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Valuation of Property (Metropolis).

such insertion or correction, in like manner as he might have appealed against the rate.


73. Every poor rate made in the metropolis after the fifth of Form of rate April one thousand eight hundred and seventy-one shall contain and declarathe particulars specified in the fourth schedule to this Act, together with such other particulars as the Poor Law Board may from time to time by order direct, and the overseers shall sign the form of declaration which is given in that schedule before the rate is allowed by the justices. And the justices shall not allow any rate at the foot of which the said declaration has not been added and signed.

Any overseer who wilfully omits to make the said declaration or makes the same falsely shall be liable on summary conviction to a penalty not exceeding five pounds.

74. The entry of the proceedings of the assessment committee Amendment of at any meeting, and of the names of the members who attend that 25 & 26 Vict. meeting, may be signed by the chairman of the next meeting of c. 103. s. 11. the committee, and every entry and minute purporting to be so signed shall be received in evidence in the same manner as if such entry or minute had been signed by the chairman of the meeting at which the proceedings took place, and the members were present.

75. Nothing in this Act shall in any way alter or affect the Saving of mode of valuing or taxing any hereditament which is not included powers to in any valuation list, or which is chargeable according to the value property profits and not according to the gross value, or the mode of not included in charging the occupiers of land subject to a tithe rentcharge in respect of such tithe rentcharge.

a valuation list.

assessment of

houses forhouse duty, income tax, and Licensing Acts.

76. Where for the purposes of the Acts relating to the duty Separate on inhabited houses, or to the duties charged under schedule B. of the Income Tax Act, or to the sale of exciseable liquors, it is necessary to make a separate valuation of any hereditament by reason of its not being separately valued in any valuation list, the value of such hereditament shall be ascertained in the same manner as if this Act had not passed.

Repeal of Acts.

77. The enactments specified in the fifth schedule to this Act, and so much of any other Acts, whether public or local and personal, as authorizes any valuation of hereditaments to be made for the purposes of any rate or tax in respect of which the valuation list is by this Act made conclusive, are hereby repealed, where they relate only to the metropolis absolutely, and in other cases so far as they relate to the metropolis: Provided1. That the provisions of the Acts so repealed shall remain in force until the provision or provisions substituted for them by this Act shall repectively come into operation:

2. That this repeal shall not affect the validity or invalidity of anything done or suffered under any of the said provisions while they remain in force, or any right or title acquired or accrued under any of the said provisions while they remain in force, or any remedy or proceeding in respect

Repeal of

Acts herein


[blocks in formation]

VALUATION LIST for [the parish or place for which the list is made]

in the Metropolitan Union of

being in Union] in the County of

[or not

[graphic][merged small][merged small]

A.B.Overseers of the poor of the
C.D. parish aforesaid.

We do hereby approve the above valuation list, and certify that in determining the gross and rateable value of the above hereditaments the provisions of the Valuation (Metropolis), Act, 1869, have been duly complied with.

Signed this

day of

[blocks in formation]

Note. The two last of the above columns (for gross and rateable value as determined by Assessment Committee) must be filled up, and the totals of those columns must be added up after the objections to the alterations have (if any) been heard, and before the list is finally approved.

Valuation of Property (Metropolis).



Form of Certificate where no supplemental list is sent. We, the overseers of the parish of hereby certify that no alteration has taken place in the matters stated in the valuation list of this parish which renders a supplemental list necessary.

A.B. Overseers of the parish
C.D.] of


Showing the several classes into which the hereditaments inserted in a valuation list under this Act are to be divided.

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Valuation of Property (Metropolis).



RATE for the RELIEF of the POOR of the Parish of

Union, and for other purposes chargeable thereon,

according to law, made this

day of

year of our Lord 18, after the rate of


in the

in the

pound, which is estimated to meet all the expenses for the above purposes which will be incurred before the


[blocks in formation]


WE, the undersigned, do hereby declare that one of us, or some person on our behalf, has examined and compared the several particulars in the respective columns of the above rate with the valuation list made under the authority of the Valuation (Metropolis) Act, 1869, and now in force in this parish (or township), and the several hereditaments are, to the best of our belief, rated according to the value appearing in such valuation list, and do declare that the total of the above rate amounts to pounds

shillings and





43 Geo. 3. c. 161. An Act for repealing the several duties under
the management of the Commissioners
for the Affairs of Taxes, and granting new
duties in lieu thereof; for granting new
duties in certain cases therein mentioned;
for repealing the duties of excise on
licences, and on carriages constructed by
coachmakers, and granting new duties
thereon under the management of the said
Commissioners for the Affairs of Taxes,
and also new duties on persons selling
carriages by auction or on commission

So much as relates to the mode of ascer-
taining the value of houses with respect
to the value of which the valuation list
is conclusive.

in part, namely,

Valuation of Property (Metropolis.)

48 Geo. 3. c. 55. An Act for repealing the duties of assessed taxes, and granting new duties in lieu thereof, and certain additional duties to be consolidated therewith; and also for repealing the stamp duties on game certificates, and granting new duties in lieu thereof, to be placed under the management of the Commissioners for the Affairs of Taxes

[ocr errors]

So much as relates to the mode of ascer-
taining the value of houses with respect
to the value of which the valuation list
is conclusive.

57 Geo. 3. c. 25. An Act to explain and amend an Act made
in the forty-eighth year of His present
Majesty for repealing the duties of assessed
taxes, and granting new duties in lieu
thereof; and to exempt such dwelling
houses as may be employed for the sole
purpose of trade, or of lodging goods,
wares, or merchandise, from the duties
charged by the said Act

So much as relates to the mode of as-
certaining the value of houses with
respect to the value of which the
valuation list is conclusive.


10 Geo. 4. c. 44. An Act for improving the police in and near s
the metropolis

So much of sections thirty and thirty-
two as relates to the ascertaining the
value of any hereditaments with re-
spect to the value of which the valua-
tion list is made conclusive.

6 & 7 W. 4. c. 96. An Act to regulate parochial assessments

Sections one, two, six, seven, and nine.

in part, namely,

in part, namely,

in part, namely,―


in part, namely,

5 & 6 Vict. c. 35. An Act for granting to Her Majesty duties on profits arising from property, professions, trades, and offices until the sixth day of April one thousand eight hundred and forty-five (in this Act called the Income Tax Act)

Section sixty.

No. I.
No. II. par. 1, 3.

No. IV. par. 2, 4.

No. V. (so far as respects
the deductions allowed
by this Act.)

Section sixty-three. No. X. par. 1, 2,
3, 4.
Sections sixty-four, sixty-five, sixty-six,
sixty-seven, sixty-eight, seventy-eight,
eighty-one, eighty-two, eighty-seven,
and any other part which relates to
the ascertaining of the value of lands,
tenements, and hereditaments with
respect to the value of which the
valuation list is made conclusive.

in part, namely,

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