only tend to augment their joy in meeting never to part any more, and all the gloom of the grave will serve only to heighten the glories of the heavenly city, and enhance their gratitude to their great Deliverer. This is a part of the Redeemer's love, but how imperfectly can it be either known, or uttered, or conceived in the present life? It possesses a "height" which no intellect, human or angelic, can soar to conceive, and-a depth" which after the lapse of everlasting ages cannot be fully fathomed. The infinite mind alone is capable of comprehending its vast dimensions. The chief that we are now capable of knowing is that the love of Jesus is not to be known, and the chief that we can speak or write of it is that it cannot be fully described. As the Son of God manifested his love, a love the most pure, unmerited, disinterested in engaging from eternity to become the Surety of his chosen, in emptying himself of his glory, in appearing in the likeness of sinful flesh and making his soul an offering for their sins he will display it through eternity to come in imparting to them all the blessings of his purchase, and inconceivably more than can now be imagined. "He will lead them into living fountains of water:" He will unfold to their expanded, and ever expanding capacities all the mysteries both of his providence and grace: He will shew them that as wisdom and love reigned in the council of peace when the scheme of their recovery was devised, these attributes of Jehovah no less reigned in every dispensation towards them from their first existence until their entrance into heaven: He will shew to them that those trials at which their faith staggered, and their corruptions murmured were probably among the most wise and gracious parts of his procedure; that only "when need was they had been in heaviness through manifold temptations, that the trial of their faith being much more precious than gold which perisheth might be found unto praise, and honor and glory" at last. From these reflections on the love of Christ, we are led, II. To consider its effect on the hearts of his children. "We love him because he first loved us." straineth us." "The love of Christ con 1. The love of Christ shed abroad through the heart will constrain us supremely to delight and rejoice in him. To the carnal eye there is no excellence in the Saviour of the world. "He appears without form, or comeliness, or any beauty that they should desire him." There is nothing to charm the mighty or noble in one who was known, or owned by "none of the Princes of this world;" who " as concerning the flesh" descended from an obscure virgin, and after associating with illiterate, despised fishermen died upon a cross. There is nothing to attract the attention of the gay C in one who was a stranger to all the pleasures of life; who was distinguished "as a man of sorrows; who was acquainted with grief and hid not his face from shame and spitting." To persons of this character the Saviour appeared while he dwelt on earth, and to such he still appears, although raised to the throne, "as a tender plant, as a root springing out of a dry ground, despised and rejected." But when in the light of celestial truth shining upon his heart the sinner beholds the Saviour in his mediatorial excellencies and fulness; when he discerns him in his true character as "a propitiation for our sins," as "coming to seek and save them that are lost;" when he apprehends him by the eye of faith as a Saviour suited to his own circumstances and wants; when he beholds him as not only "mighty to save," but willing "to save to the uttermost all that come to him," how does his soul kindle with admiration at his love? How does it expand with gratitude, and joy! How eagerly does he embrace this friend of sinners as his righteousness, his shield, his glory, and the lifter up of his head? How cordially does he render love for love? Every created object then loses its charms when contrasted with precious Christ, as the taper is obscured when the candle is lighted up, or as the stars disappear at the rising of the sun the Prince of day. The soul, having tasted that the Lord Jesus is gracious, would not part with any office, or relation, or pro mise belonging to him for the acquisition of a world, and there is nothing in the world with which he would not willingly part at the call of Christ. cc Lo, we have left all, and followed thee. I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Jesus Christ my Lord. Whom having not seen ye love, and in whom although ye see him not yet believing ye rejoice with joy unspeakable, and full of glory." Jesus as stooping to assume our nature, and "redeem us to God by his blood;" as carrying this nature and his own blood "into the most holy place there to appear in the presence of God" is chief in the thoughts and desires of his people: He appears fairer than the children of men: Yea, he is in their estimation altogether lovely. And permit me to remark that there cannot possibly be an excess of love towards him, because the object loved possesses infinite excellencies. We may admire and esteem a created object too much, because its nature is limited, and we give that affection to a creature to which the Creator is exclusively entitled. But when Jesus, who is Jehovah, is the object of our affection, we cannot be extravagant: We cannot go to an extreme in admiring, and esteeming, and loving him. There are no bounds to his goodness and glory, and therefore there need be none to our desires after him, and our delight in him. In proportion as our knowledge of Christ and him crucified improves, the more intense and disinter ested our love to him necessarily becomes. "Whom have I in heaven," blessed Jesus, "but thee," will be the language of all who have seen his glory, or tasted his grace. They delight to think of him; to read of him; to hear of him; to speak of him, and to him, and for him; to wait on him in the sanctuary; to receive him as exhibited in the holy supper under the symbols of bread and wine; to serve him in every act of new obedience; and to follow him through glory and reproach; to take up the cross in compliance with his call and as a pledge of receiving a crown hereafter: It is their chiefest grief, their deepest humiliation that they cannot love him more ardently, and serve him more perfectly. Their most refreshing, joyous seasons are those when "his love is shed abroad through their hearts," and their most melancholy, disconsolate hours are those when "he withdraws himself and is gone:" In the lively exercise of faith they occasionally exult in the prospect of spending an eternity near to him, basking under the light of his countenance, and receiving the full communications of his love. 2. The love of Jesus when savingly felt will constrain us openly to profess and follow him. "As with the heart man believeth unto righteousness with the mouth confession will be made unto salvation." This is a consideration to which I would most earnestly solicit your attention. There are |