| 1714 - 528 lehte
...Thefe, were my Bread infpir'd with equal Flame, Like them in Beauty, fliould be like in Fame. Htre Hills and Vales, the Woodland and the Plain,, Here Earth and Water feem to drive again : Not, Chaos-like, together crufh'd and bruis'd, But, as the World, narmonioufly... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1717 - 468 lehte
...breaft infpir'd with equal flame, ~f •• — i • . Like them in beauty, mould be like in fame. Here hills and vales, the woodland and the plain, Here earth and water feem to ftrive again^ _ Not Cfttf0j--Iike together crufh'd and bruis'd, But as the world, harmonioufly... | |
| Charles Gildon - 1718 - 490 lehte
...COUNTRY. Thefe, were my Breaft infpir'd with equal Flame, Like them in Beauty, (hould be like in Fame. Here Hills and Vales, the Woodland and the Plain, Here Earth and Water feem to ftriveagain ; Not CVxios-like, together crufh'd and bruis'.d, But as the World, harmonioufly... | |
| 1720 - 302 lehte
...fong: Thefe, were my breaft infpir'd with equal flame, Like them in beauty, flhould be like in fame. Here hills and vales, the woodland and the plain, Here earth and water feem to ftrive again, Not Chaos-like together crufti'd and bruis'd, But as the world, harmonioufly... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1751 - 236 lehte
...Virg. Thefe, were my breaft infpir'd with equal flame, Like them in .beauty, fhould be like in fame. 10 Here hills and vales, the woodland and the plain, Here earth and water feem to ftrive again ; Not Chaos-like together crufh'd and bruis'd, But, as the world, harmonioufly... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1751 - 240 lehte
...crufli'd and bruis'd, But, as the world, harmoniouflyconfus'd : Where order in variety we fee, 1 . And where, tho' all things differ, all agree. Here waving groves a chequer'd fcene difplay, And part admit, and part exclude the day ; As fome coy nymph her lover's warm addrefs... | |
| Joseph Pote - 1751 - 146 lehte
...together crujh'd and bruis'd, But, as the world, barmonioujly confus'd~ Where order in variety we fee, j And where, tho" all things differ, all agree. Here waving groves a chequer' d feene difplaj, i And part admit, and part exclude the day ; — There, interfpers'd in lawns... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1752 - 396 lehte
...Thefe, were my breaft infpir'd with equal flame, Like them in beauty, fliould be like in fame. I a Here hills and vales, the woodland and the plain, Here earth and water feem to ftrive again ; Not Chaos-like together crufh'd and bruis'd, But, as the world, harrnonioufly... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1754 - 264 lehte
...fong : Thefe, were my breail infpir'd with equal fiamo, Like them in beauty, mould be like in fame. 10 Here hills and vales, the woodland and the plain, Here earth and water feera to ftrive again; Not Chaos-like together crufh'd and bruis'd, But, as the world, harmonioufly... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1757 - 280 lehte
...S. Thefe, were my breaft infpir'd with equal flame, Like them in beauty, ftiould be like in fame. TO Here hills and vales, the woodland and the plain, Here earth and water feem to ftrive again ; Not Chaos-like together crufh'd and bruis'd, But, as the world, harmonioufly... | |
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