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The Direction and Salutation. The Apostle blesseth God for the great Mercies and Privileges of the Gospel Religion. Comforts both Jewish and Gentile Christians under their present Perfecutions, from the Sense of those happy Blessings, and the Truth and Certainty of them, as Foretold by the Ancient Prophets, and now exactly Ful filled. Exhorts them to the pure and steddy Practice of their Religion, from the great Confideration of their Redemption by the Blood of Jesus Chrift.

Eter P an apostle of 1. Peter, an Apostle of Jesus Written Jesus Chrift, to Christ, sendeth this Epistle A. D. 66. the strangers scattered to the Converted Jews of the ancithroughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Aent Difperfion, in Pontus, Galatia, sia, and Bithynia, Cappadocia, the Provinces of the Leffer Afia, and Bithynia. Not forChristians of those Parts.

getting the Gentile * 2 Elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through sanctification of the Spirit unto obe. dience, and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ: Grace unto you, and peace be multiplied.

* See Cap. 2. To all you that have embra- i. 18.-.10. ced the gracious Covenant of the and 4 -iv. 3,4, 5. Gospel; a Covenant that is Ratified 1.

xii.24. Exod.

and Confirmed by the Blood of 'Ῥαντισ Christ, and entitles you to the Gifts Mor. See Heb and Graces of the Holy Spirit; Pri-xείν. 8. vileges that God originally designed, and by hisProphets formerly promis'd, to the Christian Church. Wishing

you the Abundance of Divine Favour and Happiness.
3 Blessed be the
God and Father of
our Lord Jesus Christ,
which according to
his abundant mercy,
hath begotten us a-
gain unto a lively
hope, by the resur-
rection of Jesus Christ
from the dead,

3 & 4. Expreffing my humblest
Thanks to God, the Father of our
Lord Jesus Chrift, for the inexpref-
fible Mercy of giving us Christians so
sure a Prospect of the never-fading
and eternal Happiness of Heaven, by
the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, our

Lord and Head.

5. And

4 To an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you,

A. D. 66.

5 Who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation, ready to be revealed in the last

5. And for preserving and supporting us, by his Almighty Power, under all our Afflictions and Temptations, to persevere in the Faith of this his last || and great Dispensation of the Gospel, whereby we shall not fail of compleat Glory and Happiness, at the final Day of Judgment.

| ἐν καιρῷ time.


6Wherein ye great- 6 & 7. This is what you, as good ly rejoyce, though Christians, cannot but make the Subnow for a season (if ject of your utmost Joy and Satifneed be) ye are in faction. Looking on the worst of heaviness through mapresent Evils as only fo many happy nifold temptations. 7 That the trial of Opportunities of exercising your your faith being much Faith, improving your Virtue, and more precious than of brightning that future Crown you are then to receive; and consequently to be of more real Advantage to you than all the Riches and fading Glories this World can afford.

gold that perisheth,

though it be tried

with fire, might be
found unto prane, and
honour, and glory at

the appearing of Jesus Chrift:

8 Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable,

and full of glory.

9 Receiving the end of your faith, even the falvation of your fouls.

8 & 9. Thus upon reasonable and sufficient Evidence, you embrace a Meffiah you never personally knew ; and believe the Doctrine and Promises of a Saviour you never actually faw. This fills you with the inexpressible and glorious Hopes of that eternal Salvation which is the fure Reward of fuch as are possessed with

a Faith so rational and well grounded.

10 Of which falva

tion the prophets have
enquired and fearched
diligently, who pro-
pheliad of the grace
that should come unto

10 & 11. This is that gracious Dispensation of Religion for the future Happiness of Mankind, fo exactly described and punctually foretold by the ancient Prophets, Men inspired by the Spirit

* of

II Searching what,

or what manner of

time the Spirit * of

* of this very Christ, to foretel both A. D. 66,
the Time and glorious Fruits of his
Sufferings in relation to himself, and
all his true Disciples.

Christ which was in
them did signifie,
when it teftified before-hand the sufferings of Christ, and the glo.

ry that should follow.

12 Unto whom it

was revealed, that not

unto themselves, but unto us they did minifter the things which are now reported unto you by them that have preached the gospel unto you, with the holy Ghost sent down from heaven; which things the angels defire to look in

12. For, as to the Time, they knew and exprefly declared it was not to be transacted in their Days, but spoke of it as future, representing it just as it has now been actually revealed by Christ himself, and declared to you and all Christians, by us his Apostles, endowed with the same holy Spirit for that Purpose. And this Dispensation of the Gospel is so abundant in Divine Wisdom, Justice and Mercy toward Mankind, that not only Prophets foretold it with Pleasure, but the very Angels themselves cannot but contemplate upon it with Delight and Aftonishment.


13 Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be fober, and hope to the end, for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Je

sus Chrift;

14. As obedient children, not fashioning your selves according to the former lusts

in your ignorance :

13. Let this Confideration then arm you with Vigilance, Courage and Constancy in a Profeffion attended with fuch Bleffings as these of the Christian * Religion are, which * you are fo certain to enjoy at the final Appearance of * Chrift to Judg


14 & 15. Show yourselves true Disciples of Christ, by reforming the Irregularities of your former Notions and Practices, and imitating the divine Author of your Religion in Holiness and Purity of Life.

15 But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation;

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* Ver. 11. The Spirit of Christ which was in Them. I ne meaning is, either the fame Spirit of God, which inspired the Prophets formerly, and dwelt in Chrift more fully afterward: Or else, the Spirit by whose Inspirations the Prophets foretold the Time and Circumstances of Christ's Sufferings, and is therefore called the Spirit of Christ. The former seems to be the more natural Sense.

Ἰησὲ Χρισᾶς A. D.66. 16 Because it is

16. For those Expressions (Lev. written, Be ye holy, ii. 44. xix. 2. -xx. 7, 26.) wherefor I am holy. in the Jewish People are exhorted to are much more engaging upon us of

be holy as God is holy,
the Christian Church.

17 And if you call
on the Father, who
without refpect of per-
fon judgeth according
to every man's work,
pass the time of your
sojourning here in


17. And this does most specially concern such of you as are newly converted from the Heathen to the Christian Religion, from the Worship of Idols to that of the One True God. Now, that you are receiv'd into the

true Church of God, with the fame Goodness and Mercy as the Jews themselves are, and shall be judged and rewarded equally with them; you are obliged to particular Care and Watchfulness over your future Conduct.

18 Foraimuchas ye

know that ye were
not redeemed with cor-

ruptible things, as fil-
ver and gold, from
your vain conversation
received by tradition

from your fathers :

19 But with the precious blood of Chrift, as of a Lamb without blemish and without spot.

20 Who verily was

fore - ordained before

the foundation of the
world, but was mani-
feft in these last times
for you;

18 & 19. You ought to confider yourselves as Captives redeemed from a State of Ignorance and Idolatry, wherein you were originally educated. And that the Purchase was not procured by the most valuable thing this World could afford, but cost the Blood even of Christ himself the Son of God; a Person of most exalted Dignity and perfect Innocence.

20 & 21. Even that Meffiah, originally designed by God for the Redemption of all Mankind; but, tho' promised from the first, and all along described by the Jewish Prophets, to that People; yet was not actually sent into the World for that Purpose, till this last and great Dispensation of the Gospel; wherein his Religion was intended [ δι' ὑμᾶς. to be proposed equally to you || and them, by us his ApoAles, and demonstrated to us all, by his Resurrection from the Dead, as a sure Pledge of our future Happiness, upon our fincere Obedience. So that, by being Christians, you

21 Who by him do believe in God that raised him up from the dead, and gave him glory, that your


faith and hope might do not forsake God (as the obstinate A. D. 66.

be * in God.

effectually * believe

22 Seeing ye have

purified your fouls in obeying the truth through the Spirit, unto unfeigned love of the brethren; fee that

ye love one another with a pure heart fervently :

23 Being born again, not of corruptible feed, but of in corruptible, by the Word of God, which liveth and abideth for


Jews vainly pretend) but do most
in Him.

22. And fince you have engaged
to reform your Lives, by Obedience
to this pure and spiritual Religion,
one of the chief Duties whereof, is
an universal Love and Charity to all
your Christian Brethren; be fure to
practise that principal Virtue with
the utmost Ardour and Sincerity.

23. Remember, that by embracing this Profession, you become the Church and People of God, in a Sense much more excellent than the Jews were by their natural Descent from Abraham and the Patriarchs; or than any Profelyte could be, by joyning himself to their external and Ceremonial Worship. You are regenerated and made the Children of God, by the Belief of those Gospel Doctrines, the habitual Practice whereof will work in you those excellent Graces and divine Virtues, that will for ever adorn and make you happy.

24 For all flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man, as the flower of grafs. The

grass withereth, and the flower thereof falleth away :

25 But the word of

the Lord endureth for

ever. And this is the

word which by the

gospel is preached un

to you.

you is truly what

|| See Joh. i.
24 & 25. Those Privileges of na- 12, 13. and
tural Descent the Jews so much
bere ver. 24.
boast of, the Succeffion in Rich and
Noble Families, by any Civil Rela-

tion or Institution, are mere external
and fading Blessings: As Ifaiah for-
merly represented them. But the
Blessing of being taken into God's
Church, by embracing the Revela-
tion of Jesus Christ, is of the utmost
and everlasting Consequence to us.

And thus the Gospel we preach to

aiah there described it, The Word of

the Lord that endureth for ever, Ifa. xl. 6, 7, 8.

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* Ver. 21. That your Faith and Hope might be in God, &58 την πίσον ὑμῶν εἶναι ἐις Θεόν. So that your Faith is in God.

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