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and this is how Mr. Read came to make it. Of course the dinner was overlaid with M.P.'s, and amongst others by Mr. C. Buxton, who delivered himself in this wise: "I have always regretted that the speaking at these meetings is not of a more practical character. It seems a pity that on the few occasions when landlord and tenant meet on equal terms, they should not bring mind to bear on mind, to sift questions of great moment to themselves, and in the long run to the whole people. We all know that there are some rather delicate matters, as to which it is fancied that the interest of the landlord is at odds with that of the tenant, though in fact their real interests must, in the end, be the same. There is, for example, the question of the restrictions in the rotation of crops and modes of cultivation, the question between leases and yearly holdings, and as to the length to which leases ought to run; there is the question of many fences or few, and of the effects for good or evil arising from game and gamekeepers. On these topics it is thought decorous to maintain a prudent reserve. I think that a mistake. It is the glory of Englishmen to be outspoken; and surely when we meet over a friendly table we should be glad that the farmer should state his views with manly frankness, and the landlord would surely listen with generous candour. As a landlord myself, though only of one small parish, and a game-preserver, and still more as an M.P., I should feel it a rare advantage if the feelings and thoughts of the tenantfarmers were more freely unfolded. I cannot, however, venture myself to dictate on any agricul tural questions, for the plain reason that I know little about them. In fact, I have too many other irons in the fire; and my conviction is, that on a farm of fifty acres, which I keep in my own hands, I have reduced farming to a point below which human nature cannot go, for I raise nothing but a superb crop of rabbits, and I sometimes have one cow."

God preserve us from our so-called friends! was the earnest exclamation of Mr. Clare Sewell Read, at the dinner of the North Walsham Society on Wednesday, Oct. 8. And who is Mr. Sewell Read? and who are the friends he would be preserved from? Mr. Sewell Read, then, is one of the tenant farmers of Norfolk; and the connexions he would disown are the famous Farmers' Friends, the County Members, who represent our interest in Parliament, and so forth. Never, perhaps, has there been such a spontaneous volley of cheers as that which greeted the brief speech which Mr. Read addressed to his brother-agriculturists at Walsham. Our report of course includes this in the proceedings of the day; but it is too valuable even for us to risk the hazard of its not being seen by those who should have such an address off by heart :-"Tenant farmers have been requested to give free utterance to their opinions. He was a tenant farmer, and as he had heard no other tenant farmer say anything upon the matters which were taking place around them, he would take the liberty of doing so. It was customary for tenant farmers to be patted on their backs, and to be told that they were a very enterprising and enthusiastic body of people-a very independent and improving set. The great and noble of the land told them these things, and he supposed they believed them to be true; but he would remind his friends among the tenant farmers, that in private life a man was always valued, not by the compliments which he paid, but by the good which he did. Yet, when great landed proprietors and agricultural M.P.'s went to Parliament, they seemed to say something like this: You are such an intelligent set of men that you are now no longer capable of managing your roads, and therefore we will do it for you; you are so independent, and have shown yourselves independent so long in protecting your landlords' game, that now we think you ought to pay for the preservation of it also.' And here the speaker was interrupted by an utterly But for the suspicious finish about the crop of rabbits, irrepressible outburst of applause, mingled with cries this is certainly one of the most sensible speeches we directly encouraging him to proceed; during which, have seen this autumn, however much or little it however, the brave man resumed his seat with the might be meant for. For some time past we have simple utterance of the wish we have already recorded, come to consider few of these dinners ever worth sit"God preserve the farmers from the farmers' friends!"ting out at, as there is really no opportunity allowed for And who, again, we must repeat, is Mr. Sewell Read? Some local demagogue may-be, ever ready to make a noise or raise a laugh on any terms? Or, some disaffected fellow utterly dissatisfied with his own position, and only too ready to create dissension amongst his neighbours? There are hundreds of our readers who would put us right in a moment, for Mr. Read is well known beyond the boundaries of his own county, where he occupies a high place amongst the leading farmers of Norfolk, as a man of intelligence, energy, and ability. He spoke, moreover, at Walsham, in returning thanks for his health having been given as one of the Judges of the day, while he has also frequently officiated in a similar capacity at the meetings of the National Society, and he was one of the trio who conducted the great steam cultivator trials at Leeds. Mr. Sewell Read is, further, the author of several prize essays and other papers which have appeared in the Royal Journal; and, in fact, on every showing, as good and as safe an authority on agricultural matters as we could wish to have. Such a speech from such a quarter, and backed as it was by the farmers of Norfolk, must carry a significant commentary with it;

remarks of "a practical character." At Hertford, for instance, on Thursday, after a positive inundation from the top of the table, and "as the evening was so far advanced," the Chairman huddled up together in one lot the Judges of Stock, the Judges of Roots, and the Judges of Ploughing-the Committee, the Secretary, the Treasurer, and the Occupiers of the exhibition grounds. Where, then, was the chance for any mutual consideration of questions of great moment? At Waltham, however, there was more time for a hearing; though of course not until another honourable gentleman or two had had his innings. Mr. Howes, as one of the representatives of East Norfolk, followed Mr. Buxton, and in doing so touched upon the business of the Session:-"A bill had been passed and had become an act, namely, the Poaching Act (hisses), and he regretted to say that there was considerable opposition in the House of Commons. For his own part he supported the measure (hisses). If gentlemen would hear him out, he had no doubt they would agree with the conclusion to which he came. The opposition to that measure was on various grounds, but the principal one to which he wished to call atten


shown, in former years, that North Walsham is a nursery
of no mean order for Baker-street, and it is understood
that one or other of them-perhaps both-will again figure,
as Christmas gives warning of his cheery approach in the
"New Hall." Last year, if memory serves us right, Mr.
Beare was less fortunate than usual; but this season he was
adjudged the "laureate" in respect to the best fat steer,
having exhibited a fine ox (bred and grazed by himself),
which had the only drawback of being rather short, and not
quite perfect about the head. Mr. Wortley again distanced
all competitors with a Shorthorn, with which he figured as
a prizeman at the Norfolk county show, and Mr. Beare
had three excellent Galloways, on which the judges
"dwelt" for some time. Mr. Mullen entered a
polled bullock, with a fine straight back and excel-
lent frame; but the condition was scarcely so good as
that of the adjoining entries. There were also one or two
handsome Devons on the ground, and, as was generally
remarked, the fat stock which were the speciality of the
show, were of high commendation, reflecting
the excellence of the root crops of the district and the skill
and judgment with which feeding is conducted.
Suffield, the society's president, has recently devoted consi-
derable attention to farming pursuits, and is forming by degrees
a good herd of Shorthorns, there being, probably, something
more attractive to an amateur in breeding and grazing than in
cropping. As care has been taken to secure an introduction
of good blood into the original Gunton stock, it is not sur-


tion was this. He believed it was not wanted for the county of Norfolk; but it was wanted for counties in the middle of England, and it was for the sake of those counties mainly that he supported the bill. He might safely say this, that where the bill was carried into effect with judgment and discretion, it would be of the greatest possible use, not only in supporting the laws (which, as long as they remained laws, ought clearly to be supported), but it would also act indirectly in preventing more positive crimes intimately connected with that violation of the laws to which he had referred. It was opposed upon the ground of expense; but he firmly believed that in this county of Norfolk, where they had a chief constable of such great discretion and judgment-he was firmly convinced (and he would refer to Lord Suffield himself to confirm him) that the putting of that act into effect would be of the greatest benefit, whilst it was put into force with judgment and discretion, and would not add one farthing to the county rates. Then there was the Highways Bill, which they had made an optional measure; and it rested with them whether they would adopt it or not. It was not a question of to-day or to-morrow, but one that they could consider when they thought desirable." This affords really one of the spectacles of the autumn. A county member well hissed by a party of agricul-prising that the noble lord took a prominent position on Wedturists for supporting a bill which he believed was not wanted in the county he had been elected to represent!" But Mr. Howes was not merely hissed by his auditory: he was answered. Mr. Read, as we have recorded, fell in with the wishes of Mr. Buxton, and touched again upon the delicate matters which the unhappy Mr. Howes had so imprudently broached. And how healthily all this reads and sounds-the manly straightforward and at the same time bitterly satirical tone of the spokesman-the loud, significant cheers of the other farmers in the room-the terrible lesson thus conveyed to the higglers and hucksters in game. But how rank the farmers of Leicestershire in comparison, as they sat in silence the other day under my Lord Berners, after he had openly challenged Is this New them to "discuss their grievances?" Police-gamekeeper bill a grievance? And if so who is it that they have to thank for it? Is poor Mr. Howes the only man to be hissed because he followed his leader, and simply supported that which some more distinguished Farmers' Friends had introduced? had thought from the manner in which some of these "representative men" had almost boasted of what they had done, that the independence of the English farmer was gone. But we have hope still, with such speeches as that of Mr. Sewell Read, and such cheers as those of the Norfolk farmers to greet him. Amongst all the milk-and-water washy waste of words we have had this autumn, that little speech at Walsham will stand out in letters of fire-God preserve the farmer from his so-called friends!


The recurrence of autumn, winter, spring, and summer having swept away, silently but swiftly, has again brought round the pleasant gathering for which North Walsham has attained a certain reputation. North Walsham is innocent yet of the shriek and rush of the railway train, and the place has a quiet, sleepy look, with which it is refreshing to meet in these days of worry and scurry, when everyone is engaged in fighting an ever-renewed battle against time. Still the district all round comprises some of the richest land in Norfolk, and heavy stacks and sleek well-developed cattle show that here, at any rate, there is "a goodly heritage." Years seem to deal gently with some of the leading members of the society. For instance, there is an old Mr. Beare, who has looked just the same any time these ten years, and who generally shares to some extent the honours of the fat cattle classes with his spirited younger contemporary Mr. Robert Wortley. These gentlemen haye

nesday in the competition for the general cattle prizes. One
of his prize entries was a beautiful roan cow, which was pro-
nounced an animal of the first-class; and the heifers exhibited
from the same source were also of good colour, and had evi-
dently been carefully attended to. Two fine heiters, one from
Lord Suffield's, and another from Mr. Petre's, of Westwick,
went into the fat classes, probably because their breeding
powers had proved a disappointment. As regards bulls, Mr.
T. Dolphin took the first prize with a handsome animal,
with an excellent back and well-formed quarters. Fair
animals were also shown in this class by Mr. Rising, who was
set down for the second prize, Mr. Wortley, who had a cre-
ditable Devon, and Colonel Fitzroy, who entered an attractive
Shorthorn. The whole horned cow class was commended by
the judges, Mr. Storey taking the second and third prizes,
after Lord Suffield, whose success has been previously noted.
Mr. Mullen had no difficulty in carrying off the prize offered
in the polled cow class, having a pleasing home-bred entry.
The cows appeared to be considered, on the whole, more cre-
ditable than the bulls; and Mr. Keary, of Holkham, who
acted as one of the judges, took occasion to remark at the din-
ner, that if the character of the stock of the district was to be
improved, the males must be attended to as well as the females.
Of course this advice should be acted upon, and the highest pos-
sible excellence should be aimed at; nevertheless, it should be
remembered that the exhibition was, in a great degree, a local
one; that the animals entered were, for the most part, such as
are bred with a view to an immediate return by farmers, who
have scarcely resources or time to raise "fancy" types. The
horse stock exhibited was not of equal merit with the cattle.
The cart stallions and mares were especially indifferent; indeed
judge if he does not speak his honest impressions ?-declaring
the same outspoken judge and, after all, what is the use of a
that he had never been called upon to make awards in regard
to such a bad lot before; he could scarcely consider that
what he had seen were fair specimens of the agricultural horse
stock of the neighbourhood. Lord Suffield offered a prize of
£5 for the best hackney for riding or harness purposes, and
this encouraging stimulus went to a showy thoroughbred grey
(from Melton) entered by Mr. J. P. Perritt. Year after year
the decline of the old Norfolk hackney had been commented
on, and Lord Suffield consequently endeavoured to secure some
improvement through the medium of his annual £5; but this
year it led to a complaint from Mr. Storey, who protested
against Mr. Perritt receiving the prize, on the ground that his
horse was not a hackney either in breed or character. To
this it was rejoined that the prize had been offered in a com-
prehensive spirit for every class of horse for "hackney, harness,
or hunting purposes." This explanation "shut up" Mr. Storey
for the time; but if the object is really-and we believe there
is no doubt that it is-to improve the breed of hackneys,
hackneys and hackneys only should be permitted to compete,

While upon hackneys, we may add that premiums given by Mr. C. Flower for the best hackney brood mares and foals went to Mr. Cubitt and Mr. T. Dolphin respectively. Some clever chesnut fillies shown by Mr. Culley attracted much notice. The district is not great in sheep, and prizes were only offered for fat shearlings and hoggets, Mr. J. B. Perritt took the first prize with five pretty good Southdowns, and Mr. Utting, who has attained equal success on previous occasions, was again pre-eminent in hoggetts. The pigs shown demonstrated that the district is making some progress in the path of porcine amelioration, Berkshire and Suffolk blood having been introduced, the latter from the well-known resources accumulated in re pige by Mr. Stearn, of Brandeston. The show included fair specimens of mangolds, swedes, and turnips, of which heavy crops are ordinarily produced in the neighbourhood, and cereals were also represented. A prize of £5 offered by Sir T. F. Buxton for the best root crop grown by any one member of the society, occupying not less than 100 acres, taking quality of soil and cultivation into account, went to Mr. Learner, who submitted a heavy and sedulously developed yield.

his legs again, and it was thought that he was going to attempt a reply, but he put it off-discretion again-to that indefinite period "some future day," when the incident will probably be forgotten. Mr. Beare responded for the suc cessful exhibitors, expressing an opinion that the produc tion of meat in England was keeping pace with the increase of population, although he was afraid the farmers of the district were going backward if anything with regard to the growth of wheat. Mr. Cubitt disputed this latter assertion, however, and contended that all statistics proved the contrary. Formerly the land was generally farmed on a six years' shift, bearing wheat but once in six years, while al most all land was now farmed on a four-year course. The failure in the horse classes Mr. Cubitt attributed to the non-employment of stallions of sufficient merit. Mr. Cubitt, who acted as judge of roots, stated that on every farm which he and his colleagues visited, they found man gold wurtzel more blighted and diseased than in the previous year. The swedes were generally a good crop, but much mildewed, although 10 to 12 tons per acre were found on the early-sown fields. The white or common turnips it would not be desirable to extend their cultivation.

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CLASSES.-October 8.


Mangel Wurzel: Long Red, three roots.-Mr. J. Heath, Winchester. Bronze Medal.

Mangel Wurzel: Long Yellow, three roots.-Messrs. Sutton & Sons, Reading. Bronze Medal.

Mangel Wurzel: Yellow Globe, three roots.-Messrs. Sutton & Sons, Reading. Bronze Medal.

Mangel Wurzel: Red Globe, three roots.-Mr. J. Perkins,
Northampton. Bronze Medal.

Beet: White Sugar, three roots.-The Rev. T. Stevens,
St. Andrews' College, Reading. Bronze Medal.
Carrots: White Belgian, six roots.-His Grace the Duke
of Portland, Clipstone Park. Bronze Medal.
Carrots: Altringham, six roots.-His Grace the Duke of
Portland, Clipstone Park. Bronze Medal.

Turnips: Swedes, six roots.-Mr. S. Robinson, Shawhouse. Bronze Medal.

A notable point after several hours spent in a breezy show-inspected were excellent, and it became a question whether yard-and one can sniff the sea at North Walsham-is dinner. From contemplation of so much goodly raw material, the transition is irresistible to the manufactured commodity, and this was found ready at hand at the King's Arms, where about 100 gentlemen sat down, with Lord Suffield in the chair. The noble lord was "supported" by Major-General Windham, of " Redan" fame; Mr. E. Howes, M.P., whose diligence at quarter sessions seems to have ensconced him without a struggle on the softly-padded but withal thorny benches of Westminster; Mr. C. Buxton, M.P. for Maidstone, and almost all the leading inhabitants of the neighbourhood. Everything went on smoothly enough for some time, the same stock toasts producing the same stock speeches. Mr. C. Buxton made a desperate attempt to be funny about pigs, which he said were regarded in England as dear friends-even more highly-esteemed than M.P.8-while abroad they were somehow regarded as enemies; and in Italy and Greece looked more like crosses between panthers and antelopes than good honest porkers. Of course these witticisms provoked "laughter," "renewed merriment," and so on, till the hon. member appeared to think it necessary to set off his jokes with a reference to the less exhilarating topic of poor-rates and post-office savings-banks. Mr. Howes' turn soon afterwards came, and as he is always looked upon as a "safe" man-discreet at any rate, if not brilliant-it was generally thought that his common places would be listened to with silent respect, if indeed they did not bring out a few hear, hears"-why people should all grunt out "hear, hear," and so drown to some extent what they wish other people to appreciate as well as themselves, is what Lord Dundreary says a "fellah never could understand. But the honourable member found he was treading on a volcano when he least expected it; and when he "regretted" that there had been opposition to the new poaching act in the House of Com mons, adding that he himself supported it, there was an unmistakeable and general hiss, in which a few counter cheers were almost lost. Nothing daunted, Mr. Howes persisted that the new bill would be found of the greatest use where it was carried into effect with judgment and discretion; and although he admitted that it was not much wanted, and therefore would not be attended with much expense in Norfolk, he insisted that it was much needed in the midland counties, for the sake of which he had mainly supported the measure. At this there was some more hissing, and shortly after Mr. Clare Sewell Read, in responding for the judges, spoke out manfully for his order. He said they were patted on the back by their landlords and county M.P's, and told that they were very clever and enterprising fellows; but actions must be looked to, not compliments, and they were now told in effect that, although they were so intelligent, the management of the roads should be taken from them; and although they were so independent, as they had shown their independence so long by feeding their landlord's game, they should now pay for the preservation of it also. This blunt, courageous speech took the meeting completely by surprise, and elicited loud shouts of applause, and cries for "more." "No," rejoined Mr. Read, amid more applause, "I will simply say, God preserve us from our so-called friends." Mr. Howes was soon seen to be on


Turnips: Yellow, six roots.-Messrs. Sutton & Sons, Reading. Bronze Medal.

Turnips: White, six roots. Messrs. J. Ivery & Son, Dorking and Reigate. Bronze Medal.

Kohl Rabi: Six roots.-Messrs. Sutton & Sons, Reading, Bronze Medal.


General Collection of Wheats from all quarters.—Mr. P.
L. Simmonds, 8, Winchester Street, S. W. Bronze Medal.
Collection of Wheats from any one quarter.-Messrs. H.
Raynbird & Co., Basingstoke. Bronze Medal.
Collection of Wheats grown in Lower Canada.-Mr. B.
Chamberlain, 15, Fulham Place, Maida Hill,


Collection of Wheats grown in Upper Canada.-Mr. C. J. Dizon, 15, Fulham Place, Maida Hill. Bronze Medal. Collection of Wheats grown in Australia.-The Commis sioners for the colony of Victoria. Bronze Medal, Collection of Wheats grown in England.—Messrs. H. Raynbird & Co., Basingstoke. Bronze Medal.

Collection of Wheats sold in London Market.-Messrs. J. Wrench & Sons, London Bridge. Bronze Medal. Sample of White Wheat of any kind.-Mr. W. Dixon, Canadian Court, International Exhibition. Bronze Medal. The Commissioners for Victoria, Australia. Commended. Sample of Red Wheat of any kind.-Messrs. H. Raynbird & Co., Basingstoke. Bronze Medal,

Collection of Barley from any one quarter.-Messrs, J. Wrench and Sons, London Bridge. Bronze Medal.

General Collection of Barley from all quarters. Messrs. H. Raynbird & Co., Basingstoke. Bronze Medal.

Malting Barley.-Messrs. H. Raynbird & Co., Basingstoke. Bronze Medal.

Collection of Oats from any one quarter.-The Commissioners for the colony of Victoria, Australia. Bronze Medal. Mr. J. Hurlburt, Canadian Court, International Exhibition. Highly Commended.

Black Oats. Mr. J. Choyce, Atherstone. Bronze Medal.

White Oats.-The Commissioners for the colony of Victoria, Australia. Bronze Medal.

Rye.-Mr. E. W. A. Dixon, 15, Fulham Place, Maida Hill. Bronze Medal.

Collection of Rice from all quarters.-Mr. P. L. Simmonds, 8, Winchester Street, S.W. Bronze Medal.

Head of Maize, or Indian Corn, of any kind.-Mr. W. Dixon, Canadian Court, International Exhibition. Bronze Medal.

Collection of different kinds of Maize, in heads, best quality. Mr. E. Stuart, Villa Stuart, Nice. Bronze Meda!. Collection of Maize: most numerous in kinds.-Mr. P. L. Simmonds, 8, Winchester Street, S.W. Bronze Medal.

Cereals of any kind, not included in the above.-Mr. J. B. Lawes, Rothamsted, St. Albans, Silver Medal. Mr. A. Dixon, Canada West (Buckwheat). Highly Commended, Peas. Mr. D. Honeyman, Nova Scotian Court, International Exhibition. Bronze Medal. Mr. E. W. Thompson, Toronto, Canada West. Bronze Medal.

Beans.-Mr. D. Honeyman, Nova Scotian Court, International Exhibition. Bronze Medal. Mr. L. V. Sicotte, St. Hyacinthe, Canada, East. Bronze Medal,

GENERAL COLLECTION OF SEEDS AND ROOTS. Messrs. Sutton & Sons, Reading. Silver Medal. COLLECTION OF GRASSES AND CLOVER SEEDS. Sutton and Sons, Reading. Bronze Medal.


In LEICESTERSHIRE.-As if to show how utterly absent from the meeting was all chance of the expression of agricultural sentiment, Lord Berners, one of the authors of the new Game Preservation Act, said: "I am glad that this society, while rigidly excluding party politics, is founded upon the principle of not excluding the discussion of ques tions of a fiscal or social character which may affect the general interests of the country. This has been the means of enabling the farmers to meet together and discuss their grievances, with the view, if necessary, of drawing up petitions for presentation to both houses of the Legislature." Can anything be more absurd than such a statement? What was one of the chief grievances of the Leicestershire tenants? Why game, with all the incidents of vexation and loss which game preservation brings to them. Were there any of Mr. Hartopp's tenants there? If so, what did they think-though they said nothing-about game, and more stringent laws for the preservation of game? Surely it must have been in the spirit of mockery that Lord Berners was put up to talk about "farmers' grievances." Why he has just made himself, par excellance, a farmer's grievance!

-The Economist.

In HEREFORDSHIRE.We all highly respect our parlia mentary representatives irrespective of their politics, and we are greatly obliged to them for their patronage in times past, and even now (so far as we need it); but these are not sufficient reasons for us to be bored with long useless speeches containing a resumé of the labours of the parliamentary session, observations on foreign and home affairs, and congratulation or condoleme nt on the results of the harvest. Farmers are not so ignorant of matters as to require this special information thrice repeated-at their agricultural meetings. We are aware, all of us, what our members have aided in doing during the last session.

Their chief labour of love has been the Act for the better and more economical protection of game, and for giving landowners the assistance of the police force maintained chiefly at the expense of the occupants of land. We do not need to be reminded of the latter in particular. We shall remember it at the hustings, and perhaps some of the worthy advocates of that measure will then receive their reward, and be relieved from further legislative exertion in that direction. But not to raise the question of "game," of which farmers know too much, I will simply say that the opinion of the public is, that the speeches generally made are, to use an expressive term, " bunkum," and that is the reason why the dinners of the society are so meagrely attended. There is no practical and useful discussion as at other agricultural meetings, where it is the custom for tenant farmers of experience to take a prominent position, and to speak of the merits and defects of the show, and of the success, failure, prospects, and practice of agriculture. -A MEMBER of the Hereford Society, in The Hereford Times.

FAILURE OF THE NEW POACHING ACT.-The following case has been heard before the Leicester Borough Magistrates. A man named Thomas Roullson, a well known ing him with having game in his possession on the Saturday poaching character, appeared in answer to a summons chargpolicemen were going off duty along Brunswick-street, Leimorning previous. From the evidence it appears that some cester, when they met the defendant and another man, who game in their possession, they stopped them, when on the deappeared to be heavily laden. Suspecting them to have some fendant was found a bag containing twelve rabbits and a large net (60 yards long), such as is used by poachers. On the other man was found another bag containing eleven rabbits. Having taken their names and addresses, the police took the game and netting from the men and left. The other person had, however, given a wrong address, and could not be found. Defendant, in answer to the charge, said he got them from land where he had a right to go, and all he could carry on his back he considered he was entitled to. The Town Clerk said this was the first case which had come before the Borough Magistrates under the recent Poaching Act, and he thought it necessary to call attention to the provisions of the statute. The clause under which the information was laid might be divided into two parts-one relating to the duty of the policeman, the other to the offence to be proved before the magistrates. With respect to the policeman, his duty was to search any person he may meet on the highway whom he may have good cause to suspect of coming from lands where he shall have been unlawfully in search of game, and having in his possession any game unlawfully obtained. In the case before them it was therefore clear that the constable was justified in searching the defendant and detaining the rabbits so found -rabbits being game for the purposes of the Act. It was then the policeman's duty to lay an information before the magistrates, and the offence to be proved before them was that of the defendant having obtained the game so found by going unlawfully on land in search or in pursuit of game. The mere possession of the rabbits was not legal proof of the defendant having unlawfully obtained them, and the Act did not impose upon him the obligation of accounting for the possession of, or of showing how he obtained them. The game might have been lawfully obtained by purchase, or, as the defendant had said, going on land where he had a right to search for game. It might also have been unlawfully obtained, but by not going on land. It might have been received from some person

who had without his knowledge unlawfully obtained it, or it might have been taken on the highway. In none of such cases would the offence be within the words of the Act. A recent Act of Parliament required any suspected person found in possession of any deer to account satisfactorily for the same, but there was no such provision in the present Act, and this difference confirmed him in the construction of it. He was therefore of opinion that it was the duty of the prosecutor to prove the offence charged by distinct affirmative evidence, and as the only proof before the magistrates was that of mere possession on the highway, he must advise the magistrates to dismiss the case.-The Mayor then discharged the defendant, amidst applause from the Court as the rabbits were restored to him.


SIR,-The interesting letters upon "Sheep-breeding" that appear from time to time in your paper are calculated in many instances to mislead the uninitiated. In this observation I refer in particular to those you have extracted from the Sydney Morning Herald, and that have appeared in your issue of last week, written by James Wright and by N. P. Bayly. The latter gentleman especially writes so very well, erroneous as his doctrines are, that the very plausibility of what he advances may be of serious harmt in a community of "casual observers." Thus, both of the above-named writers would lead us to suppose that the nucleus of the Rambouillet flock had been selected from the sheep of ten different breeders, purposely for crossing. Now, an impartial perusal of the Baron's report will not admit of that construction. The natural inference drawn from the circumstance rather is, that no smaller number of flocks could afford to yield 383 sheep sufficiently good, in the opinion of those intrusted with the selection, for the great national object in view. This, sir, is the only just and candid interpretation of the Baron's utterances. And if the report in question had not been altogether so very explicit upon this and various other points, as it fortunately is, I could easily conceive what course of management had been pursued with regard to the French flock, since it was first formed, from the results being so very successful. Indeed, I feel certain that similar results-namely, a satisfactory type, combined with a permanent character-can never be secured in any department of stock-breeding, but by adopting the one course, that is, selecting the right parents to begin with, and breeding continuously afterwards from this family, without any external mixture or foreign cross. Every best man and beast, of whose history I know anything, has been bred in this way; and I think it could be easily shown that every man who has distinguished himself for successful breeding in the British Empire has diligently pursued this course. But Mr. Wright is not satisfied with advancing vague and general theories in support of an opposite course in reference to sheep breeding, but in the warmth of his onslaught upon those whose judgment is happily better founded than his own, he unhesitatingly oversteps the bounds of his province, and says: "The effect of breeding in-and-in is not confined to sheep. It is very manifest in the majority of the herds of cattle, and the mobs of horses throughout the colony, from want of knowledge and want of power to prevent it, &c., &c."

Now, sir, in this paragraph Mr. Wright verifies the saying, "a little learning is a dangerous thing." I have for thirty years paid a good deal of attention to cattle-breeding, but I never thought the inferiority of our herds ought to be attributed to in-and-in breeding. No; the inferiority of our herds is only the result-the legitimate result of indiscriminate crossing. So little regard has been devoted to breed in their management, that it is now wholly out of the power of the most skillful to say whether they are Longhorns, Shorthorns, Devons, Scotch, Welsh, or Irish. Had our herds been bred in-and-in from the originals, with due care and skill exercised in the selection of sires, their superiority would be now as striking as unfortunately is the reverse. I assume in saying this, that the originals themselves were of the right sort. If so, and that the natural process (using the best sire) had been facilitated, the type would be now grand, the character would be now permanent. As I have not at all touched upon

this subject, I shall endeavour to make a convert of Mr. Wright, by submitting to him that every most valuable tribe of cattle in England were bred in-and-in, yet from the right sort to begin with.

The most famous cattle-breeders that were ushered in to us

with the present century were the Mesara. Colling, of Darlington. These men, as can readily be seen from "Coates," selected their breeding beasts from various sources, as the French did their sheep. This they did no doubt with great skill, at the same time with a full knowledge of the strains of blood of their various purchasers. From these animals they bred carefully and closely, until from brother and sister they produced the bull "Favourite" (252). This bull was allowed by all competent judges who saw him to be the best in the world. What use his owner made of him can be best seen by referring again to "Coates," and giving the pedigree of a cow or two. Here it is:

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"Barmpton, red and white, bred by Mr. R. Colling; got by Favourite' (252); dam Bright Eyes' by Favourite' (252); grandam by ‘Favourite' (252); great grandam by ‘Favourite' (252)" &c. &c.

Here, sir, we see that while his owners considered "Favourite" (252) their best sire, they used him to his own descendants, generation after generation, to the day of his death. To show that they acted wisely, I may mention that at Charles Colling's sale, in 1810, “Comet” (155), an aged bull, got by "Favourite" (252), and out of a sister of "Favourite" (252), realized the enormous (in those days) sum of one thousand guineas; and no bull could well be bred inand-in more than was "Comet" (155). His father was his grandfather, his great grandfather, his uncle, his granduncle, his cousin, and what not; his mother was his sister, his aunt, his full cousin, and second cousin, and every other cousin.

It is probable Mr. Wright will imagine, upon the strength of this close-breeding, that his purchasers regretted their bargain. Not so. No sooner were his calves seen with his new owners, than they were offered 1,500 guineas for him, an offer that was at once declined; and all the most valuable cattle from "Comet's" day to our own are bred after this fashion. Bates, of Kirkleavington, procured his first "Duchess" from Colling. No man could be a greater enthusiast-no man had greater experience than Bates, yet he was not satisfied with the half brothers and very near relations for sires, but he procured for the use of "Duchess" an own brother-" Duke" (226)—bone of their bone, and flesh of their flesh for many generations. From these he bred a fixed per manent type. His mode of breeding was not only sanctioned but heartily encouraged by the lovers of shorthorn cattle, both in the old world and in the new. That he felt satisfied himself that he held "correct opinions" can be readily seen from his contributions to the agricultural prints of his day. In one of these, he says: "When I began breeding, early in life, I acted on sure principles, and on data that can never deceive; and success has been the certain result. And my breed of Shorthorn cattle may yet be further improved from my own herd, and they can be improved from no other."

The "sure principles" and "data" of Mr. Bates are no mystery. He possessed himself of parents of the right kind, as was done in the case of the Rambouillet flock, and bred

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