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Transmission of lists of members

Rectification of errors

Effect of omission of name


Effect of

of fees, etc.


Counting of votes

Casting vote


of members elected

9. At least two weeks prior to the holding of an election the registrar shall make out a list of the names and addresses of the members of the association, who are entitled to vote. at such election, and transmit a copy of such list by post to each member whose name appears thereon.

[1916, c. 35, s. 10.]

10. In case any member complains to the registrar at least one week before an election of the improper omission or insertion of any name from or on the list, it shall be the duty of the registrar forthwith to examine into the complaint, and rectify such error, if any. [1916, c. 35, s. 11.]

11. No person whose name does not appear on the said list as amended, if so be, shall be entitled to vote at the election. [1916, c. 35, s. 12.]

12. Retiring members of the council shall be eligible for re-election. [1916, c. 35, s. 13.]

13. No person shall be entitled to vote or to be elected unless all fees and other moneys owing by him or her to the association have been paid before the day of election. [1916, c. 35, s. 14.]

14. Each voter shall vote by ballot in form A in the schedule to this Act (or to the like effect) and may mail the same in a sealed envelope, marked "Ballot," postage prepaid, to the registrar, or may deliver the same, to him or her, so that the registrar may receive the same before the hour prescribed for opening the voting papers.

[1916, c. 35, s. 15.]

15. The said voting papers shall at the hour of eleven o'clock in the forenoon, of the day of the election, upon the date and at the place appointed for the holding of the said election, be opened by the registrar, in the presence of any of the persons entitled to vote, who may attend, and the registrar shall then scrutinize and count the votes, and keep a record thereof. [1916, c. 35, s. 16.]

16. In case of an equality of votes between two or more persons which leaves the election of one or more persons undecided, the registrar shall have the casting vote. [1916, c. 35, s. 17.]

17. (1) The seven members receiving the highest number of votes shall constitute the council for the next ensuing two years, and until their successors are appointed; and the registrar shall forthwith after the election notify the members elect of their election.

(2) Any vacancy occurring in the council between elections shall be filled by the council from the members of the association. [1916, c. 35, s. 18.]

voting papers,

18. The voting papers relating to any election shall not Retention of be destroyed, but along with all other papers relating to etc. the election shall be retained by the secretary, until all petitions relating to such election have been decided. [1916, c. 35, s. 19.]


19. (1) In the event of any dispute as to the election Decision of of all or any of the persons declared by the registrar to have elections been elected to the council, the same may be decided in a summary way by any judge of the Supreme Court of Alberta upon petition presented within ten days from the declaration of the result.

(2) The decision of the judge shall be final, and the costs of the petition shall be in his discretion.

(3) The judge shall with respect to such petition have the powers of a judge in Chambers upon the hearing of a summons in an action pending in such Court.

[1916, c. 35, s. 20.]

of voting

20. No person shall sign the name of any other person Falsification to any voting paper, under this Act, or alter or add to or papers falsify or fill up any blank in any voting paper signed by another person. [1916, c. 35, s. 21.]

of substitute


21. In the event of there being no registrar (for the time Appointment being) of the association, at the time at which any election registrar for under this Act is to be held, or in the event of such registrar being unable from illness or other unavoidable cause to act at such election, then and in such case the president for the time being of the association shall appoint under his or her hand, some other person to act as registrar; and such person so appointed shall perform all the duties of such registrar as prescribed by this Act. [1916, c. 35, s. 22.]

22. The council shall make such by-laws and regulations, By-laws and not inconsistent with this Act, as may best promote the regulations interests of the association, and from time to time to amend the same as in their judgment seems wise.

Officers of Association.

[1916, c. 35, s. 23.]

of officers

23. Each council elect shall at its first meeting, from Appointment among the members of the council, appoint a president, first vice-president, second vice-president, secretary, treasurer and registrar:

Provided, however, that any appointee may hold the position of the three last mentioned offices or any two of them. [1916, c. 35, s. 24.]

Provision as to acting president

Keeping register


Payment of fees, etc.

Deposit of funds


Annual fee


24. In the case of the absence or inability to act of the president, the first vice-president, or in case of his or her absence or inability, the second vice-president, shall act instead of the president. [1916, c. 35, s. 25.]

25. The council shall cause to be kept by the registrar a book or register to be known as "The Alberta Nurses Register" (herein called "the register") in which shall be entered the name of every member of the association.

[1916, c. 35, s. 26.]

26. A majority of the council duly convened shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.

Funds of Association.

[1916, c. 35, s. 27.]

27. All fees, dues and subscriptions payable under the provisions of this Act shall be the property of the association and shall be paid to the treasurer of the association.

[1916, c. 35, s. 28.]

28. The funds of the association shall be deposited by the treasurer to the credit of the association in a chartered bank, and shall be withdrawn only by cheque signed by the treasurer and countersigned by the president, or in his absence one of the vice-presidents. [1916, c. 35, s. 29.]

29. The funds of the association shall be disbursed and appropriated under the direction of the council.

[1916, c. 35, s. 30.]

Certificate of Registration.

30.—(1) Every member of the association shall pay to the treasurer, or to any person deputed by the treasurer to receive it, on or before the first day of January in each year such annual fee, not less than one dollar and not more than five dollars, as may be determined upon by the council.

(2) Upon payment of the said fee each member shall be entitled to receive a certificate, under the seal of the association, stating his or her qualifications to hold himself or herself out as a registered nurse, and that the certificate is in force for the remainder of the calendar year in which it is issued, and no person shall be entitled to use the letters "R.N." unless and until such fee is paid:

Provided that any member of the association who notifies the treasurer in writing that he or she desires to discontinue nursing in this Province for a definite or indefinite period, shall not be required to pay the annual fee during such period.

of practice

(3) Any member so serving such notice shall be entitled Resumption to practise his or her profession at a later period, by notifying the treasurer of his or her intention so to do, and paying the fee for the year in which such notice is given. [1916, c. 35, s. 31.]

member to

31. Every member of the association shall be entitled to Right of practise professional nursing in the Province of Alberta and practise to append to his or her name the letters "R.N." and to use and wear a distinctive badge, showing that he or she has been registered in accordance with this Act.

[1916, c. 35, s. 32; 1920, c. 2, s. 4.]

32. (1) The council may revoke any certificate by an unanimous vote for dishonesty, a habit rendering a nurse unsafe to be trusted with or unfit for the care of the sick, conduct derogatory to the morals or standing of the profession of nursing, any wilful fraud or misrepresentation practised in procuring the certificate, or the fraudulent use of the certificate.

Revocation of certificate


(2) Before any certificate is revoked the holder thereof Hearing of shall be given at least thirty days' notice in writing of the specific charge against such holder, and of the time and place of the hearing of the charge by the council, at which time and place the holder shall be entitled to be heard, and be represented by counsel.


(3) Upon the revocation of any certificate the same shall Effect of be null and void, the holder thereof shall cease to be a member of the association and to be entitled to any of the privileges conferred by such certificate or registration, and it shall be the duty of the registrar to strike the name of such holder from the roll of registered nurses.

[1916, c. 35, s. 33.]

Prohibition and Penalties.

wearing of

33. Subject to the approval of the Lieutenant Governor Unauthorized in Council the council may prescribe a distinguishing badge badge, etc. to be worn by members of the association, and any person not registered pursuant to this Act who uses the said badge or who takes or uses the title of registered nurse, or the abbreviation R.N., or any other words, letters or descriptions calculated to lead people to infer that such person is registered under this Act, or is entitled to be registered under this Act, or is recognized by law as a registered nurse, shall be liable, upon summary conviction, to pay a penalty of not less than ten dollars and not more than fifty dollars. [1920, c. 22, s. 5.]

34. (1) Any prosecution under this Act may be brought Prosecution and heard before a police magistrate or a justice of the


Advisability of certificate as evidence

Commencement of prosecution

(2) In case the penalty and costs awarded are not upon conviction forthwith paid the justice may commit the offender to the common gaol, there to be imprisoned for any time not exceeding one month, unless the penalty and costs are sooner paid. [1916, c. 35, s. 35.]

35. In any prosecution under this Act, the certificate of the registrar shall be prima facie evidence as to whether or not the person charged is registered under the provisions of this Act. [1916, c. 35, s. 36.]

36. Every prosecution under this Act shall be commenced within twelve months from the date of the alleged offence. [1916, c. 35, s. 37.]

[blocks in formation]

1. That the signature hereto is my proper handwriting; 2. That I now reside at

3. That I vote for the following persons as members of the council of the Graduate Nurses Association of Alberta:








4. That I have signed no other voting paper at this election;

5. That this voting paper was executed on the day of the date hereof.

Witness my hand this

19. ...


day of.

[1916, c. 35, Schedule A.]

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