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Is a term applied to a division which is sometimes found in the hoof of the horse, in a direction parallel to its growth, viz., from the coronet downward; and seldom extends more than half way down the wall; it exists, but very rarely, in an horizontal position. In some cases it is brought on by external injury to the hoof; at others it arises from a brittle state of the horny fibres of the foot. The fore-feet are much more subject to Sandcracks than the hinder ones; and if the fissure is permitted to increase after once being observed, lameness to a considerable extent may occur, and not easily cured.

Mr. Blaine says, "Whatever injures the vascular

coronary origin of the hoof, as treads, cuts, or other lesions of the coronet, may also produce Sandcrack. The fissure is not always of a determined depth, being sometimes so superficial as not to penetrate the whole thickness of the horn and occasioning no inconvenience at first. At others, it exactly extends through the horn, but does not divide any of the sensible parts underneath; while sometimes again a lesion of some of these takes place: neglect, and a continuance of work will, however, commonly bring any case, from the slightest into the most aggravated state. When the hoof is completely penetrated, it becomes a most painful affection, and productive of extreme lameness; for the divided edges of the horn are apt, during exercise, to admit the protrusion of the soft parts underneath, which becoming suddenly pressed on by the approximation of the horny edges, exquisite momentary pain is produced. From the injury done to the sensible laminated expansion, there is often a

sprouting of fungus between the divided edges, which greatly aggravates the symptoms.

"Accidents of all kinds injuring the vascular origin of the hoof around the coronet, may occasion Sandcrack also, as treads, stubs," &c.

The Treatment must at all times depend on the state of the complaint. Nevertheless, all cracks should be paired down to ascertain their depth. When it proceeds from brittleness of the hoof, or is but slight, a coat of tar will strengthen the foot; a piece of tape must then be bound over it, and a second coat applied. Some prefer firing when it extends low down the foot. A blister on the coronet will also be serviceable.

When the crack penetrates the crust, and causes lameness, the greatest care is requisite to prevent any serious consequence; and when the hoof has been divided near the coronet it will not heal under six months; before which time it would be imprudent to use the horse even for common ordinary work; it will be beneficial to make use of the bar shoe for some time during the period the crack is closing.


OR ulcer in the coronet of the foot, oftentimes has the same origin as the Sandcrack, and occasionally the one arises from the other; and the cure can only be effected by thoroughly cleaning the ulcer, for which purpose the severest measures are frequently indispensable.

Caustic applications are the best remedies, and

indeed the only things likely to produce a healthy action of the ulcerated surfaces.

Mr. Lawrence recommends that we should "take a small piece of thin India paper, spread over with some butter or lard, then sprinkle about ten grains of corrosive sublimate, finely powdered, over the surface of the paper and roll it up into as thin a roll as possible, and introduce it into the Quittor as far as it will go.

"The horse's head should be tied up for a few hours to prevent him from rubbing it with his mouth, and the tent should be left within the ulcer for three or four days, at the expiration of which time it may be taken out and the diseased part will follow it; after which it becomes a simple wound, and requires nothing more than to be kept clean and defended from the air by a bandage around it."

As in Sandcrack, the horse requires great rest during the progress of this disease; indeed, much danger is attendant on allowing the animal to work at such a time. A perfect knowledge of the anatomy of the foot is requisite in this case as in most diseases connected with the legs and feet of a horse.


THERE are several opinions entertained respecting this harassing and tedious disease; some practitioners asserting it is constitutional, others again considering it essentially local. Be this as it may, certain it is, we often find it the sequent to some other disease of the foot, especially grease, quittor, and thrush. Not unfrequently, however, it originates from carelessness

in the shoeing, and is easier prevented than cured. It belongs, more generally, to the class of heavy draughthorses than to the lighter breed. It consists of a fungous matter, spread by degrees between the horny and sensible parts of the foot, inoculating everything within its reach, and, when far advanced, totally separates the hoof from the frog and sole, a part or the whole which has been found to be diseased.

Treatment. The knife as well as caustic and cautery are often required in this case. After cutting away every portion of the hoof that is dissevered from the sensible portion beneath, chloride of antimony must then be applied as a dressing daily, but at the same time very slightly; great care should be taken also to preserve the feet as dry as possible; and exercise is essential, but not such as would expose him to hurt the diseased foot.

As the cure advances, administer a few gentle purgatives, and feed on bran-mashes.


Is a discharge of matter through the cleft of the frog and heels, arising from acrid moisture, such as dung or urine, penetrating the horny hoof, and thus irritating the sensitive portion of the foot, produces an unhealthy action, whence fissures are formed, and an offensive fluid escapes. Thus it is more frequent in the hinder than in the fore-feet; and horses of every description are liable to be attacked if not properly cared for. It also proceeds from contraction. If not attended to in

time, it is with difficulty removed sometimes it can never be perfectly eradicated; and no error can be so gross as to suppose that such a running is at times beneficial to the health of the horse.

If the animal be young or plethoric, a few doses of physic may be advantageous. With older horses a course of diuretics will suit better.

To stop the running, after washing the parts care

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If this fail, try the following, which must be introduced on a pledget of tow, but as gently as possible :

Blue Vitriol, (powdered)
White Vitriol, (powdered)



well mixed into an ointment.

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During the progress towards a cure, each day the rough edges should be either removed or softened by bathing in warm water.


USED to be but little understood by the farriers of the old school, and it has been reserved for modern science and practice to develope such treatment as will tend to work a cure for this disease among horses that would, not very long since, have been inevitably doomed to the dog-kennel.

Causes.-Nothing so readily brings on this disease,

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