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who saw another going into some place, where he himself had been frightened, or exposed to danger, and who wished to warn his neighbour of the danger, could contrive no other method of doing it, than by uttering those cries, and making those gestures, which are the signs of fear; as two men at this day would endeavour to make themselves understood by each other, if thrown together on a desolate island, ignorant of each other's language. Those exclamations, therefore, by grammarians called interjections, uttered in a strong and passionate manner, were undoubtedly the elements of speech.

When more enlarged communication became requisite, and names began to be applied to objects; how can we suppose men proceeded in this application of names, or invention of words? Certainly by imitating, as much as they could, the nature of the object named by the sound of the name given to it. As a painter, who would represent grass, must employ a green colour; so in the infancy of language one, giving a name to any thing harsh or boisterous, would of course em. ploy a harsh or boisterous sound. He could not do otherwise, if he desired to excite in the hearer the idea of that object which he wished to name. To imagine words invented, or names given to things, without any ground or reason, is to suppose an effect without a


There must, always have been some motive which led to one name, rather than another; and we


can suppose no motive, which would more generally operate upon men in their first efforts toward language, than a desire to paint by speech the objects which they named in a manner more or less complete, according as it was in the power of the human voice to effect this imitation.


Wherever objects were to be named, in which sound, noise, or motion was concerned, the imitation by words sufficiently obvious. Nothing was more natural, than to imitate by the sound of the voice the quality of the sound or noise which any external object produced; and to form its name accordingly. Thus in all Fanguages we discover a multitude of words, which are evidently constructed on this principle. A certain bird is called the Cuckoo, from the sound which it emits. When one sort of wind is said to whistle, and another to roar; when a serpent is said to hiss; a fly to buzz, and falling timber to crash; when a stream is said to flowy, and hail to rattle; the resemblance between the word and the thing signified is plainly discernable. But in the names of objects which address the sight only, where neither noise nor motion is concerned; and still more in terms, appropriated to moral ideas, this analogy appears to fail. Yet many learned men have ima. gined that, though in such cases it becomes more obscure, it is not altogether lost; and that in the radical words of all languages there may be traced some degree of correspondence with the object signified.

This principle however of a natural relation between words and objects, can be applied to language only in its most simple and early state. Though in every tongue some remains of it may be traced, it were utterly in vain to search for it through the whole construction of any modern language. As terms increase in every nation, and the vast fields of language is filled up, words by a thousand fanciful and irregular methods of derivation and composition deviate widely from the primitive character of their roots, and lose all resemblance in sound of the things signified. This is the present state of language. Words, as we now use them, taken in general, may be considered as symbols, not imitatious; as arbitrary or instituted, not natural signs of ideas. But there can be no doubt that language, the nearer we approach to its rise among men, will be found to partake more of a natural expression.

Interjections, it has been shown, or passionate exclamations, were the elements of speech. Men laboured to communicate their feelings to each other by those expressive cries and gestures, which nature taught them. After words, or names of objects, began to be invented, this mode of speaking by natural signs could not be all at once disused. For language in its infancy must have been extremely barren; and there certainly was a period among all rude nations, when conyersation was carried on by a very few words, intermixed with many exclamations and earnest gestures.

The small stock of words which men then possessed rendered those helps entirely necessary for explaining their conceptions; and rude, uncultivated individuals, not having always ready even the few words which they know, would naturally labour to make themselves understood by varying their tones of voice, and by accompanying their tones with the most expressive gesticu. lations.

To this mode of speaking, necessity gave rise. But we must observe that, after this necessity had in a great degree ceased, by language becoming in process of time more extensive and copious, the ancient manner of speech still subsisted among many nations; and, what had arisen from necessity, continued to be used for ornament. In the Greek and Roman languages, a musical and gesticulating pronunciation was retained in a very high degree. Without attending to this, we shall be at a loss in understanding several passages of the Classics, which relate to the public speaking and theatrical entertainments of the ancients. Our modern pronunciation would have seemed to them a lifeless monotony. The declamation of their orators and the pronunciation of their actors upon the stage approached to the nature of recitative in music; was capable of being marked by notes, and supported by instruments; as several learned men have proved.

With regard to gesture, the case was parallel, for strong tones and animated gestures always go together,


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The action both of orators and players in Greece and Rome was far more vehement than that to which we are accustomed. To us, Roscius would appear à ́madGesture was of such consequence on' the ancient stage, that there is reason for believing that on some occasions the speaking and the acting were divided; which, according to our ideas, would form a strange exhibition. One player spoke the words in the proper tones, while another expressed the corresponding motions and gestures. Cicero tells us, it was a contest between him and Roscius, whether he could express a sentiment in a greater variety of phrases, or Roscius in a greater variety of intelligible significant gestures. At last, gesture engrossed the stage entirely; for under the reigns of Augustus and Tiberius, the favourite entertainment of the public was the Pantomime, which was carried on by gesticulation, only. The people were moved, and wept at it as much as at tragedies; and the passion for it became so violent, that laws were made for restraining the senators from studying the Pantomime art. Now, though in declamations and theatrical exhibitions both, tone and gesture were carried much farther than in common discourse; yet public speaking of any kind must in every country bear some proportion to the manner which is used in conversation; and such public entertainments could never be relished by a nation whose tones and gestures in discourse were as languid as ours.

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