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Riveters' staging

Steel work

may be done in advance of permanent floors

Limit of application of certain sections

Regulations in cities and towns having no by-laws





Erection of barrier

on inside

line of sidewalk


of drains, etc.

Shoring up excavations

the floors below that on which the derrick is working and to hold with safety the materials hoisted by the derrick;

(c) Riveters' staging shall be so constructed as to secure the reasonable safety of the riveters and a temporary floor must be provided on the girders and floor beams immediately below the portion of the floor upon which the riveters are working, sufficient for the protection of workmen engaged below that floor;

(d) The steel work may be carried on in advance of the construction of permanent floors.

[1913(1), c. 14, s. 8.]

9. The three next preceding sections shall not apply to any building not more than two storeys in height or to any excavation less than four feet deep, nor to any farm building or excavat on, nor to any work being done upon a building or excavation by the owner or occupant thereof in person. [1913(1), c. 14, s. 11.]

10. In cities and towns the following regulations shall be complied with in erecting, altering or repairing any building, provided such city or town has not by by-law made regulations regarding such matters:

(a) When the work is located on the line of any street or within three feet of the inside line of the sidewalk of any street, before any of the work above the sidewalk or footway is commenced, there shall be erected over the sidewalk for footway of the street a covered passageway or independent structure not less than eight feet high at the lowest side above the level of the sidewalk or footway and of sufficient strength to protect the public using the sidewalk or footway;

(b) If a building or excavation is to be erected or made within seven feet of the inside line of the sidewalk on any street, a strongly constructed close-boarded fence or barricade, not less than six feet high, shall be erected along the inside line of such sidewalk;

(c) No person shall place any stone, brick, lumber or any building material, fence, barricade or temporary sidewalk so as to obstruct the free passage of water in the drains, gutters or water-courses; and the roofs of all covered ways shall be kept clear of any material whatever;

(d) All sewers, ditches, drains or any other excavation of whatever nature shall be properly shored up, so as to prevent the caving-in of the ground, after

a depth of four feet has been excavated from the
ground level.
[1913(1), c. 14, s. 9.]

plementary by-laws

11. The provisions of this Act shall be read and applied Act supas supplementary to the by-laws of every municipality to municipal in this Province, where any such exist, but where no by-law has been passed dealing with the matters covered by this Act then the provisions hereof shall apply.

[1913(1), c. 14, s. 10.]


12. Nothing in this Act contained shall in any way Liability decrease or lessen the liability or obligations of any person Workmen's or corporation under The Workmen's Compensation Act, Compensation 1908, or under The Workmen's Compensation Act, (Accident Fund). [1913(1), c. 14, s. 12.]


An Act to regulate Travelling and Conduct on
Public Highways and Bridges.


IS MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Alberta, enacts as follows:

Short Title.

Short title

Interpretation of "Highway"

Carriages, etc., meeting

Bicycles and tricycles

Carriages, etc., overtaken

Carriages overtaking

Bicyles and tricycles

1. This Act may be cited as "The Highways Regulation Act." [1911-12, c. 5, s. 1.]


2. In this Act the expression "highway" shall include any public highway or road, street, lane, alley, park, parkway, driving or public place within or outside of any city, town or village. [1911-12, c. 5, s. 2.]

Duties of Persons Travelling upon Highways.

3.-(1) If a person travelling or being upon a highway in charge of a motor vehicle or of a vehicle drawn by one or more horses or other animals, meets another motor vehicle or a vehicle drawn as aforesaid, he shall turn out to the right from the centre of the road, allowing to the motor vehicle or vehicle so met one-half of the road.

(2) If a person travelling or being upon a highway in charge of a motor vehicle or of a vehicle drawn as aforesaid meets a person travelling upon a bicycle or tricycle (other than a motor vehicle) he shall, where practicable, allow the person travelling upon the bicycle or tricycle sufficient room on the travelled portion of the highway to pass to the right. [1911-12, c. 3, s. 3.]

4. (1) If a person travelling or being upon a highway in charge of a motor vehicle or of a vehicle drawn as aforesaid, or on horseback, is overtaken by any vehicle or horseman travelling at a greater speed, the person so overtaken shall turn out to the right, shall leave one-half of the road free, and shall allow the said vehicle or horseman to pass.

(2) Every person so overtaking another motor vehicle, vehicle or horseman shall turn out to the left so far as may be necessary to avoid a collision with the vehicle or horseman so overtaken, and the person so overtaken shall not be required to leave more than one-half of the road free.

(3) If a person travelling upon a highway on a bicycle or tricycle (other than a motor vehicle) is overtaken by any vehicle or motor vehicle as aforesaid or horseman

travelling at a greater speed, the person so overtaken shall
turn out to the right and allow the said vehicle or horseman
to pass, and the person so overtaking the bicycle shall
turn out to the left so far as may be necessary to avoid a
[1911-12, c. 5, s. 4.]

persons on

give warning

5. Every person travelling upon a highway on a bicycle Duty of or tricycle other than a motor vehicle shall give audible bicycles to warning of his approach to any horseman or pedestrian travelling in the same direction before attempting to pass him. [1911-12, c. 5, s. 5.]

to turn out

6. If one motor vehicle drawn as aforesaid is met or Driver unable overtaken by another, and if by reason of the extreme weight of the load on either of the motor vehicles, vehicle or vehicles so meeting or on the vehicle or motor vehicle so overtaken the driver finds it impracticable to turn out as aforesaid, he shall immediately stop, and if necessary for the safety of the other vehicle or motor vehicle, and if required so to do, he shall assist the person in charge thereof to pass. [1911-12, c. 5, s. 6.]

drivers unable


7. If a person in charge of a motor vehicle or vehicle Penalty for drawn as aforesaid or riding upon a horse or other animal to manage on a highway as aforesaid, is, through drunkenness, unable horses, etc.,. to drive or ride with safety to other persons upon the drunkenness, highway, he shall be liable to the general penalty imposed by this Act. [1911-12, c. 5, s. 7.]

racing, etc.,

8. No person shall race with or furiously drive or ride Prohibition of a motor vehicle or any horse or other animal upon any on highways highway. [1911-12, c. 5, s. 8.]

9. Every person travelling upon a highway with a sleigh, Sleighs, etc. sled, or cariole, drawn by horse or other animal, shall have at least two bells attached to the harness.

[1911-12, c. 5, s. 9.]

Shouting and Improper Language.


10. No person shall shout without reasonable cause or Shouting and use any blasphemous or indecent language upon any high- language [1911-12, c. 5, s. 8.]




11. Every person who has the superintendence and Notices at management of any bridge exceeding thirty feet in length may cause to be posted up at each end thereof, conspicuously placed, a notice legibly printed, in the following form:

"Any person riding or driving on or over this bridge at a faster rate than a walk will, on conviction thereof, be subject to a fine as provided by law." [1911-12, c. 5, s. 10.]



Prohibition of
fast driving
on bridges


12. In case a person injures or in any way interferes with such notice he shall be liable on summary conviction to a penalty of not less than one dollar nor more than eight dollars and costs. [1911-12, c. 5, s. 11.]

13. If, while such notice remains posted at the end of the bridge at which he has approached, a person rides or drives a horse or other beast of burden over such bridge at a pace faster than a walk, he shall be liable to the general penalty imposed by this Act. [1911-12, c. 5, s. 12.]


14. Any person violating any of the provisions of this Act shall, as a general penalty, except where otherwise expressly provided, be liable on summary conviction to a penalty of not less than one dollar nor more than twenty dollars and costs. [1911-12, c. 5, s. 13.]

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