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which hereafter shall appertain to the said offices, respectively, and be enjoyed, possessed, and exercised by the Attorney General and Solicitor General or either of them, unless it be otherwise provided for in or by virtue of the present act.

7. In case of a vacancy in the office of the Attorney Solicitor GenGeneral, or in his absence or disability, or at his request, eral may act

" " for Attorney the Solicitor General shall have power to exercise all the General. duties of that office.

This rule will also apply to the Attorney General in Attorney Gonthe case of a vacancy in the office of Solicitor General or eral may act

for Solicitor in his absence or disability, or at his request.


the the departmeepartments them, to givetra-mpinion from

8. The Attorney General and Solicitor General shall give Law Officers their advice and opinion upon questions of law whenever to give opin

ions, &c., to required by the Lieutenant Governor in council, or by any Lieutenant of the heads of the departments.

Governor. The head of any of the Departments may require the Heads of deLaw Officers of the Crown, or either of them, to give an partments

may require opinion on any questions of law arising in the administra- opinion from tion of his department.

law officers. The law officer to whom any such question is submitted Law officer may, unless it involves the construction of the “ British may refer

question to North America Act, 1867,” refer the same to his assistant assistante for his opinion in writing, which, if approved and countersigned by the said law officer, shall be taken to be the opinion of the latter.

&c., of Solioitor General.

9. All questions of law and legal proceedings generally, Special duties, such as petitions of right, suits and the like, arising in the for: Department of Railways, either out of the construction, working or sale of the railway heretofore known as the " Quebec, Montreal, Ottawa and Occidental Railway," or in reference to other railway matters, and in which the Government or the Province of Quebec is interested, as well as all questions of law and legal proceedings generally arising in the Treasury Department,respecting the revenue, and in the Department of Crown Lands, respecting the public domain, shall be under the direction and control of the Solicitor General.

10. The duties of the Attorney General and Solicitor Further General may, from time to time, for a limited term or

in limited term orduties, &c., of

law officers otherwise, be more fully determined and defined by the may be defiLieutenant Governor in Council, and, in the same manner, ned, &o. other duties may be assigned to them or either of them.

46 V., c. 3 and 11. The act 46 Victoria, chapter 3, is repealed as well as

on all enactments inconsistent or incompatible with the prorepealed. visions of this act.


Coming into force.

12. This act shall come into force on the day of its sanction.


An Act to amend the laws respecting the Department of

Agriculture and Public Works.

[Assented to 9th May, 1885.]

ITER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent 11 of the Legislature of Quebec, enacts as follows :


32 V., c. 15,8. 1. Section 36 of the act 32 Victoria, chapter 15, is 36, 41 V., c. 5, amended by striking out the first two lines of the said 8. 4, 47 V., C. 6,5 6, amend-section, as also paragraphs 1 and 2 thereof, as replaced ed.

by the act 41 Victoria, chapter 5, section 4, and amended by the act 47 Victoria, chapter 6, section 6, and by replacing

them by the following: Commissioner “ 36. The Commissioner, by order of the Lieutenantmay : Governor in council shall have power : Organize per- a. To organize a permanent committee on agricultural manent com- and industrial menti mittendriand industrial provincial exhibitions, composed of ten cutural exhi- members appointed by him the said Commissioner, of whom

five shall be selected from the council of agriculture and five from the council of arts and manufactures.

Such committee shall be under the direction of the Commissioner, who may appoint to form part thereof as many additional members as he may deem expedient, such members to be selected in equal numbers from each council

With the approval of the Commissioner, the committee, shall establish the conditions and make all such regulations it may deem necessary, for the complete management of the said exhibitions, which shall be held at least once in every three years.

No sum of money set apart for or arising from such exhibitions shall, in any case, be expended without the previous consent of the Commissioner.

The secretary of the council of agriculture and the secretary of the council of arts and manufactures shall be bound to give to the said committee all the assistance it

may require from them. May suspend b. Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions it shall be ts functions . lawful for the Commissioner, upon the order of the Lieutenand replace it a

hall deem HF incorporations requir

ant-Governor in council, when he deems it expedient, to by company suspend the exercise of the functions of such permanent organized for

that purpose. exhibition committee and to replace it, for the space of time which he shall deem proper to fix, by one or more joint stock companies regularly incorporated for such pur. pose, in the manner and upon the conditions required by the acts respecting joint stock companies, and to give them power to organize and manage the said exhibitions, provided such organization and such management be at their own proper charges.

The Commissionner may, for such purpose, and upon Powers and such conditions as he may be pleased to impose, transfer privileges to

be given to to them, for the same space of time, the usufruct and such company. enjoyment of the public lands and buildings set apart for the purposes of such exhibitions.

In the arrangements which shall be made with such companies, the Commissioner shall reserve a control sufficient to guarantee that the public interests be protected and that the chief purpose of such exhibitions be attained.

c. Notwithstanding section 109 of the act 11 Victoria, Agricultural chapter 3, respecting auctioneers, agricultural societies societies may

sell certain may, at the time of their exhibitions, sell by auction the goods at auc. farm animals exhibited by them, or cause them to be sold tion without

paying auction by any unlicensed person, without being obliged to pay duty. the duty required by law.

2. It shall be the duty of the council of agriculture, and Powers of it shall have power: ”

council of

agriculture. 2. The following paragraph is added to the said section 32 V., c. 15, s. 36 of the act 32 Victoria, chapter 15, after paragraph 10 : 36, amended.

"10a. To establish pedigree books for the different Pedigree breeds of farm animals introduced into this province, and books. specially for Canadian cattle and Canadian horses.

The Canadian breed shall, in both cases, comprise the animals having the distinctive characteristics of the animals originally imported from France during the first years of this colony.

2. To take steps to ascertain and make known the Golden regisbest milch cows in the province, either by general exhibi. ter. tions or private inspection, and

For this purpose to cause their yield in milk and butter to be established by sworn evidence and to enter the results obtained in a special book to be called the “Golden register"; in which no entries shall be made unless the results obtained exceed a large average.

Such average shall be determined by the council.

3. From time to time to publish extracts from the “Golden register,” in the manner which the council may shall deem most advantageous.

4. To make regulations tending to give the greatest possible practical value to such pedigree books, and “Golden register,” and for such purpose to associate with it such persons as the Commissioner may designate, with the view of insuring the execution of the provisions of the law in this respect."

32 V., c. 13, s. 3. The following paragraph is added after paragraph 36, further 13 of the said section 36 of the said act : amended. Meetings of “14. To direct the members of agricultural societies to agricultural hold, at least twice a year, parochial or township meetsocieties.

ings, convened and presided over by the senior director in office of such parish or township.

At such meetings shall be submitted the questions which the Commissioner or Council of Agriculture has referred to them, upon which the said meetings shall pronounce after discussing the same and shall report to the Commissioner through the secretary of the society within the prescribed delays."

[ocr errors]

Victoria, chapter following paragrapkand dollars shall

32 V., c. 15, s. 4. Section 83 of the said act, as amended by the act 47

7 V., Victoria, chapter 6, section 5, is further amended by ad. c. 6, s. 5, amended. ding thereto ihe following paragraph : Appropriation “ An annual sum of fifty thousand dollars shall be of grant. appropriated out of the consolidated revenue fund for the

payment of such grant.”


32 V., c. 15, s. 65. The following section is added to the said act after 86, amended. section 86 thereon. Application of “ 862. Any balance of the fifty thousand dollars approbalance of priated for the payment of the grants in favor of the

societies, which shall remain after the fifteenth of Septemher and which shall represent grants suppressed under the law, shall be distributed by the Council of Agriculture in equal proportions between the societies which shall have complied in all respects with its regulations adopted with respect to them by the said Council, or to the instructions transmitted to them by the Commissioner, with this reservation that, whenever more than one society shall be organized in a county, the societies in such county having a right thereto shall diyide equally among themselves the sum coming to their county.”

32 V., c. 15, s. 6. Section 87 of the said act is repealed and replaced by 87, replaced. the following : Payment of “87. The public grant to which agricultural societies grant and per. are respectively entitled, shall be paid to them upon the centage to be as retained there-order of the Commissioner; but, whether such grant be or

be not claimed he may retain eighteen per cent out of each grant, of which ten per cent shall be for the use of the Coucil of Agriculture and eight per cent shall be appropriated for agricultural instruction."



An Act to amend section 96 of “ The Quebec License Law of 1878."

[Assented to 91h May, 1855.]

ITER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent 11 of the Legislature of Quebec, enacts as follows:

****** And every person, ses from any person us for a person diubbard

1. The following paragraph is added to article 96 of 41 V., c. 3, s. “ The Quebec License Law of 1878"

96, amended. “And every person, whether a minor or of the age of Persons pur majority, who purchases, from any person licensed under Chasing

e for an habitual this act or unlicensed, intoxicating liquors for a person drunkard reputed to be an habitual drunkard, is liable for each such liable to offence to a penalty not exceeding fifty dollars or an imprisonment not exceeding three months in default of payment.”

certain fine.


An Act to amend the Quebec License Law of 1878, as re

gards the storage of gunpowder and other explosires.

[Assented to 9th May, 1885.]

W H EREAS it is expedient to further amend the existing Preamble.

regulations respecting the storage of gunpowder and other explosives required to be used in quarrying; Therefore, Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislature of Quebec, enacts as follows:

1. The following paragraph is added to article 185 of 41 V., c. 3, s. the Quebec Licence Law of 1878:

185, amended. " The Lieutenant-Governor in Council may, notwith-Gunpowder, standing any law to the contrary at present in force, on .. may such conditions and under such regulations as he deems fit, in certain permit the storage of gunpowder and other explosives in the places, under

certain condivicinity of any quarries being worked in the Province of tions. Quebec, although the same may be in proximity to cities or towns."

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