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the world, animate and inanimate, once church : and then doth a king fulfil his happy-for but a single day !-should vicegerency as he ought, when he is draw its penance onward to the utmost head over all the nobles, and magislongevity of miserable age, and then trates, and people for the church; giving sirk into the pit of Tophet, or escape all encouragement to the preaching of away, like the chemist's mixture from the Gospel; giving all honour to the his alembic, into aërial substance, fit decisions of the church; causing her accompaniment of your aërial heavens. fasts to be be observed and her solemnThe ghosts of Ossian, which sweep the ities; securing to her her emoluments, clouds, and have their habitations in for the ends of the ministry, education, the mists, and take their shapes from and the poor; seeing to it that his the fogs of the morning, are the best magistrates be without offence or scanemblems of your shadowy paradise and dal in the sight of the church; causing fleeting heavens. But for my own part laws to be made according to the spirit as a believer in God, I do expect to see of the Gospel; doing his utmost that my Lord eye to eye in bodily form, not idolatry and blasphemy, and the various in any spiritual drapery, but with true forms of Antichrist, should cease within body invested: I do expect to look upon the land; requiring the Sabbath to be and to rule over this world, purified and sanctified in all his borders; establishredeemed, and possessed by living ing his own court in comely state and creatures in flesh and blood-yet in purity of manners; and, in short, hayflesh and blood redeemed from Satan, ing an eye continually unto the glory and in a measure from sin also, though of Christ, the Lord of all unto his still under the power of death. And as church. This, I say, is the true estate a man set for the belief of this great of a Christian king: who yet, withal, redemption, baptised into it, and pos. may not in the smallest matter interfere sessing the first-fruits thereof, I do feel with the order and government and disthat I am then fulfilling my part in the cipline and doctrine of the church, save purpose of God, when I stand forth in when the same hath grown into grievous my lot, and, without flinching, or fleeing scandal and obliquity; and even then into any narrow religious circle, do take he should proceed by the counsel of my privilege of the wide world; and, wise, learned, and holy divines, whom without contracting myself to any God will not fail, in such an emergency, man's span, do struggle out unto the to bring unto his hand. And the church, measure of Christ; and taste and see in her place, ought to abide in apostolical that God is good ; and handle and simplicity and purity, just as if she had possess the pleasant things which he received no honour or emolument from hath given me; and take pleasure in his the state ; guarding herself especially goodly works, without stint and without from covetousness, and courtliness, and reservation ; yet always in the love of ambition, and other forms of worldly Him who gave them, always to the aggrandizement. She ought never to praise of Him who gave them; using look upon establishment as her right, but not abusing; eating, and giving but as the singular grace and favour of God the glory; and permitting those God. She ought never to look upon who eat not, not to eat, and give God the power as otherwise than covered the glory.-Pp. 362, 363.

with a gracious clothing, which it may The following, combining at once

please God at any time to take away some truth with no small share of

from it; in which case her allegiance

and her duty remain all the same. extravagance, may perhaps amuse

Moreover, she ought to feel, that, in our readers, and leave them in good virtue of being established over a realm, humour with Mr. I.

as of England or of Scotland, she hath This constitution of Church and State, a responsibility unto the king, added to which was set up, or rather told out in her responsibility unto Christ; just as doctrine, at the Reformation ; which a wife hath a responsibility unto her for a long century was wrestled for, and husband, added to her responsibility at the Revolution rightly established; unto God. The responsibility of the consisteth essentially in this, That the church unto the king, is for the souls of king useth his power for the advance- his people, that they may be instructed ment of the church amongst his people, in holy doctrine ; for the lives of his and therein giveth the amplest testimony people, that they may be ordered of his allegiance and obedience unto according to holý discipline; for the Christ, who is Ilead over all unto his loyalty of his people, that they may be


taught to honour the king, and those that is instructive and characteristic, under him who are placed by him in and highly honourable to the piety authority. And not in respect of the

and integrity of the writer. Both people only, and their well-being, is

he however, and his correspondents the church beholden unto the king in virtue of her establishment; but like

and friends, may justly complain wise in respect of all the servants and of the indiscreet and unauthorized office-bearers of the state, to preach publication of names, &c, in a and pray continually, that they may be manner calculated on some occarightly counselled and rightly entreated siops to wound the feelings of indifor before the Lord: Unto soldiers, mag

viduals, and injure their characters istrates, and counsellors, and jurors— Unto rich men, and unto esquires,

and prospects. The following exand unto nobles,—These offices, I say,

tract, which appears in the Journal unto king, and prince, and peer, and with all the names at full length, judge, and magistrate, and people, doth may at once illustrate our meaning, the church owe, in virtue of her esta- and afford us an opportunity of obblishment over the kingdom. She oweth jecting to an erroneous opinion. it unto Christ, in the person of his

Dr. C. introduced me to an English vicegerent represented; and she may lady, born in London, married to a not fail from this portion of her duty, Persian Mussulman. She is always without offending vitally against her very much delighted to see some one King and Lord. Ah ! how little we

from her beloved country. The Engministers of an established church

lish, in fact, are her only comfort and bethink us of our high political calling! protectors, for her husband would have some, in their pride, levelling them married long ago another wife, accordselves with the king and his estates, and

ing to the Mussulman's taste, if he had saying, “Let us alone, meddle not with

not been afraid of offending the English us :' others, again, in their puritanism,

who interest themselves in her favour. saying, 'Ah! religion hath nothing to

I confess that I did not scruple to do with politics. Of whom I perceive, advise her to return to London; for she at this day, the former to be growing in

is in the most uncomfortable situation the universities, especially the old Tory

that can be imagined. In the first place, university, of this kingdom; and it is

although she does not profess herself to rank papistry: the latter, again, I per

be a Muhammedan, she still cannot ceive to be universal amongst the

attend the church service of the English, Evangelical, who have learned from the

lest she should compromise her husband. Dissenters. If I were the king, I would

Her little girl necessarily will be eduorder a rod to the back of these sym

cated in the darkness of Muhammedbolizers with the Papacy, to teach them

anism. Her husband is the greatest better obedience; and I would pay off

liar among all the Persians. The jeathe latter, and let them go about their

lousy of Persian women expose her to occupation of preaching without any the danger of being poisoned, &c. respect to the kingdom. This mixture

And if her English friends were to of Popery and Puritanism-strange

leave this place, she would probably wedlock !--carried the abolition of the

see within a very short time another Test and Corporation Acts, and opened

wife as a companion in her haram. In the magistracy of England to men of short it is best she should go back to any principle, and any profession--to

England, and content herself there with men of no principle and of no profes

bread and water. Dr. C. seconded my sion.--Pp. 553—556.

advice with his approbation, and she

promised us to do so, but I am afraid Missionary Journal of the Rev.

she was not sincere in her promise.

Major H. I learn, had advised her to Joseph Wolff. Vol. III. Pp. iv.

do so a long time ago, and I think 364. Duncan. 1829.

Mr. — himself would like to see

her go back ; he however treats her We noticed the preceding volumes kindly.-Pp.119, 120. of Mr. Wolff's Journal, in our num The advice here given appears to ber for July 1828, and our remarks us decidedly wrong. The English on them strictly apply to the pre- lady acted at once foolishly and wicksent publication. It contains much edly in marrying a Persian Mus. sulman. She may reasonably expect denly the Society, and I have strong many hardships and severe chastise- reasons for believing that Mr. Solomon ments; but so long as ber Mussul

has done it from good motives; if I had man husband treats her kindly, she

been in his situation, I would perhaps

have done the same. It is believed, is bound by that law which says,

that Solomon is in Moldavia. I have “Let not the wife depart from her likewise strong reasons to believe that husband.” Had Mr. W. urged he has remained faithful to his Saviour. upon her the sin of having united -P. 203. herself with an Infidel, had he The objections of convinced exhorted her to true repentance, Jews against publicly confessing to faith in Christ, to fervent prayer Christ, and the insufficiency of their for the teaching of the Holy Spirit, excuses are thus noticed ; and to the cultivation of those meek Many, many say, We should wish to and holy dispositions and tempers, become Christians, but we have a by which a believing wife is some. family, and have relations who would times, through the divine blessing. be enraged by such a step, and become made the means of saving her

our enemies. I cannot understand how husband; he might very possibly

a person can sincerely believe that there

is only one name given by which men bave prevented her little girl from

can be saved, and this is the name of being educated in the darkness of Jesus Christ, and should still make such Muhammedanism, and brought back vain excuses ; I can scarcely believe a poor misguided wanderer to the that such a man could be sincereflock of Christ. We say not certainly not; and it is not advisable indeed. that Mr. Wolff refrained that Christians should facilitate the way

of such candidates—for if such a one from such exhortations, though he

has not confessed the name of Jesus has not felt it necessary to record

Christ in one place on account of certain them, but with reference to what difficulties, he will not be able to confess he has recorded we are compelled the name of Jesus Christ in the other to express our decided disappro. place, on account of other difficulties. bation.

And well-meaning Christians will make We speak the more strongly sad experience with such proselytes, who upon this subject, because we think

professed the name of Christ only in the

time when they were not exposed to the indissoluble nature of the


da marriage contract has not been

A Jew, who leaves his religion on always sufficiently regarded. We account of worldly prospects, will beremember, that some years since come a more bitter enemy to Christians the divorce of Mr. B, N. Solomon than any Jew ever was who sincerely was sanctioned by eminent and

adheres to the religion of his foreexcellent Christian ministers ; yet

fathers; for such a money-proselyte was it always appeared to us wrong,

disappointed, he sought riches, and

wrong, found none. and was very possibly the first step There are farther, Jews who turn which led to his departure from the Christians, not on account of money, but Jew's Society. Whether we are on account of philosophic, political right in this conjecture, Mr. Wolff reasons; they say there is still among can probably determine; we trust,

Christians more order in society. Many however, that Mr. S. has not after

turn Christians, induced to it by phi

losophical reasons; they find in the all apostatized from the Christian

system of the Trinity a certain philosofaith, since Mr. W. states

phical speculation, and with this they I met at Teflis a Jew, Lorwiez, by are pleased ; but they are very far from name, who was convinced of the truth believing in Christ Jesus as the Saviour of Christianity by Benjamin Nehemiah of sinners-as the Restorer to life -as Solomon, the late Missionary of the the Watchman of our souls as the London Society, when at Odessa. I Curer of sin-as the Vanquisher of hell must here observe, to the honour of my as the Opener of the prison-as the nation, that I know the reason of Mr. Antitype of the brazen serpent-as the Solomon's determination to leave sud- Lamb of God !--P. 231.

Another experience I made is this, and I am forced this moment to write that godly men themselves calculate the down what I feel; forced, I say, by an Missionary cause too much according internal impulse. It is awful to see by to human calculations ; they trust often what spirit some Missionaries are anitoo much in fiesh and blood, and as long mated, who have been sent out from as they continue so to do, they will be Protestant Societies; there remains very often disappointed, grievously dis- among them a spirit of jealousy-of an appointed; and farther, they believe upholy jealousy.-P.233. often that one nation will be more easily converted than the other ; but the Lord's

We rejoice to find what a powerthoughts are not as our thoughts; he

ful impression has been produced makes of a people which is not his peo- in Persia, by the labours of the ple, his people; and he often gives lamented Henry Martyn, and espedemonstrations of his kindness to a cially by his translation of the New people, who, according to human cal- Testament into the Persian lanculations, are utterly rejected and reprobated.

guage. Well may Mr. Wolff exItis pitiful to observe that Christianity,

claim, “Martyn! my Martyn! thou such a beautiful daughter of Zion, is

s hast kindled a light in Persia which

hast kindled a light in Fe often so abused, yea even, so grossly shall never go out. abused.-Pp. 231, 232.

In taking leave of this work, we The following is sufficiently cannot but express our wish that expressive, but might have been some judicious friend would prepare presented in a somewhat less re- and publish an abridgement. One pulsive form.

small volume might well contain Another experience I made during my all that is really interesting or Missionary labours, as well in Palestine valuable : and if a judicious editor and Persia as Russia, that there are would undertake this task, and in the world many psalm-singing hypo- annex notes and observations on, crites, and theological and strictly orthodox rascals, from which Christians

doubtful and questionable points, ought to withdraw themselves; for such

he would produce a work interesting psalm-singing hypocrites, and church- to Christian readers, and eminently going rascals do more harm to Chris- useful to Jewish and other missiontianity than open infidelity. Farther, aries. We close with the following there is even among well-meaning characteristic exclaination of Mr, Christians very often a spirit of perse- Wolf cution. It is often more advisable to labour in an uncivilized country than in

How inscrutable are Thy ways, Thou a country which pretends to be civilized, King of kings! What a gross darkness for the Gospel is to be preached to the does still cover thy old, and ancient poor and not to the rich. A MISSION Hebrew people, from the Thames down ARY OUGHT NÉVER TO TOUCH UPON to the Gulph of Persia. And I, a poor, POLITICS.-P. 233.

poor Hebrew boy, was granted to go Recent events rather countenance

down the Nilus' stream and proclaim the following passage, written in

there thy Gospel to the descendants of

the old Hebrew people—and to go to July 1825. At the same time we

Jerusalem,--and I, a poor, poor Hebrew must protest against that assumption

boy, was permitted there to inquire of of inspiration wbich it contains. God, to inquire of Jesus-0 Thou

Popery will acquire more power in Jesus, give me thy grace that I may be the world, and then utterly sink and fall granted to wear away in Thy service, before ten years are past, and then a and for the glory of Thy holy name! O purified church will rise. I write this be Thou the light of the poor Hebrew down with my own hand, but the spirit boy, a light in the way wherein he of the Lord dictated the words ; I beg should go. And now in the land of my friends in England, not to imagine Persia, be merciful to the poor Hebrew that I was warm-headed at the time I boy—that thou mayest accompany thy wrote it down; I never was cooler than words he speaks to thy people with thy I am at this moment; but I argue from fire divine, in order that the remnant of the whole history of the Bible Society, thy people may no longer refuse to obey and from their mirtu fidei et phantasia! Thy Gospel. Amen.-P. 181.

MARCH 1829.


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