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Nec male notus eques.

A well known knight.

Motto of the Irish Viscount Southwell.

Nec placidâ contentus quiete est.
Nor is he content with soft repose.
Motto of Earl Peterborough.

Nec pluribus impar.

Not an unequal match for larger numbers.
Motto of Louis XIV.

Nec prece nec pretio.

Neither by bribe nor by entreaty.

Motto of the Irish Viscount Bateman.

Nec quærere nec spernere honorem.
Neither to seek nor to despise honors.
Motto of Viscount Bolingbroke.

Nec scire fas est omnia.

It is not permitted us to know all things. Nec semper feriet quodcumque minabitur

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Victurus Genium debet habere liber. Something more is needed to give immortality to writings. A book that is destined to live must have genius.

Ne sutor ultra crepidam.

Let not the shoemaker go beyond his last.

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