AND OTHER SERVICES, IN USUM SACELLI ERDINGTONIENSIS, WITH HISTORICAL AND EXPLANATORY ANNOTATIONS "Prayer moves the hand that moves the Universe." BIRMINGHAM: PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY R. WRIGHTSON, BOOKSELLER, for SUNDAYS AND CERTAIN HOLIDAYS. Wednes. Morning. | Evening. || Sund. af. Morning. Evening. f. East. Lesson Hosea 13 Hosea 14 Trinity. Lesson John 11 v. -16 Ezekiel 2 Ezekiel 13 (45 18 Tuesday 24 efore E. -19 Daniel 3 Daniel 6 Lesson Daniel 9 Jerem. 31 -20 Joel 2 Micah. Lesson John 13 -21 Habak after Ascen Deut. 12 Deut. 13 Whit Sun. 8 15 21 24 47 108 48 68-104 145 |