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That portion of the Province of Alberta described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the north boundary of the fortieth townships with the east boundary of the Province of Alberta, thence northerly along said east boundary of the said Province to the North Saskatchewan River, thence westerly up stream along the North Saskatchewan River to its intersection with the east boundary of the City of Edmonton, thence northerly along the said east boundary of the City of Edmonton to the north boundary of the said city, thence westerly along said north boundary of the City of Edmonton to the west boundary of the said city, thence southerly along the west boundary of the City of Edmonton to its intersection with the North Saskatchewan River, thence south-westerly up stream along the North Saskatchewan River to its intersection with the north boundary of the fiftieth townships, thence easterly along the said north boundary of the fiftieth townships to the line between ranges nineteen (19) and twenty (20) west of the fourth meridian, thence southerly along said line between ranges nineteen (19) and twenty (20) west of the fourth meridian, to the north boundary of the forty-eighth townships, thence easterly along said north boundary of the forty-eighth townships to the line between ranges fifteen (15) and sixteen (16) west of the fourth meridian, thence southerly along said line between ranges fifteen (15) and sixteen (16) west of the fourth meridian to the north boundary of the forty-sixth townships, thence easterly along said north boundary of the forty-sixth townships to the line between ranges twelve (12) and thirteen (13) west of the fourth meridian, thence southerly along said line between ranges twelve (12) and thirteen (13) west of the fourth meridian to the north boundary of the forty-fifth townships, thence easterly along said north boundary of the forty-fifth townships to the line between ranges ten (10) and eleven (11) west of the fourth meridian, thence southerly along said line between ranges ten (10) and eleven (11) west of the fourth meridian to the north boundary of the forty-fourth townships, thence easterly along said north boundary of the forty-fourth townships to the line between ranges seven (7) and eight (8) west of the fourth meridian, thence southerly along said line between ranges seven (7) and eight (8) west of the fourth meridian to the north boundary of the forty-second townships, thence easterly along said north boundary of the forty-second townships to the line between ranges five (5) and six (6) west of the fourth meridian, thence southerly along said line between ranges five (5) and six (6) west of the fourth meridian to the north boundary of the fortieth townships, thence easterly along said north boundary of the fortieth townships to the point of commencement.


That portion of the Province of Alberta described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the north boundary of the thirtysixth townships with the east boundary of the Province of Alberta, thence northerly along the said east boundary of the said Province to the north boundary of the fortieth townships, thence westerly along said north boundary of the fortieth townships to the line between ranges five (5) and six (6) west of the fourth meridian, thence northerly along said line between ranges five (5) and six (6) west of the fourth meridian to the north boundary of the forty-second townships, thence westerly along said north boundary of the forty-second townships to the line between ranges seven (7) and eight (8) west of the fourth meridian, thence northerly along said line between ranges seven (7) and eight (8) west of the fourth meridian to the north boundary of the forty-fourth townships, thence westerly along said north boundary of the forty-fourth townships to the line between ranges (10) and eleven (11) west of the fourth meridian, thence northerly along said line between ranges ten (10) and eleven (11) west of the fourth meridian to the north boundary of the forty-fifth townships, thence westerly along said north boundary of the forty-fifth townships to the line between ranges twelve (12) and thirteen (13) west of the fourth meridian, thence northerly along said line between ranges twelve (12) and thirteen (13) west of the fourth meridian to the north boundary of the forty-sixth townships, thence westerly along said north boundary of the forty-sixth townships to the line between ranges fifteen (15) and sixteen (16) west of the fourth meridian, thence northerly along said line between ranges fifteen (15) and sixteen (16) west of the fourth meridian to the north boundary of the forty-eighth townships, thence westerly along said north boundary of the forty-eighth townships to the line between ranges nineteen (19) and twenty (20) west of the fourth meridian, thence northerly along said line between ranges nineteen (19) and twenty (20) west

of the fourth meridian to the north boundary of the fiftieth townships, thence westerly along said north boundary of the fiftieth townships to the North Saskatchewan River, thence westerly up stream along the North Saskatchewan River to its intersection with the north boundary of the forty-first townships, thence easterly along said north boundary of the forty-first townships to its intersection with the Battle River, thence easterly down stream along the Battle River to its intersection with the line between ranges ten (10) and eleven (11) west of the fourth meridian, thence southerly along said line between ranges ten (10) and eleven (11) west of the fourth meridian to the north boundary of the thirty-eighth townships, thence easterly along the said north boundary of the thirty-eighth townships to the line between ranges seven (7) and eight (8) west of the fourth meridian, thence southerly along said line between ranges seven (7) and eight (8) west of the fourth meridian to the north boundary of the thirty-sixth townships, thence easterly along said north boundary of the thirty-sixth townships to the point of commencement.


That portion of the Province of Alberta described as follows:

Commencing at the intersection of the north boundary of the thirtyfourth townships with the west boundary of the Province of Alberta, thence easterly along the said north boundary of the thirty-fourth townships to its intersection with the Red Deer River, thence northerly up stream along the Red Deer River to the mouth of Tail Creek, thence northerly up stream along Tail Creek to Buffalo Lake, thence north-easterly along the eastern shore of Buffalo Lake to its intersection with the north boundary of section thirteen (13), township forty-one (41), range twenty (20), west of the fourth meridian, thence easterly along the north boundary of the said section thirteen (13) to the line between ranges nineteen (19) and twenty (20) west of the fourth meridian, thence northerly along said line between ranges nineteen (19) and twenty (20) west of the fourth meridian to the north boundary of the forty-first townships, thence westerly along the said north boundary of the forty-first townships to its intersection with the North Saskatchewan River, thence northerly down stream following the North Saskatchewan River to its intersection with the north boundary of the forty-fourth townships, thence westerly along the north boundary of the forty-fourth townships to the west boundary of the Province of Alberta, thence south-easterly along the west boundary of the Province of Alberta to the point of commencement.


That portion of the Province of Alberta described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the north boundary of the thirtieth townships with the east boundary of the Province of Alberta, thence northerly along the said east boundary of the said Province to the north boundary of the thirty-sixth townships, thence westerly along the said north boundary of the thirty-sixth townships to the line between ranges seven (7) and eight (8) west of the fourth meridian, thence northerly along said line between ranges seven (7) and eight (8) west of the fourth meridian to the north boundary of the thirty-eighth townships, thence westerly along the north boundary of the thirty-eighth townships to the line between ranges ten (10) and eleven (11) west of the fourth meridian, thence northerly along said line between ranges ten (10) and eleven (11) west of the fourth meridian to the Battle River, thence westerly up stream along the Battle River to its intersection with the north boundary of the forty-first townships, thence westerly along the north boundary of the forty-first townships to the line between ranges nineteen (19) and twenty (20) west of the fourth meridian, thence southerly along said line between ranges nineteen (19) and twenty (20) west of the fourth meridian to the north boundary of section thirteen (13), township forty-one (41), range twenty (20), west of the fourth meridian, thence westerly along said north boundary of section thirteen (13) to the east shore of Buffalo Lake, thence south-westerly along the east shore of Buffalo Lake to the mouth of Tail Creek, thence southerly along Tail Creek to the Red Deer River, thence southerly down stream along Red Deer River to its intersection with the north boundary of the thirty-third townships, thence easterly along said north boundary of the thirty-third townships to the line between ranges thirteen (13) and fourteen (14) west of the fourth meridian, thence southerly along said line between ranges thirteen (13) and fourteen (14) west of the fourth meridian to the north boundary of the thirty-second townships, thence easterly along the said north boundary of the thirty-second townships to

the line between ranges ten (10) and eleven (11) west of the fourth meridian, thence southerly along said line between ranges ten (10) and eleven (11) west of the fourth meridian to the north boundary of the thirty-first townships, thence easterly along said north boundary of the thirty-first townships to the line between ranges six (6) and seven (7) west of the fourth meridian, thence southerly along said line between ranges six (6) and seven (7) west of the fourth meridian to the north boundary of the thirtieth townships, thence easterly along said north boundary of the thirtieth townships to the point of commencement.


That portion of the Province of Alberta described as follows:

Commencing at the intersection of the north boundary of the sixteenth townships with the west boundary of the Province of Alberta, thence easterly along the said north boundary of the sixteenth townships to the Bow River, thence south-easterly down stream of the Bow River to the north boundary of townships thirteen (13), thence easterly along the said north boundary of townships thirteen (13) to the line between ranges eleven (11) and twelve (12) west of the fourth meridian, thence northerly along the said line between ranges eleven (11) and twelve (12) west of the fourth meridian to the Red Deer River, thence easterly down stream along the Red Deer River to the east boundary of the Province of Alberta, thence northerly along the east boundary of the Province of Alberta to the north boundary of the thirtieth townships, thence westerly along the north boundary of the thirtieth townships to the line between ranges six (6) and seven (7) west of the fourth meridian, thence northerly along said line between ranges six (6) and seven (7) west of the fourth meridian to the north boundary of the thirty-first townships, thence westerly along the north boundary of the thirty-first townships to the line between ranges ten (10) and eleven (11) west of the fourth meridian, thence northerly along the line between ranges ten (10) and eleven (11) west of the fourth meridian to the north boundary of the thirty-second townships, thence westerly along the said north boundary of the thirty-second townships to the line between ranges thirteen (13) and fourteen (14) west of the fourth meridian, thence northerly along said line between ranges thirteen (13) and fourteen (14) west of the fourth meridian to the north boundary of the thirty-third townships, thence westerly along the north boundary of the thirty-third townships to its intersection with the Red Deer River thence north-easterly up stream along the Red Deer River to its intersection with the north boundary of the thirty-fourth townships, thence westerly along the north boundary of the thirty-fourth townships to its intersection with the west boundary of the Province of Alberta, thence south-easterly along the west boundary of the Province of Alberta to the point of commencement.


That portion of the Province of Alberta described as follows:

Commencing at the intersection of the line between ranges twenty-one (21) and twenty-two (22) west of the fourth meridian with the north boundary of the sixteenth townships, thence easterly along the said north boundary of the sixteenth townships to the Bow River, thence south-easterly down stream along the Bow River to its most easterly intersection with the north boundary of the thirteenth townships, thence easterly along the north boundary of the thirteenth townships to the line between ranges eleven (11) and twelve (12) west of the fourth meridian, thence north along the line between ranges eleven (11) and twelve (12) west of the fourth meridian to the Red Deer River, thence easterly down stream along the Red Deer River to its intersection with the line between ranges nine (9) and ten (10) west of the fourth meridian, then north along the said line between ranges nine (9) and ten (10) west of the fourth meridian to the north boundary of the twentysixth townships, thence westerly along the north boundary of the twentysixth townships to the line between ranges twenty-one (21) and twenty-two (22) west of the fourth meridian, thence southerly along the line between ranges twenty-one (21) and twenty-two (22) west of the fourth meridian to the point of commencement.


That portion of the Province of Alberta bounded as follows:

On the east by the eastern boundary of the Province of Alberta; on the south by the southern boundary of the said Province; on the north by

the Red Deer River; and on the west by a line described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the southern boundary of the Province of Alberta with the line between ranges ten (10) and eleven (11) west of the fourth meridian, thence north following the said line between ranges ten (10) and eleven (11) west of the fourth meridian to the South Saskatchewan River, thence west up stream following the said South Saskatchewan River to its intersection with the northern boundary of the thirteenth townships, thence east along the said northern boundary of the said thirteenth townships to the line between ranges eleven (11) and twelve (12) west of the fourth meridian, thence north along said line between ranges eleven (11) and twelve (12) west of the fourth meridian to the Red Deer River.


That portion of the Province of Alberta bounded as follows:

On the north by the northern boundary of the sixteenth townships; on the west by the western boundary of the Province of Alberta; on the south by the southern boundary of the Province of Alberta; and on the east by a line described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the northern boundary of the sixteenth townships with the line between ranges twenty-four (24) and twenty-five (25) west of the fourth meridian, thence southerly along the said line between ranges twenty-four (24) and twentyfive (25) west of the fourth meridian to the northern boundary of the twelfth townships, thence easterly along the northern boundary of the twelfth townships to the line between ranges twenty-three (23) and twenty-four (24) west of the fourth meridian, thence southerly along the line between ranges twenty-three (23) and twenty-four (24) west of the fourth meridian to its intersection with the Belly River, thence easterly down stream along the Belly River to the mouth of the St. Mary River, thence southerly up stream along the St. Mary River and Lees Creek to the intersection of the said Lees Creek with the southerly limit of the Blood Indian Reserve, thence westerly along the said southerly limit of the Blood Indian Reserve to the line between ranges twenty-seven (27) and twenty-eight (28) west of the fourth meridian; thence southerly along the said line between ranges twentyseven (27) and twenty-eight (28) west of the fourth meridian to the southern boundary of the Province of Alberta.


That portion of the Province of Alberta which may be more particularly described as follows:

Commencing at the intersection of the southern boundary of the Province of Alberta with the line between ranges ten (10) and eleven (11) west of the fourth meridian, thence north along the said line between ranges ten (10) and eleven (11) west of the fourth meridian to the South Saskatchewan River, thence west up stream along the said South Saskatchewan River and the Bow River to the intersection of the Bow River with the north boundary of the sixteenth townships, thence west along the north boundary of the sixteenth townships to the line between ranges twenty-four (24) and twentyfive (25) west of the fourth meridian, thence southerly along the said line between ranges twenty-four (24) and twenty-five (25) west of the fourth meridian to the northern boundary of the twelfth townships, thence east along the northern boundary of the twelfth townships to the line between ranges twenty-three (23) and twenty-four (24) west of the fourth meridian, thence southerly along the line between ranges twenty-three (23) and twentyfour (24) to its intersection with the Belly River, thence easterly down stream along the Belly River to the mouth of the St. Mary River, thence southerly up stream along the St. Mary River and Lees Creek to the intersection of the said Lees Creek with the southerly limit of the Blood Indian Reserve, thence westerly along the said southerly limit of the Blood Indian Reserve to the line between ranges twenty-seven (27) and twenty-eight (28) west of the fourth meridian, thence southerly along the said line between ranges twenty-seven (27) and twenty-eight (28) west of the fourth meridian to the south boundary of the Province of Alberta, thence easterly along the south boundary of the Province of Alberta to the point of commencement.


That portion of the Province of Alberta bounded as follows:

Commencing at north-east corner of township seven (7), range eleven (11) west of the fourth meridian, thence north on the line between ranges ten (10) and eleven (11) west of the fourth meridian to the South Saskatche

wan River, thence westerly up stream along the said South Saskatchewan River and the Bow River to the intersection of the said Bow River with the northerly boundary of the sixteenth townships, thence westerly along the north boundary of the sixteenth townships to the line between ranges twenty (20) and twenty-one (21) west of the fourth meridian, thence southerly along the line between ranges twenty (20) and twenty-one (21) west of the fourth meridian to the north boundary of townships eleven (11), thence easterly along the north boundary of townships eleven (11) to the line between ranges eighteen (18) and nineteen (19) west of the fourth meridian, thence southerly on the line between ranges eighteen (18) and nineteen (19) west of the fourth meridian, to the north boundary of townships seven (7), thence easterly along the said north boundary of townships seven (7) to the point of commencement.

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