton textiles fell off.

[blocks in formation]

Our trade with the colony has steadily improved. For years the local exporter has found the most profitable market for his sugar in New York, and in return we have supplied this market with the flour and food stuffs required. Thus far this mutual exchange

of commodities has been carried on without serious rivalry.


The ordinance imposing a tax on commercial travelers visiting the colony, which was passed last year, has been repealed and no obstacles exist to that efficient method of promoting trade.


An organized effort is being made to reestablish this industry, which formerly flourished in the colony during the days of slave labor. A cotton-growing association has been formed in Berbice County. The locality has been divided into ten districts, and seed distributed and planted mostly by small farmers, though the managers of several sugar estates have also planted from 1 to 3 acres. It is estimated that from 800 to 1,000 people are planting. The scheme is to encourage a general cultivation of the staple throughout the district. Small prizes are offered-not for the best cotton,

but the best cultivation.

Former experience demonstrated that the coast lands were admirably adapted to the purpose, and a splendid article was produced and the industry flourished until the close of our war of the rebellion, when prices fell off to an unprofitable figure and cultivation was abandoned.

While those who are promoting the enterprise are very sanguine of ultimate success, there are others who prophesy failure, for the reason, among others, that the black people can not be induced to

combine in efforts to provide the necessary drainage, and it is questionable whether the government would appropriate money for the purpose without some guaranty that the people would, to some extent, help themselves.

It is thought that eventually the cultivation may be confined. mostly to the front lands of the sugar estates, where indentured East Indian laborers would be available for the purpose.

GEO. H. MOULTON, Consul.



(From United States Minister Dudley, Lima, Peru.)

I inclose herewith a copy and translation of a dispatch from the Peruvian minister at London to his Government, which has just been given publicity through the National Agricultural Society of Peru. The purpose of the publication, as will be observed, is to point out the expediency of increasing the production of cotton in Peru for British manufacturers, in view of the alleged forestalling of the American output destined for the English market.

LIMA, PERU, August 22, 1903.



The Peruvian Minister in London to his Government.

The English press during the last few weeks has been giving an account of the crisis at present affecting this country in consequence of the heavy purchases of cotton made of late by speculators from the United States, who, having monopolized the article, are in a position to demand exorbitant prices.

This combination has already produced serious results in Manchester-so much so that during the last few days many manufacturers have, through want of cotton, only been able to work during four days in the week, while others, who were expecting the arrival of new supplies, have found themselves compelled to suspend their work altogether for the present.

With reference to this state of affairs, according to information communicated to this legation by the consul of the Republic in Manchester, several manufacturers in that city have asked for information and statistics respecting the production of cotton in Peru, and more especially as to whether there existed in that country a sufficient number of laborers to attend to the cultivation on a larger scale. The consul, in view of these facts, has asked the legation to furnish him as often as possible with all the information and data on this matter that appears from time to time. The legation has done hitherto all in its power to comply with the consul's requests.

I think it would be convenient—and I would ask you to seriously consider this matter-to publish in English and distribute among the manufacturers of Manchester and other centers of the textile industries in England a pamphlet treating

of the production of cotton in Peru and setting forth all the data which would be of interest to any parties who might wish to encourage the cultivation of the plant on a large scale.

I have no doubt that such a publication would produce magnificent results, and perhaps under the present state of circumstances the English manufacturers might, in view of the possibility of a similar crisis, determine to back up with their capital the cultivation of cotton in Peru.


United States Consul A. W. Swalm, of Southampton, England, under date of September 2, 1903, transmits a communication, printed in the London Times of September 1, from its regular correspondent at Montevideo, July 25, from which the following extracts are taken:


The gross statistics of the foreign commerce of this Republic for the first quarter of the current year (only just published) are more favorable than might have been expected, the general totals being as follows: Imports, $6,396,888; exports, $13,538,066-total commerce, $19,934,954. As compared with the same quarter last year, the imports show an increase of $565,900 and are above the average for the last six years; the exports show an increase of $2,018,423, reaching much the highest figure on record for the quarter, being ahead of 1900 and 1901 by some $4,000,000. This is mainly due to a large clip and good prices of wool. The exportation of agricultural products was below the mark, owing to the wheat harvest having been poor both in quality and quantity. On the whole a good start has been made commercially in the first quarter, which is generally the index for the rest of the year.


Government has recently adopted some secondary measures that deserve commendation. Among these may be mentioned drainage extension works in Montevideo and some of the principal towns of the interior; surveys for port and canalization works and transit improvements at Colonia and other points; steps for the establishment of veterinary stations and for combating the plagues of tick and “Texas fever,” which of late have wrought great mischief among the live stock of the country; a tour of free lectures by experts on scientific and advanced methods of agriculture and stock farming; and arrangements for the distribution of seed wheat to improve the strain of wheat, which in the last two harvests has shown signs of marked deterioration. The contract has just been signed, after much obstruction and a period of gestation extending over nearly five years, for the introduction of electric traction on the principal group of tramways in this city, which are known as the Baring group, because they were capitalized and worked under the auspices of Baring Bros. & Co. The electrification is being carried out by English capitalists and engineers and will involve an outlay of about $1,000,000. Proposals are under consideration for the electrification of other tramway lines in the city, some with English and some with local capital,


(From United States Commercial Agent Twells, Carlsbad, Austria.)

The town and environs, of Saaz, which are situated in my consular district, are famous for the excellent quality of hops grown in that neighborhood, and from there the principal breweries of Pilsen and Germany procure their supply of this staple. Large quantities of Bohemian hops from Saaz and Auscha, but chiefly Saazer Hopfen (so named), are annually exported to the United States. The reports lately received, however, indicate that the crop now being harvested in the Saaz district, owing to the heavy rains and cool. weather, is one of the worst gathered for many years.

In 1901 the quantity grown in the Saaz district amounted to 190,000 meter centners (41,887,400 pounds). The quantity fell off in 1902 to 90,000 meter centners (19,841,400 pounds), and this year it will not reach 40,000 meter centners (8,818,400 pounds) if the reports are correct, owing to the unfavorable weather of the past


Considering that the Buergerliche Breauhaus, at Pilsen, which is considered to be the principal concern which brews the so-called Pilsen beer, requires about 10,000 meter centners (2,204,600 pounds)— i. e., one-fourth of the crop of 1903-there will be little export this year to the United States of genuine Saazer hops, and American breweries which are in the habit of using hops from Saaz should be informed of these facts. The prices have already risen by 100 per cent. Last year the price of hops from Saaz was 150 to 180 crowns ($30.45 to $36.54) per 50 kilograms (110 pounds); the prices quoted. now are 330 to 360 crowns ($67 to $73) per 50 kilograms (110 pounds) and are likely to go higher.

There is a place near Saaz named Auscha, in the vicinity of which are likewise grown good qualities of hops and there will be a great demand for Auscha hops from those breweries in Germany which ordinarily buy Bohemian hops.

CARLSBAD, AUSTRIA, August 31, 1903.

Commercial Agent.


(From United States Consul McNally, Liege, Belgium.)

The production of coal in Belgium is one of its richest resources. The pronounced capability of the miners, experts for generations, brings from the earth's recesses an annual production of about 23,000,000 tons. The production for the five following years was: 1890, 20,000,000 tons; 1895, 20,000,000 tons; 1899, 22,000,000 tons; 1900, 23,000,000 tons; and 1902, 23,400,000 tons.


Coal is imported into Belgium for various purposes, including that of coke making. In 1902 the imports were: From Germany, 2,610,565 tons; from England, 642,000 tons; from France, 437,000 tons; from all other countries, 62,691 tons; total imports, 3,772,256


Belgium exports some coal to Germany, but the principal country. of export is France.

The importation of briquettes-a composition of coal dust, fire clay, and tar—amounted to 44,000 tons in 1902, of which 39,000 tons came from Germany.

The importations of coke in 1902 amounted to 278,000 tons, of which 20,000 tons came from France and 258,000 tons from Germany.


The Provinces of Liege and Hainaut form the richest coal region of Belgium.

Up to the present Belgium's coal fields have been located in a tract of land contiguous to the valley of the Sambre and Meuse rivers, passing through the country from west-southwest to eastnortheast, the fields being widest in the west. Recent investigations have located another promising coal field in the north of Belgium, known as the Campines, which are now being prospected with a view to their early development.


The production of coke in Belgium in 1902 amounted to 1,848,000


Coke is obtained by distillation in ovens of various construction, according to the quality of coal used. The gas produced is used

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