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j 253

to try me with affliction*. .0 328 Affright-the bad a., afflict.......c4 affrighted with their bloody* u 365 affrighted preads her rosy...j 192 Afraid-many are a. of God......ƒ 49 not afraid to say his say......v 71 thyself from being afraid....s 120 of which I am afraid..... y 120 is not afraid, it seems... be not afraid to pray.......w 343 African-moon-mountains A... f 365 Affront-soon forget affronts.....j 47 give and soon forget affronts..j 47 will not affront me...........a 73 an old affront will stir........j 95 safer to affront some people..f 387 fear is affront. ...0474 After-after life's fitful fever*....n 83 After-love-at first, makes a.*..h 477 Afternoon-no a. gentility.. ......h 273 that afternoon returns......s 262 the a. of her best days*.. .d 497 Again-ye shall be loved again.. 60 shall we three meet again*..a 260 those that fly may fight a....t 456 Against-complies a. his will...i 465 a.whom I know most faults*..u 359 Age at a riper age, people are..aa 3 weak withering age.... men of age object too... old age comes on apace. frigidity of old age.. age shakes Athen's ages old age is creeping on.........n 5 the weak anxieties of age......t 5 age a mature mellowness......$5 old age is courteous... alike all ages: dames of.......w 5 labor with an age of ease......x 5 Blow-consuming age..........a 6 age is opportunity.. ....d6

age is still old age..


age is not all decay.

age still leaves us..

ages roll forward; and..

what makes old age so sad

middle age had slightly

at your age the hey-day.

of honor for mine age*.

.h 5 .i5 ..j 5

.k 5 ....mó


.i6 j6

.n 6

.16 ...r 6

.t 6 .z6 .b7

should accompany old age*....ƒr
some smack of age in you*....j7
age is in, the wit is out*......p7
age, too, shines out............t7
is beautiful..


old age serene and bright..

.v7 ..07

mourns less for what age......x7

in an age when men.......

..j 13

beauty doth varnish age*....r 18

...0 20

....0 487

old age when it waxeth dry..j 227
when age chills the blood...s 220
poets in three distant ages..n 335
not of an a., but for all time...d 336
the Golden Age is not behind.c 202
sun himself grow dim with aj 207
men's works have an age.... 356
an age of poverty*.
..u 341
age released from care....
y 465
whose age we void it up*. ...a 104
erect in this age*.
...e 262
the love of the dark ages.....s 174
unborn a's, crowd not on my, a 179
to drooping a., who cross'd..t 243
middle age by no fond wile..j 493
nor a. eat up my invention*..d 498
my strength in a.; my rise in.d 181
crabbed a. and youth cannot*.0487
age is full of care*.. ........0 487
age is lame*..
youth is wild and a. is tame*..o 487
age, I do abhor thee*........0 487
soul of the a.! the applause!..a 381
like a. at play with infancy..n 439
deep recesses, of the ages...a 383
life would not yield to age*..t 484
ages one increasing purpose.t 421
years like passing ages......i 423
such age there is, and who..j 424
an age that melts with...........j 424
fetch the age of gold.........e 425
ages without winding up....h 460
truth should live from a to a.*p445
the great ages onward roll...c 392
labor with an age of ease....i 395
worst of woes that wait on a..s 394
age and want sit smiling....q 341
which are old age's alms....u 330
chas'd old age away.........d 303
creep decrepit with his age..1 428
in a polite age almost.......m 353
make the a. to come my own..j 114
worth an a. without a name..u 115
he would not in my age*.....ƒ 251
in the flight of ages.........d 254
what the power of ages can.e 254
hush! for the ages call......n 208
lasting link of ages.........m 480
the very age and body of *..n 286
ages cannot make it old.......... v 154
for ages would its light..... v 402
like feeble age, he reeleth*...v 409
the longest age but sups....k 232
but age is heavy............w 233
before a sprightlier age......c 234
an old age of cards.. .....e 234
is worth an age without.....r 234
fading into age.......
..i 236
all ages past, and make......x 237
from age to age unnumber'd.q 261
Aged-aged men, like aged trees..y 7
aged and yet young, as...... 354
Agent-trust no agent*.. ..z 43
Aggregate-a. of little things...c 198
Ago-long, long ago................
Agony-a soul in agony*
waters of wide agony.
agonies no word can..

greater honors to his age*.
stamp and esteem of ages....r 40
did haggish age steal on*.
.q 41
age is slow in both
..j 47
wakens the slumbering ages..152
this age
best pleaseth me.....i 66
expect one of my age.........g 76
beyond the promise of his a.*. 172
worst of woes that wait on a..h 90
footprints of their age........g 92
remnant of mine age*...
agony with words*..
.......a 99
father of all! in ev'ry age...n 180
.....p 375

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let not those agonies be vain.d 539 Agree-thou and I shall never a.o 42 two of a trade can ne'er agree.i 95 and summer well agree......c 156 glory and this grief agree... ...1376 all things differ, all agree...p 451 we should agree as angles..n 250 where God is, all agree......n 194 agree with our eternal parts*.v 477 Agriculture-blessed be a......v 295 Ague-fear is an ague, that. .7 120 Ahoy-eternal friend, ahoy.. ....n 116 Aid-foreign aid of ornament...k 19 for aid must show how......k 195 who wanted thy soft aid....p 389 can give no hollow aid.......r 394 saints will aid if men will...a 344 Aidance-barr'd the aidance of*.v414 Aim-nor aim beyond our pow'r.s 65


miserable aims that end.....a 210 our being's end and aim....h 191 a. for the heart and the will. 483 aim not to be great.........d 475 Air-faint, and melting into air.m 23 the azure deep of air....... the air is delicate*.......... ..ƒ27 spread a city to the air........e 30 wanderer of the wintry air...g 32 melted into air, into thin*...k 46 air blows it to me*...........e 51 deep air listen'd round her...h 54 with important air...........q 68 wither'd in the stagnant air..ƒ 78 thin of substance as the air*, the air shall be perfumed*..q 154 in the open air our myrtles. q 147 the moveless air.. j 131 what airs outblown from....e 136 simplicity and unaffected a.d 138 eglantine embalm'd the air..ƒ 130 dead in the air, and still....k 272 washes all the air*.


..d 276

fresh gales and gentle airs..h 257 air is rife with wings.......6 372 come, O fresh spring airs....i 378 spring is in the air and..... .9 373 through motionless air......h 376 no sound along the air......j 377 through the soft vapory air.e 273 mid the cool airs of evening.k 411 air is living with its spirit..r 339 air, a charter'd libertine*... 340 air around them looks......p 401 shining home in the air.....k 402 a single star lights the air...n 402 warms the mild air..........i 371 sweet is the air.. ..i 372 air with melodies vernal....1372 air is cold-and drear.......a 378 through the hushed air.. .j 378 foot, light as on air...... ...m 164 wild, and open to the air....d 226 air with fragrance and with. .g 362 charm ache with air*... 7 211 nor air, nor leaf is lost......c 231 imagination is the air of....u 206 to breathe his native air....f 198 from draughts of balmy air.. 436 the air was calm........ ...t 381 lungs receive our air........v 387 hit the woundless air*......n 887

sweetness in the desert air..s 490 thoughts shut up want air..a 422 trifles, light as air*..........u 442 | out of the bosom of the air..q 393 and in the golden air... c 466 sweet as English air.. .i478 Air-castle-air-castles are.......0 482 Airy-airy nothing a local*....h 377 Aisle-aisle and fretted vault... 281 Ajax-prayer of A. was for light.g78 Akimbo-stands with arms a...j 324 Akin-pity's akin to love.... ...k 333 longing that is not a. to pain./ 369 world-wide apart, and yet a.o 413 Alabaster-as monumental a.*...z 18 grandsire cut in alabaster*.hh 499 Alacrity-not that a. of spirit*.m 468 Aladdin-money is A's lamp,...f462 Alarm-dwell in the midst of a's.y394 Alas-alas the day..... Albatross-I shot the albatross..p 21 albatross the meanest........a 22 Albums-are a's written.......p 236


an album is a garden........k 493 Alcalá-I have been in A..........e 2 Alchemist-th' empiric a.......b296

plays the alchymist*.........d 296 you are an alchymist*.......e 296 Alchemy-with heavenly a..... . j 447

like richest a. will change*...l51 Alderman-forefinger of an a.*.g 112 Aldgate-temple bar to A. street.c 492 Ale-quaff the nut-brown ale....c98

god send thee good ale........i93 the size of pots of ale.......q 30z fame for a pot of ale, and*... 738 Alexandrine-a. ends the song.1339 Alfred-immortal A. sat........1301 Alight-seems nowhere to a....ƒ377 Alike-'tis just a. to virtue.....s 454

.y 55 j 63

a. as if we had them not*...k 455 beautiful, but none alike...m 158 they were a., their features..e 190 alike in what it gives.......q348 Alive-the cruell'st she alive*...m 77 so many friends alive........p 86 alive with sudden hope.... ....g 142 alive so stout a gentleman*..q484 grave for men alive..........i347 All-all things must come to....v 45 to the pure all things are.. .954 cared not to be at all.. all are not taken.. certain to all; all shall die*..v 83 what is it all when all is.....q 96 father of all in every age....n 180 arm alone, ascribe we all*...b 349 for all we have is his..... ..ƒ349 is the bitterest of all........k 349 covenant between a. and One.r352 ....a 360 og'ling, and all that.. take him for all in all* ......u 254 of a. the days that's in the..b 369 all is not lost... ...q 458 all that hath been majestical. 420 ปี 199 all honourable men*, .....c 484 ..$496 q 497

all this is ours........ all's well that ends well*. heaven mend all*..

my care-for this is all......i 445 nothing brings me a. things*b 382

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thanks to A. who gives the..c440 Allay-that allays an angry......n 17 Allegiance-a. from men's*....n 431 All-ending-the general a-e.*...p 445 Alliance-purchase great a.*...n 448 Alligator-an a. stuffed*. Allow-a. that you do not know.d 223 Allured-a. to brighter worlds. u 106 Almighty-recount a. works.....p 74 to its almighty source........u 79 inspiration of the almighty.≈ 202 God Almighty's gentlemen..u 491 th' A's orders to perform....b 348 know more of the A's........e 488 where the Almighty's form..a 323 Almond- from the a. bough...h 373 a. blossom, sent to teach....j 434 almond bloom, we greet thee.. 434 an a. tree unmounted hye... ..n 434 a. tree above its bald and...m 434 Alms-gifts and alms are the....r 52

puts alms for oblivion*.....v 426 Almshouse-a. neat but void...q 341 Aloe-like spiked aloe........................ .s 152 Aloft-raise a. the milk-white*. q 154 aloft himself doth throw....m 123 sits up aloft.................o 491 Alone-and the grief are mine a..o5 a., and warming his five wits..k 29 alone, and summer's gone....e 31 alone in company...... ......h 50 alone by the wind-beaten.....j 70 triumphant, high, alone. .9 71 in which I moved alone......191 alone on earth, as I am now..h 90 be dearly let, or let alone ...c 193 dread, fathomless, alone....a 323 why do you keep alone*. .d 421 they are never alone that....j 421 wandered alone 'mid yon....l 421 often when thou sitt'st a.*.. j 260 thou art here alone..........n 375 left blooming alone..........v 153 better, then, to be alone. i 364 all alone went she...........g 365 present hour a. is man's.....v 232 February hath xxviii. alone..c 269 eight-and-twenty all alone..d 269 alone to watch and pray....a 411 being there alone*....... .h 267 fools are mad if left alone*..h 477 alone, she will court you....i 479 who can enjoy alone........c 103 ill fortune seldom comes a..m 165 till supper-time alone*......e 394 solitude, when we are least a.o 394 I stood and stand alone..... .p 394 alone; this, is solitude 9 394 alone on earth, as I am......s 394 alone on a wide, wide sea ...t 394 solitary, who is not alone...e 395 enter the world alone.... ...g 395 never less alone than..... .h 395 entertaining ourselves a.....o 395 until I truly loved, I was a...p 395 doubly feel ourselves alone..t 395 alone each heart must .....u 395 solitude to be alone.........a 396

faults we flatter when a.....c 396 one alone, however prompt..q 360. Along-drags its slow length a..t 339 Aloof-stand all a., and bark*..ð 451 erewhile that stood aloof....e 184 Alpine-when on the A. rose....p 153 A. peasants, two and three..a 369 Alps-Alps on Alps arise.......u 279 the tow'ring Alps we try.... 336 Altar-burns upon its altars....114 refreshed where one pure a..d 259 confined to altars, nor to....180 bow before thine altar, love..A 249 build me a's in their zeal... À 488 strike-for your altars...... 329 Altar-stairs-great world's a's..i176 Alter-doth not the appetite a....u 18 love a's not with his brief*...m 64 must alter for the better....a 201 love is not love which a's*..p 208 not a. in my faith of 442 Alternative-a strange a......... 56 Am-not I am what I appear....A 87 I am what I am.......... .t492 I cannot hide what I am* ..m 445 I am not what I am*...... ........j 385. being the thing I am*.......k 385 speak of me as I am*........0 385Amaranth-only a. flower......p 453 Amaryllis-milky-bell'd a...... 132 Amaze-extend scope of wild a..q 332 gods, it doth amaze*. ...j106 amaze th' learn'd...........g 40% Amazement-a. like witless*... 496 Amazon-an a. of broad bosom..i 238 Ambassador-a. an honest man. 198 Amber-a transparent a. sea..........‚k 59

bedropping with amber......e 34 liquid amber drop from....d 154 amber grain shrunk in the... 351 upon the a. air unrolled.....446 a. wake of the long-set sun...447 in their amber sweets....... 335 when tipp'd with amber....q 820 Ambition-wild a. loves to.......48



p8 .88

all ambitions, upward.. with great ambitions.. ambition has no rest.. what will not ambition. ambition, though in hell......18 such joy ambition finds...... 8 ambition's aims are cross'd....8 ill-weav'd ambition*....... .j9 fling away ambition*.. .19 young ambition's ladder.....p chok'd with foul ambition...q9 the unreined ambition........19 mad ambition trumpeteth....49 pours fierce ambition in.......c9 ambition is no cure...... .fo ambition's debt is paid*......99 only vaulting ambition*. ambition has but one.. in false ambition's hand.....e 10 us'd no a. to commend.......y 88 serve to wash a's hands. ......8074 wars that make a. virtue*. .q116 churchman better than a*....1203 built with divine ambition..A 290 virtue chok'd with foul a*..n 455 wild ambitions wind.. ..t455


.b 10

the fever of ambition........t 493 capable of this ambition*...s 324 who, like ambition lures....j 313 in Heaven a. cannot.........i 249 my soul's a., pleasure, wealth.d 811 the a. of a private man......x 342 Ambitious-a. worldly desires....c 8 Cæsar was ambitious*........m 9 ambitious is merely the*......09 th' ambitious care of men.....15 as ever in a. strength*.......i 246 Amble-wit a's well; it goes*...h 472 Ambo-" arcades a." id est......o 67 Ambrosia-gone's the world's a. k378 Ambrosial-a. curls upon the..p 366 shakes his a. curls...........1367 a. fruitage bare, and vines..u 193 blooming ambrosial fruit..m 432 sweeter than the sweet a.....z 470 Amen-say amen betimes*. .....e 93 "amen" stuck my throat*..u 496 Amend-that will make amends a 204 lying make himself amends. q 443 a thousand make amends...g 475 Amended-cannot be now a*. 199 .q America-from wild A. to spicy.r 262

A.! half brother of....... ..c 69 American-I was born an A....h 71 Americans equally detest....j 69 Americans to market driven.q 388 Amethyst-calmed in isles of a..m 411 streaks and shafts of a....... 410 purple-streaming a. is........ 386 Amiss-for one who writes a....u 76 Amiable-good, a., or sweet...m 475 bestow, to make her a.......0 475 a. weakness of human naturea 462 Amiss-nothing comes amiss*..c463 'tis not amiss.... .g 309 Amity-amity, a world of lies..o 335

angels for the good man's....e 10 angel visits few........... f10 angels with us unawares.....k 10 all God's angels come.........i 10 an angel stood and....... J10 as far as angel's ken.......... 10 angel voices sung the........p 10 a guardian angel o'er........q 10 flights of angels sing*. ......r 10 angels are bright still*.......s 10 angels come and go. ..t 10 in angel whiteness bear*. .....v35 thousand hovered angels. .....2 53 angels of God in disguise....w 54 shining angels climb........m 57 two angels issued..... .....a 81 angels tremble while.........a 81 angels uncurtain'd that.......e 82 where angels tremble......... 93 as angels in some brighter...w 97 a., girt with golden wings...112 as eloquent as angels.......k 102 lives as angels do...................................a 120 angels fear to tread..........t 162 ƒ 123 angel of light. a's have planted to remind..b 139 angels love good men*.......t257 ascend, like a's beautiful....m 259 my angel-his name is.......i 167 passage of an angel's tear...r 415 tears such as angels weep....8 415 | angel, who was keeping.....t 415 not stain an angel's cheek...a 416 a's and men their incense...a274 bells do chime, 'tis angels'..d 369 like angel's visits, short and. u 216 the denouncing angel's pen.c 218 dropped from an a's wing..m 331 the angel says: "Write!"....h 336 angel on the outward side*..e 205 she drew an angel down.....v 209 forget-me-nots of the angels.o 402 sweet letters of the a. tongue./ 125 as the blessed angels turn...p 236 with angels shared............................¿240 | virtue is an angel... ...a 454 virtues will plead like a's*...c455 as angels do above... .n 250 beyond the soar of a's wings.e 180 I heard the angels call.. ..e 270 the angel heart of man. ..1420 scepter'd a's held their.. ..v 193 O, the more angel she*.. j498 though an a. should write...d 318 holy angels guard thy bed...i 392 immortal part with angels*. j 399 go with me, like good a's*...d 345 women are angels wooing*. .f480 as make the angels weep*..w 346 angels are painted fair......v 475 angel appear to each lover...y 475 ministering angel thou.....k 476 are angels vailing clouds*...s 476 were our good angels....................l 327 men as a's, without femininen 475 angels draw near, and sing..n 352 little a's, holding hands....m 352 two angels guide the path...j 354 lamp our angel reason.......j354 a. 'twixt my face and Thine.j 360 .a 9 Angelic-mark'd the mild a. air..ƒ 80

a. that wisdom knits not....m 174 Among-a. them, but not of....k 394 Amorous-the amorous odors...j 131 an amorous looking-glass*... 255 as amorous of their strokes*.q 381 Amusement-of innocent a.....1355 Analytic-skill'd in analytic........ ....n 75 Anarchy-hold eternal anarchy..g 47 Ancestor-wisdom of our a's...s 468 down from my ancestors*....d 54 ancestors of nature.........p 494 our rural ancestors..........k 295 a wild trick of his ancestors*.z 431 Anchor-a. and other tackle....d 313

wealth is a weak anchor.....q 462 Anchored-tho' a. to the bottomm 161 Ancient-in a. times all things..s 43 society is as a. as the world..g 394 ancients dreaded death... ...e 81 that grew in ancient times..g 145 do love these ancient ruins..u 368 atlas, we read in ancient.....e 405 heard in ancient days by.....a 28 Anemone-a. in snowy hood....q 126 flesh-hued anemone...... anemonies that spangled....p 374 Angel-angels could no more....m 1 angels are, or good or ill......v2 sin, fell the angels.. .19 men would be angels angels would be gods..

... 132

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more in sorrow than in a.*..n 111 anger as the flint bears fire*.n 258 anger and jealousy can no..ƒ 215 shrill notes of anger........ p 457 vent their anger, impotent..h 481 fear not the a. of the wise...r 359 Angered-being a., puffs away*.o 467 Angle-give me mine a., we'll*..u 11 a brother of the angle... ....2 11 so angle we for Beatrice*....a 480 Angler-if he be an honest a.....a 12 Angling-a. is somewhat like....y 11 we may say of angling.......c 12 pleasantest a. is to see*......a 480 Angry-nothing that allays an a.n 17 trembled at the angry wind. v 160 the angry night cloud.......k 273 as if thou e'er wert angry...b 320 angry at a slander, makes...a 387 Anguish-this anguish pierces..n 90 doubting and anguish.

.p 241 a. of a torturing hour*......w 355 drops of anguish falling fast.1336/ he groans in anguish........h 417 crown of anguish crowned..d 390 pain and anguish wring....k 476 will close the eye of a.*. ...p 935 Ankle-a's sunken in asphodel.j 133 against her a's as she trod.. P 134 unhinge or ankle sprain....a 319 Animal-to frame the little a.....q 29 that souls of a. infuse*......d 113 animals are such agreeable.. 168 Animate-fills every a. part....q 233 substance, though not a....m 352 Animated-want an a. “no”. ...m 68 Anna-while A. reigns, and sets r 368 songs which A. loved to...... 173 hear thou great Anna........1 320 Annal-simple a's of the poor.. j 341 Annexed-house is unto his a..a 392 Annihilate-the mind a's ......g 463 Anniversary-a. of a birthday..m 34

i 197 ..ƒ377

secret a's of the heart.. Announced-a. by all the.. Annoyance-to souse a. that*...e 368 Anoint-God did a. thee with..r 482 Anointed-bells have been....a. c 21 Another-then here goes a................ ..q 251 another and a better world..p 193 is quite another thing........b 35 in his heart, utters another..ƒ87 Answer-ne'era's till a husband.g 50 meet to hear and answer....g 63 answer, ye evening tapers...b 336 find on a. in each heart... .i 336 wits have much to a. for*....1 361 sudden a. you may bear..... 155 no other a. make, but*. answers life's great end..

y 183 236

answer, shall I have it*.....n 218 made answer to my word...v 413 answer where any road..... ...k 449 Answered-my humor, is it a.*..a 364 Ant-school to an ant*. ..i 304 Antagonist-a. is our helper....b 490 Antedate-a. the bliss above...ƒ 283 Anthem-thy plaintive anthem..t 27 pealing anthem swells.......t 281 and anthems clear..........q 282 roll back the sound of a's....e 432 a. for the queenliest dead....z 82 | Anthropophagi-the a.*........a 499 Antic-like witless antics* 496 nature, drawing of an a.*...d 477 antic sits, scoffing his*......m 85 Anticipate-eager to a. their....s 381 Anticipation-an untimely a...h 318 Antidote-my bane and a........a 117 his antidotes are poison*....p 310 sweet oblivious antidote*...d 310 Antiphon-mute the choral a..n 375 Antipodes-day with the a's*...i 427 Antiquaries-pale a's pore ......h 13 Antique-being true antique....i 13 desolate walls of a. palaces..w 382 Antiquity-a little skill in a....p 357 Antony-our courteous A*.....a 322

who lost Mark Antony the..w 475 Anvil-on its sounding anvil..k 233 hammered to the anvil's....a 301 a's with a different note.....b 301 iron did on his anvil cool* ..e 301 smites the shrill anvil ......z 300 tongue on the a. of truth....f 445 be anvil or hammer..........h 49 the anvil of my sword*......i 246 Anxiety-a. of the thoughtful..w 101

the weak anxieties of age......t 5 Anxious-from afar the a. mind..t 315

anxious or troubled, when..u 345 Anyone-whatever a. does or...r 181 Anything-we know not a......e 202

anything but live for it.....g 357 Apace-old age comes on apace...j 5 old age is creeping on apace..n 5 great weeds do grow apace*. . t 498 and flies apace.. ..c 306 Apart-like a star, and dwelt a..h 338 man dwells a., though not..v 253 world-wide a., and yet akin..o 413 both sisters, never seen a... 468 apart sat on a hill retired.....t 64 Ape-sleep, thou ape of death*.f391

sin is pride that apes.......m 346 Apollo-Apollo, a fancy piece..n 318 Apollo has peeped through..h 450 Apollo's summer look. ....b 274 hark, Apollo plays*. ..b 284 musical as is Apollo's lute...1332 A., he came forth to warm..d 336 as bright Apollo's lute*......s 245 Apollo mounts his golden...h 410 ..b. 95 Apoplexy-this apoplexy is*. Apostasy-from man's a.......m 415 Apostle-a's would have done..y 255

she, while apostles shrank..w 472 Apostolic-by a. blows and...... 95 Apothecary-modern a's taught.u 309

expires in the arms of an a..i 183 an a. in the same paper.....n 305

remember an apothecary*...g 310
Appal-appal the bravest soul..k 404
Appalled-semblance of a scar a.d 457
Apparel-wears out more a.*...v 116
the apparel oft proclaims*...ƒ320
as men their best apparel....d471
with thy best apparel on*... 301
Apparelled-a. like the spring*..d 19
Apparition-blushing a's start*.v35
apparitions seen and gone..u 216
a lovely apparition.........u 478
Appeal-no court of a. against.r 217
Appear-not I am what I appear.h87
am not love, what I appear.m 204
virtuous without seeking toj 454
his lonely cot a's in view....t 197
must appear in other ways*.t 453
Appearance-appoint a. and....v 61
Appease-and thee appease.....e 219
Appetite-prophetic eye of a....r 13
govern well thy appetite......$ 13
appetite comes with eating...t 13
the appetite alter*............u 13
digestion wait on appetite.*.. u 13
what appetite you have*.....z 13
hungry edge of appetite*....a 14
whose name was appetite.... 14
coquetry whets the appetitc.a 69
with that keen appetite*....h 122
a well-governed and wise a..i 182
greediness of the appetite... 1200
the appetite may sicken*....o 283
stirr'd in me sudden a......g 295
with coyless sauce his a*....1 302
Applaud-a. thee to the very*...14
how crowds applaud....
contented to applaud myself. i462
Applause-a. is the spur of......c 14
world, is the highest applause.d 14
their loud applause*.
.e 14
not pardon, but applause.. .876
glorious word of popular a..y 340
soul of the age, the applause.a 381
Apple-a. into blossom burst....q27
apple rotten at the heart*...aa 87
blossoms fringe the apple...c 435
what plant we in this a. tree.a 435
like living coals, the apples.d 376
brown a's gay in a game of. 376
tho' no golden a's glitter....d 177
stolen be your apples........v 418
the apple from the pine.....w 295
Apple-bloom-white with a-b's. j372
a-b. upon the breezes toss...i 270
Apple-tart-carv'd like an a-t.* j 320
Appliance-desperate a's are*...e310

appliances and means to....r 390
Apply-for cure a. to them we... 77
Appointed-body or mind a....i 483
Apprehension-in a., how like*,e255
death is most in apprehension*183
Approach-a. thy grave, like...k 360
Approve-right, and I a. it too.. 49
approve it with a text*. j 358
men of sense approve........t 495
slander doth but approve**...o 387
if you approve it not... ..u 294
April-an April night would....n 27
ushers in the showers of A...a 34
the heaven of April...... o 109
you must ask the A. weather 148

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pansies in soft April rains.... 148 clouded smile of April's face.s 161 weeps-but, O ye hours.......n 370 April and May one moment.d 372 May and A. love each other...d 372 cheer, a little, A's sadness... 372 glimpses to the April day....r 373 April flower of sun and dew.q159 well apparell'd April*.......a 271 April day in the morning.... 271 when April steps aside...... j 271 April., June and November.d 269 when April winds grew soft.g 270 old April wanes, and her last.A 270 all poor April's charms...... 270 April knows her own.......i 270 April's coming up the hill...j 270 the lovely fickleness of an A.1270 for April sobs while these...n 270 April weeps while these.....n 270 when April stops at last.....0 270 sweeet April time-O cruel...q 270 when proud-pied April*.....r 270 day in April never came*...p 246 child of April weather.......p 127 April's gift to April's bees...k 434 A. shall with his showers... i 352 Apron-where is thy leather a*, . t 301 Arab-an Arab with a stranger..n 216 Arabs say, Satan could.......r 29 clime of A. deserts brought.. 424 Arabesque-this graceful a..... j 440 Arabia-all the perfumes of A.*..a 315 Araby-farewell to the Araby's o 116 Arbiter-fashion, the a. and.... 118 a. chance governs all.........n 44 Arbitrate-does a. the event..... 49 Arbitrator-common a. time*..n 426 Arbor-rustic a., which the.... 131 shape as of an arbor.........k 437 Arbutus-in the forest a. doth..g 374 sweet a. in the wood... 126 overflow of a. and laurel....e 434 Arcades-"arcades ambo" id est. 67 Arch-o'er Prague's proud arch d 167 this gorgeous arch.......... 290 world-built arch of heaven..g 409 the blue arch will brighten m 449 arch beneath them is not.. j 440 mild arch of promise........ 352 Arch-angel-thy summoning a's b218 fell as the mighty a.... ...d 431 that makes a's smile........n 428 Arched-gates of monarchs a*. ƒ 368 Archer-finds mark the a.......q 481

insatiate archer.............. 8 archers, draw your arrows*.. 459 Architect-a. built his great... 296 merry architects so small....b 34 all are architects of fate....da 117 a. of his own fortune........ 163 and some the architect...... 193 Architectural-holiness is the a. 197 Architecture-a. is the work of n 296 a. considered as a subject...r 296value of architecture depends $296 architecture is frozen music.b 297 Architrave-lay the a. and......e 432 Arcturi-those pearled a. of the w 130 Ardent-prayers a. open heaven 6 346 Are-we are what we must.....j 11*


.m 84 .984

we know what we are*...... 499 let us, then, be what we a...d 385 Argoan-Argoan ships brave...m 440 Argosy-a's with portly sail*.. ƒ 266 Argue-he could argue still..... 14 I argue not against.........w 112 know me argues yourself... j 206 many laws a's so many sins.n 384 Argument-a knock-down a.....k 14 right with his argument.....m 14 found you an argument.. .....n 14 with an argument, he'll..... ..o 14 a. with men a woman........ p 14 in argument similes are. .8 14 for lack of argument*. t 14 ear-kissing argument*.......a 14 arguments use wagers... ...i 15 the argument of tyrants .h 287 than the staple of his a.*....v 481 a's and question deep*. e 430 height of this great a..... ..1348 argument that makes a poem.s338 Argumentation-in idle a.......b 15 Ariadne-to the minuet in A...i 500 Arise-lady sweet, arise; arise*..g 16 Aristocracy-are among a......j 216 Ark-to the long laboring ark...r 23 Arm-cross their a's and hang*.w 35 arms against a sea of*.......u 72 hug it in mine arms*.. arms gave shelter to*. perfect in the use of arms*...c 460 devotion with revengeful a's*.h460 the arms are fair when*.....l 460 arms round the parents.....d 198 the nurse of arms........ ..m 492 take thou thy arms..........j 311 arms not the gown, priests../ 293 whose arms gave shelter....b 436 arm it in rags, a pigmy's*...y 384 and his fifty arms so strong. k 438 arms full strong and largely.h 439 his a's to the far-away lands, a 440 hundred arms the cypress...l 167 owe such straight a's, none*. p 167 fold thine a's, turn to thy rest.d 362 rear'd a. crusted the world*. v 367 gallant monarch is in arms*.e 368 spreads its fragrant arms....p 155 in night's arms is asleep..... 402 tho' mine a's should conquer. I 452 triumph'd o'er our arms....q 452 arms like yours were fitter..o 456 in arms, the day battle's.... e 457 excites us to arms...........p 457 widow sits upon mine arm..e 450 arms on armor clashing.. ..9 458 arm us 'gainst the foe*......u 459 arms ye forge another bears. u 119 fit arms against a war.......t 165 .j 489


invincible in arms....... with his arms outstretch'd*. a 427 arm thyself for the truth....w444 flowering lotos spreads its a's.c 438 arm alone ascribe we all*....b 349 stands with arms akimbo...j 324 arm the obdured breast......i 328 nerves the feeble a. for fight..t 357 a. through every open pane.d 466 Armed-I armed her against.....i 38 a. without that's innocent....7 62

thrice is he arm'd that hath*.v219 arm'd so strong in honesty*.s 198 arm'd at all points*........aa 496 arm'd or with truth or......h 481 Armigero-writes himself a.*...a 178 Armistice-short a. with truth*. q 443 Armor-arms on a. clashing.. .....g 458 no adamantine armor........y 444 no armour against fate........$ 85 to put his armour off......... ..ƒ 86 armor on armor shone......m 457 Armory-from the a. of God....o 458 Army-retire of both your a's*. p 104 an army of good words*. .m 163 a golden-shielded army. .8 277 hum of either army*. .k 459 the army is a school. .k 311 Arno-to Arno's myrtle border. g 364 Aromatic-a rose in a. pain.....z 314 aromatic plants bestow no....b 4 Arose-when ye a. and went....o 173 Array-in its glory's full array.k 152

comes, in heaven's array...g 410 battles magnificently stern a.e 457 Arresting-no a. vast wheel of. m 423 Arrogance-O, monstrous a.*....o 258 supple knees feed arrogance* c 347 Arrow-shot mine a. o'er the*... 12 scattered golden arrow's.....i 278 darts or poisoned a's were...r 453 quiver's choice, an arrow...d 456 archers, draw your arrows*..h 459 some Cupid kills with a's* ..g 248 swifter than a's from the*. .hh 498 bow is beat, the arrow flies..c 117 carried me 'mid thick a's...r 117 shot their arrows round.....b 138 breath, like silver arrows....! 377 arrows fly of sad distrust... .p 259 like arrow-heads of gold.. .. 272 Art-art of a thing is, first... ....c 15 art is the perfection...... ...d 15 art of reading, as well........e 15 action, to any end, is art.....f15 perfection of an art consists..h 15 temple of art is built..... piety in art poetry in art. puseyism în art. art is power.

..j 15



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import yet nobler arts.......e3 03 howe'er concealed by art...n 343 thou art, art surely as in....d 348 nature is but art unknown..n 348 a. can wash her guilt away..k 474 only art her guilt to cover...e 359 all those arts in which......p 300 war's glorious art... ..i 461 weak, if art assist her not... 166 all arts are vain.. ../ 166 gather admiring works of a..c 414 arts of war and peace........c 374 ornaments their want of a..w 336 poet in his a, must imitate..o 337 delight of sovereign a. and..r 337 all the arts, great music....d 282 art that nature makes* is the art of God.. stronger far than art..

not without art.. art with truth

..l 286

.a 287

..b 287

..7 285

h 408

.u 237

life is short, and art long..... 232 noble art from Cadmus temperament, and not of a..s 451 these mix'd with art.. v 265 there's no art to find*..... ..b 266 arts victorious triumph'd...q 452 arts but soften us to feel....o 244 curious art, the brain......m 419 giveth grace unto every art..y 192 holiday for art's and..... ..m 197 art may err, but nature.....r 491 mother of a's and eloquence..0494 grace beyond the reach of a..n 183 tender strokes of art.........d 294 last and greatest art.........c 300 arts, in most cruel wise....aa 300 contempt, for other arts.....n 312 silence, one of the great a's..g 383 not art, but nature...... 440 a. so nearly touches nature. ƒ 481 charm the gloss of all art....c 384 art is long, and time is......0 424 gift beyond the reach of art.. i 382 his art with caution...... .......8 310 inspires new arts...........g 468 Artery-makes each petty a.*...h 119 spirits in the arteries* .p 483 Artful-artful to no end.. .e 234 Article-article at highest rate...k 4 Articulate-he should be a.....s 314 Artillery-the a. of words......n 482 heaven's artillery thunder*...s 72 Artist-depth of the artist's.....g 15 two kinds of artist's in....... 15 marks the true artist.........k 15 artists may produce..........q 15 who gave laws to the artist...b 16 which our artists call snap..k 123 the knowing artist may.....u 294 of all artists, musicians. ..n 312 the artist never dies.. f314 more the artist charms... ..k314 essence of an artist is.. ....$ 314 thought of the great artist..p 386 Artless-full of a. jealousy is*. p215 Ascend-ascends with it to God..h 10 should ascend to heav'n....p 344 rounds by which we may a.m 188 Ascribe-which we a. to heav'n*.k 498 to thy arm alone, a. we all*.8 349

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