dHC REPORTS OF THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY OF THE UNITED STATES, PREPARED IN OBEDIENCE TO THE ACT OF MAY 10, 1800, "SUPPLEMENTARY TO THE ACT ENTITLED 'AN ACT TO ESTABLISH THE TREASURY DEPARTMENT." TO WHICH ARE PREFIXED THE REPORTS OF ALEXANDER HAMILTON, ON PUBLIC CREDIT, A NATIONAL BANK, MANUFACTURES, AND THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A MINT. VOL. VI. WASHINGTON: PRINTED BY JOHN C. RIVES. 1851. REPORTS OF THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY OF THE UNITED STATES. REPORT ON THE FINANCES. DECEMBER, 1846. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, December 9, 1846. IN obedience to the "act supplementary to the act to establish the Treasury Department," the undersigned respectfully submits the following report: The receipts and expenditures for the fiscal year ending the 30th June, 1846, were as follows: The expenditures during the same fiscal year amounted to the sum of. Leaving a balance in the Treasury on the 1st of July, 1846, of. As appears in detail by accompanying statement A. $26,712,667 87 2,694,452 48 92,126 71 29,499,247 06 7,658,306 22 37,157,553 28 28,031,114 20 9,126,439 08 The estimated receipts and expenditures for the fiscal year ending 30th June, 1847, are as follows: VOL. VI.-1. |