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feeling not confined to Liverpool alone, nor to the members of the Church of England; but it was spread from one end of the island to the other. Their dissenting brethren, convinced that the system was wrong, justified the course of proceeding taken by the Clergy; and they (the Clergy) did not wish for a higher justification. The system has now met its death-blow in Liverpool, and I don't know that we can better deal with it than by burying it under the foundationstone which we have now laid-(loud cheers.) I will now advert in a few words to the beneficial effects of the proceedings of this day. We live in an age when the development of the mental faculties and the diffusion of knowledge exceed former times. The march of intellect, as it is called, progresses with giant strength through the country, and the time is not far off when the free exercise of reason will secure happiness to man. You must not be deluded by false theories, nor allow philosophy to usurp the throne of God-(cheers.) It is quite true that it is our duty to improve our rational faculties-they are the gift of God, and all gifts proceeding from that source should be appreciated with thankfulness, and not neglected; but we ought not to have any vain confidence of those abilities-they were only blessings when under the control and guidance of Christian principles; and when not placed under that control, they were capable of being perverted to the worst purposes. That theory is the best which made a provision for their sound improvement in religious and moral instruction. Prosperity may be taken away from its possessors by some of the casualties of life; and how often is it known in a great commercial town that "riches made unto themselves wings and flew away?"-but the imperishable inheritance of a religious education, amidst all the changes and chances of this life, was the most likely to produce the richest and best fruits. Such an education the Society ́expected to give in the building about to be erected for the children of the poor in this town, and I hope that it will be attended with good to themselves, and make them good men and good Christians."

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ILFORD CHURCH-Pew-Rents.-The inhabitants of Ilford, feeling that the "pew rents of the New Church, which belong to the warden and fellows of All 'Souls' College, were rather too heavy, the subject was discussed by them; and a memorial, drawn up by the churchwardens, and signed by most of the respectable inhabitants, was presented to the warden and fellows of the above college. It set forth the difficulties resulting from the high rents, and prayed a reduction, if possible. The petition met with immediate consideration, and a few days since a letter, of which the following is a copy, was received by Messrs. Moseley, Tabrum, and Wm. Wood, the churchwardens, upon the subject :

"September 7th, 1836, All Souls' College. "GENTLEMEN,- I have received and paid immediate attention to the memorial which you have forwarded to me, signed by yourselves and many other most respectable inhabitants of Great Ilford. On considering the nature of the difficulty, and the respectful and becoming manner in which it is stated in the memorial, I have the pleasure to inform you, that the members of All Souls' College do not hesitate to join with me in granting the prayer of your memorial, by consenting to a reduction of the pew-rents to one-fourth of their present amount, and that the reserved rents be applied towards the payment of the ordinary expenses of the church and of the church-rate. We have the more readily come to this decision, from knowing that such a reduction will meet with the approbation of your vicar, and we have reason to believe that the assent of the Lord Bishop of London will not be withheld. It gives me great pleasure to hear that you, and the memorialists in general, anticipate much satisfaction from your connexion with your present vicar. Mr. Leighton is a zealous clergyman, fully sensible of the important and sacred duties he has undertaken,-a sound and orthodox divine, unshackled by prejudice, and one who is calculated to promote the spiritual and temporal welfare of those around him.


"I am, Gentlemen, your most obedient servant,

"LEWIS SNEYD, Warden of All Souls'."

NEW CHURCH AT BUSHEY, HERTS.-On Thursday, the 25th of August, the foundation-stone was laid of a chapel of ease in the parish of Bushey, Herts. The ceremony was performed by the rector of the parish, the Rev. J. L. Richards, B.D. of Exeter College, who delivered an address on the occasion, and

offered up an appropriate prayer. An elegant silver trowel was presented to the rector for the purpose, by Mr. Rigby, of London, the builder. The chapel is designed to contain 400 sittings, of which 200 are free; and it is hoped that it will be opened for divine service early next summer, though there is still a considerable deficiency in the funds required for the purpose. The living of Bushey is in the patronage of Exeter College.

NEW CHURCH AT BOTLEY, HANTS.-The consecration of the new church at Botley lately took place. Most of the neighbouring gentry were present; indeed, so full was the assemblage, that the church, which was built for the accommodation of 500 people only, held, upon this occasion, upwards of 700. There were no fewer than 54 clergymen in attendance; amongst whom we observed many dignitaries of the Church: the Chancellor of the Diocese; the Rev. Thomas Garnier, of All Souls' College, Oxford; the Rev. Sir Henry Thompson; the Rev. Dr. Wilson; the Rev. Dr. Jenkyns, Master of Balliol College, Oxford; and the Rev. Harry Lee, of New College, Oxford. The Bishop of Winchester, assisted by the Rev. Mr. James, his chaplain, and the Rev. Mr. Baker, the rector, performed the service in the most impressive manner; his lordship preached a most admirable sermon, in which he explained the solemn services of the day. The contribution at the doors amounted to upwards of 100%. As soon as the consecration was over, and the Bishop had retired to the vestry-room, the venerable Mr. Warner (lord of the manor, and father of James Warner, Esq. of Steeplecourt,) was introduced to his lordship, who expressed himself highly gratified with Mr. Warner's liberality, in giving half an acre of valuable ground, very beautifully as well as conveniently situated, for the erection of the new church, and likewise contributing, together with his son, 2057 (besides a very handsome subscription from his grandsons and family, for the same purpose). The Bishop took his leave of the old gentleman in a most affectionate manner, and expressed his delight at having had an interview with him.

NEW CHURCH AT MALVERN.-The church at St. Peter's, at Malvern, Wells, has been consecrated by the Lord Bishop of Worcester, which has been raised in a district where it was much wanted, by the exertions of a single individual (the Rev, P. E. Boissier) at an expeuse of not less than 30007. The church will accommodate 600 persons; half of the seats are appropriated to the poor of the district.

The Earl of Derby has given 1000l. towards building two new churches in the town of Bury.

LITTLEMORE CHAPEL.-On Thursday, September 22, the chapel recently erected at Littlemore, in the parish of St. Mary the Virgin, was consecrated by the Lord Bishop of Oxford.

NEW CHAPEL AT EDGBASTON.-A new chapel is erecting at Edgbaston, near Birmingham. It is built from a design by J. J. Scholes, Esq. at the expense of Lord Calthorpe, aided by a legacy of 5001. bequeathed by the will of the late Mr. Samuel Wheeley, of Edgbaston.

A NEW ROMAN CATHOLIC CHAPEL AT BRENTWOOD.-A new Roman Catholic The site of the building is very chapel is about to be erected at Brentwood. near the new Episcopal chapel, on the right-hand side leading to Thorndon Hall. Lord Petre having given the ground, in addition to a subscription of 1002. and allowed the required quantity of brick-earth to be dug from his estate. The remainder of the expense will be borne by voluntary contributions among the Papists of the county. The chapel, when completed, is to be capable of containing about 350, being 64 feet long, 28 wide, and about 50 high. Lady Petre laid the foundation stone on Tuesday, August 21. Placing this Roman Catholic chapel within so short a distance of the new Episcopal chapel, we consider as a gross piece of indecency.

BARBADOS SCHOOL SOCIETY.-The seventeenth annual report has been published of the Barbados Society for the education of the poor in the principles of

the Established Church. The number of boys receiving instruction at present in the school is 135, 50 of whom are boarders. In the girls' school, 106 children are receiving instruction, 38 of whom are boarders. Its funds amounted last year to upwards of 3,4001.

COMPARATIVE NUMBERS OF PAPISTS AND PROTESTANTS IN IRELAND.-In the 630th and 631st pages of the second volume of Mr. Wakefield's account of Ireland, will be found a comparative estimate of Irish Roman Catholics and Protestants in 1792. The result is as follows:

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The return of the Instruction Commissioners, at an interval of forty-three ye irs, gives the following result :

Total population.

Roman Catholics


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Thus, while the Roman Catholics have, in forty-three years, doubled their number, the Protestants have multiplied theirs three-fold. If the duplicate increase indicate" freshness and vitality," surely the triplicate augmentation does not look like decline and decay.

ON THE BURIAL OF UNBAPTIZED PERSONS.-A correspondent has favoured us with the following: it may be useful to our clerical readers.


The opinion of Dr. Lushington is requested on the following points :Can the relatives of a person dying within the parish of A. demand that he be interred in the church yard of that parish, without the performance of the Burial Service of the Church of England?

1st. Upon a special statement that he died unbaptized?

2d. Without such special statement; and

3d. Supposing the deceased to be neither unbaptized, excommunicated, nor felo-de-se, will the parochial clergyman be justified in permitting such interment (without the service); or can he enforce the performance of the service?

"I am of opinion that the minister is bound to perform the Funeral Service in all cases not forbidden by the rubric; and that therefore he cannot omit to perform such service at the mere request of the relatives of the deceased.

"But the minister is prohibited from performing such service over a body unbaptized; and, consequently, if a special statement to that effect be made, the minister would be responsible for performing the service, and might be justified in abstaining if he believed the statement. If, however, he persisted in performing the service, and the statement were true, he would be punishable.

"Great George-street, Aug. 15, 1836."

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Bishop of BrugES.-The Bishop of Bruges has issued an anathema against the circulation of Bibles within his diocese by the British and Foreign Bible Society, and called upon his Clergy to warn their parishioners against what he calls the snares laid for them, and prevent them from purchasing the Society's publications.

KING'S COLLEGE, LONDON.-Robert Bentley Todd, M.D. of Pembroke College, has been elected Professor of Physiology, and of General and Morbid Anatomy, in King's College, London.

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DIOCESAN CHURCH BUILDING SOCIETY.-A meeting was held at the Lion Inn, Kidderminster, on Monday last, at which the Bishop of Worcester presided, for the purpose of establishing a sub-committee of the Society in the deanery of Kidderminster, to cooperate with the general committee.

SOCIETY FOR PROMOTING CHRISTIAN KNOWLEDGE.-An excellent and appropriate sermon has lately been preached in the Abbey Church, Great Malvern, by the Rev. Dr. Card, Vicar, in aid of the funds of the Norwich Committee of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, (the Bible and Tract Society of the Church,) when the collection amounted to 377.15s. 8d. The Rev. H. J. Taylor, B.D. Rector of Upton-upon-Severn, was appointed to preach the sermon on the next anniversary meeting of the committee and friends of the Society.

ORDINATIONS. The Lord Bishop of Ely will hold his first ordination on the 27th of November next, at Ely.-The Bishop of Oxford purposes to hold his next general ordination in the cathedral, at Christ Church, on the Sunday previous to Christmas Day; and requires all candidates for orders in the diocese to give three months' notice of their intention to the Archdeacon of Oxford, at Christ Church.


The King has been pleased to order a congé d'élire to the Dean and Chapter of the Cathedral Church of Chichester, empowering them to elect a Bishop of that see, now void by the translation of the Right Reverend Father in God, Edward, late Bishop thereof, to the see of Durham; and his Majesty has been also pleased to recommend to the said Dean and Chapter the Rev. William Otter, D.D., to be by them elected Bishop of the Dr. Otter was a Fellow of Jesus College, Cambridge, where he said see of Chichester. took his degree of B.A. as fourth Wrangler, in January, 1790.

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Barnes, G.
Batlina, W.

Berry, H.
Clark, C. R.
Faraday, D. C.
Irvin, R.

Jervis T..

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Chapl. to the Workhouse in the Plomesgate Union.

Chapl. to Wincanton Union Workhouse.

Chapl. to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland.

Chapl. to Lord Wallace.

Mastership of Corby Grammar School.



Appointment or Residence.

Fellow of Trinity Hall, Camb. and Chancellor of the Diocese of

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Mr. George Hext has been elected a Scholar of Corpus Christi College for the diocese of Exeter, vacant by the decease of Charles Barnes, B.A.


Two Fellowships are vacant, one open to natives of the counties of Chester and of Lancaster, south of the Ribble, with preference to those born in the parishes of Prescot and Prestbury; the other to natives

of the county or diocese of Hereford, and, in defect of such, of any diocese next adjacent, towards Oxford. The candidates for either Fellowship must be Graduates of this University, not exceeding eight years from the date of their matriculation; and are required to present to the Principal, on or before Wednesday, October 19th, certificates of their having been born within the favoured districts, copies of their baptisinal registers, and testimonials from their respective colleges or halls.

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