suffered for our Sins; in full Hope A. D. 62. 12, 13 & 14. This is the Prize, dear Brethren, I, as a Christian, hope for, and am assured of, but have not yet actually attained. My Bufiness in this Life is, to strive and run for it; and like a true Racer, to mind nothing else about me, but keep my Eye fix'd upon this; stretching on towards it with my utmost Vigour and Activity, in order to gain that at last which was the End for which Christ was gracioufly pleased to convert me to ting those things which things which are before, 14 I press toward the mark †, for the prize of the high calling of God in Chrift Jesus. 15 Let us there fore, as many as be perfect, be thus minded: and if in any thing ye be otherwise minded, God shall reveal even this unto you. 15. Let all those Christians therefore, who duly understand, and have fully embraced this Religion, keep to this Maxim, viz. That this great Prize of a glorious and happy Refurrection is to be had by Chrift's Religion, without the Ceremonial Law. Hold to this, and then, though you may not be all exactly agreed in every Notion about this Law, * Ver. 11. If by any means, &c. εἶπως, that so I might attain, &c. + Ver. 14. 1 press toward the Mark; or, κατὰ σκοπὸν, Ι press forward, according to my View or Design. A.D.62. Law, or our Obligation to it, God will *, in due time, ~ bring you all to a compleat Understanding of the Cafe, and let you fee 'tis perfectly abolished. 16 Nevertheless, whereunto we have already attained, let us walk by the same rule, let us mind the fame thing †. 17 Brethren, be followers together of me, and mark them which walk so, as ye have us for an en sample. 18 (For many walk, enemies of the cross 19 Whose end is de- 16 In the mean while, let us, that perfectly know it to be so, keep firm and unanimous to the true Christian Principle. 17. Follow my Example, and my Principles in this Matter; and take them for your Patterns, who have relinquish'd all their Jewish Privileges for the Sake of Christ's Religion, as I have done. 18. As to the Jewish Zealots, that would perswade you to the contrary, I have always told, and now tell you again, not without Tears for their incurable Obstinacy, that they are the worst Enemies our Religion has. 19 Their Notions and Views of Religion are all Temporai: and their chief Aim is at the Gratification of their sensual Appetites and Pleasures; they boast in what they ought to be ashamed of; and for fuch * God will reveal even this unto you. Some Copies read ἀπεκάλυψε - God has revealed it. The Sense being thus, Whoever thinks otherwise, is in a plain Error; for God hath now exprefly declared the Jewish Law to be abolished, and no further neceffary. A most agreeable Sense indeed: But I keep to our Tranflation, according to the more ancient MSS. Ibid. Will reveal. Thus the Abrogation of the Ceremonial Law was compleatly demonstrated by the total Destruction of Jerufalem and the Temple, about eight Years after the Date of this Epiftle. † Ver. 16. Let us mind the same thing: or rather, perhaps, τὸ ἀυτὸ φρονεῖν· To be at Unity with one another, according to Chap. ii. 2. Rom. xii. 16. - xv. 5. As Mr. Pierce well ob ferves. 3 such irreclaimable Prejudices and Practices God will de- A. D. 62, stroy their whole Nation with a most exemplary Destruction. 20 For our conver sation is in Heaven, from whence also we 20. Directly contrary to their worldly Principles, a Christian ought to look further and higher, and conlook for the Saviour sider himself as a Citizen of Heaven, the Lord Jesus Christ : from whence he one Day expects to behold Jefus his Saviour descending, to raise and exalt him thither. 21. To transform these frail and mortal Bodies of ours into a Resemblance of his own glorious Body, enabling them by his Almighty Power, for which nothing is too hard, to mount * up after him * See 1 Thef thither, where we shall be for ever happy with him. iv. 17. CHAP. IV. The CONTENTS. The Encouragements to Christian Constancy, Chearfulness, and Resignation, continued. He expresseth the due Sense he had of the Philippians Kindness to him. The Apostle's Courage and Contentedness under all Conditions of Life. The Salutations and Conclufion. Therefore, my brethren, dearly beloved and longed for, my joy and crown, so stand fast in the Lord, my dearly beloved. 2 I beseech Euodi as, and beseech Syntiche, that they be of the fame mind in the Lord. 3 And A.D.62. 3 And I intreat thee also, * true yoke- men which laboured book of life. of everlasting Life ||, 4 Rejoice in the Lord alway, and again I say, rejoice. 5 Let your moderation be known unto all men, The Lord is at hand. 3. And I beg of you, my true Christian Brother * and Fellow Apostle, to give your Assistance to those + pious Women that laboured so heartily to serve me, while I preached in your Parts; along with † Clement and all those my Fellow-labourers in the Chriftian Ministry, who, I verily believe, are to be Partakers of the Reward as truly fincere Christians. 4. I exhort you again and again, to rejoice and be chearful under the Hopes and Privileges of your Christian Profeffion. 5. Show an even, patient, and contented Spirit toward all that oppose and perfecute you: Be not rigorous in infisting upon your utmost Right, nor impatient in fuffering Wrongs. Remember, the Judge is not far off, that will take Vengeance on your furious Adversaries, and reward your Christian Patience. 6. Be *True Yoke-fellow. Who the Apostle particularly means, is not agreed upon by Interpreters. + Ver. 3. Those Women: Probably he means Euodias and Syntiche, beforementioned. With Clement and the reft, &c. These Words may be joined either to σύζυγε γνήσιε, True Yoke-fellow, or to αἵτινες συνήθλησαν μοὶ, those who laboured with me and Clement. The latter seems most probable. || Whose Names are written in the Book of Life. It is a Jewish Phrafe, and does not at all imply any absolute Decree or Predestination to eternal Life; but fignifies their being Registered in that Corporation or Society where Eternal Life was the Privilege, on Condition of Faith and Obedience to Christ's Religion: Alluding to both the Jewish, Greek, and Roman Custom of Registering the Inhabitants of every City and great Town; and then blotting out their Names again as fast as they died. See Exod. xxxii. 32. with my Note on that Passage. See also my Note on Revelat. iii. 5. 6 Be careful for nothing: but in every thing, by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God. 7 And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds, through Chrift 6. Be not anxiously careful, or A.D.62. show any Distraction under your 7. For the continual Sense of the divine Favour and Mercy, and the lively Hope of the Happiness and Reward procured for you by Jesus Christ, will guard you under all Tryals, and give you that inward Satisfaction and Complacency of Mind that no Tongue can express, nor any Heart conceive, but such as enjoy it. Jesus. 8 Finally, brethren whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things 8. In fine; be constant in the Study and Practice of Truth, Decency, Justice, and Purity; and are honest, whatsoever of every Virtue that is lovely and things are just, whatfoever things are pure, commendable, or that favours of whatsoever things are a couragious and manly Disposilovely, whatsoever tion. things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. 9 Those things which ye have both learned and received, and heard and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you. 10 But I rejoiced in the Lord greatly, that now at the last your care of me hath flourished again, wherein ye were also careful, but ye lacked opportunity. 9. Such Virtues as I taught you, both by my Doctrine and Example: Follow them, and the God of Peace and Comfort will never forfake you. 10. I cannot but repeat my Satiffaction at the Care you took to fupply my Wants, now under my Confinement. I know you would have done it fooner, had not my great Distance from you prevented it. 11 Not 11. Not |