Rev. Henry Cotterill, of St. John's Coll. by royal mandate. LICENTIATES IN PHYSIC. Henry Jeffreson, Pembroke Coll. Alexander Roselle Brown, Trinity Coll. Charles J. Johnstone, Caius Coll. George Pardoe, Caius Coll. George E. Paget, Fellow of Caius Coll. BACHELORS IN CIVIL LAW. Agustus Langdon, Trinity Coll. BACHELORS OF ARTS. William Harvey Herring, Trinity Coll. Robert Lambton Surtees, Trinity Coll. Edw. Jones Walmesley, St. John's Coll. MARRIAGES. At St. Pancras, London, the Rev. Sir William Dunbar, Bart. of Magdalen Hall, to Anne, eldest daughter of Mr. G. Stephen, of Camden Town. At Streatley, the Rev. John Edward Wetherall, M. A. of Lincoln College, and of Armitage, Staffordshire, to Elizabeth, daughter of the late William Church, Esq. of Abingdon. At Liverpool, the Rev. John Tobin, B.A. of Christ Church, Minister of Liscard Church, only son of Sir John Tobin, of Oakhill, to Emily, daughter of E. Arnaud, Esq. Collector of His Majesty's Customs at Liverpool. The Rev. Francis R. Phillips, B. A. of Trinity College, to Mary Easton, eldest daughter of the Rev. John Lukin, Rector of Narsling, Hants. At St. Giles's-in-the-Fields, by the Rev. J. H. Gurney, M.A. the Rev. George Lea, M. A. late of Wadham College, and of Wolverley, in the county of Worcester, to Sophia, youngest daughter of the Hon. Mr. Baron Gurney. At East Woodhay, the Rev. J. Deans Dundas, son of Captain Dundas, M. P. grandson of the late Lord Amesbury, to Olivia, daughter of Colonel Burslem, C.B. Rev. John Bathurst Schomberg, Chaplain in Ordinary to the King, and Rector of Belton, in the county of Suffolk, to Margaret Mary, youngest daughter of Robert Ashworth, Esq. of Bryanston-square. Rev. A. S. B. Smith, of Whitchurch, to Emily Theodora, daughter of the late B. Brownrigge, Esq. of Regent's Park, London. Rev. J. S. Gale, of Hurstborne Tarrant, to Anne, only daughter of G. Rendall, Esq. of Oxenwood, Berks. Frederick Edward Tuson, St. John's Coll. Edward Walker Foottil, Emmanuel Coll. PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Meetings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society for the present term, March 7, and March 21. Rev. William Henry Dearsley, B. A. Evening Lecturer of St. Nicholas Abbott's, Bromley, to Mary Anne, eldest daughter of Charles Hulbert, Esq. of Providence Grove, Hadnal, Shropshire. Rev. Arthur Pearson, Rector of Springfield, Essex, to Sophia, daughter of the late J. F. Gepp, Esq. Rev. Horace Townsend, jun. to Jane, daughter of Justin M'Carthy, Esq. of Carrignavat. Rev. George Washington Phillips, Vicar of Wendy, Cambridgeshire, to Charlotte Elizabeth, relict of John Jones, Esq. of Portland-place, London. At Barton-upon-Humber, the Rev. William Brett, M. A. late Fellow of Corpus Christi College, Oxford, to Mary, daughter of the late Mr. Brown, solicitor, of the former place. At Bradninch, Devon, S. Jordan Lott, Esq. of Downing College, son of the late Harry Lott, Esq. of Tracey House, M. P. for Honiton, to Louisa, widow of the Hon. Levison G. K. Murray. On the 10th ult., at Streatham Church, the Rev. E. Chauncy Ellis, M. A. of Trinity College, to Alice, daughter of the late Joseph Eade, Esq. of Hitchin, Herts. Rev. John Brownrigge Collisson, to Sarah, eldest daughter of the late Francis Lucius Austen, Esq. of Kippington, Kent. At Chipping-Norton, the Rev. D. L. Lewes, to Miss Turberville. Rev. J. Richard Bogue, of Christ's College, Cambridge, to Mary Isabella, youngest daughter of the Venerable Archdeacon Froude. The Rev. John Usborne, late of University College, and eldest son of John Usborne, Esq. of Woodlands, Surrey, to Emily Jane, eldest daughter of the late Rev. John Bond, of Treston Rectory, At Durham, the Hon. and Rev. Robert Liddell, M.A. Fellow of All Souls' College, Vicar of Gilesgate, youngest son of Lord Ravensworth, to Emily Caroline Charlotte, eldest daughter of the Hon. and Rev. Gerald Valerian Wellesley, D. D. Rector of Bishopswearmouth and Prebendary of Durham, and niece of the Duke of Wellington. The ceremony was performed by the Hon. and Rev. Gerald Wellesley, son of Lord Cowley. The bride was given away by her father; the bride-maids were Miss Jenkinson, the Misses Liddell, and Misses Mary and Cecil Wellesley. Rev. Edward Feilde, Perpetual Curate of Rock and Rennington, Northumberland, to Mary Anne, daughter of Charles Bosanquet, Esq. of Rock. Rev. John Hughes M. A. Rector of Coddington, in the county of Hereford, and Vicar of Wombourne, in the county of Stafford, to Barbara, only daughter of the late Lieutenant-Colonel John Godfrey, of Kerry, Ireland, and niece of the late Marchioness Dowager of Donegall. At St. Luke's Chapel, Norwich, by the Rev. George Saudby, the Rev. Charles Wordsworth, M. A. Student of Christ Church, and second Master of Winchester College, to Charlotte, eldest daughter of the Rev. George Day, late of Carsham, Norfolk, and formerly of Merton College. At Congerstone, Derbyshire, the Rev. N. P. Small, late of St. Mary Hall, and now of Market Bosworth, Leicestershire, to Bridget, daughter of the Rev. John Roby, Chaplain to Earl Howe. At Kirk Ireton, Derbyshire, by the Rev. W. Hutchins, M.A. the Rev. W. R. Melville, B.A. of St. Peter's College, to Susan, only daughter of James Northgate James, Esq. of Ireton Wood. Rev. John Bishop, of Upper Holloway, to Frances, widow of R. Arnold, Esq. Rev. John Langdon, B.A. of St. John's College, Cambridge, to Elizabeth, relict of Captain Cooke, of Slape House, Netherbury, Dorset. a son. On the 7th ult., at Hitcham Rectory, Bucks, the lady of the Rev. A. J. Nash, of a daughter. On the 15th ult., at Dinton, the lady of the Rev. Jas. Linton, of a daughter. At Salisbury, on the 16th ult., at the residence of the Rev. John Bowle, the lady of the Rev. Francis Evans, of a son and heir. On the 18th ult., at Bromham Rectory, the lady of the Rev. S. W. Barnett, of a NOTICES TO CORRESPONDENTS. The request of a "Constant Reader " shall not be forgotten. We are obliged for the particulars of the Holbeach Organ. "Swift" will think us slow: but the many articles of great interest before us, must be our apology for delay. THE CHRISTIAN REMEMBRANCER. APRIL, 1836. REVIEW OF NEW PUBLICATIONS. ART. I.-1. The Scholastic Philosophy considered in its relation to Christian Theology, in a Course of Lectures delivered before the University of Oxford, in the Year 1832, at the Lecture founded by John Bampton, M.A., Canon of Salisbury. By RENN DICKSON HAMPDEN, M.A., late Fellow of Oriel College. Oxford: Parker, London: Rivingtons. 1833. Pp. xvi. 548. 2. Elucidations of Dr. Hampden's Theological Statements. Oxford: Parker. London: Rivingtons. 1836. Pp. 47. AMONG the various amiable characteristics of the Melbourne administration, none is more conspicuous than a mean and revengeful spirit— Semper, et infirmi est animi, exiguique voluptas so wrote a poet rarely surpassed in knowledge of the human mind; and never were his words more abundantly verified than in the conduct of the men who, unhappily for the country, are now at the head of affairs. The Irish Clergy protest against a measure which they and we conceive to be ruinous to their branch of the Church; the Lords reject it—and what is the conduct of Lord Melbourne? He leaves the unfortunate Clergymen to subsist on charity where they are permitted to subsist at all! They have dared to differ from his opinions! and for this crime they are doomed to suffer the full outpouring of his resentment. It is nothing that they have acted from a sense of duty-it is nothing that Lord Melbourne compromises the dignity of his own government by tamely permitting the daily violence of the laws-the Clergy are persecuted to the death; and that is enough for him. The Irish Society, a private literary and scientific body, are bold enough to refuse admission to a popish bishop. For this transgression against Lord Melbourne's adopted political religion, they are forthwith threatened with the little utmost he can do the withdrawal of the national grant.* His Lordship has now commenced similar operations on this side the Channel. The English portion of the United Church has never concealed her detestation of his policy. Oxford, in particular, made a stand against him worthy her best days-(we mean, not her most prosperous)-days too much like those which she appears to be again approaching. The attempt to intrude Popery and schism into her peaceful and holy shades, she has met with the spirit that animated her Hough, in the days when liberty of conscience, as now, was made the pretext for violating every conscientious obligation. Ministers have found that they dared not, could not, compel the University to violate its most solemn constitutional vows and pledges; and they accordingly bide their time; and with Doctor Burton's demise it arrives. The vacancy of the Regius Professorship of Divinity is an opportunity not to be lost-it affords an opening for the most effectual vengeance. The University may be insulted by the obtrusion of an obnoxious individual; the well-spring of English theology may be tainted, and thus the Church be ruined far more effectually than by any aggression on the Establishment; nay, it were far better that the Church should not be established, if that mockery of a word only opens a door to assaults like these. Such is Lord Melbourne's measure of insolence and injury. We will prove it to be the latter; that it is the former requires no proof. We will venture to say that no one of those Clergymen whom it is the fashion to represent as tyrannical, illiberal, and bigoted in the excess, would have ever dreamed of appointing a parish clerk or schoolmaster so obnoxious to a parish as Dr. Hampden is to the University of Oxford; even although no other reason than prejudice could be assigned. We have no hesitation in saying that the King's ministers have no right to insult the University of Oxford by appointing to so responsible a station an individual so unacceptable to a vast majority of its members, even though the objectors might have no better reason to assign than Martial could allege for his dislike of Sabidius. But it could not be conceived that an enlightened body like the University of Oxford could object without some sufficient reason. Not only was the appointment an insult to Oxford; it was a prima facie opposition to the pure doctrine of the gospel as taught from the Scriptures by the Church of England, of which the University must be presumed a competent judge. It was therefore the grossest of injuries to the Church itself. The probationers for her ministry were, by this appointment, to be schooled in a phantasy, which, for want of its resemblance to any thing wherewith we were previously acquainted, we must term Hampdenism: a sort of metaphysical specula The Society have defied Lord Melbourne's puny vengeance; it will be seen whether his Lordship may not think it wiser not to run his head against the public sense of liberty and decency. tion, wearing the garb, and employing in some degree the phraseology of Christianity, but disclosing at every step the shuffling gait of the sceptic, and discovering at every word the dissonance of its language and its ideas. The theology which will be taught to the gremials of Oxford from the Regius Chair of Hampdenism may be comprised in the following propositions. 1. That Scripture contains no doctrines (e. g. “by faith ye are saved," is only so many letters, so much ink on so much paper; believe it how you will, or believe it not at all, it makes no difference.) 2. That St. Paul's writings consist of mingled chaff and wheat; and that the office of Hampdenism is, to winnow these apart; (e. g. "children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord:" here we have employed Dr. Hampden's fan; as we are beginners, we are not quite sure whether we have used the instrument rightly; certain it is, that on our application of it, the words in Italics flew off with so much readiness that we have no doubt they are chaff.) 3. That no consequence, however legitimately deduced, from Scripture, is any part of Revelation, (e. g. "The Word was God." "The Word was made flesh." We must not conclude from this that God assumed the human nature. According to the Hampdenic philosophy, the doctrine of the Incarnation is no part of revealed truth.) 4. That Socinians are Christians-that they do not really differ in religion from other Christians! that the Trinity may be believed or not. (Not but that Dr. Hampden does acknowledge that there is some kind of Trinity.) 5. That religion has no more connexion with morals than it has with the London University; that this supposed connexion is a mere crotchet of Pythagoras, sifted through the brain of Plato; and though this may seem startling to plain people, who remember that, in the Apostolic Epistles particularly, these things are so interwoven as to seem inseparable, yet that this persuasion is purely imaginary; the Hampdenic fan, as we have already seen, separating the chaff from the wheat with the greatest nicety; and if any stubborn objector allege Jam i. 27, "Pure RELIGION and undefiled before God and the Father is THIS; TO VISIT THE FATHERLESS AND WIDOWS IN THEIR AFFLICTION, AND TO KEEP HIMSELF UNSPOTTED FROM THE WORLD;" let such an one remember that "properly speaking, Scripture contains no doctrines," according to Prop. 1.; and that it is useless to allege dead letters against the living truths of Hampdenism. Further, that infidels have "unanswerably" shown that morality is derived from the light of nature, and even from the light of Atheism. 6. That the commonly received idea that what is oldest in theology is best, is a very gross mistake. That "in fact, the reverse of it is |