Expulsion Saving of rights of certain persons Powers of Courts and before all persons that the persons therein Discipline. 17. The Institute may by by-law provide for the suspension or expulsion, on complaint and after due inquiry, of any member for misconduct or for violation of the rules or by-laws of the Institute. [1910(2), c. 43, s. 17.] Scope of Act. 18. Nothing in this Act shall affect or interfere with the right of any person not a member of the Institute to practise as an accountant in the Province of Alberta, nor with the right of any person not residing or having an office within this Province, to use any designation as accountant. [1910(2), c. 43, s. 18.] 19. The Lieutenant Governor in Council may at any time order that any or all of the powers contained in section 9 of this Act be transferred to the University of Alberta and from and after the passing of such order in council the powers so transferred shall cease to be vested in the Institute but shall become vested in and devolve upon the said university. [1910(2), c. 43, s. 19.] CHAPTER 203. An Act respecting Chemists and Druggists. HIS IS MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Alberta, enacts as follows: Short Title. 1. This Act may be cited as "The Alberta Pharmaceutical Short title Association Act.' [1910(2), c. 38, s. 1.] Interpretation. 2. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires, Interpretation (a) "Person" shall include a partnership or an incor- Person (b) "Sell" shall include advertising for sale or ex- Sell or upon any pretence or device selling or bartering [1910(2), c. 38, s. 2; 1918, c. 59, s. 1.] Incorporation. 3. (1) All persons registered as members of the Pharma- Constitution ceutical Association of the North-West Territories before of association the sixteenth day of December, one thousand nine hundred and ten, who comply with the by-laws of the Pharmaceutical Association of Alberta, and all persons hereafter registered under the provisions of this Act, shall constitute a body corporate under the name of "The Alberta Pharmaceutical Association," hereinafter called "the association". (2) The association shall have power to sue and be sued, Incorporation to hold real property not exceeding in annual value twenty thousand dollars, to alienate, transfer and otherwise deal with such real property and to exchange, mortgage, lease or otherwise charge or dispose of both real and personal property or any part thereof. [1910(2), c. 38, s. 3.] Meetings. management 4. (1) There shall be general meetings of the association Meetings and held from time to time as hereinafter mentioned and there shall also be a council to direct and manage the affairs of the association. (2) The said general meetings and the council shall have the entire direction and management of the association subject to the regulations hereinafter mentioned; and at Meetings Annual meeting Special meeting Election of council Filling vacancies Voting qualification Eligibility for membership all general meetings and meetings of the council the majority 5. (1) The association may hold general meetings once a year, at a time and place to be determined by the council, and also such special meetings as the council from time to time thinks proper. (2) The annual general meeting shall be held on the second Tuesday in the month of July in each year, or such other day near thereto as shall be determined by the council. (3) Upon the recommendation in writing of six members of the association entitled to vote requesting the council to convene a special general meeting for the purpose specified in the requisition, such meeting shall be convened by the president within such reasonable time as the council shall see fit, the council first giving such notice thereof as may be required by the by-laws of the corporation and the purpose for which the same is convened. [1910(2), c. 38, s. 7.] Council. 6. (1) The council shall be elected or appointed by the members of the association in the manner herein provided; and the term of office of an elected member shall be for a period of two years but any member may resign his appointment at any time by letter addressed to the president or the registrar of the council. (2) Upon the death, resignation or removal of any member of the council it shall be lawful for the council to elect and appoint some other person, being a member of the association and otherwise eligible, to supply the vacancy so made; and the person so appointed shall be taken in all respects as regards his duration of office to represent the person in whose stead he has been appointed. [1910(2), c. 38, s. 6.] 7. The persons qualified to vote at elections of members of the council shall be such persons as are at that time members of the association, and the time, place and manner of such elections shall be laid down by the by-laws of the corporation subject to the provisions of this Act. [1910(2), c. 38, s. 8.] 8. No person shall be eligible to be elected a member of the council unless he is registered in accordance with the provisions of this Act, and unless he resides within the Province of Alberta and carries on the business of a pharmaceutical chemist within the Province of Alberta. [1910(2), c. 38, s. 9.] 9. The charge and conduct of elections shall be under the Conduct of management of the registrar-treasurer of the association. [1910(2), c. 38, s. 10; 1918, c. 59, s. 2.] elections 10. Every person entitled to vote may vote for as many Number of members as there are vacancies to be filled. [1910(2), c. 38, s. 11.] votes allowed voting 11. (1) Such votes shall be given by closed ballots to Method of be issued by the registrar-treasurer at least twenty days prior to the day of election, and shall be in form A in schedule 2 hereto or to the like effect, and signed by the voter and delivered to the registrar-treasurer on any of the twenty days preceding the election. (2) Any ballots mailed to the said registrar-treasurer by post in time to reach him before the date of election shall be deemed to be delivered to him. [1910(2), c. 38, s. 12.] office 12. The three or four candidates as the case may be who Period of have the highest number of votes shall be the members of the council for the two years following the date of such election and until their successors are elected or appointed. [1910(2), c. 38, s. 13.] present 13. Any person entitled to vote at any election shall be Persons entitled to be present at the opening of the ballots at such at count election. [1910(2), c. 38, s. 14.] in case of votes 14. (1) In case of an equality of votes between two or Procedure more persons which leaves the election of one or more of equality of the members of the council undecided, the registrar shall in the presence of the scrutineers forthwith put into a box a number of papers with the names of the candidates having such equality of votes written thereon one for each candidate, and shall draw by chance from such ballot box one or more of such ballot papers sufficient to make up the required number. (2) The persons whose names are upon the papers so drawn shall be such members. [1910(2), c. 38, s. 15.] of electoral 15. If the association at any time desires to divide the Formation Province into electoral divisions for the purposes of the divisions election of members of the council under this Act, the association may, by by-law, make such division and make provision for the holding of elections in accordance therewith varying if necessary the provisions regarding elections above set forth. [1910(2), c. 38, s. 16.] Election of officers council Power of council as to property of association Powers of council Officers and Powers of Council. 16. The council of the association for the time being shall at their first meeting after their election or appointment elect from among their members a president, vicepresident and a registrar-treasurer: Provided that such registrar-treasurer need not be a member of the council nor a member of the association. [1910(2), c. 38, s. 17.] 17. The council of the association shall have the sole control and management of the real and personal property of such association subject to the by-laws thereof: Provided that no sale or mortgage of any such property shall be made except with the approbation and concurrence of a general meeting of the members of the association specially called for such purpose. [1910(2), c. 38, s. 18.] 18. (1) The council shall have power to fix such fees and make such by-laws, rules and regulations not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act as it deems necessary for carrying out the objects of the association, and in particular by such by-laws, in addition to any other powers it may have, may (a) fix the examination, registration or annual fees to be paid by apprentices, certified clerks, or members of the association: (b) provide that the annual fees of nonresident or nopractising members shall be on a different basis from those of active members; (c) provide that the annual fee of any member which remains unpaid for a period to be specified in such by-laws, shall on the expiration of such period be increased to an amount specified in such by-law; (d) provide for the depositing and disbursement of the funds of the association; (e) provide that all active members shall be supplied with and shall keep exposed in their places of business certificates showing that their annual fees for the year then current are paid; (f) provide for the striking off the register or suspension from practice or business as a member of the association of any member for nonpayment of fees due to the association, and for the reinstatement of such member upon such terms as the council thinks fit; (g) from time to time amend, revoke or substitute other by-laws in their stead. (2) Such fees, by-laws, rules and regulations may also be amended, altered or repealed in whole or in part at any |