Now his fierce eyes with sparkling fury glow, Now sighs steal out, and tears begin to flow : Persians and Greeks like turns of nature found, 38C And the world's victor stood subdued by sound ! The power of music all our hearts allow, And what Timotheus was, is Dryden now.
Avoid extremes; and shun the fault of such
320 Who still are pleased too little or too much. At every trifle scorn to take offence, That always shows great pride, or little sense: Those heads, as stomachs, are not sure the best, Which nauseate all, and nothing can digest. Yet let not each gay turn thy rapture move : For fools admire, but men of sense approve: As things seem large which we through mists descry Dulness is ever apt to magnify.
The face of nature we no more survey, All glares alike, without distinction gay: But true expression, like the unchanging sun, Clears and improves whate'er it shines upon: It gilds all objects, but it alters none. Expression is the dress of thought. and still Appears more decent as more suitable: A vile conceit in pompous words express'd, Is like a clown in regal purple dress'd; For different styles with different subjects sort, As several garbs, with country, town, and court. Some by old words to fame have made pretence, Ancients in phrase, mere moderns in their sense; Such labour'd nothings, in so strange a style, Amaze the unlearn'd, and make the learned smile. Unlucky, as Fungosa in the play, These sparks with awkward vanity display What the fine gentleman wore yesterday; And but so mimic ancient wits at best, As apes our grandsires in their doublets dress'd. In words, as fashions, the same rule will hold; Alike fantastic, if too new or old : Be not the first by whom the new are tried, Nor yet the last to lay the whole aside.
But most by numbers judge a poet's song; And smooth or rough, with them, is right or wrong: In the bright muse though thousand charms conspire, Her voice is all these tuneful fools admire;
Some foreign writers, some our own despise ;
330 The ancients only, or the moderns prize : Thus wit, like faith, by each man is applied To one small sect, and all are damn'd beside. Meanly they seek the blessing to confine, And force that sun but on a part to shine, Which not alone the southern wit sublimes But ripens spirits in cold northern climes; Which from the first has shone on ages past, Enlights the present, and shall warm the last; Though each may feel increases and decays, And see now clearer and now darker days. Regard not then if wit be old or new, But blame the false, and value still the true. Some ne'er advance a judgment of their own, But catch the spreading notion of the town; They reason and conclude by precedent, And own stale nonsense which they ne'er invent. Some judge of authors' names, not works, and then Nor praise nor blame the writings, but the men. Of all this servile herd, the worst is he That in proud dulness joins with quality; A constant critic at the great man's board To fetch and carry nonsense for my lord. What woeful stuff this madrigal would be, In some starved hackney'd sonnetteer, or me! But let a lord once own the happy lines, How the wit brightens! how the style refines! Before his sacred name flies every fault, And each exalted stanza teems with thought!
Who haunt Parnassus but to please their ear, Not mend their minds; as some to church repair, Not for the doctrine, but the music there. These equal syllables alone require, Though oft the ear the open vowels tire; While expletives their feeble aid do join, And ten low words oft creep in one dull line: While they ring round the same unvaried chimes, With sure returns of still expected rhymes; Where'er you find 'the cooling western breeze,' 350 In the next line it 'whispers through the trees :' If crystal streams 'with pleasing murmurs creep,' The reader's threatened (not in vain) with 'sleep:' Then at the last, and only couplet fraught
With some unmeaning thing they call a thought, A needless Alexandrine ends the song,
That, like a wounded snake, drags its slow length along.
Leave such to tune their own dull rhymes, and know What's roundly smooth, or languishingly slow; And praise the easy vigour of a line, 360 Where Denham's strength and Waller's sweetness join.
True ease in writing comes from art, not chance, As those move easiest who have learn'd to dance. Tis not enough no harshness gives offence, The sound must seem an echo to the sense: Soft is the strain when Zephyr gently blows, And the smooth stream in smoother numbers flows But when loud surges lash the sounding shore,
The hoarse, rough verse should like the torrent roar. When Ajax strives some rock's vast weight to throw, The line too labours, and the words move slow: 370 Not so, when swift Camilla scours the plain,
Flies o'er the unbending corn, and skims along the main.
Hear how Timotheus' varied lays surprise, And bid alternate passions fall and rise!
While, at each change, the son of Libyan Jove Now burns with glory, and then melts with love:
The vulgar thus through imitation err; As oft the learn'd by being singular; So much they scorn the crowd, that if the throng By chance go right they purposely go wrong: So schismatics the plain believers quit,
And are but damn'd for having too much wit. Some praise at morning what they blame at night, But always think the last opinion right. A muse by these is like a mistress used, This hour she's idolized, the next abused; While their weak heads, like towns unfortified, 'Twixt sense and nonsense daily change their side Ask them the cause; they're wiser still they say; And still to-morrow's wiser than to-day. We think our fathers fools, so wise we grow; Our wiser sons, no doubt, will think us so.
Once school-divines this zealous isle o'erspread; 440 Who knew most sentences was deepest read: Faith, Gospel, all, seem'd made to be disputed, And none had sense enough to be confuted: Scotists and Thomists, now in peace remain, Amidst their kindred cobwebs in Duck-lane.
And while self-love each jealous writer rules, Contending wits become the sport of fools: But still the worst with most regret commend, For each ill author is as bad a friend. To what base ends, and by what abject ways, Are mortals urged through sacred lust of praise! Ah, ne'er so dire a thirst of glory boast, Nor in the critic let the man be lost. Good nature and good sense must ever join; To err, is human; to forgive, divine.
If faith itself has different dresses worn, Now they who reach Parnassus' lofty crown, What wonder modes in wit should take their turn? Employ their pains to spurn some others down; Oft, leaving what is natural and fit, The current folly proves the ready wit; And authors think their reputation safe, Which lives as long as fools are pleased to laugh. Some, valuing those of their own side or mind, Still make themselves the measure of mankind: Fondly we think we honour merit then, When we but praise ourselves in other men. Parties in wit attend on those of state, And public faction doubles private hate. Pride, malice, folly, against Dryden rose, In various shapes of parsons, critics, beaux: But sense survived, when merry jests were past; 460 Discharge that rage on more provoking crimes, For rising merit will buoy up at last.
Might he return and bless once more our eyes, New Blackmores and new Milbourns must arise; Nay, should great Homer lift his awful head,
But if in noble minds some dregs remain, Not yet purged off, of spleen and sour disdain;
Zoilus again would start up from the dead. Envy will merit, as its shade, pursue;
Nor fear a dearth in these flagitious times. No pardon vile obscenity should find, Though wit and art conspire to move your mind; But dulness with obscenity must prove As shameful sure as impotence in love.
But, like a shadow, proves the substance true: For envied wit, like Sol eclipsed, makes known
In the fat age of pleasure, wealth, and ease, Sprang the rank weed, and thrived with large increase: When love was all an easy monarch's care;
The opposing body's grossness, not its own.
Seldom at council, never in a war:
When first that sun too powerful beams displays, 470 Jilts rul'd the state, and statesmen farces writ :
It draws up vapours which obscure its rays; But e'en those clouds at last adorn its way, Reflect new glories, and augment the day.
Nay, wits had pensions, and young lords had wit:
The fair sat panting at a courtier's play,
And not a mask went unimproved away;
Be thou the first true merit to befriend; His praise is lost who stays till all commend. Short is the date, alas! of modern rhymes, And 'tis but just to let them live betimes. No longer now that golden age appears, When patriarch-wits survived a thousand years: Now length of fame (our second life) is lost, And bare threescore is all e'en that can boast; Our sons their fathers' failing language see, And such as Chaucer is, shall Dryden be. So when the faithful pencil has design'd Some bright idea of the master's mind,
Where a new world leaps out at his command, And ready nature waits upon his hand; When the ripe colours soften and unite,
And sweetly melt into just shade and light;
Lest God himself should seem too absolute; Pulpits their sacred satire learn'd to spare, And vice admired to find a flatterer there! Encouraged thus, wit's Titans braved the skies, And the press groan'd with licensed blasphemies These monsters, critics! with your darts engage, Here point your thunder, and exhaust your rage! Yet shun their fault, who scandalously nice
When mellowing years their full perfection give, 490 Will needs mistake an author into vice;
And each bold figure just begins to live;
All seems infected, that the infected spy,
The treacherous colours the fair art betray, And all the bright creation fades away!
As all looks yellow to the jaundiced eye.
Unhappy wit, like most mistaken things, Atones not for that envy which it brings; In youth alone its empty praise we boast, But soon the short-lived vanity is lost; Like some fair flower the early spring supplies, That gaily blooms, but e'en in blooming dies. What is this wit, which must our cares employ? 500 The owner's wife that other men enjoy; Then most our trouble still when most admired, And still the more we give, the more required: Whose fame with pains we guard, but lose with ease, Sure some to vex, but never all to please; "Tis what the vicious fear, the virtuous shun; By fools 'tis hated, and by knaves undone!
If wit so much from ignorance undergo, Ah, let not learning too commence its foe! Of old, those met rewards who could excel, And such were praised who but endeavour'd well; Though triumphs were to generals only due, Crowns were reserved to grace the soldiers too.
Rules for the conduct of manners in a critic. 1. Can- dour, ver. 563. Modesty, ver. 566. Good-breeding, ver. 572. Sincerity and freedom of advice, ver. 578. 2. When one's counsel is to be restrained, ver. 584. Character of an incorrigible poet, ver. 600; and of an impertinent critic, ver. 610, &c. Character of a good critic, ver. 629. The history of criticism, and charac- ters of the best critics: Aristotle, ver. 645. Horace, 653. Dionysius, ver. 665. Petronius, ver. 667. Quin- tilian, ver. 670. Longinus, ver. 675. Of the decay of criticism, and its revival: Erasmus, ver. 693. Vida, ver. 705. Boileau, ver. 714. Lord Roscommon, &c. ver. 725. Conclusion.
510 LEARN then what moral critics ought to show, 56 For 'tis but half a judge'stask to know. 'Tis not enough, taste, judgment, learning join; In all you speak, let truth and candour shine;
That not alone what to your sense is due All may allow, but seek your friendship too.
Be silent always, when you doubt your sense, And speak, though sure, with seeming diffidence: Some positive, persisting fops we know, Who, if once wrong, will needs be always so: But you, with pleasure, own your errors past, And make each day a critique on the last.
But where's the man who counsel can bestow, Still pleas'd to teach, and yet not proud to know? Unbiass'd, or by favour, or by spite; Not dully prepossess'd, nor blindly right; Though learn'd, well-bred; and, though well-bred,
570 Modestly bold and humanly severe : Who to a friend his faults can freely show, And gladly praise the merit of a foe;
'Tis not enough your counsel still be true:
Blunt truths more mischief than nice falsehoods do; Bless'd with a taste exact, yet unconfined; Men must be taught, as if you taught them not, And things unknown proposed as things forgot. Without good breeding truth is disapproved: That only makes superior sense beloved. Be niggards of advice on no pretence;
A knowledge both of books and human kind; 640 Generous converse; a soul exempt from pride; And love to praise, with reason on his side?
For the worst avarice is that of sense.
Such once were critics; such the happy few Athens and Rome in better ages knew: The mighty Stagyrite first left the shore,
With mean complacence, ne'er betray your trust, 580 Spread all his sails, and durst the deeps explore:
Nor be so civil as to prove unjust.
Fear not the anger of the wise to raise;
Those best can bear reproof, who merit praise.
"Twere well might critics still this freedom take: But Appius reddens at each word you speak, And stares tremendous, with a threatening eye, Like some fierce tyrant in old tapestry. Fear most to tax an honourable fool,
Whose right it is, uncensured, to be dull:
He steer'd securely, and discover'd far, Led by the light of the Mæonian star. Poets, a race long unconfin'd and free, Still fond and proud of savage liberty, Received his laws, and stood convinc'd 'twas fit, Who conquer'd nature, should preside o'er wit. Horace still charms with graceful negligence,
And without method talks us into sense: Will, like a friend, familiarly convey
Such, without wit, are poets when they please, 590 The truest notions in the easiest way. As without learning they can take degrees.
Leave dangerous truths to unsuccessful satires,
And flattery to fulsome dedicators,
Whom, when they praise, the world believes no more
He who, supreme in judgment as in wit, Might boldly censure, as he boldly writ;
Yet judged with coolness, though he sung with
His precepts teach but what his works inspire. 660 Our critics take a contrary extreme,
Than when they promise to give scribbling o'er.
'Tis best sometimes your censure to restrain,
And charitably let the dull be vain;
Your silence there is better than your spite:
For who can rail so long as they can write?
They judge with fury, but they write with phlegm Nor suffers Horace more in wrong translations By wits, than critics in as wrong quotations.
Still humming on, their drowsy course they keep, 600 See Dionysius Homer's thoughts refine,
Such shameless bards we have: and yet 'tis true, 610 Thee, bold Longinus! all the Nine inspire,
There are as mad, abandon'd critics too. The bookful blockhead, ignorantly read, With loads of learned lumber in his head, With his own tongue still edifies his ears, And always listening to himself appears. All books he reads, and all he reads assails, From Dryden's Fables down to Durfey's Tales: With him most authors steal their works, or buy'; Garth did not write his own Dispensary.
Name a new play, and he's the poet's friend, Nay, show'd his faults-but when would poets No place so sacred from such fops is barr'd, Nor is Paul's church more safe than Paul's yard
And arts still follow'd where her eagles flew; 620 From the same foes, at last, both felt their doom, mend? And the same age saw learning fall, and Rome. With tyranny then superstition join'd, As that the body, this enslaved the mind; Much was believed but little understood, And to be dull was construed to be good: A second deluge learning thus o'erran And the monks finish'd what the Goths began.
Nay, fly to altars, there they'll talk you dead; For fools rush in where angels fear to tread. Distrustful sense with modest caution speaks, at still looks home, and short excursions makes; But rattling nonsense in full volleys breaks, And, never shock'd, and never turn'd aside, Bursts out, resistless, with a thundering tide.
At length Erasmus, that great injured name, (The glory of the priesthood, and the shame!) Stemm'd the wild torrent of a barbarous age,
630 And drove those holy Vandals off the stage.
But see! each muse, in Leo's golden days, Starts from her trance, and trims her wither'd bays; Rome's ancient genius, o'er its ruins spread, Shakes off the dust, and rears his reverend head. 700 Then sculpture and her sister-arts revive; Stones leap'd to form, and rocks began to live: With sweeter notes each rising temple rung; A Raphael painted, and a Vida sung. Immortal Vida! on whose honour'd brow The poet's bays and critic's ivy grow: Cremona now shall ever boast thy name, As next-in place to Mantua, next in fame.
sake to consent to the publication of one more correct. This I was forced to, before I had executed half my design; for the machinery was entirely wanting to complete it.
The machinery, madam, is a term invented by the critics, to signify that part which the deities, angels, or demons, are made to act in a poem: for the ancient poets are, in one respect, like many modern ladies: let an action be never so trivial in itself, they always make it appear of the utmost importance. These machines I determined to raise on a very new and odd foundation, the Rosicrusian doctrine of spirits.
I know how disagreeable it is to make use of hard words before a lady; but it is so much the concern of a poet to have his works understood, and particularly by your sex, that you must give me leave to explain two or three difficult terms.
The Rosicrucians are a people I must bring you acquainted with. The best account I know of them is in a French book called Le Compte de Gabalis, which, both in its title and size, is so like a novel, that many of the fair sex have read it for one by mistake. According to these gentlemen, the four ele
720 ments are inhabited by spirits, which they call Sylphs, Gnomes, Nymphs, and Salamanders. The Gnomes, or demons of earth, delight in mischief; but the Sylphs, whose habitation is in the air, are the best conditioned creatures imaginable; for they say, any mortal may enjoy the most intimate familiarities with these gentle spirits, upon a condition very easy to all true adepts-an inviolate preservation of chastity.
But soon by impious arms from Latium chased, Their ancient bounds the banish'd muses pass'd: 710 Thence arts o'er all the northern world advance, But critic-learning flourish'd most in France: The rules a nation born to serve obeys, And Boileau still in right of Horace sways. But we, brave Britons, foreign laws despis'd, And kept unconquer'd and unciviliz'd; Fierce for the liberties of wit, and bold, We still defied the Romans, as of old. Yet some there were among the sounder few Of those who less presum'd, and better knew, Who durst assert the juster ancient cause, And here restor'd wit's fundamental laws. Such was the muse, whose rule and practice tell, 'Nature's chief master-piece is writing well." Such was Roscommon, not more learn'd than good, With manners generous as his noble blood; To him the wit of Greece and Rome was known, And every author's merit but his own. Such late was Walsh, the muse's judge and friend, Who justly knew to blame or to commend; To failings mild, but zealous for desert; The clearest head, and the sincerest heart. This humble praise, lamented shade! receive, This praise at least a grateful muse may give: The muse, whose early voice you taught to sing, Prescrib'd her heights, and prun'd her tender wing. (Her guide now lost,) no more attempts to rise, But in low numbers short excursions tries; Content, if hence th' unlearn'd their wants may view, The learn'd reflect on what before they knew: 740 Careless of censure, nor too fond of fame; Still pleas'd to praise, yet not afraid to blame: Averse alike to flatter or offend; Not free from faults, nor yet too vain to mend.
![[blocks in formation]](,1141,388,206)
As to the following cantos, all the passages of them 730 are as fabulous as the vision at the beginning, or the transformation at the end (except the loss of your hair, which I always mention with reverence.) The human persons are as fictitious as the airy ones; and the character of Belinda, as it is now managed, resembles you in nothing but in beauty.
It will be in vain to deny that I have some regard for this piece, since I dedicate it to you; yet you may bear me witness, it was intended only to divert a few
If this poem had as many graces as there are in your person or in your mind, yet I could never hope it should pass through the world half so uncensured as you have done. But let its fortune be what it will, mine is happy enough to have given me this occasion of assuring you that I am, with the truest esteem,
Your most obedient humble servant, A. POPE.
Nolueram, Belinda, tuos violare capillos;
Sed juvat, hoc precibus me tribuisse tuis. MART.
WHAT dire offence from amorous causes springs, What mighty contests rise from trivial things, I sing;-this verse to Caryl, Muse! is due: This e'en Belinda may vouchsafe to view : Slight is the subject, but not so the praise, If she inspire, and he approve my lays.
young ladies, who have good sense and good humour Say what strange motive, goddess! could compel enough to laugh not only at their sex's little unguard- A well-bred lord to assault a gentle belle? ed follies, but at their own. But as it was commu- O say what stranger cause, yet unexplored, nicated with the air of a secret, it soon found its way Could make a gentle belle reject a lord? into the world. An imperfect copy having been of- In tasks so bold, can little men engage? fered to a bookseller, you had the good nature for my And in soft bosoms dwells such mighty rage?
Sol through white curtains shot a timorous ray, And oped those eyes that must eclipse the day: Now lap-dogs give themselves the rousing shake, And sleepless lovers, just at twelve, awake: Thrice rung the bell, the slipper knock'd the ground And the press'd watch return'd a silver sound. Belinda still her downy pillow press'd, Her guardian Sylph prolong'd the balmy rest : 'Twas he had summon'd to her silent bed
The morning dream that hover'd o'er her head. A youth more glittering than a birth-night beau (That e'en in slumber caused her cheek to glow) Seem'd to her ear his winning lips to lay, And thus in whispers said, or seem'd to say: 'Fairest of mortals, thou distinguish'd care Of thousand bright inhabitants of air! Ife'er one vision touch'd thy infant thought, Of all the nurse and all the priest have taught: Of airy elves by moonlight shadows seen, The silver token, and the circled green, Or virgins visited by angel-powers, With golden crowns and wreaths of heavenly flowers; Hear, and believe! thy own importance know, Nor bound thy narrow views to things below. Some secret truths, from learned pride conceal'd, To maids alone and children are reveal'd. What, though no credit doubting wits may give, The fair and innocent shall still believe. Know then, unnumber'd spirits round thee fly, The light militia of the lower sky:
These, though unseen, are ever on the wing, Hang o'er the box, and hover round the ring. Think what an equipage thou hast in air, And view with scorn two pages and a chair. As now your own, our beings were of old, And once enclosed in woman's beauteous mould; Thence, by a soft transition we repair,
From earthly vehicles to those of air.
Think not, when woman's transient breath is fled, That all her vanities at once are dead:
Succeeding vanities she still regards,
These swell their prospects, and exalt their pride, When offers are disdain'd, and love denied: Then gay ideas crowd the vacant brain, While peers, and dukes, and all their sweeping train, And garters, stars, and coronets appear,
And in soft sounds, 'your grace' salutes their ear 'Tis these that early taint the female soul, Instruct the eyes of young coquettes to roll, Teach infant cheeks a hidden blush to know, And little hearts to flutter at a beau.
'Oft when the world imagine women stray, The Sylphs through mystic mazes guide their way, Through all the giddy circle they pursue, And old impertinence expel by new; What tender maid but must a victim fall To one man's treat, but for another's ball? When Florio speaks, what virgin could withstand, If gentle Damon did not squeeze her hand? With varying vanities, from every part, They shift the moving toy-shop of their heart; Where wigs with wigs, with sword-knots sword-knots
Beaux banish beaux, and coaches coaches drive. This erring mortals levity may call; Oh, blind to truth! the Sylphs contrive it all. 'Of these am I, who thy protection claim, A watchful sprite, and Ariel is my name. Late, as I ranged the crystal wilds of air, In the clear mirror of thy ruling star I saw, alas! some dread event impend, Ere to the main this morning sun descend; But Heaven reveals not what, or how, or where Warn'd by thy Sylph, oh pious maid, beware' This to disclose is all thy guardian can: Beware of all, but most beware of man!"
He said; when Shock, who thought she slept too long,
Leap'd up, and waked his mistress with his tongue. 'Twas then, Belinda, if report say true, Thy eyes first open'd on a billet-doux;
Wounds, charms, and ardour, were no sooner read,
And though she plays no more, o'erlooks the cards. But all the vision vanish'd from thy head.
Her joy in gilded chariots, when alive,
And love of ombre, after death survive.
For when the fair in all their pride expire, To their first elements their souls retire: The sprites of fiery termagants in flame Mount up, and take a Salamander's name. Soft yielding minds to water glide away, And sip, with nymphs, their elemental tea. The graver prude sinks downward to a Gnome, In search of mischief still on earth to roam. The light coquettes in Sylphs aloft repair, And sport and flutter in the fields of air.
'Know farther yet; whoever fair and chaste Rejects mankind, is by some Sylph embraced: For, spirits, freed from mortal laws, with ease Assume what sexes and what shapes they please. What guards the purity of melting maids, In courtly balls, and midnight masquerades, Safe from the treacherous friend, the daring spark, The glance by day, the whisper in the dark, When kind occasion prompts their warm desires, When music softens, and when dancing fires? "Tis but their Sylph, the wise celestials know, Though honour is the word with men below.
And now unveil'd the toilet stands display'd, Each silver vase in mystic order laid. First robed in white, the nymph intent adores, With head uncover'd, the cosmetic powers. A heavenly image in the glass appears, To that she bends, to that her eyes she rears; The inferior priestess, at her altar's side, Trembling, begins the sacred rites of pride. Unnumber'd treasures ope at once, and here The various offerings of the world appear; From each she nicely culls with curious toil, And decks the goddess with the glittering spoil. This casket India's glowing gems unlocks, And all Arabia breathes from yonder box. The tortoise here and elephant unite, Transform'd to combs, the speckled and the white. Here files of pins extend their shining rows, Puffs, powders, patches, Bibles, billet-doux. Now awful Beauty puts on all its arms; The fair each moment rises in her charms, Repairs her smiles, awakens every grace, And calls forth all the wonders of her face: Sees by degrees a purer blush arise, And keener lightnings quicken in her eyes. These set the head, and those divide the hair;
'Some nymphs there are, too conscious of their face, The busy sylphs surround their darling care: For life predestined to the Gnomes' embrace,
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