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God whom I have so grievously fulness of joy in the presence of offended by my multiplied trans- God, of Christ, and of his saints. gressions of his divine laws, should Then the whole of the divine disgive his Son, his only son, Jesus pensations will be displayed' to our Christ, to redeem me by his pre- view; God's servants will be abuncious blood ! He condescended dantly satisfied with his dealings with the profoundest humility to towards them, and we shall see clothe himself with mortal flesh, to how all conduced like so many come down from the throne of his favoured winds to bring us to the glory to live amongst us. But he desired haven; and how, even the was despised and rejected of men; roughest blasts helped to bring us a man of sorrows and acquainted forward. Then, God's ways which with grief—and we hid as it were were in the great deep, and his our faces from him—surely he hath footsteps which were not known, borne our griefs, and carried our or capable of being comprehended sorrows, in all our afflictions he by us in this world, will be clearly was afflicted, he was wounded for manifested to us, for now we see our transgressions, he was bruised through a glass darkly, but then for our iniquities, and with , his face to face. What wonders of stripes we are healed. Well may love, forbearance, long suffering, every child of God exclaim with goodness and mercy shall we then wonder, Oh God, why hast thou behold! with what holy rapture chosen me, and plucked me as a shall we then confess, “Oh, the brand from the burning ? Why depth of the riches, both of the didst thou use such gracious wisdom and knowledge of God ! means for my recovery, whilst bow unsearchable his judgments, others are permitted to go on in and his ways past finding out!” the broad way that leadeth to des. Let us wait patiently, the night is truction ? Not only hast thou far spent, the day is at hand, thereredeemed me from endless misery, fore let us be stedfast, unmoveable, but hast bestowed upon me thy always abounding in the work of Holy Spirit to sanctify me! Bless the Lord; and our light afflictions, the Lord, O my soul, and all that which are but for a moment, shall is within me bless his holy name! work out for us a far more exceed

Lastly, Let us look forward with ing and eternal weight of glory, joy to the kingdom of heaven; knowing that he which raised up what a glorious place of rest and the Lord Jesus shall raise us up consummate felicity will that be to also, by Jesus, and we shall live weary souls! Then all tears shall with him throughout the countless be wiped from all eyes, there, pain ages of eternity. and sorrow never enter, but all is


The foolish build their hopes on sand and clay,
The storms arise their hopes are swept away ;
Ruin o'erwhelms them-gloomy darkness spreads
Eternal woe upon their guilty heads.
But those whom wisdom guides, abide the shock,
Securely built upon salvation's rock.
Tempests may strive with gloom their joys to shroud,
But mercy sweetly shines behind the cloud;
Illuminates the trembling sinner's way,

And points through Christ to everlasting day.
AUGUST 1828.

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SIR-As you were so obliging, on the true followers of the Lamb : a former occasion, to insert a few from which I conclude, that, “a observations on Meditation and consistent walk, and a holy humble Prayer, I have ventured again to deportment, accompanied with an send you my thoughts on another open, candid, profession of the subject, which has been much on religion of the gospel, is calculated my mind of late, and which I could more to promote the glory of God have wished to have seen in the and the interest of religion, than hands of a more able correspondent. the most zealous display of outward I mean “ Consistency in the Christ- actions without these accompanying ian Character.” For want of this, graces. Let the Christian tradesman religion is not only wounded in the carry his religion into his business, house of her professed, but, alas! and in all his dealings with men, too often in the house of her real and transactions with the world, friends, even of those who are par- prove that he lives in the fear of takers of the grace of God, and are God, and acts from Christian sincerely desirous of promoting his principles. Let Christians, in glory. In writing on this subject, private life, in all their necessary I do not however intend to assert, transactions with their fellow morthat any are so exemplary in their tals, inanifest the same uniform, walk, and conversation, as never to and consistent conduct, and thus err, but my intention is rather to “adorn the doctrine of God their point out the attendant evils which Saviour in all things,' and constrain must, and do follow, a want of con- the world to “take knowledge of sistency in the Christian character. them,” that they are indeed “a

Grace in the heart, always leads peculiar people.” The reverse of the happy possessor to seek to this is the case, when either the glorify God in his day and genera- tradesman or the purchaser betrays tion. " What shall I render unto any thing like an overreaching, the Lord ? " is the question which covetous, or mean disposition; and every Christian will propose unto similar evils also result from any himself, when he is inade sensible thing like an unkind, illiberal spirit of “ the benefits the Lord has exercised towards servants; or perconferred upon him." Full of love sons in that capacity who may be and zeal, he will make it his study occasionally cmployed. In the life to abound in works of faith and of that truly excellent man, the lahours of love, in order that he Rev. T. Scott, it is said, “Towards may promote the interest of reli- servants, labourers, and the poor, gion in general, and by his manifest he always acted in the most kind zeal for the truth, “ let his light and even bountiful manner." He so shine before men, that they may expressed his approbation of Mr. see his good works, and glorify his Berridge's advice, who said to Father which is in heaven." If, country Clergymen; “Keep a barrel however, a man's private walk be not of ale in your house, and when a according to his public profession, man comes to you with a message, the more zeal he manifests for or on other business, give him religion, the more he will disgrace some refreshment, that his ears and injure that holy cause, by pre. may be more open to your religious judicing the minds of the ignorant instruction. The neglect of such and profane, by becoming a stum- kind attentions is often imputed to bling block to the weak in faith, covetousness and illiberality; and and by wounding the feelings of we must not be surprised if ignorant persons are prejudiced against in the Holy Ghost, and must comreligion, when so many professors ply with the Apostolic exhortation, are grievously deficient in kindness “ Whatsoever things are true, and generosity. Hence Christ is whatsoever things are honest, wounded in the house of his friends, whatsoever things are just, whatthe weak are offended, the inquirer soever things are pure, whatsoever is discouraged, and the enemies things are lovely, whatsoever things speak reproachfully. If, however, are of good report ; if there be any we would recommend and adorn virtue, and if there be any praise, the gospel of Christ, we must aim think on these things. Those at increasing conformity to his ex- things which ye have both learned, ample who went about doing good; and received, and heard, and seen we must strive to show that we in me do; and the God of peace have received the Gospel of Christ, shall be with you." not in word only, but in power, and



Tue following extracts from a valuable Tract of Dr. Mayo’s, on Infants' Schools, appear every way deserving of general perusal, they are therefore transmitted to the Christian Guardian with the hope that their appearance in its pages may promote in some degree the education of the Infant poor.


An Infants' School, assembled in an airy and commodious apartment, provided with pleasing materials of instruction, and under the able superintendence of a kind and judicious master, presents a scene, which can scarcely fail to interest and delight the visitor. But duly to appreciate the blessings it conveys, he should be able to compare the happy, docile, affectionate in fants with the quarrelsome little beings which throng the courts and allies of a densely peopled city. Where the houses of the poor are in close proximity to those of a more respectable class, the moral disease assumes a somewhat mitigated form, and the salutary agencies of Christian benevolence are enabled to cope with, and alleviate the evil. But there are some districts, set apart and doomed

to hopeless penury, in which an unmixed horde of the lowest poor, corrupting and corrupted, exclude by the very intensity of their need the means of their relief. The parents busily engaged in their laborious avocations during the day, suffer their children to wander through the street, exposed to all the dangers of a crowded city, and instructed by the older children in the arts of pilfering and gambling, and in all the demoralizing practices of low-bred idleness. Or if confined within the precincts of their wretched dwellings, they must be consigned to the care of an elder sister, (whose tender age rather demands protection) who, untrained to patient forbearance, and incapable of prudently exer, cising authority, now vents illtemper in blows that irritate without subduing, now stimulates, by illtimed indulgence, the perverseness which she vainly tries to soothe. Meanwhile to no one is instruction given; and the very advantages which benevolent institutions have provided for the elder children are frequently lost to them, through the necessity of their watching over the younger. Were an infants? school to offer its timely aid-the mother liberated from that charge of cases, the disposition to educate with which she encumbers the elder them, then would I admit, that child, without altogether relieving Infants' schools were not only a herself, might pursue domestic needless, but a mischievous insti. employments without interruption, tution ; needless, because the means or go out to labour without anxiety; they profess to furnish already the elder children might avail existed, and mischievous because themselves of the advantages of our to exempt the poor from duties National schools, and the younger they are able and willing to disones be sheltered, instructed, and charge, is to rob them of the delighted in the public Nursery. opportunities of moral development

Infants' schools, however, are for themselves, and to dry up the not to be regarded as presenting sacred source of moral feeling in the whole process, but only a part, their hearts. But if this domestic an important, and as yet a neglect- education be not carried on; in ed, part of education. They must fact, if these duties be not disbe viewed, not as insulated institu- charged and these moral feelings tions, but in their relation and not cherished, then, I contend, connexion with other establish- there is a great necessity, a powerments. What invaluable prelimi- ful plea for Infants' schools. Let naries do they offer to the work of each district be visited; wherever sabbath-school instruction ! For there does appear a general desire, children trained in Infants' schools endeavour and ability to discharge would become fit subjects for that the maternal office, let the mothers mild parental discipline which it be aided, not superseded in their best beseems the Christian teacher work, but where there is found a to exercise, and would fall more prevailing indifference or inability readily under the influence of those for the task, there let the charitable simple evangelical motives, which institution supply what the domestic alone can with any consistency be relation fails to provide. addressed to a Christian learner. Again, it is objected that this The more formal instruction of our separation of mother and child is national schools will produce a likely to diminish parental tenderricher harvest when the seed shall ness and filial affection. But what be received into a soil already is this separation ? For a few ploughed up and mellowed for its hours, and those the most occupied reception.

of the day;—the mother still tends It has been objected to Infants' her child at the morning hour, schools, that they oppose the order provides its little repast, perhaps of nature which assigns to the accompanies it to school, and on mother the first instruction and its return from the scene of indocare of her child. But does that cent delight, can welcome it with state of society, under the influence smiles, listen to the recital of its of which the poor of large cities enjoyments, and then prepare it for are placed, so far preserve in itself the slumbers of repose. Far from the character of nature, as that extinguishing family affection, these this order really and effectively institutions will make it burn with operates among them? If penury, a brighter and a steadier flame. with all its hardships and all its Infants' schools, it has been said, privations, still left to the mother must injure the health of the the power of educating her children children. Let the objector bring as they ought to be educated ; if it forward his remark in the schoolwere found on close and accurate room, or the play-ground, the investigation that with the oppor- master will point out to him many tunity was coupled, in the majority a healthy and active child who came to the school sickly and moral end, is the development of feeble. Indeed, the cleanliness, the intellectual faculties and the which they enforce, the bodily imparting useful knowledge; and exercise, which they promote, the lastly, the improvement of the phycontinual cheerfulness and good sical powers, and the bodily health humour, they inspire, independent follow in the train of other advanof the advantages of situation, must tages. Wheresoever the moral end show the futility of this objec- is not regarded as the primary object, tion.

wherever the acquisition of knowLastly, it is contended that the ledge is practically made of the first absence of the children is the consequence, there a fundamental removal of a useful restraint on deflection fron its principles has the conduct of the parents. But, appeared. Wheresoever reliance is where the children remain in the placed on other human means than domestic circle, it is the conduct the moral influence of the master on of the parents that forms the stand the children, and the moral influence ard of their moral judgment and of the children on each other, there the model for their imitation. They the Infunts' school system is abancan then only become a moral doned. restraint when they are trained on Let then the friends of the Infant principles purer then those which poor clearly define to their own regulate their parents. Children minds the object they have in view. early accustomed to hear blasphemy If it be to provide comfortable and obscenity, or to witness quar- shelter to the children, and thus rellings and drunkenness, feel no relieve their parents from a heavy emotion, express no condemnation. burden and incumbrance; then may But those who are trained in they content themselves with proInfants' schools, carry home into curing a spacious apartment, an their families a savour of the in- ample-ground, a few pictures to struction they receive. And ex- amuse the mind, and a few swings perience has recorded, to the com- and so forth, to exercise the body. plete and triumphant refutation Any cheerful, good-tempered, and, of this objection, that the simple if I may be allowed the term, expostulation of the infant has motherly female, may be appointed reformed the habits of the man, to preside; and thus will their and the text or hymn repeated benevolence have provided, if not in a parent's hearing has opened an Infant's school, a refuge for the first source of Christian sen- Infants. timent, has awakened interest, If, in addition to this, they would induced inquiry, and finally led cultivate upright principles and to the recognition and adoption kindly feelings, and a general resof truth.

pect for religion, such as in after An Infants' school then must be life may restrain from wickedness an Institution essentially moral; or barbarity, then must they engage that is, it must seek moral ends by a person capable of exercising a inoral means. Its first aim must gentle but powerful influence over be the development of moral and the character of children, vigilant religious sentiments, and the incul- to observe each moral trait, and cating the elementary truths of judicious in availing himself of each religion. The means which it little incident or casual remark. employs are the influence of the If higher still be their objectmaster, grounded on the affection to rest these principles on a surer and esteem of the children, and the basis, to sustain them with purer mutual sympathy of the children motives, and to animate them by themselves. Subordinate to this loftier hopes; if it be their aim to

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