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A. D. 67.

|| 2 Pet, iii.

2, 3.

17 But, be'oved, re

member ye the words
which were spoken be-
fore of the Apostles of

our Lord Jesus Christ :

18 How that they

told you there should
be mockers in the last

time, who should walk

19 These be they who separate them selves, sensual, having not the Spirit. Graces of the Holy

dowed with.

20 But ye, beloved, building up your selves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost,

21 Keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jefus Christ unto eternal life.

of Eternal Life and

22 And of fome
have compaffion, ma-
king a difference :
23 And others fave
with fear, pulling them
out of the fire : * ha-
ting even the garment
spotted by the flesh.

17 & 18. But, dear Brethren, you ought not to be furprized and difheartened to find the Christian Church pester'd with such a vicious Crew, when you confider that Christ and his Apostles plainly || foretold us it

would be fo.
after their own ungodly lusts.

19. And you fee it now come to pass, in these Leaders of Faction and Divisions in the Church, who

are destitute of those Gifts and Spirit, that true Christians are en

20 & 21. Instead, therefore, of being discouraged, be careful to strive against them, by conftant Improvement in all the Duties of your Profeffion, by the Exercise of devout Christian Prayer, wherein you are affifted by the Inspirations of the Holy Ghost; and fupport your selves under all present Calamities, by the joyful and fure Prospect you have Happiness through Jesus Christ.

22 & 23. Show your utmost * Aversion then, against the Practicers of fuch Wickedness, by condemning them, and renouncing all Converfation with them. Only be careful to make a prudent Difference in your Behaviour, in Proportion to

the Guilt of Mens Miscarriages. Such as deceive others through perfect Malice and Design, are utterly to be avoided: But such as are led away through Ignorance and Simplicity, are to be treated with Pity, Tenderness

* Hating even the Garment: An Allusion to the Strictness of the Jewish Law against Touching unclean things.

derness and good Humour, in hopes to be recovered from A. D.67. so wretched and hazardous a Condition. A Thing you ought most earnestly to endeavour for.

24 Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultlefs before the pre

sence of his glory with exceeding joy, 25 To the only wife God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, now and ever. Amen. Glory and Majesty, and ever. Amen.

24 & 25. Now to the infinitely wife and powerful God, the Creator and Saviour of Mankind, who is both able and gracioufly ready fo to affift your honest Endeavours, as to keep you steddy to your Profeffion, under all Difficulties and Temptations, and, by Innocency of Life, to render you worthy the Enjoyment of his glorious and blessed Presence : To Him be ascribed all Dominion and Power, both now


Dd 3

A Ge


General and Compleat


To all the




Excepting the REVELATIONS,



BBA, Father, Gal. iv. 6.

Abel, his Sacrifice and Blood, Heb. xi. 4. xii. 24.
Abide in Him, John xv. 4. 1 John ii. 6. Note ib.
Abraham, his Faith, how Justified, Rom. iv. 1,17,

18, &c. Gal. iii. James ii. 21, 22, 23.

The Promise made to him, Heb. vi. 13. Gal. iii. 8. 16, 17.
Adam, his Sin, Comparison and Analogy between our Sinning in
him, and being Saved by CHRIST the second Adam, Rom. v.
12, 13 to 20. 1 Cor. XV. 21, 22. xlv. 49.
Acts of the Apostles, Use of that History, Pref. to Acts.

Where the Acts properly begin, Acts i. 15.

Accounted, imputed for Righteousness, Rom, iv. 3, 6, 22, 24.
Accurled: See Anathema.


Adria, what? Acts xxvii. 27.
Added, the Lord added to the Church, Acts ii. 47.

Added nothing to me, Gal. ii. 6.

Admonition must be given with Difcretion, and come from a pro

per Person, Matth. vii. 3, 4, 5, 6.

Adultery, the heinous Sin of it.

See Fornication and Divorce.

Afflictions, the good Improvement and Advantage of them, Luke xiii.

1, 2, &c. Heb. xii. 5, &c.

Age, Ages to come, Ephef. ii. 7.

Again, πάλιν, the Sense of it, Gal. iv. 9. Note there.

Agabus, Atts xi. 28. xxi. 10, 11.

Agrippa, Atts xxv. 12. xxvi. 1, &c.

Air, meet the Lord, 1 Thess. iv. 17. Prince of the Air, Eph. ii. 2,
Akeldema, Acts i. 19. Alexander of Ephesus, Acts xix. 33.
Altar, Partakers of the Altar, 1 Cor. x. 18.

We have an altar, Heb. xiii. 10.

All, above all, through all, and in you all, Eph. iv. 6. God over
all, Rom. ix. 5.

All things, to all Men, 1 Cor. ix. 22. I can do all things, Phil. iv.

All, πάντες πάντα, in a restrained Sense, Acts i. 1 John ii. 19.
Allegory, Gal. iv. 24.

Ambition reproved, Mark ix. 34, &c. x. 39, 46. Luke xxi.

24. See Humility.

Ambassador, Eph. vi. 20.

Amen, i, e. true, certain, 2 Cor. i. 22.

Anathema, and Maranatha, 1 Cor. xvi. 22. Gal. i. 8, 9.

Rom. ix. 3.

Ananias, feveral of that Name, Acts v. 1. ix. 10. xxiii. 2.

Æneas, heal'd, Acts ix. 33, 34.

̓Ανέκοψε, Gal. v. 7.

̓Ανήκοντα, Rom. i. 17. Ephef. v. 4.

Anger, immoderate, condemned, Matth. v. 22. Ephef. iv. 26.

Colof. iii. 8.

Angels, Appearance and Ministry of Angels, Acts v. 19. viii. 26.
x. 3. xii. 7.


-Good Angels minister to us, Heb. i. 14. Matth. xviii. 10.
-Defire to look into the Gospel, 1 Pet. i. 12.

Evil Angels, their Fall and Punishment, 2 Pet. ii. 4. Jude vi.
A Spirit or an Angel, Acts xxiii. 9.

-It is his Angel, Acts xii. 15.

Things invisibly wrought ascribed to Angels, John v. 4.

Acts xii. 23. the Note there.

-Because of the Angels, 1 Cor. xi. 10.

Into an Angel of Light, 2 Cor. xi. 14.

Though we or an Angel Preach, Gal. i. 8, 9.

Dd 4


Angels, lower than the Angels, Heb. ii. 7,




-Took not on him the Nature of Angels, Heb. ii. 16.

-There Angels behold the Face of my Father, Matth. xviii. 10,

-As an Angel of God, Gal. iv. 14.

Angel Worship forbidden, Col. ii. 18.

Elect Angels, 1 Tim. v. 21.

Seen of Angels, 1 Tim. iii. 16. Christ above Angels, Heb. i.

Anointed with the Holy Ghost, Acts i. 5. x. 38.


The Anointing. See Unction.

•Anointed us, 2 Cor. i. 21, 22.

The Anointed, Heb i. 9.

Anointing the Sick, appointed James vi. 14.

Avowos, the Sense of it, 1 Cor. ix. 22.

Antichrift, who? 1 John ii 18, 22. iv. 3. Preface ib. § 5.
Apoftacy, the Danger of it, Heb. iii. 12, 13. Chap. iv, vi. 4,
10, 26. 1 Pet. ii. 20, 21. 1 John v. 16, 21.

Appearance of Christ, the Sense of it, 1 Tim. vi. 14. Tit. ii,

13. 1 Pet. i. 7.

Appointed, the Sense of it, I Thes, iii. 3. v. 9. 1 Pet. ii. 8.
Apollos, Acts xviii. 24, &c.


Apostleship of the Gentiles, Rom. xi. 13.

_ Grace and Apostleship, Rom. i. 5.

Apoftieship of St. Paul vindicated, I Cor. ix. 2 Cor. Chap. xi,
xii, xiii. Gal. i. 1, 9, &c. Chap. ii. v. 1 to 13. vi. 13, 17.

Apprehended of God, Phil. iii. 12, 13.

Aquila, Prifcilla, Acts xviii. 2.

Archangel, 1 Thef. iv. 16.

Areopagus, or Mars Hill, Acts xvii. 19.
Armour of God, Ephef. vi. 11, 13.
Arts, curious Arts, Acts xix. 19.
Athens, Paul there, Acts xvii. 15.

Athenians, their Character, ib. 21.

Afcenfion of Christ, the Account of it, Mark xvi. 19. Luke xxiv.
51. Acts i. 9, 10, 11.

- The Stress that is laid upon it, for our Pardon and fu-
ture Happiness, and the Truth of Chriftianity, John vi. 62.
xx. 17. Eph. iv. 8, 9, 10. Acts ii. 33. v. 31. Rom. viii. 34.
Eph. i. 20.

Afleer, fallen afleep, 1 Thef. iv. 13, 14.
Affemby, be dismissed the Affembly, A&s xix. 41.
Affembling our felves together, Heb. x. 25.
Affembly of the First-born, Heb. xii. 23.

Atonement. See Propitiation.
Awake to Rigbteculness, 1 Cor. xv. 34.
Thou that sleepest, Eph. v. 14.


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