| Homerus - 1720 - 382 lehte
...imagination appear, wWch was-aile to-eloafhall the properties of •dements,- the<3uahficationsofthe mind, the virtues •and vices, in' forms and perfons; and to introduce them into aftiens agreeable to the nature of the things they ftjadow'd ? This is afieM in which no fucceeding... | |
 | Alexander Pope - 1751 - 382 lehte
...thofe fecrets of nature and phyiical philpfophy, which Homer is generally fuppofed to have wrapp'd up in his allegories, what a new and ample fcene of...in forms and perfons ; and to introduce them into actions agreeable to the nature of the things they fhadowed ? This is a field in which no fucceediug... | |
 | Alexander Pope - 1751 - 368 lehte
...fuppofed to have wrapp'd up in his allegories, what a new and ample fcene of wonder may this conuderation afford us ? How fertile will that imagination appear,...in forms and perfons ; and to introduce, them into actions agreeable to the nature of the things they ihadowed ? This is a field in: which no fucceediug... | |
 | Alexander Pope - 1751 - 372 lehte
...Homer is generally fuppofcd to have wrapp'd up In his allegories, what a new and ample fcene of v/onder may this confideration afford us ? How fertile will...qualifications of the mind, the virtues and vices, m forms and perfons ; and to introduce them intoadlions agreeable to the nature of the things they... | |
 | Alexander Pope - 1752 - 438 lehte
...hare wrapp'd up in his allegories, what a new and ample fcene of nder may this confideration afibrd us? How fertile will that imagination appear, which...the properties of elements, the qualifications of die mind, die virtues and vices, in forms and perfons ; and to introduce them into actions agreeable... | |
 | Alexander Pope - 1754 - 346 lehte
...knowledges, thofe s; of nature and. phyfical. philftfophy, Homer is generally fnppofed to have wrapp'd up in his allegories, what a new and ample fcene of...the virtues and vices, in forms and perfons ; and ti introduce them into act.'ons agreeable to the nature of the things they fhadowed ? This is a field... | |
 | Alexander Pope - 1757 - 344 lehte
...is generally fuppofed to have wrapp'd up in his allegories, what a new and ample fcene of wonder mar this confideration afford us ! How fertile will that...aftions agreeable to the nature of the things they madowed ? This is a field in which no fuccceding poets could difpute with Homer ; and whatever commendations... | |
 | Alexander Pope - 1760 - 440 lehte
...his allegories, what a new and ample fcene of wonder may this confideration afford us ? Howfertile will that imagination appear, which was able to clothe...elements, the qualifications of the mind, the virtues and vicetf, in forms and perfons; and to introduce them into actions agreeable to the nature of the things... | |
 | Alexander Pope - 1778 - 448 lehte
...have wrapptd up in his ,iliegir!fs, what a new and" ample fcene of wonder may this confide rat Ion afford us ? How fertile will that imagination appear, which was able to clothe alt the properties of elements, the qualifications of the mind, the virtues and vices, iot forms arid... | |
 | Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 460 lehte
...fuppofed to have wrapped up in his Allegories, what a new and ample fcene of wonder may this confederation afford us! how fertile will that imagination appear,...aftions agreeable to the nature of the things they .(hadowed ! This is a field in which no fucceeding poets could difpute with Homer ; and whatever commendations... | |
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