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A. D.62.

10 That in the dif

penfation of the ful-
ness oftimes, he might
gather together in one

all things in Chrift,

both which * are in
heaven, and which are
on earth, even in him:

II In whom also

we, have obtained an

inheritance, being pre

deftinated according

to the purpose of

him, who worketh all

things after the coun

fel of his own will:

12 That we should be to the praise of his glory who first trusted in Chrift,

13 In whom he also trusted after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your Salvation: whom alfo after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy

Spirit of Promise,


10. Viz. This special and particular Purpose of his gathering People out of all Nations, without Distinction, into one Church under

Christ, in this last and great Difpenfation of the Gospel, and so committing the whole Church of Heaven * and Earth to his Conduct and Government.

11 & 12. To whose Religion it was indeed the Privilege granted to us of the Jewish Nation, to have the first Call; that as we had been

his Ancient Church, we should be

the first Converts that should praise and magnify God under the Religion of his Son Jesus Christ, the Meffiah promised to us. It being the good pleasure of the Almighty thus to have it.

13. But the Blessing of being made the Church of Christ being not intended to be confined to our Nation, is now come to you Gentiles also; who, by your embracing the Gospel Religion, are put into the same Capacity of Salvation with Us,

and have it confirmed to you by

your Endowment with those very Gifts and Graces of the Holy Spirit, that were promised

to the Church of the Messiah.

14. For

* Both which are in Heaven, and which are on Earth. Heaven and Earth are sometimes a Jewish Phrase to express the whole World. But they seem in these Epistles to the Ephesians and Colossians, with relation to Christ's Government, to include the Angels and Heavenly Spirits along with Mankind. The Phrases of visible and invisible in Colof. i. 16. being hardly capable of any other Sense; as likewise that of Thrones, Principalities and Powers, See also and compare cap. iii. 15. Col. i. Phil. ii. 9.


14 Which is the

earnest of our inheri. tance, until the redemption * of the purchased possession, unto the praise of his glory.

a Privilege; to the rious Dispensation.

15 Wherefore I also after I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus, and love unto all the saints,

16 Cease not to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers,

gard to their being for it, and am ever offer up to Him.

17 That the God of our Lord Jefus Chrift, the Father of glory, may give unto

you the Spirit of wif.

dom and revelation, in the knowledge of


18 The eyes of your understanding being enlightened: that ye may know what is the

hope of his calling,

what the

14. For those Endowments con- A. D. 62.

ferred on your Church, are a perfect
Earnest and Pledge, that God has
now redeemed and purchased you
Gentiles for his || peculiar People ; || See Rom.
and do assure you of the present viii. 23.
and future * Bleffings of so noble
Honour and Praise of this his glo-

15 & 16. Wherefore, being thus assured of the gracious Intent of God toward you as well as the Jewish Nation, I no fooner heard of your Steddiness to this Christian Principle, ever fince my first preaching to you, and that universal Charity you bear towards all Christian Brethren, without any partial reCircumcised or not; but I blessled God remembring you in all the Prayers I

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of the glory of his inheritance in the faints.

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* Ver. 14. Until the Redemption of the purchased Poffession, ἔις ἀπολύτρωσιν τῆς περιποιήσεως. Sa as to make us [Gentiles] a redeemed Poffeffion.

A.D.62. 19 And what is the
~ exceeding greatness
of his power to us-
ward who believe, ac.

cording to the work.
ing of his mighty


20Which he wrought in Chrift when he raised him from the dead, and set him at his own right-hand in the heavenly places,

21 Far above all


19. And of that great and almighty Power, by the Demonftrations whereof he at first converted you to, and by which he will constantly support you in your Christian Faith; and will at last raise you up to the final and eternal Rewards of it.

20. That divine Power, I say, whereof he gave so wonderful and most evident an Instance, in raising up Christ the Head of his Church, from the Dead, and exalting him to the highest Degree of Majesty and Glory with him in Heaven.

21. Investing him there with a Dominion over all Creatures, even over all Dignities, Offices, and Powers, both of this and of the future World.

principality, and pow-
er, and might, and
dominion, and every
name that is named,
not only in this world,
but also in that which is to come :

22 And hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be head over all things

to the church.

23 Which is his bo

dy, the fulness of him

that filleth all in all.

22 & 23. Making him the Glorious Head over the whole Church as his Body, which is now to be fully perfected and compleated by the clearest Discoveries and most

excellent Privileges from Him in

whom dwelleth all Fulness * and Perfection.

* The Fulness of him that filleth all in all. Much the fame Expreffion with that of John i. 16. Of his Fulness have we all received (Fulness) and Grace for (ἀντι, in Proportion to his) Grace. This is the Sense, if πλερωμα refers to Christ. But if it refers to the Church, (the Substantive last mention'd) I have expressed that Sense also.




Having shewn it to have been the original Purpose of God A.D.62. to unite the Gentiles to the Church of Christ; he declares the Ephesians to be actually Members of it. Gives them fuch an Account of the Gospel Privileges and Blessings, as exalts it far above, and makes it independant of, the Rites of the Mofaical Law. He shews that Law to be abolish'd by the Death and Religion of Christ, and thereby both few and Gentile united into one Church and Society. And all this for their Encouragement to adhere to the Christian Faith, without liftning to the Neceffity of the Mofaical Ceremonies.

ND you hath be
* who

A quickned
were dead in trefpaf-
ses and fins,


E assured therefore, that God B who raised up * Jesus Chrift from the Dead, and made him the Head of his Church, has, by your Converfion to Christianity, raised * up you Ephesians to the Hopes of Pardon and Salvation, who were formerly in a State of Sin and Death under your Vicious and Heathenish Life.

2 Wherein in time

past ye walked according to the course of this world, accord

ing to the prince of the power of the air,

the spirit that now worketh in the chil

dren of disobedience.

3 Among

2. While you lived in the habitual Practice of Enormities that were common and fashionable in the Heathen World; influenced by the Temptations of the Devil, that powerful and malicious Spirit, that has his Refidence in the Air about us, and still reigns by his Influences on the wicked and unconverted Heathens.

3. Of

* I take the Construction of this Verse from the 20, 21, &. Verfes of the foregoing Chapter and not from the 19th, as fome, nor the 5th Verse of this Chapter, as other Interpreters do. This makes the Connection much clearer and less interrupted, and is confirmed by the iv xpis, in the 5th Verse.

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4 But God who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us,

5 Even when we

were dead in fins, hath

quickned us together
with Chrift (by grace
ye are saved)

you; the Ceremonial

6 And hath raised us up together, and hath made us fit together in heavenly places in Chrift Jesus.

7 That in the ages
to come he might
shew the exceeding
riches of his grace,

in his kindness to
wards us, through
Chrift Jesus :

8 For

3. Of which Number you all were before your Converfion; indulging your carnal and depraved Appetites, and actuated by the Dictates and Paffions of a sensual Mind; being, like all other Heathen People, brought up from your Birth to the Habits

of fuch vile Courses as could not but fubject you to the Wrath and Displeasure of God.

4 & 5. But God in abundant Mercy and Compaffion to his finful Creatures, has now by the Death and Resurrection of Christ, and by your embracing his Religion, recovered you † from this dark and fad Estate, and raised you to the Hope of Pardon and Salvation. 'Tis this Religion that justifies and faves Law has no hand at all in it.

6. For by raising Him from the Dead, God has given you, and all true Gentile Believers, an Assurance of all the noble Privileges of his Heavenly Religion, and of all the Blessings of his Kingdom.

7. It being the Purpose of God thus to display the wonderful Extent of divine Love and Mercy to all Mankind, under the Dispensation of Christ the Meffiah.

8 & 9. And

* Ver. 3. By Nature : Φυσει, either by Customs and Habits (of Vice;) or else really and indeed Children of Wrath; as this Word is plainly used, Galat. iv. 8. By Nature no Gods, i.e. Not Gods at all.

† Wherewith he loved us, hath quickned us.
See Note an Cap, i. 3, 4.

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