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Sign, a token
Slight, neglect
Sleight, dexterity
Sloe, a small sour fruit
Slow, dull, not swift
Soar, to mount upwards
Sore, a tender place
Sow er, one who sows
So, thus

Sow, to scatter seed
Sew, with a needle
Sole, part of a shoe
Soul, the spirit of a man
Stair, a step

Stare, to look earnestly
Steal, to take by theft
Steel, hard metal
Stile, step in a field
Style, manner of expres

Straight, not crooked
Strait, narrow

Suc cour, help

Suck er, a young shoot
Sure, certain

Su er, one who sues
Sum, the whole

Some, a part

Sun, the heavenly light Son, a male child

Sut tle, neat weight

Sub tle, cunning

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Chapter XXVII. Twenty-seventh.

Words which are somewhat similar in sound, and which are vulgarly sounded alike, but should be pronounced distinctly different.

A BEL, a man's name
A ble, having power
Ac cept, to receive
Ex cept, to leave out

Ac cess, an approach
Ex cess, a superfluity
A chor, the name of a

A cre, a piece of land Acts, deeds

Axe, to cut with

Ask, to request
Af fect, to move

Ef fect, to bring to pass
Al low ed, granted
A loud, with a noise
Ar rant, notorious
Er rand, a message
Er rant, wandering


Ba con, smoked pork
Bea con, a light-house
Bal let, a song
Bal ot, a dance

Bal lad, a vote

Bar on, a title of honour
Bar ren, unfruitful
Bile, an angry swelling
Boil, as water on the fire,
Borne, supported
Bourne, boundary line
Born, brought forth
Boar, a male swine
Bore, to make a hole
Boor, a clown
Boy, a lad

Buoy, to bear
Breach, a broken place
Breech, part of a gun
Breach es, broken places
Breech es, a part of dress
Bri dal, nuptial
Bri die, for a horse
Brit ain, a country
Brit on, a British man
Breton,a place in France
Bust, an image

Burst, to break or fly


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Car rot, a garden root Car et, a mark (^) in

Cents, plural of cent
Since, after

Cen sure, to blame
Cen tu ry, a 100 years
Cen tau ry, an herb
Sen try, a guard
Chews, cheweth

Choose, to make choice
Ci vil, kind, complaisant
Seville the name of a place
Cit, a citizen
Sit, to be seated
Coat, a garment
Cote, a fold, a cottage
Quote, to cite
Cof fin, for the dead
Cough ing, the act of

Con fi daut, a trusty friend
Con fi dent, positive
Con cert, of music
Con sort, a wife
Cork, to cork bottles
Calk, to calk vessels
Coun cil, an assembly
Coun sel, advice
Creak, to make a noise
Creek, a cove

Criek, a pain in the neck

Cymbal, a musical instru


Symbol, a sign Cypress, a tree Cyprus, an island


De scent, a going down
Dis sent, a disagreement
Dew, a moisture
Due, a debt
Do, to act
Dis ease, a sickness
Dis seize, to dispossess
De cease, to die

Dome, an arched roof
Doom, a sentence
Doze, to slumber
Does, doth

Dust, fine dry dirt
Durst, dared

Eat en, devoured

Ea ton, a town's name
En vy, to grudge
En voy, an ambassador
Ex er cise, to labour
Ex or cise, to cast out de-

Ex tant, now being
Ex tent, utmost limits

Fel low, a companion
Fel loe, of a wheel
Fel ler, one who fells
File, a kind of tool
Foil, to overcome

Fool, an idiot

Full, complete measure Fran ces, a woman's name Fran cis, a man's name


Ges ture, action, carriage
Jest er, one who jests
Grand er, more grand
Gran deur, magnificence
Groat, four-pence
Grot, grotto, a cave

Harsh, rough, severe
Hash, minced meat
Hea ven, the region above
Ha ven, a harbour
Hole, hollowness
Whole, perfect
Ho ly, religious
Whol ly, entirely
Hoop, for a tub
Whoop, a war shout

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Le gis la ture, the power | Pilot, a guide at sea

which makes laws

Lieu, place
Loo, a game at cards
Line, a string

Loin, a joint of veal
Load, a burden
Low ed, did low

Marsh, wet, low ground
Mash, to bruise
Mesh, of a net
Mild, pleasant
Mile, eight furlongs
Mind, intelligent power
Mine, belonging to me
Mus lin, fine cotton
Muzzling,tying the mouth
Mole, a small blind anima!
Mould, to shape

News, tidings

Noose, a running knot

Of, ov, belonging
Off, at a distance
Oh an interjection
Owe, to be indebted
Or der, method
Or dure, dung

Pal ace, a royal house
Pal las, a goddess
Pal ate, of the mouth
Pal let, a little bed
Pas tor, a shepherd
Pas ture, land for grazing
Pat ron, a benefactor
Pat tern, a specimen
Pies, a kind of food
Poise, to balance
Pilate, Pontius Pilate

Pil lar, a column

Pil low, to rest the head on
Pint, half a quart
Point, a stop

Poach, to boil slightly
Porch, an entrance
Pop lar, a kind of tree.
Pop u lar, much liked
Pop u lace, the people
Pop u lous, full of people
Pre ce dent, an example.
Pres i dent, one who pre-

Press er, one who presses
Pres sure, weight
Prin ces, king's sons
Prin cess, a king's daugh


Qua ver, in music.
Qui ver, a case for arrows

Rack, to torture
Wreck, ruin, shipwreck
Rai sin, a dried grape
Rea son, a cause

Red dish, somewhat red
Rad dish, a garden root
Relic, a remnant
Rel ict, a widow

Rood, one fourth of an a-
Rude, rough, uncivil (cre
Ry al, a Spanish coin
Roy al, kingly


ab bath, sunday Sa ba oth, hosts Sa la ry, wages Ce le ry, a salad herb. av er, one who saves Sa vour, odour, smelt

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