PROPHET. Prophet-guesses the best p....i 556 the people are punished... do not pursue with the.....n 540 Pursuit-p's become habits....t 534 Q. Quantity-nothing about q....d 538 quarrels of lovers renew....t 546 Queen-queen of all things....e 559 R. Rabble-most of the giddy r...a 535 the rabble estimate few.....b 556 rude rabble are enraged.....k 559 Race-with the human race....1523 if ye despise the human r...8 548 the human race afraid of....b 559 strive to beat in the race....g 561 Rage-the violence of their r...r 504 rage supplies them with...w 504 nothing can allay their rage.b 520 by the misdirected rage.....a 527 Raillery-setting raillery aside.p 506 Rank-second or even third in r.f 504 when they r. to benefit......0 574 religion is not removed.....k 566 repentance follows hasty....d 560 .t 509 Rest-take rest, a field that has.s 560 ..n 543 swift river that glides on...v 567 Road-there are countless r's...n 515 Robber-sing before the r......u 554 Rock-he who leaps from a r...i 546 Rome-wealth and noise of R. .m 510 Rose-thorn often bears soft r's.a 511 last rose of summer lingers.p 557 Ruin-he saw that it would r..w 553 made his way by ruin.......0 569 ..k 568 Rule-the course of a strong r.. Ruler-rulers always hate and..7 555 a ruler is to endure envy ...k 562 Rumor-r's were also added...m 562 rumor does not always err...o 562 Rustic-like the r. who waits...i 544 S. Sacred-afflicted person is s... i 503 things sacred should not....n 559 Saddle-the pack s. has been...f 523 he is safe from danger......q 515 Safe-power is never safe.......0 515 generally make men safe....o 521 even those which are safe....1525 then thou wilt be safe.......v 545 it is not safe to despise......b 546 he blushes all is safe........g 550 when safe is on his guard...i 558 Safer-s. that a bad man should.q540 Safety-who tenders doubtfu s.j 503 preferred the public safety..d 518 safety for the conquered ....q 573 Bagacious-s. in making useful.j 555 Said-never too often said ...q543 Salt-pecks of s. must be eaten.h 529 Sand-the other scrape the s...d 558 Satiety-in everything satiety.q 562 satiety as it is generally. ..... 562 satiety is a neighbor to.....a 563 Satire-difficult not to write s..c563 Saw-I came, I s., I conquered.s 572 Say-know more than he says.. ..i 542 Saying-the s. is much more... 550 common saying is true.....a 556 Scandal-ready to believe a s...g 507 Scene-past s's of their lives...d 511 Sceptre-to hold the sceptre....i 562 Scheme-s's are at first view...r 506 Scholar-every day is the s.....s 543 Scourge-with the terrible s....n 540 Scribbling-itch for s. takes....i 575 Sea-the sea is convulsed......n 508 Sick-to the sick while there is.e 536 rather be sick than idle.....m 538 all the sick do not recover...q 547 sicker than the sick body....g 549 the sick mind cannot bear...h 549 Sickness-s. seizes the body....a 548 Side-the side of the stronger..b 552 Sieve-our words into a sieve... 526 Sight-removed from ours.....v 571 Sign-certain signs precede....s 520 Silence-s. is sufficient praise..v 555 silence is learned by the....n 564 Silent-a s. commendation.....f510 to be s. is but a small virtue. m 564 never having kept silent....k 565 Silly-bestowed on trifles is s..g 542 nothing is more silly.. ........c543 fame through silly reports..n 568 Similitude-s. rather than of..m 507 Simplicity-s. and liberality...h 510 Sin-other men's sins are......c 510 greatest incitement to sin... 514 the sins committed by many.s 514 no one of us is without sin..1 521 the sins of their fathers.....q 560 the good hate sin because...a 571 Sinful-we are all s., therefore.p 564 Sinned-as often as men sinned.b 541 sorry for having sinned.....c 560 Siren-that destructive s., sloth e 538 Sister-sister of a sound mind. w 554 Sky-they changed their sky...q 536 Slander-those who listen to s..r 564 Slave-inferior to his slaves....g 525 he will always be a slave....c 542 sometimes slave who........e 555 who is a slave to the flesh..w 564 the vile slave's vilest part... 565 the tongues of your slaves..b 572 Slavery-s. to the free born....b 517 deceiv'd who thinks it s....w 528 Sleep-must shorten thy s.....h 504 sleep but the image........m 516 as sleep is to the wearied...k 554 for sleep to creep over......a 565 Slippery-alas! the s. nature..m 575 Sloth-s. is ever to be avoided..e 538 thou see'st how sloth wastes.g 538 we excuse our sloth under...i 538 delicious poison of sloth....j 538 the vices of sloth are only...n 528 Slow-we are slow to believe...b 506 should be slow to punish....j 562 Slowly-hastens slowly...... .........i 507 Sluggish-wastes the s. body...g 538 Smoke-give weight to smoke..q 568 Snare-lays snares for the wise. a 531 Sober-a man who is never s...j 557 Socrates-I hear S. saying.....m 536 Soil-s. a fine dress more than.k 547 Soldier-every lover is as...... 545 plundering s's rarely. ....t 557 Something-a nameless s......d 519 Song-s's of musicians can...........l 550 their mind who cross the s..q 530 name to a glassy sea.........0 537 sea is certainly common.....i 563 Seaweed-no more than s......k 561 Search-the object of our s.....q536 do not search for the........p 557 Secret-it discloses secrets.....r 539 another man's secret........k 563 another to keep you secret... 563 Seditious-the most s. is the...j 559 See-they see and discriminate. i 510 see not what you see........g 537 it is good to see in the.......x 549 those who see know beyond.h 556 Seed-sowing the seed of one..k 522 Seen-because he was not seen.m 563 Seek-he seeks that which he... 508 we diligently seek it........v 571 Sense-fortune and good s.....u 528 while I keep my senses.....k 529 common sense among men...s 561 sense is the foundation......e 575 Senseless-vent on s. things....p 526 Sensual-a s. and intemperate.q 539 Servant-worst part of a bad s.b 571 Service-s, cannot be expected.₫ 529 Settle-raising another, nothing c 519 Shade-rich man's s's will.....k 516 Shadow-he stands the s. of....ƒ 522 slight s. alarms the nervous.o 524 as if it were its shadow......o531 Shaken-oftenest s. by the.....c 557 Shame-the s. is not in having.b 540 that sense of shame which.. f 545 the worst kind of shame is..f 564 who is lost to shame........i 564 his shame to go by a way....e 573 Shameful-it is s. for a man to..g564 Shape-shape like soft clay.....d 554 Sheep-the injured s. will.............. .i 513 Shepherd-a good s. shears...........n 507 Shining-is now shining in....o 567 Ship-s's are rapidly moved....c 505 lighten their labours by s...n 550 Shipwrecked-who is s. twice..s 526 Sore-that hides ulcered s's....c 564 Shoe-like the shoe in the story.1 527 Sorrow-glorying in its s.......q 559 Shore-keep close to the shore..q 558 no day without sorrow......e 565 Show-trust not to outward s..j 517 Sorrowful-s. words become...b 503 we should do something to s.e544 s. dislike the gay...... ...d 565 Shunned-those to be s.......m 557 | Sorry-he who is sorry for......c 560 ........ Sought-things to be sought..m 557 s. persons to lash vices......p 570 Spark-s. neglected has often...t 525 Speak-and s. as you think.....t 543 Speech-s's of the wicked.............I 517 Spend-if you s. a thing you...n 565 Spirit-as. superior to every...ƒ 513 their spirits survive........ 515 the spirit and moderates....r 519 the spirit being on fire .f554 spirit come from abodes....p 565 Splendor-by his own s........ $520 the greater s. because...... 563 Spoken-always s. to me.......g 569 Sport-broken off the sport.....b 540 Sported-s. on the waves......10 508 Spur-to kick against the 8....1537 Spurned-now eagerly s.......m 524 Squander-man who s's life....d 523 Squandered-dishonorably s.....a 564 Stab-sword do I stab this man. 541 Stable-is not a s. for thee......s 673 Stain-mental s's cannot be.... j 514 the stain and disgrace.. ......d 571 Standard-by his owns........c547 Star-head shall strike the s's..g 504 O natal s. thou producest..r 523 we all gaze at the stars......k 530 thus do we reach the stars...s 537 State-according to the state...b 514 state alone is free...........b 529 Station-stay in that s. which.. 563 Steed-the s. wishes to plow...j 508 comes on with a silent s....z 558 there are many steps........ƒ571 but to recall your steps......8542 Stepmother-to your s......... 511 Stile-often turn the stile......d 575 Stimulus-an immense s.......ƒ 523 Sting-a sharp s. behind it...........d 549 nothings's more deeply.....A 550 Stock-small a stock is there....t 509 Stomach-a s. that is seldom...u 531 proves a squeamish s........c 567 Stone-a stone in one hand..... 517 through barriers of stone.... 532 stones are hollowed out.....567 Storm-he used to raise a s....d 522 wherever the s. carries me..p 553 Story-the s. is told of yourself.a 543 Straining-s. breaks the bow... 560 Strait-found in sudden s's....r 574 in great straits and when....q 512 Stranger-no s. to suffering.....i 506 stranger to her affairs.......g 564 Strength-gives s. to the body..a 513 although s. should fail.......j 513 rest upon its own strength..b 529 multiply its strength........ƒ 534 while s. and years permit...r 542 strength by its movements..p562 Strife-that which arises from 8.9511 Strike-if you strike the goads.m 526 String-plays on the same s....b 543 harping on ths same string..f570 Striving-striving for things...r 563 Strong-nothing is s. that may.q 565 Stronger-older becomes s......v 520 the s. always succeeds.......r 565 Struggle-in the s. between....n 555 Struggling-s. with adversity..h 512 Study-s's are the food of youth.s 565 Stumble-to s. twice against....p 520 Style-we use one style when...t 565 Subject-not to subject thyself, n 522 choose a subject suited to...ƒ 575 Submit-do not refuse to s.....m 540 Succeed-if he did not s. he....t 549 Success-not by their success..n 509 success is in God's hand....d 557 bring's success to few......d 559 the success of the wicked...v 565 success makes more crimes.n 565 justified only by success....a 566 not by their success.........c 571 Suffer-he has deserved to s....u 518 we suffer oftener in.........c 525 do not suffer for offences....g 540 Suffered-suffered I know how.s 510 what is deservedly suffered..d 565 if we have suffered what....e 565 Suffering-to relieve the s's....i 506 the sufferings which come..a 524 are sufferings the evils of...z 546 contemplation of its s's.....g 549 sufferings seem far greater..a 570, Summer-last rose of s. lingers p 557 Sun-sun shines even on...... ..557 the sun of all my days has..s 567 Sunshine-the s. predominates.r 556 Superfluous-s. overflows from.r 562 Superior-often prove superior.j 507 Superstition-then comes s.....i 566 there is in superstition a.... ...j 566 by removing superstition...k 566 a foolish superstition........1 566 Suspect-hate and s. the next..q 555 less easily does he suspect...g 571 Suspected-the s. and the......n 666 Suspicion-side is full of s.....p 566 Suspicious-are the more s.....q 566 Swallow-the s. is not ensnared.h 581 Swear-to swear except when...s 566 Sweet-we do not bear sweets..c 548 it is sweet and glorious.....n 552 Sweeter-it is sweeter to learn..7 522 Swimming-s. in the vast deep.j 563 Sword-stir the fire with the s..í 526 gain by the s. is not lasting.q 533 with my own s. do I stab....h 541 Sworn-s. with my tongue.....r 566 System-s. and connection.....g 575 T. Talk-you drown him by your t.i 565 the taste of many things....c 567 to teach and instruct our....d 567 Teacher-the t. of fools...... -J522 ..i 535 the teacher of life. given instead of thanks......s 538 many things fall between...o 522 if many thorns only... what you said or thought...r 535 have some common tie......g 570 time that devours all. ..9 567 time steals on and.. ....... 567 time is generally the best...a 568 b 568 must improve our time... swiftness of time is infinite.d 568 no time is too short for.....e 568 t. often heals what reason..h 568 time discovers truth........k 569 Tolerant-t. only to virtue and..s 571 To-morrow-t. will give some...j E30 what will happen to-morrow. I 530 will be less so to-morrow...m 530 Tongue-former by their t's....r 564 tongue is the vile slave.....ƒ 565 the tongue is the worst part..b 572 Topic-dwelling on lighter t's..k 506 Torch-the t. of truth.... Torpid-poison of sloth grows t.j 538 Tormenting-t. to fear what...d 524 Touch-from the slightest t....o 524 better not touch me... Touched-t. with the hands....n 559 Tower-t's fall with a heavier..c 557 Traitor-that a t. should be.....1568 Tranquility-consists in t. of...v 563 ..i 535 ..o 557 no tranquility of nations...m 573 Transgress-when others t...... 563 Travel-at night in our t's......8 565 Traveler-t. without money....u 554 Traveling-he is now t. the....x 543 Treachery-learn now of the t..k 510 treachery though at fir t...m 568 Tree-a t. is down everybody...r 557 Trembling-why should t. seize.j 525 Trial-he who flees from t......j 515 has no harder t. than this...n 549 Trick-skilled in every trick...r 517 Tried-believe one who has t. it.r 522 Trifle-bestowed on triffles.....q 542 these trifles will lead to.....o 568 given up to trifles like these.p 568 efforts obtain great triffles...r 568 Trip-too large it t's him up....1 527 Troop-no troops without pay.m 573 Trouble-those in t. refuse it...j 503 bring trouble to men........a 558 know this that t's come......$ 568 True-nearest possible to the t. 519 the true and the false carefully search for the t.....i 512 when the truth cannot be...u 524 comes too near the truth....d 540 tríals to follow truth ........t 568 deviated from the truth.....n 568 not speak the truth freely...b 569 truth is often eclipsed... .....c 569 truth is often attended.. ....d 569 truth is unadorned and.. ...e 569 I love truth and wish to.....g 569 sometimes find truth where.h 569 truth never perishes........i 569 truth hates delays..... ..j 569 time discovers truth........k 569 language of truth is simple..1 569 truth is confirmed by ......m 569 Tumult-in seasons of tumult..g 510 Twin-t's of widely different.. r 523 Tyrant-Sicilian t. never d.....g 520 cruel than a tyrant's ear....n 569 held and called tyrants......p 569 U. Unanimity-a great u. among..a 521 Unbecoming-u. to an........ ..s 566 Uncertain-u. in what place...q 516 Uncertainty-u. of human.....u 527 Unconcern-matter of u. to me.i 547 Undertaking-in a glorious u...t 549 Unendurable-is more u................ ...ƒ511 Unfortunate-those who are u..h 503 when men are unfortunate. w 549 Ungrateful-worse than an u...o 538 one ungrateful man does....r 538 Unhappy-any state of life u...d 509 Union-an uninterrupted u....k 545 u. of mind and similarity...p 547 by union the smallest.......h 570 union gives strength to.....i 570 Unite yourself with the........e 572 easier to unite for war......k 573 United in their objects........e 503 Unjust-nothing can be more u.p 563 Unknown-p. as things are u...j 524 unknown there is no desire.ƒ 537 unknown is magnified......j 537 Unlawful-what is u. is eagerly.p 509 what is u. is very.. .....a 544 Unlucky-u. to marry in May..a 557 Unmourned-they are all u....m 550 Unpleasant-is an u. thing.....q 561 Unpunished-pass u............8 514 Unseasonably-u. reminds us..m 548 Unstable-due bounds is ever..c 522 Unwilling-drag the unwilling.n 523 Upright-no praise in being u..q 535 Urn-capacious urn of death...d 516 the urn of death shaken.....e 516 Use-one has one ought to use. .j 556 constant use even of good...j 567 Useful-is more useful to man..i531 what we do is useful........r 531 mingled the useful with....u 565 Usefulness-u. and baseness, .p 518 ·P 549 ..7 534 covet much, want much....n 513 the miser is ever in want....q 572 as much in want of what....r 572 Wanting-second will not be w.b 511 wanting to our imperfect...u 561 War-in war events of.........p 507 more destructive than war..s 546 a severe war lurks under... b 533 sought by cruel war.........g 553 peace is obtained by war....c 553 let war be so carried on.....a 573 law is silent during war.....b 173 civil war are deeply felt.....d 573 but prevent a civil war......ƒ573 should be despised in war.. 573 even war is better than a....1573 who prates of war or want..a 574 Warfare-but life is a warfare..q 544 Waste-laid w. by fire and sword.e573 Watch-many will see and w... 551 Water-washed away by any w j 514 it is a common vice in great.k 520 deter tender minds from v..h 522 the handmaid of the vices..n 525 a vice it has now become....c526 vice makes its guilt... what once were vices.... ..1547 domestic examples of vice..n 570 spare persons to lash vices..p 570 vice thrives and lives by....b 571 medium between two vices..t 571 Vicious-the v. and the liar....h 50 others to be vicious.........g 571 Victory-conquors himself in vj 511 death or joyful victory... .....m 527 Violated-not v. in thought....n 559 Violence-violence fails to.....g 531 out of doors with violence..p 550 to resist v. is implanted.....p 560 there is more violence.......d 570 govern its own violence.....p 575 Virgin-the best dowry of a v..p 547 Virtue-even v. is fairer when..k 505 v. is praised and freezes.....p 512 crime is called v.............g 515 copy and imitation of v.....e 517 no fellowship with virtue....i 519 foundation of all virtues.....e 519 for fame and for virtue......c 523 v. will follow without fear...p 523 not only the greatest virtue.o 533 your own virtues and vices..e 540 bought at the expense of v..d 543 calamity is v's opportunity.v 549 embrace even v. itself....... f561 virtue, fame and honor......0 561 the reward of virtue.........e 571 in the approach to virtue....ƒ 571 merely to possess virtue....h 571 is due to virtue alone.......k 571 the whole of its virtue....... 571 fewer possess virtue than.....m 571 received virtue from a god.. ..n 571 virtue is indeed its own.....o 571 virtue when concealed is....p 571 because they love virtue....q 571 to virtue and her friends....s 571 v. is a medium between.....t 571 virtue consists in avoiding..u 571 we hate virtue when it is....v 571 greater than that for virtue. w 571 virtue is the only and true..≈ 571 virtue is praised and.. ...z 571 great men by their virtue...c 572 he who dies for virtue.. ƒ572 although virtue receives....g 572 that virtue cannct reach it..h 572 virtue remains bright and...i 572 ever be a place for virtue....1 572 virtue is not allowed to go..m 572 Virtuous-to prevent v. actionsj 535 more virtuous any man is...g571 Virtuously-you should live v..b 572 Vitellius-Vitellius possessed..h 510 Viva voce-v. v. voting at......g 566 Voice-v. stuck in my throat..m 565 Vote-I count not the vote.....h 566 f 508 little value on the esteem...m 557 according to their real value.b 556 higher value on good faith..w 573 Vanquished-grant life to the v.u 548 woe to the vanquished... Vase-a vase is begun... Venerate-the young v. and...m 570 Ventilation-from bad v.......a 548 Venture-let others v. on the...q 558 Verdict-his own v. no guilty..q 514 verdict acquits the raven...p 540 Verse-v's devoid of substance. j 554 thy verses are as pleasing....k 554 he is making verses........m 554 whose verses no one reads...q 554 Vessel-v's are swallowed up...n 508 Vice-it is a v. common to all..m 503 W. Walk-loath to w. in the lawful.s 511 Wallet-see the w. on our own. a 509 Want-are ever much in want. a 512 water is corrupted unless...g 538 on air or the swift water.....i545 pleasure in pure water......i 567 the constant dropping of w.u 567 Wax-fastened on with wax....0 537 Wealth-not w. nor ancestry..a 534 the place of departed wealth.s 549 w. is attended by care.......j 561 unless united with w.......k 561 the acquisition of wealth...b 562 passion for wealth.. .........573 Weapon-superior to every w..ƒ518 last and strongest weapon...c551 Weary-let the weary at length. 560 Weep-does not often weep.....c514 if you wish me to weep......k 550 it is some relief to weep....f567 Weight-fit to give weight to...q 568 Weighty-as w. as words.......g 567 Well-digging a well just as....g 518 he who does well will........ 548 go well with ourselves.......a 556 Wheel-as the w. goes round..508 shaped by the glowing w....u 509 Whip-who deserves a slight w.n 540 White-white look black....... 517 Wicked-in the minds of the w.k 514 ever became very wicked....p514 the w. right-hand cannot....v 514 even if he be wicked.........e 515 smooth speeches of the w....7517 wicked thing still to.........≈ 524 the wicked in their flight..... 540 shines even on the wicked..f557 the success of the wicked... 565 for the wicked to injure.....c 568 the wicked find it easier.....k 573 Wickedness-mother of all w...e 505 no w. has any ground.......r 514 wickedness has it shunned..w 520 way to w. is always.... m521 w. is its own greatest........ .q 521 the wickedness of a few..... 521 w. of war are raging.... .Р 673 Widely-nothing more widely..ƒ507 Will-when you will they wont.8 511 have of your own free will...1543 when you will they will not. 574 Willing-he is w. to be what....8553 Willingly-die well is to die w..p 544 Wind-w's howl around the....n 520 Wine-racked by w. and anger.q 504 time, motion and w. cause..b 565 want after his wine... ...a 574 Wing-movements of a wing...r 524 relies on artificial wings.....0 537 flies on double wings........i 568 Wisdom-one thing w. another.a 504 folly with your wisdom...........1 504 not wisdom that rules.......i 527 and is the highest wisdom..u 571 I prefer the wisdom of the..c 574 wisdom is the conqueror of..ƒ 574 gains w. in a happy way.....j 574 eloquence little wisdom....m 574 true wisdom consists not....q 574 Wise-be merry if you are w...m 519 which even the wise resign..i 523 a wise man would do well...h 557 it becomes a wise man......o 558 no wise man ever thought...4568 the w. man who can govern.d 574 dare to be wise..... .e 574 the act of a wise man... ..9 574 not too wise is wise.........k 574 that man is wise who........i 574 no one is wise at all..........1574 was ever wise by chance....0 574 Wisely-marry w. marry thy...o 547 Wiser-I would be wiser.......g 535 Wish-to w. is of little account.h 504 if you wish to reach the.....j 504 wish is praiseworthy........q 509 wish for what you can have.d 512 wishes well is worthless.....b 518 should w. what you can do..n 560 the wish to be cured........k 564 wishes that the man........q 524 w's for his own (advantage...t 563 Wit-what quick w. is found in.r 574 Within-I know the man w.....g 542 Without-man within without.g 542 Witness-though there is no w..p 585 eye witness is of more.......h 556 Wolf-man is a wolf to man....k 515 sheep-fold to the rabid w....b 539 either a god or a wolf.......b 547 wolf dreads the pitfall......0 566 Woman-a w. is the cause of it.ƒ543 when a woman has lost..... a 571 provided a woman be well..d 572 not originate with a woman. s 574 a woman's mind is affected..t 574 a woman finds it much.....u 574 women have many faults...v 574 woman either loves or hates.w 574 woman is always changeable.a 575 Wonder-a man does not w.....s 534 Wood-the w's are in full leaf..u 542 everybody gathers wood....r 557 Word-we are pouring our w's..l 520 a word once escaped can... q 557 there is no need of words... ...ƒ569 a word to the wise is........p 574 the same words imply a.....b 575 World-the whole w. are players.c 503 for the whole world.........h 506 forbids us to leave this w...a 516 w. ever deceived any one...p 517 where in the world are we... 532 world is the mighty temple.q 532 according to the w's caprice.b 545 avenges the vanquished w...z546 Worldly-attached to worldly..m 503 Work-beginning of a work...m 505 this shall be thy work......m 533 long work it is allowable....a 565 it is the work of virtue......p572 I attempt a different work...c 575 Workmanship-the w. surpasses.q564 Workmen-w. handle the tools. q 506 Worse-are all w. for license...w 543 Worship-the pious w. of God.. 566 Worthless-man is w. who.....d 506 Worthlessness-from buried w..j 509 Worthy-w. of this mouthing..k 570 Wound-forgetting his former w.e 513 wounds cannot be cured....r E47 w. will perhaps be cured....d 548 assuaged the w's of the.....m 548 secret wounds still lives....n 563 wounds of civil war are......d 573 Wounded-w. by thy talons....r 524 Wretched-nothing is more w..g514 w. business to be digging...g 518 a wretched thing to live.....v 522 wretched before evening....c 528 wretched are the minds.....c 537 peace may be so wretched...h 553 first forsakes the wretched...v 557 I cannot be wretched........j 560 man to be wretched whom..b 570 wretched hasten to hear.....c 570 Write-w. one thing and think.e 554 does not write whose verses.q 554 those to whom we write.... .....2565 to write anything worthy...d 575 ye who write choose a...... ..ƒ 575 Writing-to bear the toil of w..d 538 source of good writing.......e 575 writings survive the years...j 575 Wrong-both are w. but in.....r 520 he who wishes to do w. ...ƒ 522 all right and wrong.. .g 532 no one shall suffer wrong....h 540 the remedy for wrongs......v 553 receive than to do wrong....c 571 Y. Year-of changing years.......u 508 the coming years bring... ....u 510 each passing year robs.....p 567 Yesterday-consumed our y's..o 530 Yield-y, to him who oppose...i 511 let us yield to love.... ..u 546 yield to the opposer........u557 Yielding-you conquer..... ...2 511 y. you will come off victor..u 557 Youth-for youth to acquire..k 503 the mind of y. is flexible...k 568 nature of tender youth.....m 575 it is the fault of youth.....p 575 |