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from the world, and fix them upon Q) Cross. Our only hope, which heaven.' In a part of the service for brought the pascal joy, INCREASE GRACE holy Saturday, we have the following TO TIE PIOUS, AND BLOT OUT THE language employed to deny this same CBIMES OF SINNERS.” remembrancer of devout feeling : “SWEET WOOD, SAVE THE PRESENT . Plentifully pour forth, we beseech CONGREGATION, ASSEMBLED THIS DAY thee, O Almighty God, thy blessing on IN THY PRAISES.” this incense, that into whatsoever place O God, grant that we may attain any thing sanctified by these mystic the suffrages of eternal life BY TILE prayers (the incense] shall be carried, SUPFRAGES OF THY LIFE-GIVING WOOD." there by the power of thy majesty, ALL “ Any comment, Sir, upon the contrast THE MALICIOUS ARTIFICES OF THE which is here presented between the DEVIL MAY BE DEFEATED.' This, Sir, assertions of the preacher and the docis a discovery worth making.

trine of his Church, would be mere “We are then asked the following waste of time. If Protestants are again question—Why, do you think, we have disposed to turn to the faith which their upon the altar an image of a crucifiei forefathers solemnly abjured in the fires Saviour?” Anunsophisticated Protes of martyrdom, it is their own concern, tant would answer, that it was for the and I will not impugo the motives of purpose of downright idolatry, by any man who may feel disposed to

changing the glory of the incorruptible prefer the Council of Trent to the New God into an image made like to cor- Testament. It is not to the endeavour ruptible man;' but it seems we are to convince that we object, but to the quite mistaken. It is merely intended attempt to deceive. ito remind us of the love of that divine “ We are afterwards informed that Saviour for us, and to inspire our hearts there never was a time when the reliwith love to him :' and it follows- gion of Jesus stood so much in need of • We do not place it there for the absurd harmony and unity among its professors purpose of adoring it. No, we know of every denomination as the present.' it is merely a stock or stone, and does Are we to understand, Sir, by, this Rot deserve homage ; but when we consi paragraph, that there never was a time der it as the image of a crucified Saviour, when the religion of the Church of and it reminds us of him, then we res Rome stood so much in need of unity pect it-not the image itself-we refer among the multiplied and disorderly the respect to the divine Saviour.' fraternities which are to be found within

“I must again, Sir, refer your atten- her pale? The preacher surely did not tion to those very inconvenient records refer to a union of that Church with of the olden time, that are still to be Christians of every denomination' found in the Missal and Breviary, and without her pale ; for with respect to all form, at this day, a stated part of Roman such proposals, the consistent RomanCatholic worship. In the service ap ist is instructed to answer What felpointed for Good Friday, as it is given lowship hath light with darkness, or in the Missal, we find the following what communion has Christ with • Anthem :' •We adore thy cross, Ó Belial.' To assume, indeed, that Lord, and we praise and glorify thy holy Protestants were included in this resurrection, for BY THE WOOD OF THE most conciliatory reference, would be to CROSS THE WHOLE EARTII IS FILLED insinuate a charge of perjury against WITH JOY. Quite a mistake, says the the preacher, as will be seen by the Preacher, we do not place it there for concluding article in the Creed of the absurd purpose of ADORING it. It is Pius IV. which he has subscribed. only intended to remind us of the love After a profession of the various docof the Saviour.'- In the breviary, we trines of the Church of Rome, as they have something still more to the point, are expressed in that creed, we arrive and the following will serve as speci- at the following declaration, to which I mens.

would particularly request the attention “ O Cross, our only hope, hail ! of your readers. “ This true Catholic INCREASE AT THIS PASSION TIME, faith, WITHOUT WHICH NO MAN CAN BE GRACE FOR THE PIOUS, AND BLOT OUT SAVED, which of my own accord I now THE CRIMES OF THE GUILTY.”

profess and truly hold, I, the same N. “O Lord, we beseech thee to guard do promise, vow, and SWEAR, that I will us with thy everlasting peace, whom carefully hold and confess the same thou hast vouchsafed to redeem BY THE entire and inviolate, most constantly by WOOD OF THY HOLY cross.”

God's help, to my latest breath; and as OCT. 1829.

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far as in me lies, I will take care it shall action, that if he should chance to meet be held, taught, and preached by all the individual, he would give him a those who are subject to me, and by reward. Was it an infidel, Sir, who those the care of whom to my office committed a sack filled with these shall belong to me,~SO HELP ME GOD, Gospels of the Devil' to the stream AND THESE HOLY GOSPELS OF GOD," &c. of the river Suek? No, Sir. It was a What, sir, should we think of the bonesty Priest of the county of Galway ; but we of a Roman Catholic Priest, who, in have, in this instance, the satisfaction to the face of such a subscription to the know that he was afterwards sentenced creed of Trent, could affirm that the by a Court of Justice to pay the full conscientious abjurer of its doctrines value of the property was a Christian?

“Men," says the preacher, “ have « The preacher goes on to complain stood forward as the bold and professed that the most violent and daring champions of infidelity.”'Yes, Sir; and attacks are now made upon the funda we answer that such men have stood mental principles of Christianity, and forward within the last fortnight, as the that the sacred scriptures are openly champions of the Church of Rome! It reviled. But does he mean, sir, to is a melancholy fact, Sir, that in most convey to us the idea that the Church of the controversies which have recently of Rome is recruiting for Protestants taken place in this country, between of every denomination, to assist in Protestants and Roman Catholics, the withstanding these attacks? such a con- infidel and the denier of the atonement struction of his meaning would be im- of Christ have either lifted or attempted possible, since the Roman Catholic and to lift their voice on the side of the Protestant Churches are at the antipodes infallible Church, while Roman Catholic with respect to their understanding of Priests have courted their alliance, and what constitutes fundamental doctrine; Roman Catholic laymen have applauded and we are moreover informed by the their speeches. “ These have one mind, Douay notes, that Protestant preaching and shall give their power and strength is nothing better than the howling of to the beast. They shall make war with wolves, and even when they speak truth the Lamb, but the Lamb shall overcome they are to be reproved, after the example them; for he is King of Kings and of Christ, who would not suffer ihe Lord of Lords." devils to confess his name.

“The creed of an infallible Church “ With respect to the public desecra- can never be accommodated to the tion of the scriptures, I cannot but con- prevailing sentiments of the times. If sider that the reference is unfortunate. the motives by which the Bishops and The injuries and insults which have been Priests of Rome are influenced, in their inflicted upon the Book of God by present attempt to palm off upon an infidels, sir, are nothing to the indigvity unsuspecting and superficially-informed which has been cast upon it by Popes, public a liberalized version of their creed, Cardinals, Bishops, and Priests. Was be connected with a feeling of shame at it an infidel, sir, who stigmatized the the doctrines which it contains, we would Bible Society as a most crafty device' recommend them to act the part of - a pestilence,' and 'a nefarious honest men, and abandon it. But if it scheme by which the very foundations be their policy to impose upon the creof religion were undermined ?' No, dulity of those who do not understand sir. It was a Roman Pontiff, and no their system they are only adding other than the meek and moderate hypocrisy to error. They must either Pius VII. in his first bull against that give up their orthodoxy as priests, or institution. Was it an infidel, sir, who their honesty as men,--for if the same branded translations of the scriptures doctrines which Dr. Baines and his into the vulgar tongue as the Gospel imitator in the chapel in Hullare putting of the Devil,' and commanded that the forward in this country, were preached faithful should be turned away from in Spain or in Italy, they would, in the such poisoned pastures?" No, sir. It language of the Bull Unigenitus, be was the last Vicar of Jesus Christ who considered as “ offensive to pious ears, filled the chair of St. Peter. Was it an scandalous, pernicious, rash, injurious infidel, sir, who publicly lauded the to the Church and her practice, suspected wretch who thurst the Bible under the of heresy, and plainly savouring thereof, hearth with a pair of tongs? No, sir, and likewise favouring beretics,-bor It was our own Doctor Doyle; and he dering very near upon heresy, often conadded to his commendation of the trans- demned, and, in fine, even heretical."



A numerous and most interesting meeting of the friends of this valuable institution recently assembled in the Archiepiscopal city of Armagh, with the sanction of the Lord Primate, when a series of luminous and eloquent addresses were delivered, which have since been extensively circulated in the Belfast Guardian. We embrace this opportunity of inserting a few interesting extracts.

Increase of Scriptural Education.

W. Hume, Esq. one of the honorary Secretaries of the Dublin Committee, expressed his joy that the Society's schools had, in the county of Armagh, such an increase during the past year; and that the deputation found here, as in other places, the cause of scriptural education rapidly advancing. He perfectly concurred in the observation made in the Report, that such a system of instruction was highly valued by the lower ranks themselves, even by the Roman Catholic population. This, be thought, was evident from the increase of schools in this county, and the demand for their further extension; it was evident from the numerous applications for schools from all parts of the kingdom to the Dublin. Committee; it was evident from the documents which he then held in his hand-one an application from the heads of thirty-two Roman Catholic families--bitterly complaining of the grievance which they have so long endured, in the prohibition of their children's enjoying the blessings of education, and expressing their firm determination no longer to submit to such persecution. The other an application from a Roman Catholic Priest for a school; in which he says, one hundred children will be daily taught, all Roman Catholics. His reason for making the application, he would state in his own words, I am tormented by the people. It was further evident from the fact stated in the Report of the Commission crs of Educational Inquiry, that there were in Ireland at that period upwards of 4,600 pay-schools, in which the scriptures were taught—schools, conducted by masters unfettered by the rules of any society, and who would naturally adopt that system inost acceptable to the people, and consequently

best calculated to promote their own interest and advantage. The cause of education was placed on a high vantage ground in the present day; the time had passed away for the discussion of the poor man's right, as well as the rich to education ; that right was conceded on all sides—those who were formerly its opponents, were now, at least, its professed friends : but still there was a mighty contest carrying on, in which the London Hibernian Society took an early and prominent part. That contest was, whether the education of the poor should be confined to an education of letters unconnected with scriptural instruction; whether it should be an education to inform the head, without improving the heart, by the inculcation of any moral or religious principle. The London Hibernian Society took ihe opposite side. It maintained, that to promote either individual happiness or national prosperity, the instruction of our poor ought to be of that character which would qualify them for the discharge of their temporal duties, and impart that knowledge which would “ make them wise unto salvation.” The expression that the schoolmaster was abroad' had become familiar; but it was worthy of remark, that that notable observation was first made by an eminent senator, when denouncing the union of the civil and military departments of the government in one individual. He said, that all that constitutional jealousy which he had felt for the seemingly endangered liberties of his country, was allayed by the consideration that the schoolmaster was abroad ;' and now he (Mr. H.) would ask, if knowledge possesses such a power as to make the schoolmaster with his primer an over-match for the conquerors in many battles with his sword, ought not that knowledge to be placed under legitimate restraint ? Ought it not to be of that sound and wholesome character which would tend to the preservation of those liberties, rather than to endanger their subversion? The London Hibernian Society had taken the Bible as its book of instruction. On this principle its schools were primarily established-on this principle its labours were hitherto conducted; and it was to this principle he ascribed its wonderful success.

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k wn observation of instructiga to the root acage best of Bacon, that kuludge is pancer, pro the power sich you bestos. A man ended to dedor.straie the danger of irrelizios's lacated in the upper larim o gwerful an instrument co- classes, will probably be poctigate in onucked and the day of regulatioz it his private and public conduct; bat bis by yond and scriptural principles. im noraities may not violate the tras

“ Koowierze, said the Rev. Dr. is quility of his coantry. A man so edepower in regard to the ir:oral, not less cated in the lower will as probably be than to the material world. The man an agent in sedition, by forming or wone mind has been diciplined and extendini combination for effecting pobinformed by education, is enabled to lic disturbance. He will seek to avail produce effects in society, for which he himself of the power received from edumust otherwise have been wholly incom- cation for procuring advantages or graperent. lle is enabled to persuade tifications which his humble situation others to enter into his designs, and had not placed within his reach; and he 10 arrange and combine their efforts will hope to obtain them more speedily, for the attainment of good, or of evil, and most easily, by breaking in upon according as this new power may that order which the duty of a Chrishappen to be directed. Let us, then, tian, if he had learned it, would bare substitute the word power for the taught him to respect as an ordinance word education, and propose the ques. of God. I know that it has been said, tion to ourselves in all its simplicity, that a little learning now inflames the thus:-Is it expedient to give to ambition of a peasant, because he comthe lower classes of society a new pares himself with those by whom he is and formidable power, without fur- surrounded, and becomes sensible of his nishing, at the same time, some cor superiority; but that, if education were rective principles, by which the exercise generally diffused, this comparative proof that power may be rendered consistent ficiency would be removed—and with it with the tranquillity and safety of the would also be removed that restlessness community? I apprehend that, when of discontent, which now urges him to the question is thus proposed, no man conduct destructive of the public trancan hesitate to answer in the negative. quillity. But this is a very narrow and Will any person then deny that know defective view of the question of general ledge is power! Will any person main education. Individuals, doubtless, are tain, that any mere power can control frequently, by such a comparative proand regulate itself? If the one cannot ficiency, rendered discontented and misbe denied, and the other cannot be chievous ; and I readily admit, that this affirmed, we must come to the conclu. particular inconvenience would be resion, that the only safe system of general moved by a diffusion of instruction education is that which iin parts know which would raise all to one common ledge in connexion with religion, and level of education. Mr. Brougham has thus supplies the corrective principle, told us, as Mr. Hume has already rewhile it bestows the power requiring to marked, and I wish to direct your be controlled. Let us hear no more, attention particularly to the observathen, of an education merely literary tion) that, if the soldier is abroad, so and moral, such as was not long ago likewise is the schoolmaster; and he recommended by a parliamentary come seems to have found gratification in conmittee of education. An education sidering, how effectually the influence merely literary and moral, meaus only of the latter might confound and baffle an education separated from religious the violence of the former. If, my instruction. Such a system of educa- Lord, we do not take care, that the tion could have no other effect than to instruction given by the schoolmaster augment a hundred or a thousand fold be salutary, I do not see that much the power of an unregulated populace, advantage can be gained in the conflict. and to turn it loose upon society, to do If his education be an education of mere its pleasure. I am no advocate for knowledge, it would be a conflict merely ignorance. I do not say, debar the of the force of the mind opposed to the laborious classes from education, that force of the body: it would too probably

be a struggle of the conspirator and the the minds of the peasantry, is its single traitor against a military power. What object. What effect such an education advantage would redound to society may work in their religious opinions, is from such a struggle? The crimes of left to the influence of the divine word. anarchy would be substituted for the The Hibernian Society undertakes only degradation of servitude. Men would that which the Roman Catholic minisbe delivered from slavery only to become ters, if they duly reverenced the written ruffians, powerful to destroy every exis word of God, would do of themselves. ting institution, but not instructed in the If ignorance of the Holy Scriptures be precepts, by the observance of which necessary to the stability of the Church alone the happiness of man can be at. of Rome, it ought to fall, and it will tained in this world, or in the next. Let fall, “ for other foundation can no man us not, then, leave this schoolmaster of lay," and the people will not be long Mr. Brougham to communicate know contented to remain in ignorance, when ledge, without taking the best care in a knowledge of the scriptures shall have our power that it may be beneficial. been brought within their reach. So Let us exert our best efforts, that he may strongly persuaded am I of this truth, be employed, not in opposing mere that, if I could feel myself at liberty to knowledge to mere violence, but in so think only of the probability of overforming the religious character of the turning the Church of Rome, neglectpeople, that the restraints of violence ing, with this view, the hope of instructmay fall spontaneously from them, as ing and improving its actual members, the chains fell from the bands of an I should rejoice in the obstinacy of its Apostle, when an angel was sent from resistance to a scriptural education, and heaven to lead him abroad to the per might even be disposed to encourage fect enjoyment of his freedom. If I that resistance, by declining every expemay now consider it as established, that dient of reasonable accommodation. education, to be useful, should be reli But we are forbidden by our religion gious, few words can be required for to do present evil, in contemplation of proving that such an cducation can be future advantage. Our duty, therefore, imparted only by the perusal of those demands of us to promote, so far as we Scriptures, which have been transmitted may, the spiritual and temporal interests to us for our instruction in religion. The of all with whom we are connected, and only view, indeed, in which it can admit to refer the final issue to the good proany discussion, is at it relates to the vidence of God. education of the children' of Roman The Rev. J. BLECKLEY powerfully Catholics. It is admitted that much handled the same argument, and espeopposition has been given by the Clergy cially urged the value of of the Church of Rome to the Scriptural education of such children. But this

Early Religious Education. opposition has not been sufficient to “If man were to be considered defeat the efforts of the Hibernian So- only in his connexion with society, ciety, which has, notwithstanding, com- education is a public good. But municated the blessings of a religious man is an accountable being, and education to the utmost extent of its has a high and important interest at means; and in no inconsiderable pro stake, beyond the connexions and relaportion to the children of Roman Catho- tionships of time-interests united with sics. That it must speedily give way, I moral and not merely intellectual supecannot entertain a doubt. The peasantry riority. In paradise, indeed, the tree of Ireland are too intelligent to yield of knowledge and the tree of life grew submission long to men who would side by side, and their branches waved retain them in ignorance of writings so as if in salutation of each other. But important to their eternal interests; and in our world of sin, the tree of knowthe Clergy of the Church of Rome will ledge grows alone, unsheltered by the soon discover, if they are not already companion, which, in the days of innoconvinced, that they have placed the cence, bloomed so near it. To employ question of education on a ground, on the Sabbath in ordinary reading is to which the agitation of it must shake the profane its sacred hours, and turn it stability of their Church. The Hiber- from its original design, as a day of nian Society is, indeed, a Society of spiritual refreshing. But fancy a man religious education -not of religious con- on that holy morning, who cannot read, version. That the scriptures of our sal or who is deprived of a book of religious vation should be rendered familiar to instruction to him its hours are a

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