The Law of Copyright, in Works of Literature and Art: Including that of the Drama, Music, Engraving, Sculpture, Painting, Photography and Ornamental and Useful Desings; Together with International and Foreign Copyright, with the Statutes Relating Thereto, and References to the English and American Decisions

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Stevens and Haynes, 1870 - 269 pages

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Page 267 - of learning, by vesting the copies of printed books in the authors or purchasers of " such copies during the times therein mentioned...
Page 247 - No person shall maintain an action for the infringement of his copyright unless he shall give notice thereof by inserting in the several copies of every edition published, on the title-page, or the page immediately following, if it be a book ; or if a...
Page 112 - ... or cause to be sold, published, or exposed to sale or hire, or shall have in his possession for sale or hire any such book so unlawfully printed or imported, without such consent as aforesaid, such offender shall be liable to a special action on the case at the suit of the proprietor of such copyright, to be brought in any court of record in that part of the British dominions in which the offence shall be committed...
Page 267 - An Act to amend the several Acts for the Encouragement of Learning, by securing the Copies and Copyright of printed Books to the Authors of such Books, or their Assigns...
Page 267 - encouragement of the arts of designing, engraving and etching historical " and other prints, by vesting the properties thereof in the inventors and " engravers during the time therein mentioned...
Page lviii - Be it therefore enacted, That the Provisions of the said Act of His late Majesty, and of this Act, shall apply to Musical Compositions and that the sole Liberty of representing or performing, or causing or permitting to be represented or performed, any Dramatic Piece or Musical Composition, shall endure and be the Property of the Author thereof, and his Assigns, for the Term in this Act provided for the Duration of Copyright in Books...
Page lvi - Treasury" shall mean the Lord High Treasurer for the Time being, or the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland for the Time being, or any Three or more of them ; and the...
Page lix - An Act to amend and render more effectual an Act of His present Majesty for encouraging the art of making new models and casts of busts and other things therein mentioned, and for giving further encouragement to such arts.
Page 267 - Books, without the Consent of the Proprietor or Proprietors thereof first had and obtained in Writing, signed in the Presence of two or more credible Witnesses...
Page xc - Act, and his assigns, shall have the sole and exclusive right of copying, engraving, reproducing, and multiplying such painting or drawing, and the design thereof, or such photograph, and the negative thereof, by any means and of any size, for the term of the natural life of such author, and 7 years after his death...

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