POLITICAL RETROSPECT. DOMESTIC.-Since the reassembling of Parliament, after the Easter recess, many things have been begun, and rather an unusual activity has been visible in the House of Commons in particular; but nothing has been really finished, and as we have often seen as much activity end in nothing, we are not over sanguine as to the result. It is evident that the Lords intend to treat the Irish Corporations' Bill with little ceremony, and to restore it as much as possible to the state in which Sir R. Peel would have sent it up to them; and there is little doubt that the Ministers themselves would have small objection to these alterations (such, at least, is the general opinion), although, for the sake of the Radicals and Irish Papists, they must of course apparently seem highly indignant. Reports have even been spread of an intended dissolution, should the Lords dare to exercise their undoubted right of amendment on "the Bill, the whole Bill, and nothing but the Bill." We think, however, there is little danger of a dissolution, which would certainly be a very Irish way for the Ministers of rewarding their followers in the House of Commons, whither, perhaps, many of them might not so easily find their way back. There will, probably, be much show of honest indignation; but the amended Bill will at last even be accepted by O'Connell as an instalment of "justice to Ireland." The uncomfortable position of the ministry was singularly exemplified in their conduct regarding military flogging; when, deserted by their usual adherents, they were saved from defeat only by throwing themselves for protection on the Conservatives: the Ministers conquered their own dear allies by this aid, but such a conquest is surely more disgraceful than a defeat. The Registration of Marriages Bill caused a very interesting debate, in which, when its injustice towards Churchmen, by imposing upon them restrictions from which the dissenters were exempt was pointed out, that very liberal dissenter, Mr. Wilkes, who probably had had a main hand in its provisions, declared that he did not wish to do any thing which might wound the consciences of Churchmen. We are surely come to a pretty pass when our liberty of conscience depends on the liberality of Mr. Wilkes. Quære -What guarantee have we that the dissenters will be guided by Mr. Wilkes' directions, or bound by his promises. There was also another most interesting and lengthened debate on the subject of Russian aggression, in which certainly a triumphant defence of the former policy of the Duke of Wellington in regard to that question was a prominent feature. The speech of Sir R. Peel, in which he deprecated all merely useless demonstrations of hostility, or premature interruption of the existing peace, was a complete specimen of political sagacity, and must have been quite a consolation to the Whigs, who certainly but for such aid would have come off" second best." The motion was withdrawn; but we are certain the general expression of the great body of the House against further submission to Russian insolence will do more to check it than any thing, short of actual war, which has yet been attempted. Old Nic and his agents can take a hint as well as any one. By the by, one curious feature in the discussion was, the appa rent sympathy with Russia exhibited by some of the ultra-Radicals. "Birds of a feather flock together:" Radicalism is only the tyranny of the mob; and, perhaps, hence arises this sympathy with tyranny; neither is it strange that a sympathy with the oppressor should be accompanied, as it actually was in this case, by a professed and open indifference to the cause of Poland, the oppressed. Such is English Radicalism. Surely it has now reached its lowest degradation! Leave has been given to Sir Andrew Agnew to introduce a Bill for the better observance of the Sabbath. The profaneness and ribaldry of the Irish Papists, English Radicals, and infidels, exhibited on this occasion, was certainly a singular feature of the present day; and yet these men are supported by the godly dissenters. The Dublin Election Committee "drags its slow length along," to the great weariness of the gentlemen composing it; who sometimes seem quite in despair at the length of the arguments, for which the councillors and agents pro and con are so well paid. The expense of this inquiry must be enormous; and thus we see that the Reform Bill, instead of simplifying, has rendered the law of election more complicated, the litigated points more numerous, and all the proceedings interminable. The Whigs professed to make elections less expensive: they had better look at the expenses incurred in this Dublin Petition, and they will see a fine specimen of their legislative wisdom, foresight, and economy. But this is not the only thing which now calls Mr. O'Connell's attention. The Carlow affair, and the circumstances of the sale and bargain with ex-sheriff Raphael, has been again brought forward, notwithstanding the Report of the Committee appointed to inquire into the whole transaction. That Committee, indeed, acquitted Mr. O'Connell of any pecuniary advantage to himself. But was that the point to be inquired into? Surely not. Was the county of Carlow sold or not sold?" That is the question." If it was sold, surely a Reformed House of Commons cannot refuse to vote it a high breach of privilege, and punish all concerned in such transaction. We shall see.Well; the House, by a majority of seventy-four, has whitewashed Mr. O'Connell, and can surely not have the face to punish in future the purchase of seats in their most pure and reformed body. The low and mean artifices, the shuffling and manoeuvering practised on this occasion, as detailed in the reports, are truly marvellous. A bill has been brought in for the separation of the Civil and Ecclesiastical Functions and Jurisdiction of the See of Durham. The debate showed how anxious the Radicals are to appropriate some of the funds of that See to the education of dissenters. In the Upper House, a bill has been introduced by the Archbishop of Can terbury to regulate and amend the practice of non-residence. The practice of electing churchwardens at Easter has, during the month, given several opportunities for the display of party politics on a small scale. We are happy, however, to say, that the respectable part of the people have lately bestirred themselves more generally to keep out the low and noisy Radicals, who have been too long suffered by noise and bullying to usurp the various parochial offices. In Birmingham, a poll was demanded for churchwardens; and as usual, when it comes to the scrutiny of individual votes, and is not left to the mere show of unwashed hands, in vestry assembled, the Church party gained the day. A similar scene has just been enacted in St. Mary, Newington; a parish which has sent up sundry petitions in favour of Radicalism, on sundry occasions of late years. The weight to be attached to such petitions, as expressing the sense of the parish, may be learnt from the fact, that a poll being demanded for churchwarden in opposition to the Radicals, they were defeated by a large majority. Paddington also has most triumphantly shown how the little knot of busy, bullying Radicals, may be defeated by a proper exertion on the part of the respectable portion of a parish. IRELAND.-The statue of King William, on College Green, Dublin, has been blown up. Subsequent investigation renders it probable that it was effected by fulminating quicksilver, or some other similar agent, and not by gunpowder; at any rate, one thing is clear, it was done, not only most cleanly, but scientifically,-a circumstance which shows that political hatred and consequent crime in the present day is not confined to the low and ignorant, but can boast of its connexion with science, and those attainments which are generally thought to minister to morals, and soften and humanize the mind. No clue seems hitherto obtained to the discovery of the perpetrators; but one benefit has certainly been caused by this event-viz. considerable amusement to the gentlemen of the House of Commons. An event which might have caused a wide destruction of buman life, is in itself to he deplored; yet we have certainly the consolation to reflect, that it was not entirely thrown away, but caused considerable merriment and laughter to the grave Putres Conscripti of the House of Commons. The Corporation of Dublin intends to erect a new statue. Rewards have been offered for the discovery of the perpetrators of this unequivocal demonstration of popish hatred against Protestantism. The Grand Orange Lodge have declared, after a solemn investigation, by a majority of thirty-six, for the dissolution of all Orange Lodges, in compliance with the expressed wish of the House of Commons. SPAIN. Mina has been rather sore on the attacks made on him, for ordering the mother of Cabrera (the Carlist), a woman aged seventy-six, to be shot. He has published a letter, in which he seems to rest his defence on the fact, that he might have shot the old lady's two daughters as well, if he really had been so bloody as some thought him! But the whole contest in Spain is disgraceful to the last extreme in the spirit in which both sides act. Spain and Ireland are the two countries which exhibit the most revolting ferocity, cruelty, and utter recklessness of blood, and yet they are the countries which far exceed all others in their love of popery. The coincidence is well worth notice. Mina, who shoots an aged woman of seventy-six, and Cabrera, who has shot six or eight women in return, and has denounced and set a price on the heads of several more of high rank, are both Papists; so is Christina, and so is Don Carlos; but we say no more on so disgusting and horrible a trait of the present Spanish contest. Our own ships are ordered lately to afford a more decisive assistance to the Christinos. Mendizabal has got a considerable majority in the Chamber of Procuradores, and is expected to have the same in the Proceres. He has not thought proper to accept the resignation which the clamour, raised at the atrocity of the butcher Mina, the Spanish Liberal, had induced him to tender. Does Mendizabal approve of shooting women of seventy-six years old?-and will the Spanish nobles, who are all Liberals, abet him? We shall see! TURKEY.-The Porte has just ordered all the Armenian Catholics to submit to the Patriarch of a distant church, who is entirely under the power of Russia. This is probably a step which will greatly facilitate the conquest by Russia of those large and important parts of Turkey, where the Armenians are chiefly resident. It is plain the Porte durst not refuse, or else must have been utterly blind to the vast consequences likely to flow from so strange a concession. There is no doubt it was the former. AMERICA. The United States are again in a flame about banking matters. Von Buren, the future President, as report says, is equally opposed to Banks with General Jackson, and has been denouncing them accordingly. In the Floridas, the Indians have caused sad devastation, and committed many murders. Report says, the United States are likely to gain possession of Texas, by purchase from Mexico. COLONIES. In the Canadas, and some of the West India islands, matters are very complicated, and things by no means go on smoothly; or rather, quite the contrary. REVENUE.-The Chancellor of the Exchequer (mirabile dictu) has got a surplus; but of which he seems to be heartily sick, finding it a greater source of annoyance than even a deficit. It has brought down upon him all the hungry interests of the country; and never was Chancellor of the Exchequer so flattered and entreated, and teased and threatened, and flattered again, by the various expectants. But (like a wise man) he keeps his own counsel, and therefore puts off the evil day of decision, which, if it reconciles one interest, will be sure to alienate all the rest. Each interest pleads its own claims for relief; and he is wise in his generation in keeping them in suspense. Expectants are generally well-behaved. Since the above was written, the Ministerial, or rather the O'Connell scheme, for the spoliation of the Irish Church, has been again brought forward. From some expressions used by Lord Morpeth, it is evident the Ministers would shake off their pledge on this subject to the Radicals and Papists, if they could. On a subject which has been so fully discussed, and which its very authors seem to condemn, it is useless to speak farther. The sense and reason of the House of Commons are, alas! frequently on one side, while the mere numerical majority of votes is on the other! UNIVERSITY, ECCLESIASTICAL, AND PAROCHIAL TRIBUTES OF REPECT. THE LATE BISHOP OF LICHFIELD was, for twelve or thirteen years, Rector of Lutterworth, and was greatly respected and beloved by his parishioners. On receiving the intelligence of his decease, they immediately raised a subscription to hang the pulpit and reading desk, at which he had so long officiated, with black cloth. On Sunday morning, the 17th ult. a very affecting sermon was preached, by the Rev. J. H. Gurney, from Prov. x. 7-" The memory of the just is blessed." DR. BURNEY.-A deputation of gentlemen, educated under Dr. Burney, have waited upon him at his house in Greenwich, and presented him with an elegant and costly candelabrum, as a testimony of the respect and high esteem entertained for him among his pupils. The inscription was pithy and appropriate " Carolo Parr Burney, S.T.P. olim discipuli nunc amici D.D." Dr. Burney was a Commoner of Merton College, and in 1809 obtained the Chancellor's Prize for an English Essay on "The Love of our Country." 66 REV. J. GARWOOD.-A short time since, the Rev. J. Garwood, M.A. of Magdalen Hall, and Minister of Sir George Wheler's Chapel, Spital-square, London, was presented by his congregation with a very handsome and useful service of plate, as a testimony of their high sense of his faithful and devoted labours in promoting their spiritual interests." THE LATE BISHOP OF DURHAM.-The Duke of Northumberland, with his accustomed liberality, has presented 1007., and the Duchess of Northumberland 50%., in aid of the fund now raising for the purpose of erecting a monument, in Durham Cathedral, in honour of the late highly respected, and now universally lamented Bishop of Durham, Dr. Van Mildert. ADDRESS TO THE KING.-At the Levee, the Bishop of Exeter presented an Address from the Archdeacon and Clergy of the Archdeaconry of Totness, praying his Majesty to appoint a Council of Archbishops and Bishops to advise in the selection of fit persons to fill the highest offices in the Church and Theological Professorships in the Universities. THE ARCHBISHOP'S BILL FOR PREVENTING PLURALITIES, THE following are the outlines and chief features of the Archbishop of Canterbury's bill, presented to the House of Lords on Tuesday, the 19th ult., “To abridge and regulate the holding of Benefices in Plurality; and to amend the laws relating to the residence of the Clergy, and the Appointment and Payment of Stipendiary Curates in England." Preamble-1. Whereas an Act passed in the 21st Henry the Eighth, intituled "An Act that no spiritual persons shall take to farm, of the King, or any other person, any lands or tenements for term of life, years, or at will, &c. and for pluralities of benefices, and for residence," the whole of which recited Act (excepting only such parts as relate to pluralities of benefices,) has since been repealed by an Act, passed in the 57th George the Third, intituled "An Act to consolidate and amend the laws relating to spiritual persons holding of farms; and for enforcing the residence of spiritual persons on their benefices, and for the support and maintenance of stipendiary curates in England." And whereas it is expedient to consolidate and amend the said laws, and to restrain the holding of pluralities, and to make further provision for enforcing the residence of spiritual persons on their benefices, and to limit the exemptions from such residence; and also to make further provision respecting the appointment and support of stipendiary Curates in England: be it therefore enacted that so much of the said recited Acts as is now in force shall be and the same is hereby repealed, save and except only such parts of the said last recited act as repeal certain Acts and part of Acts therein particularly recited: provided always, that nothing herein contained shall exempt any persons from any penalties incurred under the said last recited Act, or to take away or affect any proceeding for recovery thereof whether commenced or not before the passing of this Act, or shall annul or abridge any license granted under the provisions of the said last recited Act, before the time of passing this Act, or within one month thereafter. 2. That from and after the passing of this Act, no spiritual person holding more benefices than one shall accept or take to hold therewith any dignity or office in any cathedral or collegiate church, or any other benefice: and that no spiritual person holding any such dignity or office, and also holding any benefice, shall accept and take to hold therewith any other dignity or office or any benefice; and that no spiritual person holding any dignity or office in any cathedral or collegiate church shall accept or take any dignity or office in any other cathedral or collegiate church, or any other dignity or office in the same cathedral or collegiate church, any law, canon, custom, usage, or dispensation, to the contrary notwithstanding; provided that nothing herein contained shall be construed to prevent any Archdeacon from holding with his Archdeaconry one prebend or canonry in the cathedral church of the diocese of which his Archdeaconry forms a part, or from holding one benefice situate within such diocese, together with such Archdeaconry, prebend, or canonry. 3. That no spiritual person holding any benefice shall accept or take to hold therewith any other benefice, unless it shall be situate within the distance of ten statute miles from such first-mentioned benefice. 4. That any spiritual person holding one benefice, not exceeding the yearly value of 500%, and not having any dignity or office in any cathedral or collegiate church, may hold therewith one other benefice, situate within the distance aforesaid, and not exceeding at the time of his institution thereto the said yearly value of 500.; provided that if both such benefices shall be situate in the same diocese, and the Bishop shall see reason to object to such two benefices being held together, he shall withhold institution to such second benefice, until he shall have stated such reason in writing under his hand to the Archbishop of the province in which such benefice shall be situate, who shall inquire into the circumstances of the case, and shall decide whether institution shall be granted or not: provided also, that if such two benefices shall be situate in different dioceses, the Bishop having jurisdiction over the second benefice, shall withhold institution thereto until he shall have ascertained from the Bishop in whose diocese the first benefice shall be situate, whether he has any objection to such benefices being held together, and until he shall have stated to the Archbishop of his province, and received his decision on an objection which may appear to either of the said Bishops to exist in such two benefices being held together; and in each of the said cases the decision of the Archbishop shall be conclusive on all parties. 5. Or one above and one below that value, for special reasons assigned by the Bishop to the Archbishop, and allowed by the King in Council. 6. Acceptance of preferment contrary to this Act vacates all former preferment. 7. License or dispensation for second preferment unnecessary. 8. Present rights of possession saved. 9. Acts 37 Hen. VIII., c. 21, and 17 Geo. III., for uniting churches, repealed. 10. And their provisions re-enacted and made applicable to the union of contiguous benefices of a certain population and value. 11. No union, except under this Act. 12. Provisions for disuniting united benefices. Whereas, from the increase of population, or from other circumstances, it may be expedient that two or more benefices which have been heretofore united, or which may be hereafter united |