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sions of immorality, 613; the per-
manence of the evil in a corpora-
tion, 615; the aims of socialism,
617; large price paid for the ad-
vantages of corporations, 619;
regulation of corporations by law,
620; importance of publicity in
the affairs of corporations, 621;
the right of laborers as well as of
capitalists to combine, 622; the
dangers of such combinations,
623; analysis of the subject, 625;
specific instances of wrong do-
ing, 626; the duty of the nation,

Critical Notes, General and, 176,
347, 559, 741.


Dana, James Dwight, note on, 557.
Dana's, James D., Manual of Geol-
ogy, noticed, 369.

Davis's, John D., Genesis and Se-
mitic Tradition, noticed, 371.
Debs Insurrection, The American

Republic and the, article on, by
Z. S. Holbrook, 135; character of
the early New England settlers,
135; the Pilgrims and the Puri-
tans, 137; the compact in the
Mayflower, 138; the Puritan's no-
tion of liberty, 139; Dr. Poole's
opinions of the rise of Congrega-
tionalism, 140; influence of Rev.
Thomas Hooker, 141; sermon
before the General Court of
Massachusetts in 1638, 142; Na-
thaniel Ward of Ipswich, 144;
the Ordinance of 1787, 145;
written by Rev. Manasseh Cut-
ler, of Ipswich, 147; influence
of Congregationalism in pro-
moting the spirit of liberty,
148; defense of Puritanism, 150;
the times have changed, 209; the
growth of foreignism, 211; the
danger of demagogism, 213; un-
reasonable demands of labor or-
ganizations, 215; corruptions of
politics, 217; majorities cannot
change the nature of things, 220;
the originating causes of the
Debs insurrection, 223; nature of
Debs' crime, 225; fallacies of la-
bor unions, 227; recipe for pro-
ducing insurrections in a free re-

public, 228; true sources of hope
for the masses, 230.
Denney's, James, The Second Epis-
tle to the Corinthians, noticed,
375; Studies in Theology, no-
ticed, 766.

Dickinson, Edward, article by, 676.
Doctrine of the Mass at the Coun-
cil of Trent, Formulation of the,
article on, by C. Walker, 629; im
portance of the doctrine, 629; dif-
ferences of opinion in regard to
it, 630; inconsistencies in, 631;
outside pressure in regard to,
631; was the last supper a sacri-
ficial act? 633; institution and
character of the Eucharist as
set forth by the Council, 636;
agreement with Scripture, 637;
differences between sacrifices of
the Mass and of the cross, 638;
word "represent" as used in re-
gard to the Mass, 639; difficulties
in regard to, 641; the doctrine
derogates from sacrifice on the
cross, 644; not the same as the
English communion service, 644.
Dodge's, Harriet Waters Preston
and Louise, The Private Life of
the Romans, noticed, 383.
Dorchester's, Daniel, The Problem
of Religious Progress, noticed,

Driver's, S. R., A Critical and Ex-
egetical Commentary on Deuter-
onomy, note on, 741.
Drummond's, Henry, The Ascent
of Man, note on, 351.


Eaton, T. T., note by, 553.
Egyptian Book of the Dead, The,
noticed, 196.

Ely's, Richard T., Socialism and
Social Reform, noticed, 204.
Erman's, Adolf, Life in Ancient
Egypt, noticed, 195.

English's, William F., Evolution
and the Immanent God, noticed,

Expositor's Bible, noticed, 374.


Farrar's, F. W., The Second Book
of Kings, noticed, 374; The Book
of Daniel, noticed, 576.

Foster, F. H., articles by, 69, 232,

531; book review by, 759.
Future Life in the Pentateuch,
Ideas of the, article on, by T. S.
Potwin, 423; origin of misunder-
standing respecting, 423; expres;
sion in the Pentateuch respect-
ing future life, 424; belief in im-
mortality, prevalent in the an-
cient world,425; especially among
the Babylonians, 427; intercourse
between the Hebrews and their
neighbors in Babylonia and
Egypt, 431; direct evidence in
the Pentateuch for immortality,
433; the meaning of Sheol, 435;
later Jewish views, 437.


Gates, O. H, book reviews by,
365, 763; article by, 587.
Gladden, Washington, articles by,
153, 607.

Giddings', Franklin H., The Theory

of Sociology, noticed, 204.
Greenland Christianity, note on,

Griffis', William Elliot, The Relig-
ions of Japan, noticed, 584.
Gunkel's, Hermann, Schöpfung
und Chaos in Urzeit und End-
zeit, noticed, 763.


Harper's Lectures, President, ar-
ticle on, by Howard Osgood, 323;
prominent position of President
Harper, 323; his own strictures
invite criticism, 324; Gen. i.-xii.,
fundamental portions of Scrip-
ture, 325; but not written until
after the time of Elijah, 325; the
inspiration and history of the rec-
ord, fundamental, 326; but the
objective form of the doctrine of
God grossly defective, 327; the
revelation of God, clear, 328; but
the records, utterly untrustworthy
329; Harper's errors regarding
the historical character of Gene-
sis, 330; the creative days, 332;
the size of the ark, 333; the prov-
ince of the author, compiler, and
editor, 334; the moral ideas of
the writers, 336; the nature of the
Word of God, 336; the imperfec-

tions of the New Testament and
of Jesus Christ, 338.
Harnack's, Adolf, Monasticism,
noticed, 586.

Hayman, Henry, article by, 18.
Herron's Impressionism, Professor,
note on, 561.

Higher Criticism. (See President
Harper's Lectures, 323.)
Historical Argument, The Import-
ance and Limitations of the, ar-
ticle on, by A. T. Swing, 48; im-
portance of the right method, 48;
the difficulty of proving facts, 51;
the importance of rightly empha-
sizing facts, 53; historical char-
acter of geological investigation,
55; of biological, 56; historical
value of literary and biblical crit-
icism, 59; so-called inductive
method of Bible study, 62; influ-
ence of religious philosophy upon
historical investigation, 65; value
of theories and working hypoth
eses, 67.

Historical Study of Religion, On
the, note on, 173.

Holbrook, Z Swift, articles by,

135, 209, 458; sociological notes
by, 180, 359, 564; critical note by,
Holland's, Henry Scott, God's City
and the Coming of the Kingdom,
noticed, 377.

Hutchings, Samuel, article by, 708.
Hyde's, William DeWitt, Outlines
of Social Theology, noticed, 759-
Hymns of Martin Luther: Their
Predecessors and their Place in
History, The, article on, by Ed-
ward Dickinson, 676; relation
of religious art to church history,
676; special interest of the study
of hymnology, 678; peculiar im-
portance of the hymns of Luther,
679; Luther not the founder of the
German congregational hymn,
680; history of the German popu-
lar hymn before the Reformation,
682; poetic and religious qualities
of the pre-Reformation German
hymn, 685; real nature of Luth-
er's contribution to congregation-
al song, a part of his liturgical
reform, 690; Luther as a hymn
writer; originality, and use of
previous materials, 695; influence.

of Luther's hymns on the prog-
ress of the Reformation; their
literary style and religious teach-
ing, 697; the melodies to which
Luther's hymns were sung, 702;
Luther not a composer of tunes,
702; threefold origin of the mel-
odies of the early Protestant
songs, 703; gradual alteration of
these tunes in the seventeenth
and eighteenth centuries, 705;
literary and historical value of
Luther's hymns, 706.


Injunctions and Strikes, article on,
by W. H. Upson, 549: injunc-
tions employed in the fifth cent-
ury, 549; interests rendering in-
junctions necessary, 550; strikes
recorded as early as 310 B. C.,
550; suppressed by injunctions
in the fifth century A. D., 550;
wage-earners specially need the
protection of the law through in-
junctions, 552.

Irenicon, An, article on, by G. F.
Wright, 1; extent of practical
agreement among the parties
contending about the inerrancy of
the Scriptures, 1; uncertainty re-
specting the natural and intended
sense, 4; inerrancy, professedly
limited to the autographs, 5;
some theory of accommodation
held by all interpreters, 6; no
such thing as absolutely literal in-
terpretation, 8; both letter and
spirit, to be duly emphasized, 11;
charges of wriggling and jug-
glery, out of place on both sides,
13; reconciliation of Hodge and
Finney in the doctrine of original
sin, 17.

Isaiah Controversy, The, note on,


Israelitish Monotheism, Early, note
on, 168.

Iverach's, James, Christianity and
Evolution, noticed, 373.


Jacobs', Joseph, Studies in Biblical

Archæology, noticed, 372.
Jewett's, Frances Gulick, Luther
Halsey Gulick, noticed, 583.



[blocks in formation]

MacLean's, J. P. Introduction to
the Study of the Gospel of St.
John, noticed, 585.
Maclaren's, Alexander, Bible Class
Expositions, noticed, 374; The
Psalms, noticed, 375.

McCurdy's, James Frederick, His-
tory, Prophecy, and the Monu-
ments, noticed, 192.

Magoun, G. F., article by, 439.
Marquette Building Strike, The,
note on, 362.

Missions at Home and Abroad, no-
ticed, 771.

Memorial Notes, 553.

Monday Club Sermons, noticed,
Morgan, Thomas, paper by, 779..
Moule's, Handley C. G., The Epis-
tle of St. Paul to the Romans,
noticed, 375.


New Jerusalem, The Descent of
the, article on by W. E. Barton,
29; the Apocalypse, a work of
art, 29; refers to the overthrow
of Jerusalem, 30; to the downfall
of pagan Rome, 31; to the over-
throw of all the power of evil, 31;
to the continual presence of God
with the church, 32; but symbol-


[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Papers of the American Society of
Church History, noticed, 379.
Paul's Phraseology and Roman
Law, article on, by G. F. Ma-
goun, 439; difference between the
Old Testament surroundings and
those of the New, 439; the Roman
use of the word "testament," 440;
joint heirs with Christ, 442; of
adoption, 445, 448 et seq.; of par-
ents and guardians, 446; why this
influence has not been sooner dis-
covered, 454.

Pease's, Theodore C., The Chris-
tian Ministry, noticed, 370.
Pfleiderer's, Otto, Philosophy and
Development of Religion, no-
ticed, 376.

Phillips', Maurice, The Teaching
of the Vedas, noticed, 767.
Porter, Harvey, article by, 113.
Potwin, L. S., note by, 357.
Potwin, T. S., article by, 423.
Prestwich on Some Supposed New
Evidence of the Deluge, article
on, by G. F. Wright, 724; fore-
most in glacial investigations for
forty years, 724; his theory of a
submergence of Western Eu-
rope followed by a series of par-
oxysmal periods of elevation,
since the advent of man, corre-
sponding to the Deluge of Gene-
sis, 725; proved by the distribu-
tion of the Rubble-drift of South

England and North France, 725;
the ossiferous fissures of the same
locality, 729; the loess deposits
of Europe, 735.
Priestly Dues, Harmony of the Pen-
tateuch respecting, article on, by
Henry Hayman, 18; tithes, not
ranked among priestly dues in
Deuteronomy, 18; but Num.
xviii. 20-21, essential to an un-
derstanding of Deut. x. 9; Num-
bers enumerates what the priests
are to receive, Deuteronomy
what the people are to bring, 24;
Deut. xviii. 3 quoted in 1 Sam.
ii. 13, 25: Deuteronomy, incom.
prehensible without reference to
Leviticus-Numbers, 27.

Pullman's Testimony-An Object
Lesson, note on, 180.


Raymond's, Bradford Paul, Chris-
tianity and the Christ, noticed,

Record Books, neticed, 379.
Reed's, David Allen, Outline of
the Fundamental Doctrines of
the Bible, noticed, 373.
Religion and Wealth, article on,
by Washington Gladden, 153;
what is religion, 153; what is
wealth, 154; asceticism, not sup-
ported by the New Testament,
157; the abuses of wealth, 158;
the true nature of wealth, 159;
the importance of wealth, 161;
the distribution of wealth, imper-
fect, 153; what the principle of
distribution should be, 165.
Restricted Communion, article on,
by J. W. Willmarth, 297; the
communion, an ordinance of
Christ, 298; and a church ordi-
nance, 299; qualifications for oc-
casional and constant commun-
ion, the same, 300; baptism, a
prerequisite to communion, 301;
orderly walk in the church, a pre-
requisite, 302; Baptists specially
emphasize the spirituality of the
church, 304; also that immersion
only is baptism, 307; and that
Christ is the sole lawgiver for the
church, 308; Baptist view of
qualifications for communion,
309; danger of the alternatives to


restricted communion, 310; re-
stricted communion, a token of
loyalty to Christ, and a testimony
to the truth, 312; preserves the
true meaning of the ordinance,
314; accentuates the distinction
between church fellowship and
Christian fellowship, 315; is for
the benefit of other Christians,
316; is favorable to Christian
union, good for the world, and
for Baptists, 317; open commun-
ion is Baptist suicide, 318; the
perilousness of the present time
calls for the emphasis of Baptist
principles, 319.

Resurrection Body of Christ, The
Nature of the, article on, by Sam-
uel Hutchings, 708; three views
have prevailed in the church,
708; the first, that it was wholly
spiritual, unsupported, 708; the
second, that it was a glorified
material body, argued, but not
maintained, 708; arguments ad-
duced, are: failure of Mary and
the two disciples to recognize Je-
sus, 709; the manner of Jesus'
appearances and disappearances,
711; Jesus' leaving the tomb be-
fore it was opened, 713; his as-
cension in a glorified body ren-
ders it necessary for him to have
thus risen from the tomb, 714;
the assurances that Jesus' resur-
rection is a pledge of the resur-
rection of believers, 714; the
third view, that he rose in the
same body that was laid in the
tomb, proved by: Christ's ex-
press language, 715; his acts, 718;
the necessities of the case, 719;
view of some, that his body was
gradually changed till his ascen-

sion, 722.

Romanes', George John, Thoughts
on Religion, noticed, 572.
Romans ix. 3, The True Render-
ing of, note on, 357.


Sabatier's, Paul, Life of St. Francis
of Assisi, noticed, 198.
Scriptures, The Authority and In-
spiration of the, article on, by F.
H. Foster, 69; systematic theolo-
gy, progressive, 69; personal po-


sition of the author, 71; Christian
experience fundamental to the
proof of the Bible, 72; answers
to objections, 74; other sources
of knowledge beside the Bible,
77; faith in the Bible confirmed
by the experience of others, 78;
such confirmation necessary for
the conviction of unbelievers, 79;
confirmed, also, by the agreement
of general historical facts, 83; re-
lations of this argument in the
system, 84; the coherence of the
theological system proves the au-
thority of the Bible, 86; so does
the correspondence of experience
with the promises of the Bible, 88;
the Christian system unlocks the
mysteries of the world, 89; the
natural reason incompetent to
prove the existence of God, 90;
or the immortality of the soul,
91; or the divine benevolence, 92;
or to explain the universality of
sin, 92; or the influence of Je-
sus, 92; or to enforce the doctrine
of forgiveness, 93; the true theo-
logical system of the Bible con-
firmed by much independent tes-
timony of the reason, 94; the au-
thority of the Scriptures limited
to the final form of teaching, 232;
the imprecatory psalms, 233; the
authority limited to the moral
and religious sphere, 234; histor-
ical infallibility not claimed, 235;
summary of argument, 236; the
nature of revelation, 237; of in-
spiration, 239; inspiration not
necessary to the existence of
Scripture, 240; the argument for
inspiration, 241; Dr. Warfield
criticised, 243; free use of the
Old Testament in the New, 244;
meaning of 2 Tim. iii. 16, 247;
nature of inspiration should be
determined inductively, 250; dis-
crepancies in the Bible, 251; in-
spiration defined, 255; conclud-
ing remarks, 255.

Semitic and Oriental Notes, 168,

342, 754.

Semitic Sacrifice, The Real Mean-

ing of, note on, 342.
Sewall, J. S., article by, 271.
Small's, Albion W., An Introduc-
tion to the Study of Society, no-
ticed, 204.

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