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we desire that, which he is willing to shall receive the things, which we desire, grant, that we are able to place a sure when we pray, then have we that saving faith and strong confidence in his mercy. faith, to which the promises are attached.

There is therefore one essential pre- Observe however, that this faith, liminary to believing in the name of the though it implies, that repentance or an saviour. We must first desire those abhorrence of sin has gone before, does blessings which he is willing to confer. not imply, that a holy life should have In other words we must repent of sin, gone before! Sin may be abhorred, that we may seriously desire its remis- before it is actually forsaken; and consion; and we must seriously desire the fidence may be reposed in the power remission of it, before we can exercise of the saviour to deliver us from it, a well-grounded faith in his power and before that deliverance has begun. But faithfulness to grant it. Hence it is, the first act of this faith brings with it that these two states of mind are every entire remission of sins, of all sin, where spoken of in scripture, as indis- however deep, a free, absolute, and solubly united. “The God of our plenary remission. Whosoever believfathers' (says saint Peter in the thirtieth eth in him, shall thereupon instantly and thirty-tirst verses of the fifth chap- receive remission of sins. The Lord ter of the acts) "hath exalted Jesus to hath laid on his own son the iniquity be a prince and a saviour, for to give of us all; and to the man, who believes repentance to Israel, and forgiveness on him for remission and salvation, it of sins. To the same effect his fore- shall no more be imputed. He is rupner, John, baptized with the baptism justified freely through the divine mercy of repentance, saying unto the people, without the deeds of the law.-Pp. that they should believe in Christ Jesus : 162–168. and the lord himself opened his divine The consequence is, that a person, commission with that pregnant exhorta- who has arrived at this point in the tion. Repent ye, and believe the gospel ? paths of true religion, cannot possibly

Faith in the saviour therefore, or, as halt there, and be at ease : for what is it is constantly expressed, faith in the it, that has brought him thus far? He name of Christ is a holy quality. It has felt the malignity and odiousness implies an abhorrence of sin, a sense of sin, and repented of it. He has of its polluting nature, a desire to be discovered that the law of God is altodelivered from it, to be delivered (I gether holy and just and good ; and he mean) not from its guilt or its penalty confides in the promise of the Saviour only, but from its influence and its to enable him eventually to conform to power; and, this state of the affections it: and shall he now turn back from being presupposed, it consists in a the course he has begun? That would reliance on the sufficiency and readiness imply, that his repentance was insincere, of Jesus Christ to do all this for us and his faith consequently unwarranted. through the virtue of his meritorious On the contrary, having entered upon atonement. These two things, a desire a career of resistance to sin, and having to forsake sin, and a persuasion of the met with an almighty auxiliary, he will power of the Saviour to deliver us from have every encouragement to proceed, it, must go together in every act of real until he shall obtain the victory through faith. They may be weak, and feeble, him, which strengtheneth him. In fact and very imperfect. But they must be he, which hath begun a good work in real ; they must be sincere; or we are him, will not fail to perform it until the not among the number of those, who day of Jesus Christ. Having begun by believe in him according to the meaning pardoning his iniquity, he will further of holy writ. We may believe the his- enable him to subdue it. Having first torical evidence of scripture, and yet justified him freely by the imputation have no reliance on the goodness or of his own righteousness, he will next power of the saviour. But if we desire sanctify him gradually by the conto love God and our neighbour, as we munication of his own spirit. But into are commanded, though we find our this second branch of the Christian life, selves unable to do so, and if we the work of sanctification by the holy confide in his promises, to enable spirit, it is my intention to enter in the us to do that, to which by nature evening. we are unequal, and if accordingly In the mean time let me put this we seek the fulfilment of that pro- question to your consciences! Are mise in earnest prayer, not doubting your minds set upon righteousness, O in our hearts, but believing, that we ye congregation? If not, you want the

yery first element in religious sincerity and while they are so engaged, self is and practice. But, if they be, then am the ruling power in their hearts-selfI authorized to preach unto you Jesus gratification is the main object which Christ, as that only Saviour, in whom they constantly have in view. They you may safely confide : for to him give regard not the happiness and welfare all the prophets witness, that through of their fellow-creatures; or, if they do, his name whosoever believeth in him it is in a very low and subordinate shall receive remission of sins.—Pp. degree: and us to God, they have no 170, 171.

real regard to his glory, no real interest We had marked many other in his service, no earnest desire to passages as deserving of notice, but

partake of those spiritual blessings we must now turn to Mr. Knight's

which come from Him, no sincere wish Discourses on the Parables. These

to live by faith in his Son Jesus Christ,

to be sanctified wholly by the renewing also we have read with consider

grace of his good Spirit, and to be preable pleasure. They display sound pared for the final inheritance of the judgment and active piety. In saints in light. Now, as in the general most instances Expositions of the tenour of their conduct, these persons Parables are in a considerable resemble the rich worldling, so the disdegree fanciful, but on this ground

appointment which awaits them, when there is little to complain in the

all their false expectations shall be

completely blasted, will make it manivolume before us.

us. . There may
There may

fest that they too haye been fools indeed. exist a difference of opinion on My beloved brethren, is such the some points, but the general inter- case with you? Oh! gladly would I pretation is strictly correct and persuade you impartially to try yourhighly judicious, while the applica

selves by the standard of unerring tions are at once instructive and

truth! God knows the secrets of your awakening. Take for instance the

hearts : and though you may deceive

your fellow creatures, and in the gross conclusion of the discourse on the

infatuation of your minds may deceive parable of the rich worldling. Luke yourselves,- Him you cannot deceive. xii. 21.

Is the world then the idol of your hearts? Let us proceed then to notice, in the Oh remember, it passeth away, and the last place,

fashion of it! Does covetousness reign III. THE APPLICATION WHICH IS within you? Are you the slaves of MADE OF THIS PARABLE BY OUR LORD. avarice?-then too, in the sight of God,

“ So is he that layeth up treasure for you are idolaters. Oh remember, He himself, and is not rich toward God," will not give his glory to another,-He Observe now the comprehensive import will not suffer any created thing to of this declaration. It is to the following occupy the place which belongs to himeffect. Every one who is mainly seeking self,—nor can he connive at your daring to increase his worldly wealth,—who, impiety! Are you counting upon years in connexion with such an object, con- of earthly enjoyment, to be spent in siders himself exclusively,—and who the possession of worldly wealth? Oh! has not experienced an enlarged energy remember-God has the disposal of in the love and fear and service of God, your time, and of all that you possess; desiring the riches of his grace and and He may say to any, or to each of his glory,—resembles the character of you, as he did to the worldling in described and arraigned in the parable: the parable, “ Thou fool, this night thy and since, according to the disposition soul shall be required of thee." Would of the mind in this present probationary you then obtain durable riches, and an state, the everlasting condition of the inheritance that shall never fail? Seek soul will be fixed in that eternal state your treasure in heaven:-pray that which is to follow, every such person you may be rich toward God ; that the is a fool. Yet alas ! how many are gifts of his Holy Spirit may be largely there who conduct themselves like the conferred upon you;—that, instructed rich worldling in the habitual tenour by that Spirit, you may be brought as of their lives ! Of countless multitudes penitent sinners to Jesus Christ the it may be given as a characteristic de- righteous, who is mighty and gracious scription, that they « mind earthly to save,-and that, being preserved and things.” With such a disposition, they kept by his power, through faith unto labour lo amass worldly possessions; salvation, you may at length attain the rest, the happiness, and the joy of his izing grief, while the worm that dieth redeemed people in glory everlasting! not is preying upon you, and the fire

But if you are still determined to have that is never quenched torments you your portion and your treasure here, with the unabated fury of its burning then there is no alternative in the world flame? Oh that you were wise-that to come. Now you are living in the you understood this—that you would neglect and practical contempt of God; consider your latter end! Divine hereafter you will be rejected by Him, grace, indeed, is of sovereign efficacy, and cast off for ever. Now you perse- and may yet convey the appeal with cute, or oppose, or disregard the people power to your souls. The God of of God;-hereafter they will be com- mercy still speaks to you by the ministry forted, and you will be tormented. Now of his word, calling upon you to divorce you refuse to receive the Lord Jesus yourselves from the love of the world, Christ as the portion of your souls, and and seriously to attend to the momentous the hope of glory; absorbed in the concerns of eternity. The Saviour is world, and idolizing its possessions, yet expostulating with you in the lanyou do not value the blessings of his guage of tender and affectionate reredemption, or confess Him before men; proof, “ Ye will not come unto me that --hereafter he will refuse to acknow ye might have life.” The Spirit strives ledge you as his people, to confer upon with you in various ways, conducive to you the enduring riches of immortality, conviction and conversion. The triune or to confess you before his Father who Jehovah continues to address you, is in heaven: instead of thus owning “ To-day," then, “ if ye will hear his and exalting you, he will discard and voice, harden not your hearts." Take banish you from his presence, appoint heed lest by persevering neglect and ing your everlasting condition in the contempt, you should bring upon yourdark abodes of wretchedness and de selves, in reference to the heavenly spair. What profit will you then derive inheritance, the denunciation recorded from those things which you have been concerning the rebellious Israelites, anxiously providing ? and what will the with respect to the earthly Canaanretrospect of your present infatuation “I sware in my wrath that they afford, but a constant source of agon- should not enter into my rest.”


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CHURCH OF ENGLAND. CONSIDERABLE attention has been sanguine expectatons, is to us more excited by a statement in the Record than doubtful. When we look back to Newspaper, announcing that a royal the events of the last few months, commission is about to issue, investing observe the measures which have been certain lay and clerical persons with carried, and the means by which they ample powers for a minute and exten- have been carried ; when we recollect sive examination into the present con- the ignorance and the tergiversation dition of the united church. These evinced by many on whom we were commissioners are expected to enter, at disposed to rely, we cannot but enteran early period, on the duties of the tain serious apprehensions that the delicate and important task which has projected commission will rather injure devolved upon them; while at the same than uphold that Church to which we time it is added, that it is scarcely belong. Never did there exist a period possible that the commissioners named when, in our judgment, Christian people should from their deficiency in some were more loudly called upon to pray important requisites, view the proposed that a gracious God would be pleased object in a correct light.

• to direct and prosper all the consultaHow far the information thus com tions of our rulers, to the advancement municated is correct, or to what specific of his glory, the good of his Church, points the inquiries are to be directed, and the safety, honour, and welfare of we have no means of ascertaining. That our Sovereign and his dominions; that a properly instituted commission might all things may be so ordered and settled produce very beneficial results few will on the best and surest foundations, that deny. But whether the temper of the peace and happiness, truth and justice, times, and the characters of our leading religion and piety, may be established men be such as to authorize any very among us for all generations.'


ROMISU CHAPEL AT HULL. We are happy to observe that Roman- agreeable, gentlemanly religion to which ism cannot bear the light; it is, however, all but determined bigots would doubts painful to witness the teachers of any less contribute. The ears of the mixed religion having recourse to dishonest multitude were exceedingly gratified, artifices and disingenuous sophistry. and the founders of this idolatrous Mass Such however, is now the case with House rewarded by a large and liberal many of the leading Papists; and it collection. may not be improper to exhibit a very The Report, however, of these prorecent specimen of their proceedings ceedings in the Hull Advertiser, called The town of Hull, it is well known, has forth an able and spirited letter from a long been favoured with the faithful zealous friend of true religion. Large preaching of the gospel of Christ; yet extracts of which we now insert, both even there, Popery has obtained admis as specimens of what Papists will attempt siona large chapel has been built and and as affording instructions to Prowas opened a few weeks since with the testants in what light such attempts utmost pomp and ceremony. The should be regarded. After a few premusic was excellent; the service ad fatory sentences, the writer, who we mirably performed; and a very ingenious understand is not a resident in Hull, sermon was preached in order to per proceeds as follows: suade the hearers, some of whom were “That the Roman Catholic Church in Protestants, and many Socinians of this country should be anxious to regain Infidels, that Popery was a very different the ascendancy from which she was system now, than forinerly-- very dif- hurled at the period of the Reformaferent to what hasty and intolerant men tion, will not astonish the part of the imagine; a system abounding in elegant public which is acquainted with the true allusions; capable of being most satis nature of her principles, and the restive factorily explained ; deserving of liberal ambition of those who are appointed to support; and in short, a very proper, teach them. It would be a much

greater cause of surprise, if we were to the day, the more unsightly is the piediscover that the deep and plotting ture which she will present to those who sagacity which has ever characterized are acquainted with the dogmatic and the policy of that church should neglect unalterable constitution of her princito improve those peculiar advantages, ples. which the spirit of modern liberality “It is time, however, that I should have placed within her reach. The proceed to notice the particular features opening therefore of a new, or the en- of the sermon, which are given in your largement of an old Chapel, is nothing report. The first object which the more than we were prepared to expect. preacher is reported to have pointed It is the natural expression of an invi- out as forming part of the means which gorating impulse, which the system has the Church of Rome employs to • fix received in consequence of that happy inconstancy, attract attention, and excite emancipation from antiquated prejudices, sentiments of piety,' was the light on which is the predominant characteristic the altar, which we are told is an of the nineteenth century. Of this feel emblem of divine charity, to remind the ing in favour of new creeds, or of indif- worshipper that unless his heart is ference to all creeds, the Church of influenced with love to every individual, Rome has unquestionably a right to his sacrifices will not be accepted.' avail herself, and I am far, very far But does the Church of Rome, Sir, from censuring the vigilance with which assigo no other virtue to her 'blessed her hierarchy, in this country, are pur- candles' than what is merely emblemsuing the advantage. On the contrary, atical ? I consider that their conduct is an “The Rev. Gentleman who officiated example to the ministers and members on that occasion will pardon me if I take of those churches at whose expense they the liberty to put the public in possesare building, and afterwards filling, their sion of a little more information upon chapels; and if the performance of this subject. In a part of the service Wednesday last had been in keeping appointed for the 2nd of February, as with the spirit and practice of the it is given in the Roman Missal, I find Church which it represented, it is not the following prayers : Holy Lord, likely that you would have had the Father Almighty, and eternal God, we trouble of these observations. My oba humbly beseech thee, that by the inro. jection, Sir, is not to the appeal which cation of thy most holy name, and by was made to Protestant liberality, on the intercession of blessed Mary, ever a that occasion, nor even to the attend virgin, whose festival we this day ance of the citizens of Hull upon the devoutly celebrate, and by the prayers forms of a ceremonial, which every of all thy Saints, thou wouldest vouchscripturally-instructed Protestant must safe to bless and sanctify these candles believe to be idolatrous, but to the for the service of men, and for the good accommodated representation, or more of their souls and bodies in all places. It properly speaking, the disingenuousand afterwards follows—We humbly befraudulent misrepresentation of Roman Seech thy mercy to bless, sanctify, and Catholic principles. We can tolerate give the light of thy heavenly benedicthe ritual peculiarities of Romanism- tion to these candles, which we thy and the more undisguished they are in servants desire to carry in honour of their expression, the more we shall thy name, that by offering them to thee applaud the fidelity of those who are our Lord God, we may be inflamed by commissioned to administer them- but the fire of thy sweet love, AND BE MADE we cannot bring ourselves to excuse the WORTHY TO BE PRESENTED IN THE substitution of an affected and spurious HOLY TEMPLE OF THY GLORY.'-I shall rationalism in their place. The honest, leave it, Sir, for your readers to deterthorough-paced Mass-goer may excite mine whether candles blessed by a our compassionate concern,- but the priest, are designed by the Church of well-trained decoy, who is put forward Rome for no other use than simply to to allure the ignorant and unsuspicious remind the worshipper that 'unless his into the meshes of a corrupt and heart is inflamed by charity to every degrading superstition, cannot be con- individual, his sacrifice will not be templated with any other feeling than accepted.' that of unmingled disgust. Modern “We are next informed, that the liberality is a garment which sits un object of incense is to remind Christians gracefully upon the church of Rome; "that when they come into a place of and the more she affects the fashion of worship they ought to raise their hearts

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