Mischievous-as his kind grow* b 44 misled and lonely traveller..q 288 may miss our name*........n 387 light crimson mist went up.. 410 m's of more happy days o 190 i7 ........0 97 the few who have a mission.o 309 men the models..... little m. the master wrought.k 381 ..l 236 a prince, the moment he....p 368. 263 Monarchy-trappings of a m...b 367 Monday-a Saturday and M....b 369 Money-curse that m. may buy*.c 88 get money, money still......u 95 m. will buy money's worth. 114 as an old man loves money*.7 248 and man made money......ƒ 348 part with it as with money.w 487 money was made not to.....o 268 m. not a contemptible stone.p 268 m. brings honor, friends....s 268 glad you have the money*...t 268 fill thy purse with money*..v 268 m. is a good soldier, sir*....w 268 he lends out m. gratis, and*.g 192 ready m. is Aladdin's lamp..ƒ 462 not m., but the love of m...h 462 if money go before*. ..t 462 so money comes withal*.....c 463 so much m. as 'twill bring..j 485 they are the money of fools..e 481 Money-bag-dreams of m-b's*..k 412 Monger-meter ballad-m's*. ..... 17 Monitor-m. of fleeting years...p 156 Monk-m.,scarce known beyond.b 72 the devil a monk would be...d 93 dwell in a monk.............$454 Monotone-m. deep and clear...o 33 Monsieur-comes M. le Beau..k 306 Monster-poor credulous m.*........s 73 O thou monster ignorance*..o 206 vice is a m. of so frightful...e 452 blunt m. with uncounted*.. 368 a monster of iniquity.......d 458 that monster, custom*...... 454 the monsters of the deep....a 323 monster of ingratitudes*....v 426 Monstrous-O m.! but one half*g 214 is it not monstrous*........m 294 Month-this is the m., and...... 57 month after month the......o 69 a little month ...u 476 hail to the month...........a 274 except the second month...a 269 the first m. in the year......e 269 wild, stormy, month.... ..k 269 three crabbed months* .....b 249 Monument-m. of vanished. ...m 37 but monuments of death.....r 85 family's old monument*....i 104 monument becomes a ruin..w 253 thine own fair monument..g 213 let m's and rich fabricks....g 274 extend our memories by m.ħ 274 m's themselves memorials.. í 274 a rich monument is one.....) 274 built thyself a life-long m... 115 patience on a monument*..k 274 shall have a living m.*......l 274 m. more lasting than brass.m 274 shall live no longer in m*. ...e 262 monuments shall last.......b 456 he fill up one monument*...j 174 m's thereof are kept. ..8 260 her sense but as a m.*. ..f 391 Monumental-as m. alabaster*. ..z 18 mail in m. mockery*........b 332 Mood-time, in pleasant m.....u 52 in any shape, in any mood...g 80 m. will give us anything* ..y 165 nnused to the melting m." .9 416 put thy harsher m. aside...m 398 Moody-music, moody food*...j 283 Moon-on the horns o' the m.*..g 14 thou wistful moon, make.... 28 the moon glimmers down...u 33 moon will wax, the moon....t 45 a dog, and bay the moon*. ....g 65 .s 73 .957 .h 106 the man i' the moon*, the moon is hid............. my old m's and my new m's.n 78 the moon, their mistress.....ƒ 78 night that no m. shall break.h 83 midnight m. looks sombred..ƒ 25 to the red rising moon... .c 28 moon no planet is of mine*.. 64 at the bidding of the moon..n 422 maids who love the moon...e 106 kill the envious moon*......s103 when the moon begins her..w 105 the slow moon climbs the m., oppress'd with love's.h 161 the m. shines at full or no..c162 on fishing up the moon.....r 162 whole twelve m's together..d 148 course of one revolving m...l 122 rode brightest till the moon.j411 but one short moon to live..m 273 doth the moon care for......n 274 the moon pull'd off her veil.o 274 I saw the man in the moon.p 274 the moon's fair image......q 274 such a slender moon........a 275 magic moon is breaking....b 275 it is the harvest moon ......e 275 shines the moon............d 275 the moon was pallid ..ƒ 275 the rising moon is hid......g 273 the moon slow rising........h 275 behold the wand'ring moon.k 275 m., sweet regent of the sky. 275 the moon presides...........1275 m. was made of green cheese.o 275 the white moon .......p 275 good even, fair moon .......r 275 dear m., now show to me....r 275 the auld moon in her arm...s 275 the new moon yestereen....8 275 m. is in her summer glow...1275 very error of the moon*.....b 276 the moon of Rome*, ..c 276 .k 276 the moon, the governess*....d 276 the young moon has fed. f276 O moon, thou climb'st......g276 the crimson moon...... broad and golden moon.....l 276 the m. doth with delight....e 208 O, swear not by the moon*..q 208 great white m. soars high...d 152 the moon above the tops....x 287 silently, the little moon .....j 288 m. look'd forth, as tho' in..m 288 the moon shines bright*...w 289 m's unclouded grandeur....b 290 wane like the weary moon..m 238 when the m. was setting....e 270 pale-fac'd m. looks bloody**..m 460 and scann'd the moon*.....v 246 nor shines the silver moon*.h 248 moon's an arrant thief.....a 419 the moon into salt tears*...a 419 from the pale-fac'd moon"..d 200 ...i 273 five m's were seen to-night*j 297 virtue under the moon*...m 310 man in the moon... ƒ 464 stars burn, the m's increase.c 391 the moon's eclipse*.........4441 beneath the wan cold moon.j 441 Moon-bright-m-b. scenery....b 280 Moonlight-or by m. skies....... 59 visit it by the pale m........1366 how sweet the moonlight*..a 276 sittest in the m. there.......n 242 clusters of blossomed m....g 434 by m. at her window sung*.d 388 Moonrise-m. wakes the........ 28 Moon-struck-m-s. madness....d 260 Moor-wails on the moor........ 33 on these radiant moors......100 falls on the moor.... gray slopes, and stony m's..8467 Moral-a moral, sensible and.... 73 to point a m., or adorn a tale.d 115 moral to the feeling heart...k 135 m's holds which Milton held.r167 some moral let it teach.. .b294 make men moral, good......b 299 m. when he shall endure*..aa 328 it mends their morals.......303 m. system of the universe... 276 Moralist-rustic m. to die.....d 104 Morality-make m. impossible. 1405 unawares morality expires..9358 morality is the object of....m 276 m., when vigorously alive.. 276 morality without religion...p 276 More-angels could do no more..m1 who dares do more, is none*.n 72 I still should long for more..p God is more there than thou.d 364 more thou stir it the worse.q 490 how much m. doth beauty*.a 385 more I'll adore you..........j463 Morn-to his bridal morn.......9% and this the happy morn..... ...jbT m. not waking till she sings..p 25 lark, the herald of the morn*.g messenger of morn..........26 salutation to the morn*......d 23 I heard from morn to morn..33 the dappled morn............53 that knows not morn.......aa85 beauteous eyelids of the m...j16 one morn a Peri at the gate..e 200 the morn! she is the source.g27 morn on the mountain.....m 277 far in the east the morn.....r 277 the grey-ey'd morn smiles*.d 278 the morn is bright and gray*.e278 morn in the white wake....j278 rise, happy morn............k 278 meek-eyed morn appears... 278 wet with tears of the first m.d 137 the morn is up again........ 276 blessed m. has come again.. 277 rich unfolding morn........1277 morn, wak'd by the circling.0 277 sweet is the breath of morn.p 277 m. in russet mantle clad*... 277 red morn began to blossom. a 153 m. leaves for the ardent noon. 154 old autumn in the misty m.375 do mislead the morn*. morn risen on mid-noon....ƒ 229 'tis almost morning*. never morning wore.. .s 124 which of ye will be mortal....a 356 how little mortals know.....e 228 and did he not, each m.... Morrow-part of their good m..7 491 a mother's heart.. .......791 ......g 161 ·J 282 as in my mother's lap.......w 90 Apollo mounts his golden...h 410 winged to mount the skies. 443 m. of God, whence light.... ...v 446 whether they fall or mount..t 348 Mountain-rise, by mountains...b 9 m. sheep were sweeter....... p 12 blue m's lift their brows.....o 22 waves and mountains meet..s 70 watches from his mountain..p 24 mountains look on...........g 69 set a huge mountain.*. ...k 64 gone on the mountain.... sitting on the mountain....106 m. gorges, do ye teach us....j 141 mantles in the m. dight.....e 138 on moory mountains catch.m 129 queen o'er mountain..... .. .k 83 -9372 .9 104 324 Munching-the grasses.............i 409 Munich-wave M.! all thy...... 457 Murder-I can smile, and m*...k 88 murther in mine eye*.. q 110 one murder made a villain...ƒ 200 mordre wol out, that seene... 280 m. may pass unpunish'd...d 280 murder, like talent, seems..e 280 m's have been perform'd*...g 280 twenty mortal murders on*.g 280 murder most foul, as in*....k 280 murder, though it have....1280 thou shalt do no murder....n 280 is murder by the law........r280 to m. thousands takes...... 280 stab and raise no cry of m..b 192 treason, and murder, ever. y 431 Macbeth does m. sleep*.....a 391 talk of murders* ..........J 459 Ez fer war, I call it murder.b 458 should m. sanctuarize*.....c 498 who m's time, he crushes..m 428 Murdered-kill'd, all m.*...... 367 Murderer-I hate the m.*......62 two such m's as yourself*...i 333 Mure-hath wrought the m.*...† 42 open m's own their loves....t23 Murmur-as for m's, mother.....t4 murmurs, as thou slowly...b 213 and streams, the shallow m.e327 nor murmur at the load.....k 328 the murmur that springs...y 399 a m. as of water from skies..ƒ374 in hollow m's died away....k 281 the rudest murmurs......... 355 m's near the running ......d 338 pearly shell that murmurs.b 339 m's, feel their discontents... 367 Murmuring-born of m. sound.#19 never be a m. of any soul....v 12 mouse ne'er shunn'd*.. .b 13 some small nimble mouse....r 36 not a mouse shall disturb*. .j 325 Mouth-shall, with full m.*. purple violets for the m..... 137 a mouth all glowing..... .......c 221 could not ope his mouth....e414 more instrumental to the m.*g 368 in their m's to steal away*..r 214 sendeth and giveth, both m.bb 180 look a gift-horse in the m...n 178 mouths without hands.....m 311 his mouth full of news*.....k 306 cork out of thy mouth*.....u 306 speaks it, is the mouth of... 443 he mouths a sentence....... had but one rosy mouth.....h 473 made mouths in a glass*....r 477 poor, dumb mouths*.. .t 485 look a gift-horse in the m...w 489 Move-fall, that strive to move.h 118 wheresoe'er thou move.....cc 251 move, under the influence*. .b 361 move harmonious numbers. s 420 we know not that we move.. 370 God m's in a mysterious way.p179 looking well can't m. her....o 249 move but gently on.........y 267 if this letter m. him not.*. ... 316 have been known to move*.aa 498 hand which m's the world..w 345 she moves a goddess.... ........e 476 she moves no queen.....................e 478 Moved-he has m. a little nearer.o 312 he m. exulting in his fires...h 409 intervals of rest m. not.....m 392 Movement-m. mortals feel is..1 200 his form and movement.....7311 m's of this nice machine... p 392 a hundred m's made........k 254 Mover-the m's of the world, so.1 39 Movest-thou thyself m. alone.n 409 Moving-push on-keep m....bb 331 on golden hinges moving....t 193 spread ensigns moving......n 124 Much-much may be said on....h 14 too much of a good thing*....t 89 does not have too much of it.v 295 pay too m. for your whistle.g 462 but 'tis how much*..........k 300 if I could say how much*....r 383 so many worlds, so m. to do.w 484 too much of a good thing... 490 Muck-too discreet to run a m..b 370 Mud-on Nilus mud lay me*. ...d 1 Muddy-m., ill-seeming, thick*r 476 Mulberry-tree-is of trees.......i 438 highest, upon the m-t.......i 438 Multiplied-with theirs the... 309 Multiply-their originals........l 297 Multitude-admiring enter'd.. v 193 the multitude is always.....w 104 to and fro, as this m.*. .p 122 not in the m. of friends..... q 169 fair m. of those her hairs*...t 189 for the m. to be ingrateful*.u 210 discordant wavering m.*. z 368 many-headed multitude.. .Z 500 the hasty m. admiring.. ..7 296 Mummied-the m. authors. ....e 230 the voiceless m's...........bb 100 snow is on the mountain...a 378 white with snow each m's..b 378 come o'er the m. with light.u 371 m's interposed make... ..q 279 monarch of mountains......o 279 watch-towers of the m's.....t 279 m's are the beginning.......v 279 see the mountains kiss .....a 280 mountains big with mines..e 226 and Cintra's m. greets... J 364 freedom from her mountain. .9 167 womb of the mountain... .1 461 sweeping o'er the m's.. .f467 streams from airy m's.......ƒf 467 | the green mountains round.c 272 blackness in the m. glen....i 377 one of the mountains... ..m 456 high m's are a-feeling.. .......u 412 on every m. height is rest...r 361 on mountains m's lie.......n 457 howling from the m's..... .b 404 fractured mountains wild...q 404 when mountains melt*. .h 467 small sands the mountain v 442 climb to the top of the m....o 446 gloom upon the m. lies... ......g 447 m's hear the pow'rful call. chaos-like, mountains and..r 430 Mountainous-m, error be too*..z 77 Mountain-top-that freeze*.....r 312 Mountebank-unction of a m.*,8 349 Mounted-beggars m., run*.....z 19 not m. yet on his pale horse..j 82 ready mounted are they*...n 460 Mounteth-m. with occasion*...i 72 Mounting-m. in hot haste....b 457 Mourn-m's less for what age.... 7 makes countless thousands m.ƒ 77 dies but something mourns..d 80 that always m's the dead... f 156 | who thinks must mourn....i 234 m. you for him; let him be*.t 184 eternity mourns that................t 427 mourn, little harebells.......f 126 nature m's her worshipper..e 337 Mourned-love mourn'd long..d 250 honour'd, and by strangers m.a 83 Mourner-o'er the humblest.... i 415 Mournful-in m. numbers.....i 233 Mourning-and m's for the dead.s 81 Mouse-I hold a m's hert not....f 12 ..v 385 the mouse that hath but.....k 12 the mouse that always.......v 12 | beside the m. Loire ........a 365 Muscle-the motion of a muscle..ts the muscles and the bones... 297 Muse-M. first trod the stage...d 294 m's still were in their.......d 336 his chaste muse employed..n 330 with whom my m. began....1333 m. imparts,in fearless youth. 336 m., who sought me when...n 337 m. invoked, sit down to.....p 337 at last the muse rose........g 364 where stray ye, muses......r365 tamp'ring with a muse.... 33 for a muse of fire*........... f34) to the muses' bowers........g 287 by the muse he lov'd.......0319 by turns the muses sing.....437 every muse attend her......A 357 room to muse invite... ... A 300 Music-fled is that music.......127 floods of delirious music ...927 thy music doth surpass..... 26 m. at his heart had called.... 26 full soul of all its music..... 27 music, but our passing bell.. 85 from each hill let music.......22 music of the brook silenced..442 his very foot has music in 't. r49 music playing far off*.......11 soft the m. of those village...120 the music at night.........y 100 music in its roar...........a834 music do I hear.. say, she be mute, and*....... 102 mute is the voice of rural...c 369 now hangs as m. on Tara's..u 282 there, save death, was mute.c 455 hear his sighs though mute.g 344 where nature is mute in the. 421 which hath been mute......z 382 Mutely-answer m. for them...c 244 Mutiny-that m's in a man's*...g 62 Mutton-as flesh of m's, beefs*.y 496 Mutual-but m. wants this....g 191 Myriad-closer on the m's...... t159 m. scattered stars break.....t 403 purple m's of her race.......i 438 Myrrh-the mirrhe sweete......j 433 what drops the myrrh...... .....g 436 Myrtle-m. which means.......p 147 in the open air our myrtles..q 147 a graceful m. rear'd its head..r 147 m. now idly entwin'd.......s 147 baskets overheaped with m..t 147 ..h 373 stir, the myrtle thicket... od'rous m. to the noisome...a 226 myrtle mixed in my path....e 126 wreaths of brightest myrtle.o 129 with the m. on thy wing....c 270 than the soft myrtle*.. Myself-I will be lord over m...g 379 I to m. am dearer than a*....s 379 ...b 258 you give away myself*, ...t 261 save I myself alone.. but I lose myself in Him.....≈ 180 ..c 325 were for myself*.. ...l 493 not if I know myself...... than when with myself......h 395 ....a 349 t 283 how sour sweet music....... 283 m. oft hath such a charm*...u 283 one who the music*....... ..v 283 why music was ordain'd*... 283 choicest m. of the kingdom*. 283 man that hath no music*..aa 283 the music of the spheres*...a 284 wilt thou have music*......b 284 music when soft voices die..c 284 musick! soft charm of heav'n d 284 m. revives the recollections.ƒ 284 will make the music mute..g 284 m. of the woodland depths..h 272 m. religious heat inspires...s 280 celestial m. thrilled the air..t 280 music tells no truths........u 280 waste their m. on the savage g 226 m. that brings sweet sleep..h 284 m. that gentlier on the spirit. i 284 soft is the m. that would....I 284 the m. in my heart I bore..m 284 where music dwells.........n 284 listen to the m. of the sea...p 402 the setting sun, and music*.o 411 temptation hath a music....p 418 m. from ideal thought ......p 419 song, a m. of God's making..a 193 meaning to make such m...ƒ 195 there is no music*.......... 246 softest m. to attending ears*.t 246 the one has music..... there is m. in the beauty....h 239 music without bars.........1239 shrill music reach'd them...c 264 m. breathing from her face..j 265 Mysterious-unknown.........j 407 music of a summer bird.....e 456 music in its roar............t 322 while music flows around..m 359 and natural close, like m.*...g 183 architecture is frozen music.b 297 m. in itself, whose sounds..b 396 consoling, m. for the joys... ..n 396 what laughter and what m... 429 their m. seemed to start.....q 385 comes, with m, of all sorts*. 385 Musical-most musical most....e 28 ..1 332 m. as is Apollo's lute... as sweet, and musical* ..8 245 Shakespeare and the m.. ..j 492 silence more m. than any....1383 Music-club-a m-c. and music..b 59 Musician-no better a m. than*.n 28 singing birds, musicians*...ƒ51 with such stirring m. fills...k 31 are m. for his banquet.......e 80 m. sweeter than their own..d 338 music is the poor man's....u 338 and natural close like m.*...g 183 poetry is the m. of the soul.. m 340 the music of the sea...... ..i 288 do chime, 'tis angel's m ....d 369 music to the lonely ear......s 105 music so delicate, soft and..b 143 in sweetness, not in music..n 161 music, sweet music.... ..e 150 like the warbling of music..k 125 m. through woods sweetly.j 371 the still, sad m. of humanity.u 202 without poetry, m. and art..i 302 m. in the stirring wind.. .x 465 I love that moaning music. .j 466 their music is no more......0 433 m. dost from them receive..c 434 woman and music should..n 492 render'd you in music* ....e 325 lovely woman is like music.e 474 ceasing of exquisite music..a 475 rush of blossoms and music.1372 'tis all the m. of the wind...b 281 music arose with its........d 281 music in the sighing........ƒ 281 music in the gushing..... ..f 281 there's music in all things..ƒ 281 hears thy stormy music.....g 281 music is well said to be.....h 281 nature being every where m.i 281 when m., heavenly maid...m 281 m. hath charms to soothe...n 281 music sweeps by me as.....p 281 does not find relief in music.g 281 thunders melt in music.....s 281 music may be divine.......v 281 m. was a thing of the soul..w 281 music's golden tongue......y 281 spirit of music is near them.a 282 music is in all growing.....c 282 great music is the art.......d 282 oh secret m., sacred tongue.e 282 m. is the universal language.ƒ 282 m. is the prophet's art......i 282 such music as, 'tis said.....0 282 and music too-dear music..s 282 music! O how faint.........t 282 the soul of music shed. ...u 282 music of a dream.... ...s 282 the mighty music tide.. ..v 282 sweet music breathes.......v 282 but the music there........ 282 Musing-there an hour alone....g 69 a state of musing.......... i 103 with a serious m. I behold..g 147 Musk-of the roses blown.....w 161 by music minds an equal....a 283 .a 236 God moves in a m. way, -p 179 makes m. moanings. .s 466 with deep m. accords..... j 354 ..ƒ40 Mystery-of mysteries... Lucifer, the son of mystery...s 92 grandest of all mysteries.....z 111 the whole creation is a m.....s 252 mystery's counterpart......a 256 mantled with mysteries.....n 376 are full of floating m's.......n 376 explains all m's except......h 363 that mountain mystery.....u 314 all the rest is mystery....... 315 m. such as is given of God..m 358 the mystery of folded sleep..d 392 that great m. of time........ 423 Mystic-its m. splendor rests..e 275 perform their m. rounds.....j 441 you may find a m. flower...d 158 of such a mystic substance..h 255 ..j 365 mighty, m. stream has..... m. spell, written in blood...h 488 Must-I do but sing because I m.b 27 Mystical-life gives me m. lore....p 5 thing which must be.. ......v 98 we are what we must........ 118 we are now so must you be.k 232 must we part. ..y 326 Mustard-piece of beef and m.*n 100 Muster-would m. many a score.p 89 take a muster speedily*...... 52 Mutation-m's make us hate*..t 484 Mute-m., spoke loud the doer..y 88 mute the choral antiphon...n 375 sweetest sounds, yet mute..a 124 m., and will not speak a*...m 477 N. Naiad-like lily of the vale.....f 146 |