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I know not."-The governor, however, at- touch the Christians. Finding the design of tempted to reason with him, paid the most destroying them by the means of wild beasts extravagant praises to the Pagan deities, and ineffectual, Maximus ordered them to be pressed him to sacrifice to Jupiter; but Pro- slain by a sword, which was accordingly bus turned his casuistry into ridicule, and executed on the 11th of October, A. D. 303. said, "Shall I pay divine honors to Jupiter; They all declared, previous to their martyrto one who married his own sister; to an in- dom, that as death was the common lot of all famous debauchee; as he is even acknow-men, they wished to meet it for the sake of ledged to have been by your own priests and Christ; and to resign that life to faith, poets!" Provoked at this speech, the govern- which must otherwise be the prey of disor ordered him to be struck upon the mouth, ease. for uttering what he called blasphemy: his body was then seared with hot irons, he was put to the rack, and afterwards scourged, his head was then shaved, and red-hot coals placed upon the crown; and after all these tortures, he was again sent to prison.

HORRID MARTYRDOM OF ROMANUS. Romanus, a native of Palestine, was deacon of the church of Cæsarea, at the time of the commencement of Diocletian's persecution. He was at Antioch when the imperial When Andronicus was again brought order arrived for sacrificing to idols, and was before Maximus, the latter attempted to de- greatly afflicted to see many Christians, ceive him, by pretending that Tarachus and through fear, submit to the idolatrous manProbus had repented of their obstinacy, and date, and deny their faith to preserve their owned the gods of the empire. To this the existence. While censuring some of them prisoner answered, "Lay not, O governor, for their conduct, he was informed against, such a weakness to the charge of those who and soon after apprehended. Being brought have appeared here before me in this cause, to the tribunal, he confessed himself a Chrisnor imagine it to be in your power to shake tian, and said he was willing to suffer any my fixed resolution with artful speeches. I thing which they might be pleased to inflict cannot believe that they have disobeyed the upon him for his confession. When conlaws of their fathers, renounced their hopes demned, he was scourged, put to the rack, in our God, and consented to your extrava- his body torn with hooks, his flesh cut with gant orders: nor will I ever fall short of knives, his face scarified, his teeth beat from them in faith and dependence upon our com- their sockets, and his hair plucked up by the mon Savior: thus armed, I neither know roots. Thus cruelly mangled, he turned to your gods, nor fear your authority; fulfil the governor, and very calmly thanked him your threats, execute your most sanguinary for what he had done, and for having opened inventions, and employ every cruel art in your power on me: I am prepared to bear it, for the sake of Christ."-For this answer he was cruelly scourged, and his wounds were afterwards rubbed with salt; but being well again in a short time, the governor reproached the gaoler for having suffered some physician to attend to him. The gaoler declared, that no person whatever had been near him, or the other prisoners, and that he would Marcellinus was an ecclesiastic at Rome, willingly forfeit his head, if any allegation being apprehended on account of his religion, of the kind could be proved against him. he was ordered to be privately executed in Andronicus corroborated the testimony of the forest, and was accordingly beheaded the gaoler, and added, that the God whom there. he served was the most powerful of physi- Peter, a Christian, apprehended for the same cause, was executed at the same time and place. Also about this period, Smaragdus, Largus, and Cyriacus, a deacon of the Christian church, were martyred; but the mode of their deaths is not specified.


for him so many mouths to preach the doc. trines of Christianity; " for," says he, "every wound is a mouth to sing the praises of the Lord."-He was soon after ordered to be strangled; which sentence was executed on the 17th of November, A. D. 303.



These three Christians were brought to a third examination, when they retained their constancy, were again tortured, and at length ordered for execution.-Being brought to the amphitheatre, several beasts were let Susanna, the niece of Caius, bishop of loose upon them; but none of the animals, Rome, was pressed by the emperor Dioclethough hungry, would touch them. Maxi- tian to marry a noble Pagan, who was nearly mus became so surprised and incensed at related to him: but she refused the honor. this circumstance, that he severely repre- on account of her being a Christian; which hended the keeper, and ordered him to pro- so enraged the emperor, that she was immeduce a beast that would execute the busi- diately afterwards beheaded by his order. ness for which he was wanted. The keeper Dorotheus, the high chamberlain of the then brought out a large bear, that had household to Diocletian, was a Christian, that day destroyed three men; but this crea- and took great pains to make converts; and ture, and a fierce lioness also, refused to he was assisted by Gorgonius, another Chris


tian, and one belonging to the palace: they | Christians; when the former was torn with were both high in the emperor's favor, but pincers, and the latter chastised; and after they soon proved that worldly honors, and suffering other torments, both were beheaded. temporary pleasures, were nothing when set in competition with the joys of immortality; for being informed against, they were first Sergius was an officer in the Roman army, tortured, and then strangled. and attended the emperor Maximian into There was one Peter, a eunuch belong- Syria. Being accused as a Christian, he was ing to the emperor, who was a Christian of ordered to sacrifice to Jupiter; but refusing, singular humility; insomuch, that he did he was stripped of his military habit, and, any servile office to serve the afflicted, and by way of derision, dressed in women's gave whatever he possessed to those who clothes. He then was forced to walk a conneeded assistance. Having been informed siderable way with nails in his sandals, and against as a Christian, and confessing the had a conclusion put to his suffering by being charge, he was scourged till his flesh was beheaded. Bacchus, an officer of the same torn in a terrible manner; and then salt rank as Sergius, being apprehended at the and vinegar were thrown upon the wounds; same time, underwent similar sufferings, and and after suffering these tortures with the was beheaded on the same day, A. D. 303. utmost tranquillity, he was laid on a gridiron, and broiled over a slow fire, till he expired in the greatest agony.


A Spanish lady, of a Christian family, named Eulalia, who was remarkable for sweetness of temper and solidity of understanding, was apprehended as a Christian. The magistrate attempted, by the mildest Cyprian, known by the title of the magi- means, to bring her over to Paganism, but cian, to distinguish him from Cyprian, bishop she answered him in so ironical a manner, of Carthage, was a native of Antioch. He and ridiculed the Pagan deities with such received a liberal education in his youth, asperity, that, incensed at her behavior, he and applied himself to astrology; after which ordered her to be tortured. Accordingly, her he travelled through India, Egypt, Greece, sides were torn by hooks, and her breasts &c. He afterwards settled near Babylon, burnt in the most shocking manner, till the and being skilled in the Chaldean mysteries, fire catching her head and face, she expired: he employed his talents in endeavoring to this happened in December A. D. 303. draw women from chastity and conjugal The emperor Diocletian falling ill in the faith, and in persecuting the Christians, and year 304, the persecution was carried on by ridiculing Christianity. He became acquaint- Galerius, and the governors of the several ed with Justina, a young lady of Antioch, of provinces, when many fell victims to the high birth, beauty, and accomplishments, zeal or malice of the persecutors; among who had been educated in idolatry, but being whom the following persons are enumerated: converted to Christianity, she induced her Vincent, a Spanish Christian, was edufather and mother to embrace the same faith. cated by Valerius, bishop of Saragossa, who, A Pagan gentleman falling in love with her, on account of his great merits, ordained him and not being able to obtain a favorable re- a deacon. When the persecution reached turn to his addresses, applied for assistance Spain, Dacian, the governor of Tarragona, to Cyprian, who undertook the design, but ordered Valerius the bishop, and Vincent with a treacherous intent; for, under the the deacon, to be seized, loaded with irons, pretence of acting for his friend, he deter- and imprisoned. Some time after, Dacian mined, if possible, to possess the lady him- examined them with great asperity, and self. To effect this, he employed all his threatened them with death, unless they reskill; but his endeavors proving ineffectual, nounced their principles. Vincent, underhe was fully convinced that a superior power taking to speak for both, avowed their full protected her from his evil intentions. His determination to persist in the faith. Herereflections, on this account, caused him to upon Dacian, in a rage at his freedom of search into the truths of Christianity; and speech, declared, that unless he immediately his inquiry became so beneficial, that he re-burnt incense to the gods, he should fall a nounced the errors of Paganism. His repent-sacrifice. But the prisoners being firm in ance was truly sincere; he determined to their resolutions, Valerius was banished, and reform his conduct, and to make every the whole of Dacian's rage directed against amen is in his power for the crimes he had Vincent, who was racked, had his limbs discommitted. He therefore burnt his books of located, his flesh torn with hooks, and he was astrology and magic, received baptism, and became animated with a powerful spirit of grace. His conversion had a great effect on the lover of Justina, and he also in a short time embraced Christianity.

laid on a gridiron, which had not only a fire placed under it, but spikes at the top, which ran into his flesh. In this situation, while one side was broiling over the fire, the other was tormented with red-hot irons, or salaDuring the persecution of Diocletian, manders; and then salt was thrown over the Cyprian and Justina were seized upon as wounds. These torments neither destroying

him, nor changing his resolutions, he was re-and were also starved to death in the same manded to prison, and confined in a dark manner.


dungeon, which was strewed with sharp flints There were eight other Christians torand pieces of glass. Orders were also given tured on the same day as Saturninus, and not to suffer him to have any provisions what- much in the same manner. Two expired on ever, and that the news of his death should the spot, through the severity of their sufbe carried to Dacian, as soon as that event ferings; and the other six being sent back took place. When the keepers thought him to prison, were suffocated for want of a pure starved, they entered the dungeon; but in-air. Thelico, a pious Christian; Dativus, a stead of seeing a corpse, as they expected, noble Roman senator; Victoria, a young lady they beheld Vincent at prayers, his wounds of considerable family and fortune, with some healed, and his body in tolerable health. others of less consideration, who had been This speedy recovery and preservation had all auditors of Saturninus, were seized at the such an effect upon the keepers, that it be-time, tortured in a similar manner, and percame the means of their conversion. Dacian, ished by the same means. however, instead of being softened by these uncommon circumstances, was enraged at the triumph of Vincent over his cruelties; Three sisters, Chionia, Agape, and Irene, and gave orders for new tortures to be pre- were seized upon at Thessalonica. They pared for him, of so severe a nature, as to had been educated in the Christian faith, but make him sink under them. But his malice had taken great precautions to remain unwas again disappointed; for before the in- known. They therefore retired to a solitary struments could be prepared, God took him place, and spent their hours in performing to himself, and he died with all the serenity religious duties. Being, however, discovered of a good conscience, and as much calmness and seized, they renounced their former as if he had only sunk into a gentle sleep. timidity, blamed themselves for being so Dacian then ordered that his body should fearful, and begged of God to strengthen be exposed in the fields to the birds of prey; them against the great trial they had to unbut they not offering to touch it, he com- dergo. manded that it should be thrown into the river, which was done accordingly. His death happened on the 22d of January, 304.


When Agape was examined before Dulcatius, the governor, and was asked, Whether she was disposed to comply with the laws of the land, and obey the mandates of the emperor? she answered, "That, being a ChrisIt was in this year the persecution of Diocle- tian, she could not comply with any laws tian again began to prevail, and many Chris- which recommended the worship of idols and tians were put to cruel tortures, and the most devils; that her resolution was fixed, and painful deaths. The most eminent of these nothing should deter her from continuing in were, Saturninus, a priest of Albitina, a town it." Her sister Chionia replied in the same of Africa: he used to preach and administer manner; when the governor, not being able the sacrament to a society of Christians, who to draw them from their faith, pronounced privately assembled at the house of Octavius sentence of condemnation on them; pursu Felix: having been informed against, Satur-ant to which they were burnt, March 25, ninus, with four of his children, and several A. D. 304. other persons, were apprehended; and that Irene was then brought before the gov their punishment might be the more exemplary and public, they were sent to Carthage, the capital of Africa, where they were examined before Anulinus, the pro-consul of that quarter of the globe.

ernor, who fancied that the death of her sisters would have an effect upon her fears, and that the dread of similar sufferings would engage her to comply with his proposals. He therefore exhorted her to acknowledge the Saturninus, on the examination, gave such heathen deities, to sacrifice to them, to parspirited answers, and vindicated the Chris- take of the victims, and to deliver up her tian religion with such eloquence, as showed books relative to Christianity. But she posithat he was worthy to preside over an as- tively refused to comply with any of them: sembly that possessed a faith of purity and the governor asked her, Who it was that truth. Anulinus, enraged at his arguments, persuaded her and her sisters to keep those ordered him to be stopped from saying any books and writings? She answered, It was more, by being put to a variety of tortures, that God who commanded them to love him such as scourging, tearing his flesh with to the last; for which reason she was rebooks, burning with ho. irons, &c.-Having solved to submit to be buried alive, rather ⚫ been thus inhumanly tortured, he was re- than give them up into the hands of his promanded to prison, and there starved to death. fessed enemies.

His four children, notwithstanding they were When the governor found that he could variously tormented, remained steady in their make no impression on her, he ordered her faith; on which they were sent back to the to be exposed naked in the streets; which dungeon in which their father was confined, shameful order having been executed.

was burnt, April 1, A. D. 304, at the same my friendship, and the emperor's protection, place where her sisters had suffered before and will constitute you one of the magistrates her. of the town." One Agatho, a man of a pious turn of mind, Theodotus displayed great courage and with Cassice, Philippa, and Eutychia, were eloquence in his answer: he absolutely remartyred about the same time; as was Mar- fused to renounce his faith, declined the cellinus, bishop of Rome, who succeeded friendship of the governor, and protection of Caius in that see. He was greatly perplexed the emperor, and treated the idols with the during this persecution; and having strongly greatest contempt. The Pagans on this were opposed paying divine honors to Diocletian, in general extremely clamorous against the who wished to exact them from the people, prisoner, and demanded him to be immediand to appear as a god, he was at length ately punished; the priests in particular rent seized and committed to a dungeon. He suf their clothes, and tore their chaplets, the fered martyrdom, by a variety of tortures, in badges of their offices, through rage. The the year 304. governor complied with their desire, when Theodotus was scourged, torn with hooks, MARTYRDOM OF THEODOTUS AND OTHERS. and then placed upon the rack. After this, Theotecnus, the governor of Dalmatia, vinegar was poured into his wounds, his flesh whose cruelty could be equalled by nothing was seared with burning torches, and his but his bigotry, received the mandate for teeth were knocked out of their sockets. He persecuting the Christians with great satis- was then remanded to prison; and as he faction, and wrote the emperor word that he went, pointing to his mangled body, he said would do his utmost endeavors to root out to the people, "It was but just that Christians Christianity from every place under his juris- should suffer for him who suffered for us diction. Thus encouraged by the governor, all."-Five days afterwards, he was brought the Pagans began to inform against, abuse, from prison, tortured, and then beheaded. and persecute the Christians. Great num- There was one Victor, a native of Ancyra, bers were seized upon, and imprisoned; their accused by the priests of Diana of having goods were destroyed, and their estates con-abused their goddess. For this imputed fiscated. Many fled into the woods, or re- crime, he was seized upon, and committed to tired to caves, where some supported them- prison, his house plundered, his family turned selves by feeding upon roots, and others out of doors, and his estate forfeited. When perished by famine. Many were also starved put to the rack, his resolution failed, and he in the city, by means of the following sin- began to waver in his faith, through the segular stratagem: The governor gave strict verity of his torments. Being carried back orders, that no provisions whatever should to prison, in order to make a full recantation, be exposed to sale in the markets, without God punished him for his intended apostasy; having been first consecrated to the idols; for his wounds mortified, and put an end to hence the Christians were compelled to eat his life.

what had been offered to the devil, or to re- Seven aged women of Ancyra were about frain from food, and perish. The latter this time apprehended for their faith; they dreadful alternative was chosen by many, were examined before the governor, who who, to preserve the purity of their faith, reviled their belief, ridiculed their age, and heroically gave up their lives. ordered them to be delivered over to some

In these dreadful times, Theodotus, a young libertines: on this, one of the fellows, Christian innkeeper of Ancyra, did all that he more bold than the rest, seized upon the could to comfort the imprisoned, and buried eldest of the women, named Tecusa, who the bodies of several who had been martyred, thus addressed him: "What designs, child, though it was forbidden on pain of death. can you have on us, who are worn out with He likewise privately assisted many with age and infirmities? I am now more than food; for having lain in a great stock of corn threescore and ten years old, my companions and wine, he sold it at prime cost. are not much younger; you may look on us Polychronichus, a Christian, being seized, as so many rotten carcasses, as we shall soon forfeited his faith, in order to preserve his be, for the governor after death refuses us life, and informed against his friend Theo- burial." Then lifting up her veil, she showed dotus, who, hearing of his treachery, sur- him her gray hairs, and added, “You may, rendered himself to the governor, of his own perhaps, have a mother, of nearly the same accord.

age as myself; this should give you some On his arrival in the court, he surveyed respect for us."-The young men were so the instruments of torture with a smile, and affected with this speech, that they desisted, seemed totally regardless of their effects. and immediately returned to their homes. When placed at the bar, the governor in- The governor, on the failure of his design formed him, that it was still in his power to of having them prostituted, determined to save himself, by sacrificing to the gods of the compel them to assist in the idolatrous rites empire; "and," he continued, "if you re- of washing the goddesses Minerva and Diana: nounce your faith in Christ, I promise you for in Ancyra it was the custom annually to

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