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An Act to regulate the Speed and Operation of
Motor Vehicles on Highways.

HIS MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Alberta, enacts as follows:

Short Title.

1. This Act may be cited as "The Motor Vehicle Act." Short title


[1911-12, c. 6, s. 1.]


2. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires,

(a) "Chauffeur" shall mean any person who as an Chauffeur
employee paid for that purpose drives a motor
vehicle of another person, or who drives any motor
vehicle for hire by another person;

Public highway

(b) "Highway" or "public highway" shall include Highway
any public highway or road, street, lane, alley,
park, parkway, driving or public place within
or outside of any city, town or village;

(c) "Motor vehicle" shall include automobiles, loco- Motor vehicle
mobiles, and all other vehicles propelled by any
power other than muscular power, excepting
traction engines and such motor vehicles as run
only upon rails or tracks.

[1911-12, c. 6, s. 2; 1922, c. 37, s. 1.]

Registrations, etc.

3. No owner of a motor vehicle shall, in any year, Filing drive the same or permit it to be driven until there has statement. been filed in that year in the office of the Provincial Secretary, a statement containing his name and address, with a brief description of the vehicle so owned by him, including the name of the maker, factory number, style of vehicle, and such other information as the Provincial Secretary may require and until he has received for that year a certificate of registration of such vehicle, or a renewal thereof. [1922, c. 37, s. 2.]

4. The Lieutenant Governor in Council may make Registration regulations generally regarding the payment of fees for fees registration and prescribing their amount.

[1915, c. 2, s. 13(2).]


5.-(1) The Provincial Secretary shall, upon receipt Issue of of the said statement and the payment of the proper fees, forthwith issue and deliver to the owner of such motor vehicle a certificate of registration.

Issue of number plates

Contents of certificate

Time during
in force

Renewal of certificate

Cancellation of certificate upon sale

Number plates

(2) The Provincial Secretary shall issue and deliver to the owner of such motor vehicle at the time of the issue of the registration certificate or of its renewal two number plates having thereon the registration number of such motor vehicle, the abbreviated name of the Province and the year of issue.

(3) Such number plates shall be of a distinctly different color or shade for each year, to be designated and selected by the Provincial Secretary, and there shall be at all times a marked contrast between the color of the number plates and that of the numerals or letters thereon.

(4) The Provincial Secretary may charge a fee of one dollar for each set of number plates issued pursuant to the provisions of this Act. [1911-12, c. 6, s. 5; 1922, c. 37, s. 3.]

6. The certificate of registration referred to in the next preceding section shall contain the name of the owner of the vehicle registered, his address, the name of the maker of the said vehicle, the factory number, style and motive power. [1911-12, c. 6, s. 6.]

7. Every certificate of registration, and all renewals thereof, shall have force and effect up to the first day of January next after the same shall have been issued, unless sooner revoked. [1911-12, c. 6, s. 7.]

8. Every certificate of registration may be renewed from year to year, upon application to the Provincial Secretary and the payment of the fee required by this Act.

[1911-12, c. 6, s. 8.]

9.-(1) Upon the sale or transfer of ownership of any motor vehicle, registered pursuant to the provisions of this Act, the person in whose name such motor vehicle is registered shall immediately notify the Provincial Secretary of the name and address of the new owner, and return the registration certificate and number plates for the motor vehicle so sold or transferred, and such certificate shall be cancelled by the Provincial Secretary.

(2) The number plates may be reissued by the Provincial Secretary to the old or the new owner, together with the new certificate of registration; and such certificate shall remain in force until the first day of January following and a fee of two dollars shall be chargeable in respect of the issue thereof, and any owner neglecting to notify the Provincial Secretary in case of sale as herein provided shall be guilty of an offence against this Act.

[1911-12, c. 6, s. 9; 1913(2), c. 2, s. 22(2).]

Number Plates.

10. (1) Every motor vehicle shall have firmly attached to and exposed on the front and back thereof the number plates issued by the Provincial Secretary.

(2) The number on the front shall be in such position as to render it distinctly visible, and the number on the back shall be in such a position as be distinctly visible, so that the lower edge thereof shall not be lower than the axle:

Provided that motor cycles, in lieu of displaying the number plates hereinbefore required, shall have attached to the rear mudguard of such motor cycles the registration number thereof in figures of not less than three inches in height and not less than three-eighths of an inch in width.

(3) Such number plates shall be of a distinctly different colour or shade for each year, to be designated and selected by the Provincial Secretary, and there shall be at all times a marked contrast between the colour of the number plates and that of the numerals or letters thereon.

(4) Every number plate shall at all times be kept in a legible condition and unobscured by any part of the vehicle or its attachments or load, and shall be kept firmly fastened.

(5) No number plate other than that issued by the Provincial Secretary shall be exposed on any part of a motor vehicle.

(6) No number plate shall be used or exposed to view on any motor vehicle other than the one for which it was issued or reissued by any person other than the owner to whom the same was originally issued.

(7) No person shall permit any number plate issued to him to be used in contravention of the previous subsection.

[1911-12, c. 6, s. 10; 1913(1), c. 9, s. 32(1); 1913(2), c. 2, s. 22(3); 1922, c. 37, s. 4.]

Lights, Brakes, etc.

motor vehicles,

11. (1) Every motor vehicle shall, during the period Lighting of from one hour after sunset to one hour before sunrise, etc. carry at least two lighted lamps, one on each side, showing white lights visible at least two hundred feet in the direction towards which such motor vehicle is proceeding; and there shall also be attached to the rear end of every motor vehicle a lighted lamp which shall have a red lens facing in the contrary direction to which the motor vehicle is proceeding and also a white lens so arranged as to cast a light upon the car licence number of the motor vehicle, and to make the same visible.

(2) Every motor cycle shall only be required to carry one lamp showing a white light in the direction towards which the motor cycle is proceeding.

(3) Any city or town may by by-law define an area or areas within which every motor vehicle, when stationary, shall during the period mentioned in subsection (1) hereof, show lights in front and rear thereof; and in every such


Prohibition of searchlights




of dealers

in motor vehicles

Necessity of registration of chauffeurs

Registration of chauffeurs

area during the period aforesaid every motor vehicle when
stationary shall show lights in front and rear thereof.
[1922, c. 37, s. 5.]

12. Every motor vehicle shall be equipped with brakes capable of controlling such motor vehicle at all times, and also with a suitable bell, gong, horn or other device, which shall be sounded whenever it is reasonably necessary to notify pedestrians or others of the approach of the vehicle. [1911-12, c. 6, s. 12.]

13. (1) No motor vehicle shall carry what is known to the trade as a searchlight.

(2) The headlights on all motor vehicles shall be so arranged that no portion of the direct beam of reflected or refracted light issuing therefrom shall, when measured seventy-five feet ahead of such headlights, rise above fortytwo inches from the level surface on which the vehicle stands. (3) This section shall not prevent a spot-light being carried on any motor vehicle provided that such spot-light shall not be used within the limits of any village, town or city, nor when approaching or overtaking any other moving vehicle.

[1911-12, c. 6, s. 13; 1917, c. 3, s. 21(1); 1922, c. 37, s. 6.]

14. The Lieutenant Governor in Council may make regulations governing the registration of manufacturers of and dealers in motor vehicles and the registration and operation of motor vehicles owned or kept by manufacturers or dealers, and not kept by them for private use or hire. [1913(2), c. 2, s. 22(4).]

15. No person shall in any year operate a motor vehicle as a chauffeur unless he has been duly registered as a chauffeur for that year. [1922, c. 37, s. 7.]

Registration, etc., of Chauffeurs.

16.—(1) Every application for a certificate of registration as a chauffeur to operate motor vehicles as a chauffeur shall be made to the Provincial Secretary upon forms to be prepared under his authority, and every such application shall be accompanied by a fee of three dollars:

Provided that a chauffeur engaged as a chauffeur only for the purpose of operating a van or conveyance carrying pupils to and from any consolidated school shall not be required to pay such fee.

(2) Before such application is granted the applicant shall pass such examination as to his qualifications as the Provincial Secretary may require, and no certificate of registration shall be issued to any applicant until the Provincial Secretary is satisfied that he is a fit and proper person to receive the same.

(3) For the purpose of conducting the examination the Provincial Secretary shall appoint examiners and cause examinations to be held at convenient points throughout the Province, and as often as may be necessary.

(4) The Provincial Secretary upon being satisfied as to the qualifications of the applicant may, if in his uncontrolled discretion he thinks fit to do so, register his name as a chauffeur licensed to operate motor vehicles in this Province, and shall deliver to him a certificate of such registration, and issue and furnish to him a suitable metal badge which shall have stamped thereon the words "Licensed Chauffeur, Alberta," and the licence number assigned to the applicant, which badge shall thereafter be worn by him in a conspicuous place on the front of his outer garment at all times while he is operating a motor vehicle upon any public highway.

(5) All certificates issued under the provisions of this section shall remain in force, unless suspended or revoked as hereinafter provided, for one year from the first day of January preceding the date of issue.

(6) No certificate of registration as a chauffeur shall be issued to any person under the age of eighteen years.

(7) Upon any registered chauffeur being convicted under the provisions of The Liquor Act of selling or having for sale any intoxicating liquor, the justice or magistrate shall forthwith notify the Provincial Secretary, who may thereupon revoke or suspend certificate of his registration.

[1911-12, c. 6, s. 15; 1919, c. 4, s. 28(1); 1921, c. 5, s. 2(1); 1922, c. 37, s. 8.]


17. No registered chauffeur shall operate a motor Chauffeurs' vehicle without displaying his badge in the manner prescribed by this Act, nor voluntarily permit any person to use his badge or certificate, nor shall any person while operating a motor vehicle use any badge or certificate belonging to any other person, nor a fictitious badge or certificate. [1911-12, c. 6, s. 16.]

Disposition of Fees.

fees, etc.

18. (1) All fees paid to the Provincial Secretary as Disposition of provided in this Act shall be paid by him to the Provincial Treasurer and form part of the general revenue fund of the Province.

(2) All money paid into the general revenue fund of the Province under the provisions of this Act shall be appropriated solely for the construction, drainage, improvement and repair of roads and bridges in the Province, and the money so paid shall be distributed for that purpose in such manner as the Minister of Public Works may deem expedient; provided, however, that any expense incidental to the collection of any money hereunder shall be first deducted therefrom. [1911-12, c. 6, s. 18; 1918, c. 4, s. 4.]

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