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Discharge of, to enable ship to reach port of discharge, 234.
Ship must be fit to carry the, 264.

Ventilation of grain, 265.

Conveyance of, to port of loading no part of loading, 281, 602.
Must be ready to be loaded, 281.

To be taken from the shore at ship's risk and expense, 332

To be brought alongside at merchant's risk and expense, 333.
To be taken from alongside at merchant's risk and expense, 338.
Damaged by misconduct of charterer's stevedore, 341.

Expenses incurred in re-adjusting, 352.

Must be ready at port of loading, 366, 605.

The term applies only to goods, 432.

Evidence to prove that cargo is a full and complete one, 466.

When loading of, is not prevented by frost, 508.

When cargo has to be brought from a distance to loading port, 508.
Unavoidable impediment to loading of, 508.

Discharge of, obstructed by quay being blocked, 509.
Balance of, may be detained for balance of freight, 520.
When warehoused, lien not necessarily lost, 524.

Owner may hold, for arrears of chartered freight, 527.

Cannot be taken away after war is declared, 576.

To constitute jettison, must be thrown overboard to lighten the
ship, 611.

Is not jettisoned if capriciously thrown overboard, 611.

When owner of, cannot claim for loss by jettison, 615.

When owner of, can recover for loss by collision, 623.

Owner of, can sue either colliding ship, 623.

Owner of, can only recover moiety of his loss from either ship, 623


Vessel must be fit for reception of, 257.


Construction of, 31, 400, 416, 425.

No general principle of law involved, 32.

Rule as to, 33, 416, 425.

Charterer not relieved from paying demurrage by, 120.

Applies when owner has lien on the cargo, 230.

Of liability, 398.

Agent's liability under, 400.

Terms of each, must be examined, 404.

Restriction of, to certain liabilities, 414.


Breaking of, is not within exceptions, 607


When not liable for acts of master and crew, 15.

When, may be sued for non-delivery of goods, 18.

When, may restrain owner from interfering with the voyage, 96.
Liability of, when shipper, 117.

Not relieved by cesser clause from paying demurrage, 120.

Lien of, who is also master, 124.

Liable if shipper has notice of charter, 134.

Agent of, having notice of charter, 137.

When he is also the master, 138.

If charterer fails to load ship, master must try to get a freight, 144.
Right of, to be allowed freight earned if he pays agreement amount for
not loading, 144.

Not entitled to reduction of freight if he consents to an intermediate
voyage, 146.

May refuse to load vessel other than that named, 151.

Not bound to load vessel of an inferior class, 166.

Obligation to load full and complete cargo, 175.
May load one of several kinds of cargo, 177.

When, must supply ballast, 177.

Not bound to supply cargo in lieu of goods destroyed by fire, 181.
If stowage improper, must protest at the time, 185.

When obligation to load is discharged, 187.

Option of tendering one of several kinds of goods, 196.

Owner guilty of breach of warranty cannot recover damages from, 208.
May refuse to load cargo if owner commits breach of warranty, 209.
May cancel time charter, if voyage be not begun without delay, 218.
Must name a loading port, 224.

Must name a safe port, 225.

Failing to name a port, 227.

Liability attaches to, after ship is placed at his disposal, 242.

Cannot require unloading to be partly in and partly outside the port, 250.
Must have notice of arrival of vessel before lay-days can commence, 268.
Liable if he fails to load in stipulated time, 273.

Not liable if ship not being ready misses her turn, 279.
Duty of, to provide means of discharging, 286, 294.

When shipper, implied contract as to unloading, 297.

Liable for refusing to name wharf or dock, 313.

When bound to supply broken stowage, 320.

Not bound to supply ballast, 330.

Liable for detention of ship for not providing ballast as agreed, 331.
When he has option of shipping two kinds of cargo, 331.

When liable for lighterage, 336.

When not liable for restowage of cargo, 353.


When destination of ship cannot be altered by, 358.
Refusal by, to load excuses owner, 360.

Failure of, to load in agreed time, 361.

Must have cargo ready at port of loading, 366.
To provide and pay for coals, 395.

Limitation of liability of, by cesser clause, 400.

Right of, to make deductions from freight, 449.

Must complete work in time named otherwise demurrage accrues, 502.

Not liable if ship not at loading port by day named, 503.

Cannot lump together days for loading and unloading, 514.

When shipper, has no right to goods till owner's lien satisfied, 527.
When entitled to a lien on the cargo, 537.

Not entitled to salvage unless expressly agreed, 542.

When owner of salving ship, 543.

Not liable when strike arises from custom of the port, 591.

Not bound to load cargo in place of that destroyed by fire, 598.

Not liable to pay freight on goods destroyed by fire, 598.

Not liable for delay in sailing occasioned by ice, 600.

When bad weather is no excuse for, not loading, 641.

Not excused from sending cargo alongside by reason of infectious
disorder, 660.


Nature and legal incidents of, 1.

Must be in writing, 2.

By whom made, 2.

Definition of, 3.

Construction of, varies with the forms used, 4.

Stamp on, 23.

When executed abroad, stamp on, 24.

Cancellation of stamp on, 25.

Construction of, 26, 200, 204.

Effect of alterations and additions in, 34.

Interlineation in, effect of, 35.

Mistake in, effect of, 37.

Effect of written words in printed form, 40.

Meaning must be given if possible, to each part of, 41.

When the written words in, prevail, 41.

Marginal notes in, effect of, 45.

Is generally conclusive of the contract, 48.

Evidence when inadmissible to show party signing, was only an
agent, 91.

When mortgagee of ship has notice of, 101.


Effect of different charter for voyage, 115.

Where shipper has no notice of, 128.

Bill of lading subject to, may be refused by shipper, 129.
Shipper with notice of, 134.

Where charterer's agent has notice of, 137.

Meaning of representations in the, 199.

Representations in, must be construed by the Court, 200.

Duty of court to construe, 200, 204.

Breach of, for more than one voyage, 360.

Construction of, as regards advance freight, 445.

Where, made in ignorance of another, effect as regards freight, 496.
Exceptions in, how to be construed, 566.


Of ship, 166.

Meaning of, 3.


By charterer, meaning of, 232.


Exception of "improper navigation" in, 633.


Charterer to provide and pay for, 395.

By broker requires no stamp, 4.


Regular turns for loading at, 279.

In a charter, 413.


Owner when liable for, 15.

Exception of, 621.

What is necessary to prove negligence in, 621.

When, will be deemed an accident, 622.

From negligence of the carrying ship is not a peril of the sea, 622.
Statutory limitation of owner's liability in case of, 624.

Foundering by, is a peril of the sea, 636.

By negligent navigation of carrying ship is not a peril of the sea, 638.


Evidence as to payment to broker of, 55.

Broker cannot claim, when acting as managing owner, 71.


Right of broker to, 382.
Address, 392.


Begins with arrival of ship, 303.


When covenant is not a, 28.
As to towage of vessel, 169.

Representation when it amounts to a, 201, 210.
Condition to be ready to receive cargo is a, 201.
The words" now in the port of A" amount to a, 203.
That vessel is to arrive at A. by a certain date, 242.
That vessel is seaworthy is a, 261.


Cannot sue shipper having knowledge of bad stowage, 108, 137.
Liability of, under lien clause, 230.

Duty of, to make inquiry as to arrival of ship, 271.

Impliedly bound to take delivery in a reasonable time, 297-299.

When, must procure lighters, 338.

Must take delivery of cargo within stipulated lay-days, 511.
Must give security in case of general average, 545.


No general principle of law involved in, 32.

Varies with the forms used, 4.

No universal rule for, 26.

Principles affecting the, 26.

Is for the judge not for the jury, 26, 200-204.

Which gives effect to all provisions is preferred, 29.

Of printed and written words in, 41.

Of exceptions in, 566.

Of clause "restraint of princes," 570.


Not contemplated by parties will not be made by Court, 29.

Will be interpreted least favourably to the party on whom an obli

gation is imposed, 30.

When terms of, are ambiguous, 30.

Which can be construed in two ways, 30.

Parties to, 57.

Of one partner binds the others, 94.

By one part-owner not binding without authority of the others, 94,

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