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An Act to provide for the Protection of Persons
Engaged in the Generation or Use of
Electrical Energy.

HIS MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Alberta, enacts as follows:

Short Title.

1. This Act may be cited as "The Electrical Protection Short title Act. [1919, c. 27, s. 1.]



2. "Board" in this Act shall mean the Workmen's Definition of Compensation Board. [1919, c. 27, s. 2.]

General Provisions.

3.-(1) The Board shall, with regard to the generation, Regulations by transmission, transformation, distribution and use of electri- Board cal energy in any place or class of places, from time to time, make and enforce such regulations as appear to it to be reasonable and practicable, or necessary to provide safety and protection for the workers engaged therein.


(2) Upon such regulations being made, the same shall Effect of be of the same force and effect as if they were incorporated in this Act. [1919, c. 27, s. 3.]

of notice

4. (1) Before the Board makes any regulations under Publication this Act it shall publish, in such manner as it may think of proposed best adapted for informing persons affected, notice of the regulations proposal to make regulations, and of the place where copies of the proposed regulations may be obtained, and of the time, which shall be not less than thirty days, within which any objections with respect to the proposed regulations by or on behalf of persons affected shall be sent to the Board.

Objections to


(2) Every objection shall be in writing and shall state(a) the proposed regulations or portions of proposed regulations regulations objected to;

(b) the specific grounds of objection; and

(c) the omissions, additions or modifications asked for.

(3) The Board shall consider any objection made by or Consideration on behalf of any persons appearing to it to be affected,

of objections


as to regulations objected to


which is sent to it within the required time, and it may, if it thinks fit, amend the proposed regulations on thirty days' notice being given to all parties interested.

(4) Where the Board does not amend or withdraw any proposed regulations to which any objection has been made, then, unless the objection either is withdrawn or appears to it to be frivolous, it shall, before making the regulations, direct an inquiry and the manner of holding the same. [1919, c. 27, s. 4.]

Amendment of 5. The Board may at any time amend any regulation made under the authority of this Act, and the method of receiving applications for amendment, the hearing of applications and the providing of notice to all parties interested shall be the same as hereinbefore provided for objections to proposed regulations:

Application of regulations to

Provided, however, that the Board shall not amend the first regulations made hereunder for a period of one year. [1919, c. 27, s. 5.]

6. All electrical plant in existence on or established existing places after the seventeenth day of April, one thousand nine hundred and nineteen shall be subject to the regulations of the Board herein before referred to:

Posting of regulations

Appointment of inspectors


Provided, however, that all electrical plant in existence upon the said date shall be exempted from such regulations until the first day of March, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-four:

Provided further that the Board may in its discretion direct the application of the said regulations, or any of them, to any dangerous class or portion of such existing plant, either absolutely or subject to condition. [1919, c. 27, s. 6.]

-(1) Printed copies of all regulations for the time being in force under this Act shall be kept posted up in a conspicuous position in such places as the Board shall by regulation direct and where they may be conveniently read by the persons employed in the places in which such regulations apply.

(2) A printed copy of all such regulations shall be given by the Board to any person affected thereby on his or her application. [1919, c. 27, s. 7.]

8. The Board may appoint such inspectors and other officials as may be necessary to ensure the due administration of this Act, and may assign their duties and fix their remuneration. [1919, c. 27, s. 8.]

9. Any breach or non-observance of any provision of this Act or any regulation made thereunder shall be an offence, subjecting the offender to a penalty of not more than two hundred dollars for each day during which such breach or non-observance continues. [1919, c. 27, s. 9.]


An Act for the Protection of Persons Employed in the Construction of Buildings and



IS MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Alberta, enacts as follows:

Short Title.

1. This Act may be cited as "The Building Trades Short title Protection Act."

[1913(1), c. 14, s. 1..

General Provisions.

2. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires,


(a) “Building" shall include any structure roofed in Building or intended to be roofed in, and capable when completed of affording protection and shelter;

(b) "Excavation" shall mean any trench in the ground Excavation
of a depth of more than four feet;

(c) "Inspector" shall mean an inspector appointed Inspector
by a municipality or by the Lieutenant Governor
in Council for the purpose of enforcing the pro-
visions of this Act;

(d) "Municipality" shall include any incorporated Municipality
municipality, whether a city, town, village or
municipal district.
[1913(1), c. 14, s. 2.]

3.-(1) Every municipality shall appoint an inspector or Appointment inspectors to enforce this Act within the linits of the muni- of inspectors cipality.

(2) The Lieutenant Governor in Council may appoint an inspector or inspectors to enforce this Act in territory outside municipalities. [1913(1), c. 14, s. 3.]

work upon

4. (1) Where any inspector appointed under this Act Cessor of finds that any provision of this Act is being violated in the direction of case of any building or excavation he may give such orders inspector in writing as may, in his opinion, be required to secure due compliance with such provision, and upon any such order being made and until the same is carried out the work upon that part of the building or excavation in which the default occurs shall be suspended.


(2) Every person to whom the order of the inspector Penalty for is directed who disobeys or knowingly permits any person to order under his direction and control to disobey any such order or

Unsafe apparatus

Regulations with regard to floors of scaffolds

Swing scaffolds


Hoisting lumber


for hoists


to carry on work in violation of this Act shall be guilty of an
offence and liable on summary conviction to a penalty
not exceeding fifty dollars for every day upon which such
default occurs.
[1913(1), c. 14, s. 4.]

5. In the erection, alteration, repair, improvement or
demolition of any building, no scaffolding, hoists, stays,
ladders, flooring or other mechanical and temporary con-
trivances shall be used which are unsafe, unsuitable or
improper, or which are not so constructed, protected,
placed and operated as to afford reasonable safety from
accident to persons employed or engaged upon the building
or excavation.
[1913(1), c. 14, s. 5.]

6. The following regulations shall be complied with in the erection, alteration, repair, improvement or demolition of every building, that is to say:

(a) The floors of all scaffolding suspended from over-
head shall be at least two and one-half feet wide.
and the floors of all standing scaffolding shall be
at least four feet wide; all such scaffolding shall,
unless the same is dispensed with by written
authority of the inspector, have a railing or guard
not less than three nor more than four feet from
the flooring on the outside of the scaffolding for
the protection of persons working thereon;
(b) Where scaffolding or staging is "swung" or sus-
pended from an overhead support it shall be so
secured as to prevent its swaying to and fro;
(c) Where poles are used in scaffolding the poles shall
be securely lashed at every point of contact, and
where square timber is used in scaffolding, the
same shall be securely spiked or bolted at every
point of contact;

(d) No lumber or timber shall be hoisted in a single

(c) Where poles are used in scaffolding the poles shall in buildings, the shafts or openings shall be protected at each floor by a barrier not less than three feet nor more than four feet from the level of the floor, and the barrier shall be placed not less than two feet from the edge of the shaft or opening in which the hoist is operated; but upon the level or floor in actual use by such hoist such barrier shall not be placed across the openings used for entrance or exits to or from such hoists;

(f) All ladders shall extend at least four feet above any scaffold, staging or floor. [1913(1), c. 14, s. 6.]

of flooring as

7. (1) Where the plans and specifications require the Completion floors to be arched between the beams thereof, or where the building floors or filling in between the floors are of fireproof material progresses the flooring or filling in shall be completed as the building or excavation progresses to not less than within three stories below that on which the iron work is being erected.


(2) Where the plans and specifications do not require Completion of filling in between the beams of floors with fireproof material as building or brick work, the contractor for the carpenter work, in progresses the course of construction, shall lay the under flooring of the building on each storey as the building or excavation progresses to not less than within two storeys below the one to which the building has been erected.


(3) Where double floors are not to be used, such con- Planking of tractor shall keep planked over, with planks properly secured, the floor two storeys below where the work is being performed.

or steel beams

(4) If the floor beams are of iron or steel, the contractor Planking iron for the iron or steel work of a building or excavation in course of construction, or the owner of such a building or excavation, shall thoroughly plank over the entire tier of iron or steel beams on which the structural iron or steel work is being erected, except such spaces as may be reasonably required for the proper construction of such iron or steel work and for the raising or lowering of materials to be used in the construction of such building and such spaces as may be designated by the plans and specifications for stairways and elevator shafts. [1913(1), c. 14, s. 7.]

as to skeleton

8. In the case of what are known as skeleton steel frame Regulations buildings, compliance with the following regulations shall frame be sufficient, and it shall not be necessary to comply with buildings the requirements of the next preceding section:


(a) As soon as the steel frame of a building is erected Temporary
to the first column splice above the first floor
level, a flooring of two-inch planking shall be laid
over floor beams on the floor immediately below
the first splice, making a temporary floor over
that part of the area of the building or excavation
inside columns at that level, except in places where
it is necessary to have openings for the passage
of material for building above that point; and
when erection has reached a point level with the
next column splice the planking used as a temporary
floor at first column splice shall be removed and
placed as before at second splice, and so on to
the top of the building;

Double planking

(b) A double flooring of two-inch planking shall be laid
down immediately under any derrick for a sufficient under
space about the derrick to protect workmen on


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