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THIS is when a portion of the intestines protrudes from some cavity in the belly, which is either natural or artificial. But there is yet another kind of hernia, and one more common among horses than the former; this is Strangulated Hernia, and is found on the scotum of the stallion, and on the groin of the gelding; this is very seldom known among mares.

Causes.-Violence produces hernia more frequently than any other cause, horses being urged to perform more than their powers will admit of. When restive, careless grooms, when in haste, will kick the animal in the abdomen; rearing and kicking, struggling during the performance of an operation, all these causes will produce hernia. The rowel of a spur is stated by Gibson to have caused it when pressed too hard against the side.

Symptoms. A general uneasiness, a rolling from side to side, lying down for a few moments, and then rising, as if to procure a relaxation of pain; tumours on the groin, sometimes soft, sometimes hard.

Treatment.-Unless the case is very slight. from the impossibility of tying bandages round the parts affected, it is incurable; if it is recent, some relief may be given by bleeding, and giving oily clysters: fomentation of the part frequently during the day with vinegar and camphorated spirits warmed. Poultices are also used with effect. Girard gives some lengthened advice on this disease; and Blaine may be consulted with advantage by those who wish to study the subject deeply.

Ordinary practitioners are unfit to treat hernia próperly: horses, when afflicted, ought to be put under the care of some experienced veterinarian, when more hopes may be entertained of a cure, than the unskilfu! could effect.


MANY opinions were entertained on this disorder; some doubting its existence in the horse; but who, at the same time, could not account for "some anomalous symptoms on any other pathological view." It is now, however, universally allowed to prevail, and consists of two kinds, acute and chronic. Gibson has written on acute rheumatism, under the name of external pleurisy; it was so called from the intercostal muscles being looked upon as the parts affected, and not unfrequently attended with a couch. Farriers have known it as the Founders, from the stumbling gait not unusual when afflicted with rheumatism in any part.

Causes.-Horses that have been accustomed to warm stables are subject to it when exposed too suddenly to cold or rain; atmospheric transitions of all kinds ought to be carefully avoided, as they are apt not only to produce rheumatism, but may possibly lead to some other disorder.

Symptoms.-The first kind, viz., acute rheumatism, is sometimes forerun with a slight fever, alternate cold and shivering sensations followed by heat; the forequarters and extremities are most commonly attacked.

The limb affected is moved carefully, and bent with great reluctance. Chronic rheumatism is the consequence of the former; especially when it has been seated in the loins and fore-quarters. Sometimes both are affected together, and the animal is unwilling to lie down, from the pain attending his rising.

Cure.-Purges are often administered; and the application of strong camphorated, ammonia embrocations or ointments; gentle exercise, and a moderate degree of warmth kept up in the system. When the purge has taken effect, the following may be given for three nights:Sulphur Assafœtida Ginger Soap

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will give relief to the parts affected, by rubbing it well in frequently. A brush may be used very properly, as friction is found beneficial at times


THIS disorder afflicts many horses on the slightest exertion, which proceeds from their bowels not having a sufficient space to perform the functions of nature, in consequence of their bodies being formed narrow and

lank. It is generally attributable to a greater secretion of fluid in the intestines than ordinarily, from its not being absorbed as it should be. It is not, generally, fatal.

Causes.-Change of food, especially from hay to grass, will produce this complaint-defective makeunwholesome food-exposure to cold. A morbid change sometimes occurs in the secretions of the bowels and stomach, and the organs become irritated, and requires extreme care.

Treatment.-Change of diet will sometimes produce a cure; but, generally, the following will be found useful, and given twice or three times a day :

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and according to the increase or decrease of the complaint. When the attack is very violent, the drink may be made stronger; and a clyster will produce salutary effects. Gruel and rice water, will be found better to allay the thirst in this disorder than cold water.


THIS disease, though often considered in the same light as diarrhoea, is generally of a more fatal nature, from being accompanied with fever; and not unfrequently of inflammation of the mucous lining of the intestines.

Causes. When it has originated in diarrhoea, improper purges of a drastic nature and acrid substances may cause it; defective perspiration, and checking the same too suddenly; unhealthy localities, and unwholesome herbage.

Symptoms. An immoderate discharge of dung, accompanied with a thick and purulent slime. As the disease progresses, blood is passed; the inflammation increases, and the intestines become ulcerated; the mouth gets dry, and the thirst intense. When the extremities get cold, and an involuntary evacuation commences, the result may be regarded as fatal.

Treatment.-Medicines of an invigorating nature will be used with advantage. When inflammation is excessive, you may bleed; and a mustard poultice applied to the bowels may give relief.

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This administered every eight hours for two or three successive times, in some cases will produce a cure. Blaine recommends calomel and opium, to be given liberally. Green herbage has been tried with effect; when convalescent, the animal should not be exposed, as the disorder might return.


THIS disease is so called from the difficulty horses affected with it have in breathing; it affects, generally,

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