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awakening than had yet appeared among us. Seldom a week paffed in which we did not fee or hear of one, two, or three perfons, brought under deep concern about their fouls, accompanied with ftrong convictions of fin, and earnest inquiry after a Saviour. It was a great advantage to thefe, that there were others on the road before them; for they were feldom at a lofs now to find an acquaintance to whom they could freely communicate their anxious thoughts. The houfe of one of our most established Chriftians became the chief refort of all who wifhed to spend an hour in reading or converfing about fpiritua! fubjects. Some who had but newly begun to entertain ferious, thoughts about, religion, and who had not yet come fo far as to fpeak out their mind would contrive an errand to this perfon's houfe, and liften to her talk. She was vifited, at other times, by thofe who were drawn only by curiofity or a difputatious fpirit, who wanted to cavil at her words, or draw her into controversy. Such visitors fhe did not avoid, and at laft they ceafed to trouble her.

Other experienced Chriftians among us have been extremely ufeful to their younger brethren or fifters. Their converfation and example have been principal means of turning the attention of the young to religion, and of edifying those who have been already awakened. Such perfons I find most serviceable auxiliaries. If they be neither prophets, nor apostles, nor teachers, yet their usefulness in the church entitles them to the appellation of helps. 1 Cor. xii. 28. Nor do I think an apoftle would hefitate to acknowledge them, both men and women, in the relation of fellow-labourers. Phil. iv. 3. Nor has fuccefs in this divine. work been confined to inftruments raifed up among ourselves. The fame happy effects have, in a certain measure, attended the preaching, the prayers, or converfation of pious brethren, who have affilted at the celebration of the Lord's fupper, or made us other occafional vifits.

It is obfervable that the work of converfion has been begun and carried on among this people in a quiet manner, without. any confufion, and without thofe ungovernable agitations of mind, or convulfions of the body, or thrieking or fainting, which have often accompanied a general awakening in other places. One young woman was fo much moved in church, in March, 1799, that the wept bitterly, and her friends thought it prudent to convey her out a little before the congregation was difmiffed. She was five or fix days unfit for going about her ufual work. In June following, at the time of our facrament, the felt emotions of joy, for a few days, to fuch a degree as to withdraw her regard in a great meafure from fenfible objects. Spiritual affections were unusually strong in her, and fpiritual objects appeared vifible and near; but her fentiments were quite correct and fcriptural,



A few days afterwards, when her emotions had fubfided, she told me that the was at the fame time sensible that her mind was fomewhat unfettled, but that he found comfort in recollecting the apostle's words, "If we are befide ourselves, it is to God." This was exactly her cafe. She continues a humble, lively Christian, and, except these two fhort intervals, fhe has regularly. performed her ordinary work as a maid-servant to the fatisfaction of her mafter and iniftrefs, in whofe fervice fhe ftill remains. Another woman, the mother of a family, in April laft, was fo much moved in hearing fermon, that of her own accord the left the church. Excepting these two inftances, I know of none whofe emotions under the preaching of the word discovered themselves in any other manner than by filent tears.

Having lately made au enumeration of thofe of our congrega tion whom, to the best of my judginent, I trust I can reckon truly enlightened with the faving knowledge of Christ, I find their number about feventy. The greater part of these are under1 thirty years of age. Several are above forty, fix or feven above fifty, one fixty-fix, and one above feventy. Of children under twelve or fourteen there are a good many who seem to have a liking to religion; but we find it difficult to form a decided opinion: of their cafe. Of perfons who have died within these twelve months, three, we are perfuaded, and we hope two or three others, have flept in Jefus.

A very confiderable number are friendly to religion, and coun tenance and defend the truth, even while they do not as yet appear to live under its power. A few among ourselves did, for a while, jeer and deride the godly; but fuch perfons are left in so very fmall a minority, that they have ceased to be troublesome. The fcriptures too are fo generally read and referred to, that the truth itself serves to stop the mouth of fcoffers. We are sometimes told that the fentiments and language of our people, are much mifreprefented, and are the object of much wonder and ridicule. and invective in other places. But we only hear of fuch things; they are hardly permitted to come nigh us. The chief oppofition. arifes from thofe who poffefs fuperior scholarship, and acquaintance with the fcriptures. These contend that there can be nothing. fubftantial or neceffary in that experimental knowledge which illiterate perfons may pretend to have attained; and that it is mere arrogance in them to imagine that they can have a larger share of faving knowledge than men who are greater fcholars and better verfed in the fcriptures. "Are we blind alfo ?" has ever been the indignant language of carnal wisdom, of literary pride, and of felf-righteous prefumption.

It is evident that the fcriptures represent all mankind as divided into two claffes. These are diftinguished from each other in the

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moft explicit manner; and the distinction is marked by the Arongest language, and the moft fignificant comparisons. They are called the children of God, and the children of the devil, John . 10; the children of the kingdom, and the children of the wicked one, Matt. xiii. 38; the just and the wicked, Matt. xiii. 49; they who are dead in trefpaffes and fins, and they who are quickened together with Chrift, Eph. ii. 16. They are compared to wheat and tares, Matt. xiii. 25; to good and bad fishes, Matt. xiii. 47, 48; to fheep and goats, Matt. xxv. 32. In the general tenor of my preaching, efpecially in difcuffing the important doctrine of regeneration, I have endeavoured to keep in view this diftinction, and to exhibit it clearly to the notice of my hearers. Many have been not a little offended at fuch a difcrimi nation; have found fault with the preacher; have complained of ucharitable judgment; pleading that it was God's prerogative to judge the heart; that they hoped theirs was good, though they' did not make fuch a parading profeffion of religion, &c. The truth has prevailed, however; and fome have confeffed to me, that their first ferious thoughts about the state of their fouls arofe from the furprise and refentment they felt, on being claffed under the character of unbelievers, along with murderers and idolaters, Rev. xi. 8. But in giving fuch offenfive, though neceffary warnings, I had much need of the Spirit of Chrift, to reprefs all afperity of language and manner, to awaken tender compaffion for thofe whom I addreffed, and to enable me to speak the truth in love.

I obferve among our young converts a confiderable variety of frames, but a striking uniformity of character. They are dejected or elevated, according as their regard is more fixed on their own deficiencies and corruptions, or on the glorious fufficiency of Chrift. But all of them are characterised by lowlinefs of mind, by a warm attachment to each other, and to all who love the Lord Jefus, and by the affections fet on things above. I know no initances among them of perfons trufting for comfort or direction to dreams or vifions, impuifes or impreffions; and hardly an inftance of feeking comfort from external figns or tokens, arbitrarily affamed by the inquirer, after the example of Abraham's' fervant, Gen. xxiv. 14, and of Gideon, Judg. vi. 36-40.

We have not yet to lamemt any great falling off in those who appeared to have once undergone a faving change. There may be perfons who were for a time inquiring, with fome apparent earneftnefs, and afterwards fell back to their former unconcern. I have reafon to fufpect that there may be feveral in this fituation, though I have not access to know the exact state of their minds. May the Lord discover it to themselves in time! But all, fo far as I know, who feemed to have been once truly humbled for their fins, and made to feel in their hearts the grace of God in the

gofpel, continue thus far to maintain a humble, fpiritual, confci entious walk. They have a conftant appetite for the fincere milk of the word, and for Chriftian fellowship with one another. The younger fort have loft their former levity of speech and beha viour, and are become devout and fober-minded; thofe more ad vanced in life have laid afide their felfifhnefs, and worldly-mind edness, and are grown humble, contented and thankful.

The external effects of a general concern about religion have appeared in the behaviour even of those who do not feem to have experienced a change of heart. While the younger people attended a Sabbath school, thofe who were grown up ufed to spend the evening of that day in fauntering about the fields and woods in goffiping parties, or visiting their acquaintance at a distance, without improving their time by any profitable exercife. Now there is hardly a lounger to be feen; nor any person walking abroad, except going to fome houfe or meeting where he may hear the fcriptures read. Swearing, profane talking, foolish and indecent jefting, have, in a great measure, ceased.At late wakes, where people affemble to watch by the body of a deceased neigh 'bour, the whole night used to be spent in childish, noify sports and paftimes. Even the apartment where the corpfe lay was the fcene of their, revelry. This unnatural custom, which is. ftilt pretty general over a great part of the Highlands, is almoft wholly difcontinued in this part of the country. They ftill affem ble on fuch occafions, but they pass the time in reading the Bible or fome, religious book, and in fober converfation.


In reply to your request of relating a few of the more remark able cafes of converfion which have occurred among this people, I must say that I have little uncommon to communicate. I have mentioned already, that almost all our converts have been brought to ferious concern and inquiry in a quiet, gradual mana ner. To an intelligent obfever, the change in the converfation, temper, deportment, and the very countenance of individuals, is ftriking: the change, too, on the general afpece of the man ners of the people, is confpicuous. The effect is thus, on the whole, obvious; yet there are few particulars in the cafe of each perfon, which, taken fingly, will appear uncommon, or worthy of being detailed in a feparate narrative. We have no instances of perfons remarkable for profligacy of manners or profaneness, of fpeech, who have been reclaimed from fuch enormities; because there was none of that description to be: found in our fociety. The change has been from ignorance and indifference, and difrelifh of divine things, to knowledge, and concern, and fpiritual enjoyment. Neither are there among us examples of perfons fuddenly ftruck and impreffed by fome alarming event, or fingular interpofition of Providence. The word

of truth, proclaimed in public, or fpoken in private, has been almoft the only outward mean of producing conviction of fin, and confidence in the Saviour. In every fingle cafe the power of God is vitible in the effect produced; but there is little "diverfity of operation." Inftead of endeavouring to paint the beauties of holiness in the fcene around me, I rather with to prevail with you and other friends, who know how to enjoy fuch a spectacle, to come and fee."

I have thus, my dear Sir, endeavoured to give a concife view of the profperous ftate of religion in this congregation, for the laft two or three years. We ftill have the happiness to find, from week to week, that the fame concern and awakening is Spreading around, and extending to fome neighbouring congregations. Within these few weeks, 'perfons from fix and feven miles diftance have called here on a Sabbath morning, under evident concern about their fouls. On a fucceeding Sabbath, the fame perfons have called again, introducing a relation or fellow-fervant, under fimilar concern. All of these, so far as can be judged from prefent appearances, are in a hopeful Such is the manifold grace and loving kindness with which it has pleafed the Lord to vifit this corner of his vineyard. I trust that all our Chriftian brethren, who may receive the joyful intelligence, will join us in praying, that God may continue to water, with fhowers of bleflings, this vine which his own right hand hath planted;" and that no boar from the wood may be allowed to waste it, nor worm at the root to smite it that it wither.



Accounts have been received of the arrival of the Royal Admiral, on board of which twelve miffionaries embarked, laft May, for the South-Seas, at Rio Janeiro, in Brazil, on the 12th of Auguft. It appears that the fever and fcurvy had raged very much during the voyage, efpecially among the convicts; 130 perfons having been ill of the former, and about a hundred of the latter disease, of whom upwards of thirty had died. The furgeon of the fhip was cut off by the fever within fixteen days after they left England; and, amidft fo much diftrefs, they must have been very deftitute, had not Mr. Elder, one of the miffionaries fent by the Edinburgh Society, who had ftudied medicine, fupplied his place. Several of the miffionaries had been ill, but had recovered, except one, who was under the fever at the time the accounts were fent off. They expected to fail for New-SouthWales in a few weeks.

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