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Oath, before obtaining a marriage licence, 422, 425; before
obtaining an order for relief, 369; form of it, 369.

Oath of office not necessary to be taken, to gain a settlement
by serving an office, 675.

Objections, when not allowed, to grounds of appeal against a
rate, 261; or to grounds of removal or appeal against an
order of removal, 803; or to the order, 803.

Objections in grounds of appeal, to the notice of chargeability,
790; grounds of removal, 790, or order, 791.

Objections by respondents to the grounds of appeal, 803.
Objections before auditor, 138.

Obscene language in workhouses, using, punishment, 323.
Occupier of lands, &c., rateable, 146, 48; in what cases the
landlord rateable and not the occupier, 152-156; how to
be rated, 244; how, where he enters after a rate recently
made, 281.
Occupation of tenement, what required to gain a settlement
under stat. 59 G. 3, c. 50, p. 604; what under stat. 6 G. 4,
c. 57, p. 612; what under stat. 1 W. 4, c. 18, p. 620.
Offences by overseers, 52; neglect of duty or disobeying the
orders of justices, &c., 52, 53; embezzling money, &c.,
54; being concerned in furnishing goods, &c., for the
poor, 55.

Office, settlement by serving, 672, 406; how proved, 725;
how stated in grounds of appeal, 798; it must be a public
annual office, 672; the party must have been legally ap-
pointed to it, 674; he must have served, 675; residence,
675. A certificate-man may gain a settlement in this
way, 675.

Officers for the administration of the poor laws, 1 :-

1. The poor law commissioners, 2:-The poor law board,
2:-their appointment, 2; their authority generally, 3;
their power to make rules, 5; their power to form unions
of parishes, 7; their power to order workhouses to be
built or repaired, 8; their power of inquiry and exami-
nation, 9; their power to inquire into parochial property,
9; special inquiries, 10; report to be made by them, 10;
their secretaries, 10; salaries, 10.

2. Inspectors, 10.

3. Guardians, 12 :-guardians in unions, 12:-their num-
ber and qualification, 12; how elected, 13; they are a
corporation, 19; justices of the peace, guardians ex
officio, 20; their powers and duties, and how exercised,
20; their meetings, 21; proceedings of the board, 23;
contracts by them, 24; payments by them, 26; their
duty to bury paupers, 27; their certificate, and form of

Officers for the administration of the poor laws (continued).
it, 29; what costs they may pay, 30. Guardians for
single parishes, 31; in what cases, 31; parishes divided
into wards, 31. Guardians under local Acts, 32.
4. Overseers of the poor, 33:-appointment of overseers,
33; who may be appointed, 33; for parishes, 35; for town-
ships, hamlets, &c., 35; when, 39; how, 39; appoint-
ment, how enforced, 42; appeal against the appointment,
42. Power and duties of overseers, 43; in parishes, &c.,
in unions, or under guardians or select vestries, 43; in
relief of the poor, 43; in other cases, 44; to account,
45; books to be kept by them, 45; receipts and pay-
ments, 47; inventories, &c., 47. Their duties in single
parishes or townships where there are no guardians, 48,
58. Actions, &c., by and against them, 49:-actions,
&c., by them, 49; recovery of parish houses, &c., 50;
actions against them, 51. Offences by overseers, 52;
neglect of duty, or disobeying orders of justices, &c., 52;
embezzling money, &c., 54; being concerned in furnish-
ing goods, &c., for the poor, 55.

5. Assistant overseers and collectors, 57:-assistant over-
seers, 57; by whom and how appointed, 57; form of
the appointment, 57. Collector of poor-rate, 58; in
parishes not in unions, 58; in parishes in unions, 58; his
appointment, 59; security, 60; his duties, 61.

6. Paid officers, 64:-paid officers generally, 64; their
appointment, 64; qualification required, 67; remunera-
tion of officers, 67; payment of salary, 68; security, in
what cases to be required, 68; their continuance in office,
69; personal discharge of their duties, 71; in what cases
to account, 71; disobeying justices or guardians, 71;
furnishing goods, &c., for their own profit, 71; em-
bezzling or misapplying monies, &c., 72: assaults upon
officers, 73; injuries to officers by persons applying for
relief, 73. Particular officers, 73:-clerk to the guar-
dians, 73; his appointment, 73; his duties, 73; what
books he shall keep, 76; his duties with respect to the
audit of accounts, &c., 77. Treasurer of the union, 79;
his duties, 79. Relieving officer, 80; his appointment,
80; his duties, 80; what books, &c., he shall keep, 82.
Medical officer, 84:-his appointment, 84; qualification,
85; medical districts, 86; surgical and midwifery cases,
87; substitutes for medical officers, 88; medical relief to
permanent paupers, 88; duties of the medical officers
generally, 89; duties of a district medical officer, 89;
duties of a medical officer for the workhouse, 90. Chap-
lain, 91-his appointment and duties, 91. Master and
matron of the workhouse, 92:-master of the workhouse,
92; his duties, 92; what books he shall keep, 95.

Officers for the administration of the poor laws (continued).
Matron of the workhouse, 98; her duties, 98. School-
master and schoolmistress, 99:-their duties, 99. Nurse,
porter, &c., 100:-nurse, her duties, 100; porter, his
duties, 100; superintendent of out-door labour, his du-
ties, 101.

Officers, what, shall attend the auditor, 136; or in case of
death, their executors, 137; surcharge when to be re-
ported to the guardians, 139.

Officers of the army and navy, exempt from serving the office
of overseer, 34.

Officers of charitable institutions, in what cases rateable, 197.
Officers of the courts of law, exempt from serving the office of
overseer, 34.

Officers of the crown, in what cases rateable for the crown
property they occupy, 185, 186.

Officers of customs and excise, exempt from serving the office
of overseer, 34.

Officers, parish, the commissioners may make rules for their
guidance, 5; marriages fraudulently obtained by, 429.
Officers in workhouses, 303,92; in parishes generally, 64,33;
in parishes or unions under the Poor Law Amendment
Act, 64; misbehaviour by, penalty, 320.

Officers of workhouse or relieving officer, assault upon, 73;
injuries to their property, how remedied, 73.

Officiating clergyman, his duty in visiting workhouses, 303.
Order for binding parish apprentices, 521; must show that it
was made within the justices' jurisdiction, 521; binding
without it, penalty, 529.

Order for contribution from overseers to the guardians of a
union, 343; form of it, 344; how enforced, 345, 346.
Order for costs of maintenance, after an order of removal
suspended, 752; the like, where the pauper dies before
removal, 752, 753.

Order of filiation, in what cases, 293.

Order of justices, disobeying, penalty, 52, 53, 71; provided
the order be legal, 114.

Orders of the poor-law commissioners, their power to make,
generally, 5; as to the relief of able-bodied paupers, 335;
as to select vestries, with respect to accounts, relief, &c.,
390; as to workhouses, 330; their legality, how ques-
tioned, 7.

Order for relief, in what cases, 362, 102, 103; of parish poor,
364; able-bodied poor, 335, 333, 366; widows, 342;
married women, 341; casual poor, 339; pauper lunatics,
340; prisoners, 366; the order, 367; and form of it, 370;
there is no appeal against it, 770.

Order for temporary relief, in articles of necessity or medi-
cine, in what cases, 43, 362, 334; and form of it, 363;

for relief by relations, 285; and form of it, 288; where
the husband or parent absconds, leaving his family
chargeable, 291; and form of it, 292; where the paupers
are children, residing in another parish with their parents
for nurture, 370, 689, 690.

Order for repayment of relief by way of loan, 373; and com-
mitment for non-payment, 373; the like order upon the
pauper's master to pay it out of his wages, 374, 376.
Order for wages, where the families of seamen are relieved,
381, 382.

Order of removal, 729 :-the order, 729:-by whom to be
made, 729; upon whose complaint, 732; how directed,
733; description of the pauper and his family, 737;
statement of chargeability, &c., 738; adjudication, 741;
date, &c., 743; form of the order, 743; in what cases the
order may be abandoned or superseded, 745, 746. Sus-
pension of the order, 747 :-in what cases and how, 747;
no settlement pending the suspension, 750; subsequent
permission to remove, 750: costs of maintenance on a
suspended order, 752; appeal against the order for costs,

Order of removal, not after a five years' residence in a parish,

Order of removal, appeal against, 768:-appeal in what cases,

and to what sessions, 768; in what cases, 768; to what
sessions, 770. Notice and grounds of appeal, 776:-
Notice of appeal, 776; in what cases, 776; what notice,
777; by and to whom given, 780; form of the notice, 783.
Statement of the grounds of appeal, 783; how framed,
790; form of the notice and grounds of appeal, 800.-
Abandonment of the appeal, 801. Proceedings at the
hearing, 802:-preliminary matter, 802; who to begin,
804; case stated and evidence, 805; case and evidence for
the other party, 805. Evidence, 786 :-evidence gene-
rally, 807. Admissions of settlement, 814:-1. Certifi-
cate, 814; what and in what cases, 814; form and requi-
sites, 815. 2. Relief, 817:-in what cases, 817; how
proved, 820. 3. Order of removal unappealed against,
822-in what cases, 822; how far conclusive, 823.
4. Order appealed against and confirmed, 827 :-in what
cases, and how far conclusive, 827. 5. Order appealed
against and quashed, 830:-in what cases and how far
conclusive, 830. Proof of settlement, 837:-by the
respondents, 837:-by the appellants, 839; variance,
840. Judgment and costs, 841-1. The judgment, 841;
what, 841; the effect of it, 842; in what cases final,
843; amendment, 843. 2. Costs, 844; costs of the
appeal, 844; costs of maintenance, 846. Pauper how
sent back, if order quashed, 848.

Order of removal, when to be produced by appellant upon
appeal, 802; when not to be objected to, 803.

Order of removal appealed against and confirmed, how proved
726, and its effect, 827; or if quashed, how proved, 726,
and its effect, 830.

Order of removal unappealed against, how proved, 726, and
its effect, 822.

Order of removal, or pass, to Ireland, Scotland, Guernsey, or
Jersey, 707, form of it, 708.

Ore given by tenant to the owner of a mine, where rateable,
152, 163, 209.

Organist of a parish chapel, office of, not one which could
confer a settlement, 674.

Origin of settlements, 405.

Out-door relief to able-bodied paupers, in what cases, 335,
337; allowance of, by guardians, 24, 333; list of, to be
made by relieving officer, 84.

Out-house, a tenement, which might confer a settlement
under stat. 13 & 14 C. 2, c. 12, p. 572.

Overseers of the poor:-


1. Appointment of overseers, 33:-who may be appointed,
33; for parishes, 34; for townships, hamlets, &c., 35;
when, 39; how, 39; appointment, how enforced, 42;
appeal against the appointment, 42.

2. Power and duties of overseers, 43:-In parishes, &c.,
in unions, or under guardians or select vestries, 43; in
relief of the poor, 43; in other cases, 44; to account,
45; books to be kept by them, 45; receipts and pay-
ments, 46; inventories, &c., 47. Their duties in single
parishes or townships where there are no guardians, 47,

3. Actions, &c., by and against them, 49:-actions, &c.,
by them, 49; recovery of parish houses, &c., 50; actions
against them, 51.

4. Offences by overseers, 52:-neglect of duty, or disobey-
ing orders of justices, &c., 52; embezzling money, &c.,
54; being concerned in furnishing goods, &c., for the
poor, 54.

Overseers for townships and villages, 35, 37; not hereafter for
the first time, 38; their authority, &c., 36, 38.
Overseers' accounts, auditing, 108.



Overseers, advances by, how repaid, 112.

Auditing of ac-

Overseers may defend appeals, without the sanction of the
vestry, 259.

Overseers, debts contracted by, when paid by succeeding over-
seers, 110, 111.

Overseers, service of notices, &c., upon, 527.

Overseers, no salary to, except to assistant overseer, 101, 121;

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