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confider all clamorous uneafinefs, as a proof of im patience rather than of affliction, and to afk, What merit has this man to fhow, by which he has acquired a right to repine at the diftributions of nature? Or, why does he imagine that exemptions should be granted him from the general condition of man ? We find ourselves excited rather to captioufness than pity, and instead of being in hafte to footh his complaints by fympathy and tendernefs, we enquire, whether the pain be proportionate to the lamentation; and whether, fuppofing the affliction real, it is not the effect of vice and folly, rather than calamity.

The queruloufnefs and indignation which is observed fo often to disfigure the last scene of life, naturally leads us to enquiries like thefe. For furely it will be thought at the first view of things, that if age be thus contemned and ridiculed, infulted and neglected, the crime muft at leaft be equal on either part. They who have had opportunities of establishing their authority over minds ductile and unrefifting, they who have been the protectors of helpleffnefs, and the inftructors of ignorance, and who yet retain in their own hands the power of wealth, and the dignity of command, muft defeat their influence by their own mifconduct, and make ufe of all these advantages with very little fkill, if they cannot fecure to themselves an appearance of refpect, and ward off open mockery, and declared contempt.

The general ftory of mankind will evince, that lawful and fettled authority is very seldom refifted when it is well employed. Grofs corruption, or evident imbecility, is neceffary to the fuppreffion of VOL. V.



that reverence with which the majority of mankind look upon their governors, on thofe whom they fee furrounded by fplendour, and fortified by power. For though men are drawn by their paffions into forgetfulness of invifible rewards and punishments, yet they are easily kept obedient to those who have temporal dominion in their hands, till their veneration is diffipated by fuch wickednefs and folly as can neither be defended nor concealed.

It may, therefore, very reasonably be fufpected that the old draw upon themselves the greatest part of those infults, which they fo much lament, and that age is rarely defpifed but when it is contemptible. If men imagine that excefs of debauchery can be made reverend by time, that knowledge is the confequence of long life however idly and thoughtlessly employed, that priority of birth will fupply the want of steadiness or honefty, can it raife much wonder that their hopes are disappointed, and that they fee their pofterity rather willing to trust their own eyes in their progress into life, than enlift themselves under guides who have loft their way?

There are, indeed, many truths which time neceffarily and certainly teaches, and which might, by thofe who have learned them from experience, be communicated to their fucceffors at a cheaper rate: but dictates, though liberally enough beftowed, are generally without effect, the teacher gains few profelytes by inftruction which his own behaviour contradicts; and young men mifs the benefit of counfel, because they are not very ready to believe that those who fall below them in practice, can much excel them in theory. Thus the progrefs of knowledge is retarded,

the world is kept long in the fame state, and every new race is to gain the prudence of their predeceffors by committing and redreffing the fame miscarriages.

To fecure to the old that influence which they are willing to claim, and which might fo much contribute to the improvement of the arts of life, it is abfolutely necessary that they give themselves up to the duties of declining years; and contentedly refign to youth its levity, its pleafures, its frolicks, and its fopperies. It is a hopeless endeavour to unite the contrarieties of fpring and winter; it is unjuft to claim the privileges of age, and retain the playthings of childhood. The young always form magnificent ideas of the wisdom and gravity of men, whom they confider as placed at a diftance from them in the ranks of existence, and naturally look on those whom they find trifling with long beards, with contempt - and indignation, like that which women feel at the effeminacy of men. If dotards will contend with boys in those performances in which boys muft always excel them; if they will drefs crippled limbs in embroidery, endeavour at gaiety with faultering voices; and darken assemblies of pleasure with the ghaftliness of disease, they may well expect those who find their diverfions obftructed will hoot them away; and that if they defcend to competition with youth, they must bear the infolence of fucefsful rivals.

Lufifti fatis, edifti fatis atque bibifti:

Tempus abire tibi eft.

You've had your fhare of mirth, of meat and drink :

'Tis time to quit the fcene-'tis time to think.

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Another vice of age, by which the rifing generation may be alienated from it, is severity and cenforioufnefs, that gives no allowance to the failings of early life, that expects artfulnefs from childhood, and conftancy from youth, that is peremptory in every command, and inexorable to every failure. There are many who live merely to hinder happiness, and whofe defcendants can only tell of long life, that it produces fufpicion, malignity, peevifhness, and perfecution and yet even thefe tyrants can talk of the ingratitude of the age, curfe their heirs for impatience, and wonder that young men cannot take pleafure in their father's company.

He that would pass the latter part of life with honour and decency, muft, when he is young, confider that he shall one day be old; and remember, when he is old, that he has once been young. In youth he muft lay up knowledge for his fupport, when his powers of acting fhall forfake him; and in age forbear to animadvert with rigour on faults which experience only can correct.

NUMB. 51. TUESDAY, Sept. 10, 1750.

Stultus labor eft ineptiarum.


How foolish is the toil of trifling cares!





S you have allowed a place in your paper to Euphelia's letters from the country, and appear to think no form of human life unworthy of your attention, I have refolved, after many ftruggles with idleness and diffidence, to give you fome account of my entertainment in this fober feafon of univerfal retreat, and to defcribe to you the employments of those who look with contempt on the pleasures and diverfions of polite life, and employ all their powers of cenfure and invective upon the uselessness, vanity, and folly, of drefs, vifits, and converfation.

When a tiresome and vexatious journey of four days had brought me to the house, where invitation, regularly fent for seven years together, had at last induced me to pafs the fummer, I was furprised, after the civilities of my firft reception, to find, inftead of the leifure and tranquillity, which a rural life always promises, and, if well conducted, might always afford, a confufed wildnefs of care, and a tumultuous hurry of diligence, by which every face was clouded, and every motion agitated. The old lady, who was my father's relation, was, indeed, very

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