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back all them creatures love my lady extremely, delay. Shall we make Marplot of the party? Mir. Go, go, dear Gardy! I hope I shall Mir. If you'll run the hazard, sir George; I believe he means well.

recover it.

Sir F. B'ye, b'ye, dearee! Ah, mischief! how Mar. Nay, nay, for my part I desire to be you look now! B'ye, b'ye. [Exit. let into nothing; I'll be gone, therefore pray and don't mistrust me.

Mir. Scentwell, see him in the coach, bring me word.

Scent. Yes, madam.

[Going. Sir G. So now he has a mind to be gone [Exit. to Charles: but not knowing what affairs he friend a may have upon his hands at present, I'm resolv'd he shan't stir. [Aside] No, Mr. Marplot, Mar. Why, look you, madam, if I have you must not leave us; we want a third percommitted a fault, thank yourself; no man is son. [Takes hold of him.

Mir. So, sir, you have done your signal piece of service, I suppose.

more serviceable when I am let into a secret, Mar. I never had more mind to be gone and none more unlucky at finding it out. in my life.

Who could divine your meaning; when you Mir. Come along then; if we fail in the talk'd of a blunderbuss, who thought of a voyage, thank yourself for taking this ill-starr'd rendezvous? and when you talk'd of a monkey, gentleman on board.

who the devil dreamt of sir George?

Sir G. That vessel ne'er can unsuccessful

Mir. A sign you converse but little with our sex, when you can't reconcile contradictions. Whose Enter SCENTWELL.

Scent. He's gone, madam, as fast as the coach and six can carry him—


Sir G. Then I may appear.

[blocks in formation]

[Exeunt Sir George and Miranda. Mar. Tyty ti, tyty t

[Steals off the other Way.


Sir G. Marplot! Marplot!

Mar, [Entering] Here! I was coming, sir George. you

Mar. Here's pug, ma'am-Dear sir George! make my peace, on my soul I never took for a monkey before.



Sir G. I dare swear thou didst not. Madam, SCENE I.—A Room in SIR FRANCIS GRIPE'S I beg you to forgive him.

Mir. Well, sir George, if he can be secret. Mar. 'Odsheart, madam! I'm as secret as a priest when trusted.

Sir G. Why 'tis with a priest our business is at present.


Enter MIRANDA, PATCH, and SCENTWELL. Mir. Well, Patch, I have done a strange bold thing; my fate is determin'd, and expectation is no more. Now to avoid the imper

Scent. Madam, here's Mrs. Isabinda's wo-tinence and roguery of an old man, I have

man to wait on you.

Mir. Bring her up.

Enter PATCH.

How do ye, Mrs. Patch? What news from your lady?

thrown myself into the extravagance of a young one; if he should despise, slight, or use me ill, there's no remedy from a husband but the grave, and that's a terrible sanctuary to one of my age and constitution.

Patch. O! fear not, madam; you'll find your Patch. That's for your private ear, madam. account in sir George Airy; it is impossible Sir George, there's a friend of yours has an a man of sense should use a woman ill, enurgent occasion for your assistance.

Sir G. His name. Patch. Charles.

Mar. Ha! then there's something a-foot that I know nothing of. [Aside] I'll wait on you, sir George.

Sir G. A third person may not be proper, perhaps. As soon as I have dispatched my own affairs I am at his service. I'll send my servant to tell him I'll wait on him in half an hour.

Mir. How came you employed in this message, Mrs. Patch?

dued with beauty, wit, and fortune. It must be the lady's fault if she does not wear the unfashionable name of wife easy, when nothing but complaisance and good humour is requisite on either side to make them happy.

Mir. I long till I am out of this house, lest any accident should bring my guardian back. Scentwell, put my best jewels into the little casket, slip them into thy pocket, and let us march off to sir Jealous's.

Scent. It shall be done, madam. [Exit. Patch. Sir George will be impatient, madam. If their plot succeeds, we shall be well Patch. Want of business, madam; I am receiv'd; if not, he will be able to protect us. discharg'd by my master, but hope to serve Besides, I long to know how my young my lady still. fares.

Mir. How! discharg'd! you must tell me the whole story within.

Patch. With all my heart, madam. Mar. Tell it here, Mrs. Patch.-Pish! pox! I wish I were fairly out of the house. I find marriage is the end of this secret; and now I'm half mad to know what Charles wants him for.


Mir. Farewell, old Mammon, and thy detested walls! Twill be no more sweet sir Francis! I shall be compell'd the odious task of dissembling no longer to get my own, and coax him with the wheedling names of my precious, my dear, dear Gardy! O heavens! Enter SIR FRANCIS GRIPE, behind. Sir G. Madam, I'm doubly press'd by love Sir F. Ah, my sweet Chargy! don't be and friendship. This exigence admits of no frighted: [She starts] but thy poor Gardy has


been abus'd, cheated, fool'd, betray'd; but no-
body knows by whom.

Mir. Undone, past redemption! [Aside.
Sir F. What, won't you speak to me, Chargy?

[blocks in formation]

Mir. I am so surpris'd with joy to see you, SCENE II.-An Apartment in the House of I know not what to say.

Sir F. Poor, dear girl! But do you know that my son, or some such rogue, to rob or murder me, or both, contriv'd this journey? for upon the road I met my neighbour Squeezum well, and coming to town.

Mir. Good lack! good lack! what tricks are there in this world!



Serv. Sir, here's a couple of gentlemen inquire for you; one of them calls himself signior Diego Babinetto.

Sir J. Ha! Signior Babinetto! admit 'em instantly-joyful minute; I'll have my daughter

Re-enter SCENTWELL, with a diamond Neck-married to-night. lace in her Hand, not seeing SIR FRANCIS. Scent. Madam, be pleas'd to tie this neck-Enter CHARLES in a Spanish habit, with lace on, for I can't get into theSIR GEORGE AIRY, dressed like a Merchant. Senhor, beso las manos: vuestra merced es

[Seeing Sir Francis.

Mir. The wench is a fool, I think! Could muy bien venido en esta tierra. you not have carried it to be mended without putting it in the box?

Sir F. What's the matter?

Charles. Senhor, soy muy humilde, y muy obligado cryado de vuestra merced: mi padre embia a vuestra merced, los mas profondos Mir. Only, dearee! I bid her, I bid her-de sus respetos; y a commissionado este merYour ill-usage has put every thing out of my cadel Ingles, de concluyr un negocio, que me head. But won't you go, Gardy, and find out haze el mas dichoss hombre del mundo, hathese fellows, and have them punished, and, ziendo me su yerno.


Sir J. I am glad on't, for I find I have lost

Sir F. Where should I look for them, child? much of my Spanish. Sir, I am your most no, I'll sit me down contented with my safety, humble servant. Signior don Diego Babinetto nor stir out of my own doors till I go with has informed me that you are commissioned thee to a parson. by signior don Pedro, etc. his worthy fatherSir G. To see an affair of marriage con

Mir. If he goes into his closet I am ruin'd. [Aside] Oh, bless me! In this fright I had summated between a daughter of yours and forgot Mrs. Patch. signior Diego Babinetto his son here. True, Patch. Ay, madam, and I stay for your sir, such a trust is repos'd in me, as that letspeedy answer. ter will inform you.-I hope 'twill pass upon him. [Aside. Gives him a Letter. Sir J. Ay, 'tis his hand. [Seems to read. Sir G. Good, you have counterfeited to a nicety, Charles. [Aside to Charles. Sir J. Sir, I find by this that you are a man of honour and probity; I think, sir, he calls you Meanwell.

Mir. I must get him out of the house. Now assist me, fortune! [Aside. Sir F. Mrs. Patch! I profess I did not see you: how dost thou do, Mrs. Patch? Well, don't you repent leaving my Chargy?

Patch. Yes, every body must love her-but I come now-Madam, what did I come for? my invention is at the last ebb.

Sir G. Meanwell is my name, sir. [Aside to Miranda. Sir J. A very good name, and very signiSir F. Nay, never whisper, tell me. ficant. For to mean well is to be honest, and Mir. She came, dear Gardy! to invite me to be honest is the virtue of a friend, and a to her lady's wedding, and you shall go with friend is the delight and support of human me, Gardy; 'tis to be done this moment, to a society.

Spanish merchant. Old sir Jealous keeps on Sir G. You shall find that I'll discharge the his humour: the first minute he sees her, the part of a friend in what I have undertaken, sir Jealous. Therefore, sir, I must entreat the

next he marries her.

Sir F. Ha, ha, ha, ha! I'd go if I thought presence of your fair daughter, and the assistthe sight of matrimony would tempt Chargy ance of your chaplain; for signior don Pedro to perform her promise. There was a smile, strictly enjoined me to see the marriage rites there was a consenting look, with those pretty performed as soon as we should arrive, to twinklers, worth a million! 'Ods-precious! avoid the accidental overtures of Venus. am happier than the great mogul, the emperor Sir J. Overtures of Venus! of China, or all the potentates that are not in Sir G. Ay, sir; that is, those little hawking the wars. Speak, confirm it, make me leap females that traverse the park and the playout of my skin. house to put off their damag'd ware- they Mir. When one has resolved, 'tis in vain fasten upon foreigners like leeches, and watch to stand shilly-shally. If ever I marry, posi- their arrival as carefully as the Kentish_men tively this is my wedding-day. do a shipwreck: I warrant you they have heard

Sir J. Nay, I know this town swarms with

Sir F. Oh! happy, happy man-Verily, I of him already. will beget a son the first night shall disinherit that dog Charles. I have estate enough to them. purchase a barony, and be the immortalizing the whole family of the Gripes.

Mir. Come then, Gardy, give me thy hand; let's to this house of Hymen.

Sir G. Ay, and then you know the Spaniards are naturally amorous, but very constant; the first face fixes 'em; and it may be very dangerous to let him ramble ere he is tied,

Isa. Oh! never, never!


Sir J. Pat to my purpose 1)-Well, sir, there is but one thing more, and they shall Could I suspect that falsehood in my heart, be married instantly. Charles. Pray heaven that one thing more And straight present him with the treach'rous I would this moment tear it from my breast, don't spoil all.



Sir J. Don Pedro wrote me word, in his last but one, that he designed the sum of five you in love with? Don't provoke me, for by Sir J. Falsehood! why, who the devil are thousand crowns by way of jointure for my St. Iago I shall beat you, housewife. daughter, and that it should be paid into my upon the day of marriage


Charles. Oh, the devil!

Sir G. Sir Jealous, you are too passionate. Give me leave, I'll try by gentle words to [Aside. work her to your purpose.

Sir J. I pray do, Mr. Meanwell, I pray do;

Sir J. In order to lodge it in some of our funds in case she should become a widow, she'll break my heart. [Weeps] There is in and return to EnglandSir G. Pox on't! this is an unlucky turn. sand pounds, which were her mother's, and that casket jewels of the value of three thouWhat shall I say? Sir J. And he does not mention one word my estate upon her now, and the whole when [Aside. a paper wherein I have settled one-half of of it in this letter. Sir G. Humph! True, sir Jealous, he told else by St. Iago, I'll turn her out of doors to I die, but provided she marries this gentleman, me such a thing, but, but, but, but-he, he, beg or starve. he, he he did not imagine that you would pray do. Tell her this, Mr. Meanwell, insist upon the very day; for, for, for, for [Walks toward Charles. Šir G. Ha! this is beyond expectation money, you know, is dangerous returning by Trust to me, sir, I'll lay the dangerous conCharles. Zounds! say we have brought it before her, I warrant you. Come, madam, do sequence of disobeying you at this juncture in commodities. [Aside to Sir George. not blindly cast your life away just in the Sir G. And so, sir, he has sent it in mer-moment you would wish to save it. chandize, tobacco, sugars, spices, lemons, and so forth, which shall be turned into money no wish but sudden death to free me from Isa. Pray cease your trouble, sir: I have with all expedition: in the mean time, sir, if you this hated Spaniard. If you are his friend,

sea, an, an, an

please to accept of my bond for performance-inform him what I say. Sir J. It is enough, sir; I am so pleas'd

with the countenance of signior Diego, and strive to shun, should be the very man to Sir G. Suppose this Spaniard, which you the harmony of your name, that I'll take your whom you'd fly? word, and will fetch my daughter this moment. Isa. Ha! Within there.

Enter Servant.

Desire Mr. Tackum, my neighbour's chaplain, to walk hither.

Serv. Yes, sir.


Sir G. Would you not blame your rash resolve, and curse your eyes that would not

look on Charles?

Isa. On Charles! Where is he? Sir. J. Gentlemen, I'll return in an instant. you'll ruin all. Your father believes him to Sir G. Hold, hold, hold. 'Sdeath! madam, [Rises. Sir G. 'Egad, that five thousand crowns had pray madam. [He runs to Sir Jealous] She [Exit. be signior Babinetto. Compose yourself a little, like to have ruined the plot. Charles. But that's over; and if fortune throws

no more rubs in our way

Sir G. Thou'lt carry the prize-But hist! here he comes.


Sir J. Come along, you stubborn baggage, you! come along.

Isa. Oh! hear me, sir, hear me but speak one word;

Do not destroy my everlasting peace;
My soul abhors this Spaniard you have chose.
Sir J. How's that?'


Isa. Let this posture move your tender na-
For ever will I hang upon these knees,
Nor loose my hands till you cut off my hold,
If you refuse to hear me, sir.

Sir J. Did you ever see such a perverse slut? Off, I say. Mr. Meanwell, pray help ne a little.

Sir G. Rise, madam, and do not disoblige your father, who has provided a husband worthy of you, one that will love you equal with his soul, and one that you will love, when once you know him.

1) Pat means, exactly.

turned out of doors has done it. Speak gently
begins to hear reason, sir; the fear of being
her face.
to her, sir; I'm sure she'll yield; I see it in

Sir J. Well, Isabinda, can you refuse to
you happy.
bless a father whose only care is to make

I am all obedience.
Isa. Oh, sir! do with me what you please;

Sir J. And wilt thou love him?
Isa. I will endeavour it, sir.

Enter Servant.

Serv. Sir, here is Mr. Tackum.

Servant]-Senhor tome vind sueipora: cette Sir J. Show him into the parlour. [Exit momento les junta les manos.

Charles. Senhor, yo la recibo como se deve [Gives her to Charles. un tesora tan grande. Embraces her. Who, by his art, will join this pair for life, Sir J. Now, Mr. Meanwell, let's to the parson, Make me the happiest father, her the happiest SCENE III.-The Street before SIR JEALOUS wife. [Exeunt.


Mar. I have hunted all over the town for

Sir J. Nothing at all, sir! Why then what
business have you in my house, ha?
Serv. You said you wanted a gentleman in
|a Spanish habit.

Charles, but can't find him, and by Whisper's his voice; I shall be beaten again.
scouting at the end of the street, I suspect he
must be in the house again. I am informed
too that he has borrowed a Spanish habit out
of the playhouse: what can it mean?

to him out of the House.

Hark'e, sir, do you belong to this house?
Serv. Yes, sir.

Mar. Isn't your name Richard?
Sero. No, sir; Thomas.

Mar. Why ay, but his name is neither Babinetto nor Meanwell.

Sir J. What is his name then, sirrah? Ha! now I look at you again, I believe you are the rogue that threatened me with half a dozen myrmidons

Mar. Me, sir! I never saw your face in all

Mar. Oh, ay, Thomas - Well, Thomas, my life before. there's a shilling for you.

- Sero. Thank you, sir.

Sir J. Speak, sir; who is it you look for?

or, or

Mar. Pray, Thomas, can you tell if there Mar. A terrible old dog! [Aside] Why, be a gentleman in it in a Spanish habit? sir, only an honest young fellow of my acSero. There's a Spanish gentleman within quaintance-I thought that here might be a that is just a-going to marry my young lady, sir. ball, and that he might have been here in a Mar. Are you sure he is a Spanish gentleman? masquerade.-'Tis Charles, sir Francis Gripe's Serv. I'm sure he speaks no English that I son,-because I knew he us'd to come hither hear of.


| sometimes.

Mar. Then that can't be him I want, for 'tis Sir J. Did he so?-Not that I know of, I'm an English gentleman that I inquire after; he sure. Pray heaven that this be don Diegomay be dressed like a Spaniard, for aught I If I should be trick'd now-Ha! my heart mis| gives me plaguily - Within there! stop the Sero. Ha! who knows but this may be an marriage-Run, sirrah, call all my servants! impostor? I'll inform my master, for if he I'll be satisfied that this is signior Pedro's son should be impos'd upon, he'll beat us all round, ere he has my daughter. [Aside] Pray come in, sir, and see if this be the person you inquire for.

Mar. Ay, I'll follow you-Now for it. [Exeunt. SCENE IV.The Inside of the House. Enter MARPLOT and Servant. Serv. Sir, please to stay here; I'll send my master to you. [Erit. Mar. So, this was a good contrivance. If this be Charles now, he will wonder how I found him out.

Mar. Ha! sir George! what have I done now? Enter SIR GEORGE AIRY, with a drawn Sword, between the Scenes.

Sir G. Ha! Marplot here-oh, the unlucky dog-What's the matter, sir Jealous?

Sir J. Nay, I don't know the matter, Mr. Meanwell.

Mar. Upon my soul, sir George

[Going up to Sir George. Sir J. Nay then, I'm betray'd, ruin'd, undone.-Thieves, traitors, rogues! [Offers to go in] Stop the marriage, I say

Re-enter Servant and SIR JEALOUS TRAFFICK.
Sir G. I say go on, Mr. Tackum.-Nay, no
Sir J. What is your earnest business. entering here; I guard this passage, old gen-
blockhead! that you must speak with me be-tleman: the act and deed were both your

fore the ceremony's past? Ha! who's this?

Sero. Why this gentleman, sir, wants another gentleman in a Spanish habit, he says. Sir J. In a Spanish habit! 'tis some friend of signior don Diego's, I warrant. Sir, your


[blocks in formation]

Sir J. I say, I suppose you would speak with signior Babinetto?

Mar. Hey-day! what the devil does he say now? [Aside] Sir, I don't understand you. Sir J. Don't you understand Spanish, sir? Mar. Not I indeed, sir.

Sir J. I thought you had known signior Babinetto.

Mar. Not I, upon my word, sir.

Sir J. What then, you'd speak with his friend, the English merchant, Mr. Meanwell? Mar. Neither, sir, not I; I don't mean any such thing.

Sir J. Why, who are you then, sir? and what do you want? [ In an angry Tone. Mar. Nay, nothing at all, not I, sir. - Pox on him! I wish I were out; he begins to exalt|

own, and I'll see 'em sign'd, or die for't.

Enter Servant.

Sir J. A pox on the act and deed! — Fall on, knock him down.

Sir G. Ay, come on, scoundrels! I'll prick your jackets for you.

| you.

Sir J. Zounds! sirrah, I'll be reveng'd on [Beats Marplot. Sir G. Ay, there your vengeance is due. Ha, ha!

Mar. Why, what do you beat me for? I han't married your daughter.

Sir J. Rascals! why don't you knock him down?

Sero. We are afraid of his sword, sir; if you'll take that from him, we'll knock him down presently.

Sir J. Seize her then.

Charles. Rascals, retire; she's my wife; touch her if you dare; I'll make dogs'-meat of you.

Mar. Ay, I'll make dogs'-meat of you, rascals. Sir J. Ah! downright English-Oh, ob, oh, oh!

Enter SIR FRANCIS GRIPE and MIRANDA. Mar. Now how the devil could she get those Sir F. Into the house of joy we enter with-writings, and I know nothing of it? out knocking-Ha! I think 'tis the house of Sir F. What, have you robb'd me too, sorrow, sir Jealous. mistress? 'Egad, I'll make you restore 'emSir J. Oh, sir Francis, are you come? hussy, I will so. What! was this your contrivance, to abuse, Sir J. Take care I don't make you pay the

trick, and chouse me out of my child? arrears, sir. 'Tis well 'tis no worse, since 'tis Sir F. My contrivance! what do you mean? no better. Come, young man, seeing thou Sir J. No, you don't know your son there hast outwitted me, take her, and bless you both! in a Spanish habit? Charles. I hope, sir, you'll bestow your blessing too; 'tis all I ask. [Kneels. Mar. Do, Gardy, do. Sir F. Confound you all!

Sir F. How! my son in a Spanish habit! Sirrah, you'll come to be hang'd. Get out of my sight, ye dog! get out of my sight.

Sir J. Get out of your sight, sir! get out with your bags. Let's see what you'll give him now to maintain my daughter on.


Mar. Mercy upon us, how he looks! Sir G. Ha, ha, ha! ne'er mind his curses, Charles; thou'lt thrive not one jot the worse Sir F. Give him! he shall never be the for 'em. Since this gentleman is reconcil'd better for a penny of mine-and you might we are all made happy. have look'd after your daughter better, sir Jealous. Trick'd, quotha! 'Egad, I think you design'd to trick me: but lookye, gentlemen, believe I shall trick you both. This lady is my wife, do you see, and my estate shall descend only to her children.

Sir G. I shall be extremely obliged to you, sir Francis.

Sir F. Ha, ha, ha, ha! poor sir George! does not your hundred pounds stick in your stomach? ha, ha, ha!

Sir G. No, faith, sir' Francis, this lady has given me a cordial for that.

[Takes her by the Hand. Sir F. Hold, sir, you have nothing to say to this lady.

Sir G. Nor you nothing to do with my wife, sir.
Sir F. Wife, sir!

Mir. Ay, really, guardian, 'tis even so. I hope you'll forgive my first offence.

Sir J. I always lov'd precaution, and took care to avoid dangers; but when a thing was past, I ever had philosophy to be easy.

Charles. Which is the true sign of a great soul. I lov'd your daughter, and she me, and you shall have no reason to repent her choice. Isa. You will not blame me, sir, for loving my own country best.

Mar. So here's every body happy, I find, but poor Pilgarlick. I wonder what satisfaction I shall have for being cuff'd, kick'd, and beaten in your service!

Sir J. I have been a little too familiar with you as things are fallen out; but since there's no help for't, you must forgive me.

Mar. 'Egad, I think so-but provided that you be not so familiar for the future.

Sir G. Thou hast been an unlucky rogue.
Mar. But very honest.

Charles. That I'll vouch for, and freely for

Sir G. And I'll do you one piece of service more, Marplot; I'll take care that sir Francis makes you master of your estate.

Sir F. What, have you chous'd me out of give thee. my consent and your writings then, mistress, ha? Mir. Out of nothing but my own, guardian. Sir J. Ha, ha, ha! 'tis some comfort at least to see you are over-reach'd as well as myself. Will you settle your estate upon your son now? Sir F. He shall starve first.

Mir. That I have taken care to prevent. There, sir, are the writings of your uncle's estate, which have been your due these three years. [Gives Charles Papers. Charles. I shall study to deserve this favour.

Mar. That will make me as happy as any of you. Sir J. Now let us in, and refresh ourselves with a cheerful glass, in which we'll bury all animosities; and

By my example let all parents move,
And never strive to cross their children's love;
But still submit that care to Providence above.


CIEBER was born on the 6th of November, O. S. 1671. His father, Cajus Gabriel Cibber, was a native of Hol stein, and came into England, to follow his profession of a statuary, some time before the restoration of King Charles II. His mother was the daughter of William Colley, Esq. of Glaiston in Rutlandshire, In 1682 he was sent to the freeschool of Grantham in Lincolnshire, where he stayed till he got through it, from the lowest form to the uppermost; and such learning as that school could give him is, as he himself acknowledges, the most he could pretend to. On leaving the school, our author came to Nottingham, and found his father in arms there among the forces which the Earl of Devonshire had raised to aid the Prince of Orange, afterwards King William III, who had landed in the west. The old man, considering this a very proper season for a young, fellow to distinguish himself in, entreated the Earl of Devonshire to accept of his son in his room, which his Lordship not only consented to, but even promised, that, when affairs were settled, he would further provide for him. During his period of attendance on this nobleman, however, a frequent application to the amusements of the theatre awakened in him his passion for the stage, which he seemed now determined on pursuing as his summum bonum, and, in spite of father, mother, or friends, to fix on as his ne plus ultra. From 1689 to 1711 we find him working through the difficulties of a poor salary at the theatre and the supporting by the help of his pen a numerous family of children. In 1711 he became united, as joint-patentee with Collier, Wilks, and Dogget, in the management of Drury Lane theatre; and afterwards in a like partnership with Booth, Wilks, and Sir Richard Steele. During this latter period, which did not entirely end till 1751, the English stage was perhaps in the most flourishing state it ever enjoyed. After a number of years, passed in the utmost ease, gaiety, and good-humour, he departed this life, at Islington, on the 12th of December 1757; his man-servant (whom he had talked to by his bed

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