Condition of woman illustrates religion-The widow-Hindoo institutes
concerning woman-Their employments-Their influence-Immo-
lation, the Suttee-Muchta Bhye, a princess-Woman's infancy and
ceremonies of betrothing - Marriage festival - Female biography-
Domestic sketch-Husband's death-Wife's desolation-Preparations
for the funeral pile-The process of human sacrifice-The last agonies-
Carelessness of the merchant or the warrior-Missionary benevolence-
Lord William Bentinck, his honours and his fame-British influence
with native princes-Conduct of despotic rulers towards woman-
Permanency of the forms of Indian society-Concubinage of British
residents-Character and influence of English females in India-
Modern improvements for education, &c.
A change of climate-Ascent above the Ghauts-Covenanter's manu-
script-The rajah of Panganoor-Pulamanair, a retreat for civilians-
Bungalows for travellers-Colar, a travelling scene-a Mohammedan
mausoleum and charity house-Beauty of the road to Bangalore-The
Chinese Samaritan-A few vestiges of Mysore antiquity-Bijapore
and its ruins-The foundation of Seringapatam-Court Brahmins-The
Gooroo, or itinerating Hindoo bishop-Kempah Gowdah, the founder
of Sevagungah-The pagoda of Gureepoorum-Bangalore fort and
warlike celebrity-A missionary station-English and native labour-
A visit to Commonillee-The brothers-Native authorities and village
justice-Persecution and restoration-Savermamukie, the golden face,
a celebrated tank-Native labours and conversions-First missionaries
and plans-Samuel Flavel, a Hindoo brother-His instrumentality
and success-The mission seminary-Journey to Mysore-Towns on
the route-Crossing a river-Elephants, horses, and camels-Hospi-
tality of the resident at Muddoor-Seringapatam in its vicissitudes-
Palaces-Harems, mosques, gardens, tombs-Unhealthiness-Mysore
the modern capital-The residency gardens-The Dussarah festival-
The Durbar-presentation to the rajah Amusement of Mysorean
royalty-The elephant and tiger-The elephant carriage-Irish music
and hospitality by the Hon. A. C.-The Abbé du Bois' local character
and influence-The rajah's character-Native preachers, dangers and
deliverance-The route from Mysore through the Wynaad-An exiled
and mischievous elephant-Villages among the trees-Alarm from
elephants-Manantoddy, an outpost in the jungles-A rare specimen
of natural history-Grandeur of scenery-Sir T. Monro's description
of Canara-Cananore, its native princess, and strange customs of the
women-The Nairs, Teens, and Maupillies - Tellicherry and its
inhabitants-Make a French settlement The pleasures and Sunday
pursuits of English residents-Calicut, the first Hindoo harbour visited
by Europeans-Company's ketch, embarkation-Mangalore, beauty of
its scenery, dangers ofits river-Adventure in a massulah boat-Roman-
catholic Christians persecuted by Hyder Ali-The company's cavalry
remount-Station Coongul-Malabar coast-Onore-Goa-Churches,
cathedrals, and monasteries-The inquisition-Filth and sleeplessness
-Negro slaves from Mosambique-Towns and forts in the southern
Concan Severndroog-Bankoti-Scottish missionaries-Bombay harbour
-The Hon. Mr. Elphinstone - Society at the presidency - Persian
envoy and khan-American missionaries-Parsees, Mohammedans,
and other inhabitants of Bombay-The Bedouin traveller-Domestic
society at Bombay-Government-houses-Dock-yards-Visit to Ele-
phanta-Monumental antiquity-The sail to Taunah in Salsette-The
capture of the fort-Caves of Kenneri-Gorabunda and the retinue of
a native prince-Hospitable entertainment by Bombay civilians-The
capture of a princely defaulter-Bassien, its history and desolations-
The civilian's death-Arrival at Damaun-Portuguese inhospitality-
Scotch exile-The region round Surat-Fire worshippers at their
devotion-Occupation of Surat-Present state of this ancient city-
London missionary station-Baroach, the ancient Barygaza-The Ner-
budda-Baroda and the Guicowar-Cambray and its ancient cities-
The island of Diu-Sultaun Mahmood of Ghizni-Recent Conquests
-Duties of the conquerors-St. Helena, the grave of Napoleon.