A FOURTH COLLECTION OF SCARCE and VALUABLE TRACT S, ON THE MOST Interefting and Entertaining Subjects: But chiefly fuch as relate to the History and Constitution of these Kingdoms. Selected from an infinite Number in Print and Manufcript, in the ROYAL, Particularly that of the Late LORD SOMERS. Revised by EMINENT HANDS. VOL III. The Bent and Genius of the Age is best known, in a free Country, by the Pamphlets Judex qui aliquid ftatuit, unâ parte auditâ tantum, & inauditâ alterâ, licet æquum LONDON: Printed for F. COGAN, at the Middle-Temple-Gate, in Fleet-Street. MDCCLI. NEW YORK A FOURTH COLLECTION O F TRACT S. A new Teft of the Church of England's Loyalty: Or, Whiggish Loyalty and Church Loyalty compared. By Daniel D'Foe. 1702. I Nall the unhappy Contentions among Parties and Factions, in this brangling Nation, the Champions of the Church of England, as they wou'd have themselves call'd, have laid it down as the diftinguishing Mark of their Hierarchy, that it is her Practice, and has been deriv'd from her very Conftitution, as well as Doctrine, to fix in all her Members Principles of unfhaken Loyalty to her Prince, entire and undifputed Obedience to all her Commands, and an Abhorrence of the very Thoughts of thofe Hellish Principles, That it can be lawful, on any Account, whatfoever to refift the establish'd Power of their Kings. 'Twou'd be endlefs to quote the Reverend Dr. B-ge, who, from the Text in the Refift not the Powers, &c. for whatsoever Powers are, be ordained of God; whosoever therefore refifteth the Power, refifteth the Ordinance of God; tells us, "That if the King fhou'd, by his Royal "Command, execute the greatest Violence upon either our Perfon or Estate, "our Duty was to fubmit by Prayers and Tears first to God Almighty, to "turn the Wrath of his Vicegerent from his Servant, and by humble Entreaty to beg his Majefty's Grace and Pardon; but to lift up the Hand "against the Lord's Anointed, or refift the Evil of Punishment he thought fit "to inflict, this were a Crime unpardonable either before God or Man, and "a Crime (fays the Reverend Doctor) which we blefs God the very Prin"ciples of our ever loyal Mother, the Churchof England, abhors and detefts." VOL. III. B • Let |