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415. For a Cough.--Mix vinegar and treacle in equal quantities, and let a tea-spoonful be taken occasionally, when the cough is troublesome. This is the recipe of Dr. James, of Carlisle.

416. Quinsy, or Ulcerated Sore Throat.-Bake or roast three or four large onions or six smaller ones, till soft. Peel them quickly, and beat them flat with a rolling-pin or glass bottle. Then put them immediately in a thin muslin bag that will reach from ear to ear, and about three inches deep. Apply it speedily, and as warm as possible, to the throat. Keep it on day and night, changing it when the strength of the onions appears to be exhausted, and substituting fresh ones. Flannel must be worn round the neck after the poultice is removed.

417. Saline Draught.-Dissolve one scruple of carbonate of potassa, (salt of tartar), in a table-spoonful of lemon-juice, and three table-spoonfuls of water; sweeten with lump sugar, and drink while it effervesces. This is an excellent remedy for sore throats, nausea, &c. .

418. Another.-Dissolve one drachm each of nitric acid and carbonate of potassa in three-quarters of a pint of water; add one ounce each of syrup of orange-peel and spirit of nutmeg, and mix. Two table-spoonfuls to be taken in fevers and inflammatory sore throats.

419. To make Gargles.-For relaxed sore throat, mix five ounces of Cayenne pepper gargle, two ounces of infusion of roses, and one ounce of syrup of roses.

Or, mix with the Cayenne pepper gargle, three ounces of vinegar, three drachms of tincture of myrrh, and four drachms of honey of roses.

For inflammatory sore throats, mix six ounces of infusion of roses, one ounce of tincture of myrrh, and one ounce of honey of roses.

Or, mix one drachm and a half of saltpetre, two ounces of honey, and six ounces of rose water.

For scorbutic gums, mix six ounces of infusion of roses, one ounce of borax, and one ounce of honey of roses.

To make the Cayenne pepper gargle, pour six ounces of boil

ing water upon one scruple of Cayenne pepper; cover it, and let it stand for three hours.

420. To cure Hiccough. This is caused by flatulency, indigestion, and acidity. It may be relieved generally by a sudden fright or surprise, or any sudden application of cold; also by drinking cold water slowly, eating a small piece of ice, taking a pinch of snuff, or anything that excites coughing. Or, take one tea-spoonful of common vinegar.

421. A simple cure for Dysentery-which has never failed.— Take some butter off the churn, immediately after being churned, just as it is, without being salted or washed; clarify it over the fire like honey. Skim off all the milky particles when melted over a clear fire. Let the patient (if an adult) take two table-spoonfuls of the clarified remainder, twice or thrice within the day. This has never failed to effect a cure, and in many cases it has been almost instantaneous.

422. For Diarrhea.-Fill a tea-cup with dry flour, press it down, and cover it with a buttered cloth, tying it very closely; boil it three hours, when turn it out to cool into a hard mass. Grate a tea or a dessert-spoonful of it into peppermint water for children, or into a glass of port wine for adults.

423. Chalk Mixture.-Mix half an ounce of prepared chalk, the same of lump sugar, and one ounce of powdered gum Arabic, with a pint of water. This is an excellent remedy for diarrhoea.

424. Fig Paste for Constipation.-Cut up small one pound of figs, and mix it with two ounces of senna carefully picked over, and one tea-cupful of molasses; stew it till it becomes thoroughly mixed and firm; then cool it. A piece about half as large as a fig will generally be sufficient.

425. Laxatives.-Infusions of Epsom salts and senna are often taken as laxatives, or opening medicines. It is a wellknown fact, that a tea-spoonful of salts in a tumbler of cold water, if drunk before breakfast, is as effectual a dose as the usual ounce. Senna, too, if steeped in cold water, is equally efficacious, and free from the nauseous bitter taste which it has when infused in boiling water.

426. To cure Boils.-Boil in half a pint of milk one tablespoonful of shot; pour it off, and drink it in small doses.

427. To cure a Felon.-A felon generally appears on the end of the fingers or thumbs; it is extremely painful for weeks, and sometimes for months, and, in most cases, cripples or disfigures the finger or thumb that falls a victim to it. But it can easily be cured, if attended to in time. As soon as the pain is felt, take the thin white skin of an egg, which is found inside next to the shell; put it round the end of the finger or thumb affected, and keep it there until the pain subsides. As soon as the skin becomes dry, it will be very painful, and likely continue so for half an hour or more; but be not alarmed. If it grows painful, bear it; it will be of short duration in comparison to what the disease would be. A cure will be certain.


428. We mention several remedies which have obtained popular reputation in these accidents, and which are valuable not only as giving more or less relief, but as being generally at hand, or to be readily procured in every dwelling. They are, wheat flour, which may be thickly sprinkled over the injured parts with a common kitchen dredger, till a perfect crust is formed-an excellent application. Finely-scraped chalk or magnesia, applied in the same way. These act both by excluding the atmospheric air, and absorbing the fluid secreted by the vessels of the inflamed surface. Another application reported to be very efficacious in allaying the pain, is a piece of lint wetted with a saturated solution of carbonate of soda. A poultice of grated raw turnip or potato, applied cold, is quickly productive of ease in slight burns, but requires renewing often enough to keep up the sensation of coldness.

429. Burns.-Apply to, or wrap round the burnt part, some folds of cotton bought in sheets; however severe the pain may be, it will abate in a few hours. Should blisters arise, they may next day be carefully pricked with a needle, so as to break the skin as little as possible; and the cotton kept on till the cure is effected.

430. A remedy for a Burn or Scald.-Apply immediately a thick covering of wool to the burnt part, and bind it on tight; in the course of half an hour very little pain will be felt, and scarcely any blister will remain. As this remedy is so simple, no housekeeper should be without loose wool at hand, in case of an accident. This remedy was discovered by the child of a woolcomber having been dreadfully scalded: its mother laid it in a basket of newly carded wool, whilst she ran for a doctor; when she returned, she found the child fast asleep amongst the wool, and when it awoke the excessive pain had subsided. We have frequently tried it, and invariably with success.

431. For Burns and Scalds.-Plunge the injured part into cold spring or ice water; or, lay on it pounded ice wrapped in linen.

Or, dissolve four ounces of alum in a quart of hot water; dip a cloth into it, and lay it on the part. As soon as it becomes hot and dry, repeat the application.

Apply to a burn, bruise, or cut, the moist surface of the inside coating of the shell of a raw egg; it will adhere of itself, and heal without pain.

432. Efficacy of Vinegar in curing Burns and Scalds.-Vinegar is a great antiseptic and corrector of putrescence and mortification. The progressive tendency of burns of the unfavorable kind, or those that are ill-treated, is to putrescence and mortification. When the outward skin is not broken, it may be freely used every hour or two; where the skin is broken, and if it gives pain, it must be gently used. But, equal parts of tepid vinegar and water applied every three or four hours, is the best rule to be directed by.

433. Vitriol Accidents.-For a burn by vitriol, or any similar cause, lay on, with a feather, the white of eggs mixed with powdered chalk, and immediate relief will follow.

Or, immediately after the accident, plunge the scalded limb in spirit of turpentine, and keep it there a few minutes.

Or, dissolve in water or fresh soap-boilers' lees, a little soda or potash, and apply it instantly, and it will prevent all injury to the person or clothing.


434. Feverish symptoms in young children may be reduced, and often entirely cured by sponging in tepid or cold water, according to the age and condition of the patient. Rest, in a clean bed, after sponging, is necessary. Should the fever continue, a gentle emetic may be given. Cold water is the best beverage in fevers, but if very thirsty, give the child a little

warm tea.

435. Dr. Dickson's cure for a Fever.-When a man is hot, and his skin dry all over, no matter what the cause be, you may bring his condition to the state of health by throwing cold water over him. You may do the same by an emetic. Oh! an emetic has a wonderful power in fever; and the old physicians treated all fevers in the first instance by emetics. They did not trouble themselves much about the cause. The state of the patient was what they cared most about. When he was cold, they warmed him, sometimes with one thing, sometimes with another. When hot, they cooled him; not in the Sangrado fashion of these days, by draining him of his life's blood; but by the employment of an emetic, or by sponging him over with cold water!

436. Easy and almost instantaneous cure for the Fever and Ague. An hour or two before the fit comes on, take a newlaid egg, in a glass of vinegar or brandy, and go to bed immediately.

This very simple recipe has cured a great many, after more celebrated preparations have proved unsuccessful.

437. Cure for Yellow Fever.-The New Orleans Tropic gives the following recipe, which is said to be used with great success in Mexico, in cases of yellow fever: "A tumbler twothirds full of olive oil, well mixed with the juice of two limes, and a tea-spoonful of fine table salt, is the common remedy in that country; that he has seen it used in hundreds of cases, many of them the most desperate he ever saw, and that he never knew it fail to produce a cure in a solitary instance! It some times causes the patient to vomit; in such cases it should be repeated until the stomach will retain it.

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